MCL - R-S-1846-566-131-81

Revised Statutes of 1846 (EXCERPT)
R.S. of 1846
Chapter 81
Chapter 81. Of Fraudulent Conveyances And Contracts, Relative To Goods, Chattels, And Things In Action.
Document Type Description
Section 566.131 Section Transfers in trust of property void as against creditors; exceptions.
Section 566.132 Section Agreements, contracts, or promises required to be in writing and signed; enforcement; "financial institution" defined.
Section 566.134 Section Auction sales; memorandum of contract.
Section 566.135 Section Representation concerning character; business or credit of another.
Section 566.136 Section Consideration; evidence.
Section 566.137-566.146 Section Repealed. 1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964.