MCL - 236-1961-83

Act 236 of 1961
Chapter 83
Document Type Description
Section 600.8301 Section Exclusive jurisdiction in civil actions; jurisdiction over civil infraction actions.
Section 600.8302 Section Equitable jurisdiction and authority; injunctive order; order rescinding or reforming contract; equitable claims; judgment or order; jurisdiction and authority of district and circuit courts.
Section 600.8303 Section Forfeiture proceedings under chapter 47.
Section 600.8304 Section District court; jurisdiction.
Section 600.8306 Section Power with respect to attachment and garnishment; conditions upon which relief available; compliance with rules; garnishment proceedings as auxiliary actions; fees.
Section 600.8307 Section Actions as cause of discipline or discharge of principal defendant from employment; reinstatement; civil action.
Section 600.8308 Section Unlawful taking or detention of goods or chattels; civil action to recover possession; power of district court, municipal court, and common pleas court; conditions; delivery before judgment.
Section 600.8311 Section District court; jurisdiction.
Section 600.8312 Section Venue.
Section 600.8313 Section Prosecution of violations; exception.
Section 600.8314 Section Probation departments.
Section 600.8315 Section Actions prohibited; exception.
Section 600.8316 Section Marriages; authority to perform; fee; indigent parties; waiver.
Section 600.8317 Section Powers of district court.
Section 600.8318 Section Pleadings and procedures; rules.
Section 600.8319 Section Basis and exercise of jurisdiction.
Section 600.8320 Section Definitions; multiple district plans; assignment as district judge.
Section 600.8321 Section Civil process; service.
Section 600.8322 Section Bailiff of common pleas court as bailiff of thirty-sixth district court; court officer; rotation of process; surety bond; powers; bearing of arms; term; vacancy; peace officer; record of financial transaction; audit; compensation; contributions to retirement system in which bailiff member; payment to Wayne county retirement system; review of retirement fund; copies of actuarial reports.
Section 600.8323 Section District court; witnesses, fees; payment.
Section 600.8326 Section Service of process; schedule of fees; mileage rate.
Section 600.8331 Section Proceedings to be recorded.
Section 600.8341 Section Appeals on record.
Section 600.8342 Section Appeals from district court; appeals to court of appeals from circuit court or recorder's court; appeals based on pleas of guilty or nolo contendere.
Section 600.8343 Section Judgments of abolished courts.
Section 600.8344 Section Register of actions as replacement for destroyed paper upon which judgment entered; applicability of section.
Section 600.8345 Section Causes transferred from abolished courts.
Section 600.8351 Section Jurors; selection; compensation; failure to respond to jury duty.
Section 600.8353 Section Civil jury; number; verdict.
Section 600.8355 Section Criminal jury; number; verdict.
Section 600.8361 Section Repealed. 1984, Act 278, Eff. Jan. 1, 1985.
Section 600.8371 Section Filing fees paid to clerk of district court; disposition; waiver or suspension; exception; filing fee for civil action; fee in trial by jury; motion filing fees.
Section 600.8372, 600.8373 Section Repealed. 1993, Act 189, Imd. Eff. Oct. 8, 1993.
Section 600.8375 Section Assessment of costs.
Section 600.8379 Section Fines and costs assessed in district court; payment; disposition; definitions.
Section 600.8379.amended Section Fines and costs assessed in district court; payment; disposition; definitions.
Section 600.8381 Section Fines and costs; conviction; civil infraction determination, guilty plea, or civil infraction admission; disposition; court filing fee report; definitions.
Section 600.8391 Section Traffic bureau; establishment; administration; purpose; authority over personnel; location and number of offices; appeals.
Section 600.8392 Section State civil infraction bureau.
Section 600.8395 Section Parking violations bureau; establishment; purpose; operating expense; operation by downtown development authority; definition.
Section 600.8396 Section Municipal ordinance violations bureau.
Section 600.8396.amended Section Municipal ordinance violations bureau.