MCL - Section 457.32

Act 53 of 1875

457.32 Articles of association; execution, contents.

Sec. 2.

     Any 10 or more persons, residents of this state, being of Irish birth, or their descendants as aforesaid, desiring to become incorporated, may make and execute articles of association, under their hands and seals, which said articles of association shall be acknowledged before some officer of this state having authority to take acknowledgments of deeds, and shall set forth
     First, The names of the persons associating, and their place of residence;
     Second, The location of the association of which they are members;
     Third, The corporate name by which such association shall be known in the law: Provided, That each association incorporated under this act shall be known as "The Society of St. Patrick" of (the name of the city, village, or township where such association is located, and if more than 1 such association is located in the same city, village, or township, the same shall be designated by number);
     Fourth, The object and purpose of such association, which shall be to provide for the relief of distressed members and their families, the visitation of the sick, the burial of the dead, and to aid and assist the widows and orphans of deceased members. The period for which such association shall be incorporated shall not exceed 30 years.

History: 1875, Act 53, Eff. Aug. 3, 1875 ;-- How. 4514 ;-- CL 1897, 7819 ;-- CL 1915, 10255 ;-- CL 1929, 10545 ;-- CL 1948, 457.32