MCL - 368-1978-5-56A

Act 368 of 1978
Part 56A
Document Type Description
Section 333.5651 Section Short title of part.
Section 333.5652 Section Legislative findings; Michigan dignified death act.
Section 333.5653 Section Definitions.
Section 333.5654 Section Recommended medical treatment for advanced illness; duty of physician to inform orally; limitation or modification of disclosed information.
Section 333.5655 Section Recommended medical treatment for advanced illness; duty of physician to inform orally and in writing; requirements.
Section 333.5656 Section Updated standardized written summary; development; publication; contents; availability to physicians.
Section 333.5657 Section Availability of form to patient, patient surrogate, or patient advocate; compliance with MCL 333.5656; placement of signed form in patient's medical record; signed form as bar to civil or administrative action.
Section 333.5658 Section Prescription of controlled substance; immunity from administrative and civil liability.
Section 333.5659 Section Life insurer, health insurer, or health care payment or benefits plan; prohibited acts.
Section 333.5660 Section Scope of part; limitation.
Section 333.5661 Section Fraud resulting in death of patient; violation as felony; penalty.