MCL - 236-1961-12

Act 236 of 1961
Document Type Description
Section 600.1200 Section Definitions.
Section 600.1201 Section Veterans court; compliance; characteristics; adoption or institution of veterans treatment court; memorandum of understanding; training; participants from other jurisdiction; validity of transfer; certification by state court administrative office.
Section 600.1202 Section Hiring or contracting with treatment providers.
Section 600.1203 Section Admission to veterans treatment court.
Section 600.1204 Section Findings or statement.
Section 600.1205 Section Admission of individual charged in criminal case; conditions.
Section 600.1206 Section Admission to veterans treatment court; conditions; length of jurisdiction; collaboration; fee; information contained in L.E.I.N. pertaining to criminal history.
Section 600.1207 Section Veterans treatment court; responsibilities to individual.
Section 600.1208 Section Duties of individual; notification of new crime; payment of fines, fees, and costs.
Section 600.1209 Section Veterans treatment court program; finding or statement upon completion or termination of program; discharge or dismissal of proceedings; duties of court upon successful completion of probation or court supervision; termination or failure to successfully complete program; duties of court.
Section 600.1210 Section Collection of data.
Section 600.1211 Section Funds; report.
Section 600.1212 Section State drug treatment court advisory committee; monitoring; recommendations.
Section 600.1213-600.1239 Section Repealed. 1968, Act 326, Eff. Nov. 15, 1968.
236-1961-12-JURY-COMMISSIONERS Division JURY COMMISSIONERS (600.1241...600.1250)
236-1961-12-UPPER-PENINSULA Division UPPER PENINSULA (600.1255...600.1260)
236-1961-12-WAYNE-COUNTY Division WAYNE COUNTY (600.1265...600.1297)