MCL - Section 14.311
Act 298 of 1992
14.311 Misrepresenting, misleading, making false statements, using other than legal name, or taking advantage of inability to protect interests; recording telephone communications; identification as public safety officer or member of organization; making face-to-face solicitations.
Sec. 11.
(1) An organization or professional fund-raiser shall not, in connection with the solicitation or reception of contributions for or on behalf of an organization or public safety person, misrepresent to, mislead, make false statements to, or use a name other than the solicitor's legal name to another person by any manner that would lead a reasonable person to believe any of the following:
(a) That if the person makes a contribution, he or she will receive special benefits or treatment from a public safety organization or that failure to make a contribution will result in unfavorable treatment from a public safety organization.
(b) That contributions are tax deductible unless they so qualify under the internal revenue code.
(c) That the person is under an obligation to make a contribution.
(d) That failure to make a contribution will adversely affect the person's credit rating.
(e) That the solicitor is located in a geographic area that is different than the geographic area in which the solicitor is actually located.
(f) That the solicitor has a sponsorship, approval, status, affiliation, or connection with an organization or purpose which the solicitor does not actually have.
(g) That the person has previously approved or agreed to make a contribution, when in fact the person has not given such approval or agreement.
(h) That the contributions are for a purpose that is different than the actual purpose for which the contributions will be used.
(2) An organization or professional fund-raiser shall not knowingly take advantage of the inability of the person being solicited to reasonably protect his or her interests by reason of disability, illiteracy, or inability to understand the terms and conditions of an agreement to contribute.
(3) An organization or professional fund-raiser shall make a voice recording of all telephone communications that solicit contributions and shall make the recording available to the attorney general upon a request as a result of an investigation or complaint. Each solicitor shall be notified that a recording is being made of all telephone communications. Unless notified by the attorney general that the recordings are part of an investigation or complaint, the recording shall be kept for 60 days by the organization or professional fund-raiser.
(4) If asked by the person being solicited, the organization or professional fund-raiser shall inform the person whether the solicitor is or is not a sworn public safety officer or a member of the organization soliciting the funds.
(5) Except as otherwise provided by this act, an individual who makes a face-to-face solicitation for contributions shall be a member of the organization on whose behalf the contribution is sought and shall not wear a public safety uniform or other clothing similar to a public safety uniform. Except for a pledge or promise to contribute, an individual who makes a solicitation under this subsection, or an agent of the organization on whose behalf the solicitation was made, shall not collect or receive any face-to-face contribution as a result of the solicitation.
History: 1992, Act 298, Imd. Eff. Dec. 18, 1992