MCL - Section 457.326
Act 90 of 1905
457.326 Subordinate lodges; incorporation; body corporate, powers; certified copy of articles as evidence.
Sec. 6.
Any 5 or more persons, residents of this state, being members of a subordinate lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having been duly chartered by the grand lodge, desirous to become incorporated, may make and execute articles of association, specifying as provided in section 2 of this act, and file a copy of the same with the clerk of the county in which such corporation shall be formed, which shall be recorded by such clerk in a book to be kept in his office for that purpose; and thereupon the persons who shall have signed said articles of association, their associates and successors, shall be a body politic and corporate, by the name expressed in such articles of association, and by that name they and their successors shall have succession, and shall be persons in the law capable to purchase, hold, enjoy, grant, sell, give, lease and demise, real and personal estate; of suing and being sued, and may have a common seal, and change and alter the same at pleasure; and a certified copy of the record of such articles of association, under the seal of the county where the said record is kept, shall be received as prima facie evidence in all courts of this state of the existence and due incorporation of such corporation: Provided, Said corporation shall be limited to the powers and provisions of sections 3 and 11 of this act, regarding real and personal estate, and the proceeds thereof, under the rules and regulations of the grand lodge, and may elect or appoint from among its members such officers, under such name and style, as shall be in accordance with its constitution.
History: 1905, Act 90, Imd. Eff. May 3, 1905
CL 1915, 10455
CL 1929, 10658
CL 1948, 457.326