MCL - 116-1954-IX

Act 116 of 1954
Chapter IX
Document Type Description
Section 168.161 Section Offices of state senator or representative; eligibility.
Section 168.162 Section Candidates for state senator or representative; nomination at primary.
Section 168.163 Section Candidate for state senator or representative; nominating petitions; signatures; form; filing; nonrefundable filing fee in lieu of nominating petition; deposit and use of fee.
Section 168.163a Section Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 63, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963.
Section 168.164 Section Candidates for state senator or representative; withdrawal; notice.
Section 168.165 Section Candidates for state senator or representative; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots.
Section 168.166 Section Candidate for state senator or representative; write-in.
Section 168.167 Section Candidates for state senator or representative; nomination, certification.
Section 168.168 Section Candidates for state senator or representative; withdrawal after nomination; procedure.
Section 168.169 Section Candidates for state senator or representative; death, certification for statewide office, withdrawal, physical unfitness, or disqualification; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; certification; ballots.
Section 168.170 Section State senators and representatives; election, date.
Section 168.171 Section Candidate receiving greatest number of votes; duties of board of canvassers or county canvassers.
Section 168.172 Section State senators and representatives; certificate of election; publication of certificate of determination and statement of votes; notice of election results.
Section 168.173 Section State senators and representatives; terms of office.
Section 168.174 Section State senators and representatives; oath of office.
Section 168.175 Section State senator or representative; resignation, notice; effective for duration of unexpired legislative term.
Section 168.176 Section State senators and representatives; vacancy, creation.
Section 168.177 Section State senator or representative; removal from office; effective for duration of unexpired legislative term.
Section 168.178 Section State senators and representatives; vacancy in office; special election.
Section 168.179 Section State senators and representatives; primary or election, recount of votes.
Section 168.180 Section State senators and representatives; recall.