MCL - 116-1954-XXIVA

Act 116 of 1954
Chapter XXIVA
Document Type Description
Section 168.590 Section Qualifying petition; filing; filing fee in lieu of petition prohibited; qualifications.
Section 168.590a Section Qualifying petition; form, size, and contents; circulation on countywide basis.
Section 168.590b Section Qualifying petition; signatures; time.
Section 168.590c Section Qualifying petition; filing; time; filing notice of withdrawal.
Section 168.590d Section Filing name of person to appear on ballot as candidate for lieutenant governor; form; qualification; noncompliance; filing name of person to appear on ballot as candidate for vice-president; qualifications and number of presidential electors; form; noncompliance.
Section 168.590e Section Providing blank qualifying petition forms.
Section 168.590f Section Applicability of certain provisions; canvass; hearing; certification.
Section 168.590g Section Person filing qualifying petition; restrictions; selecting single office to which candidacy restricted; failure to make selection.
Section 168.590h Section Qualifying petition; size; type size; form; reference to political party prohibited; prohibited conduct; violations; misdemeanor; felony; penalties.