MCL - Index of Chapter 566
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 238 of 1941 | AGREEMENTS TO MODIFY OR DISCHARGE CONTRACTS (566.1 - 566.1) |
Section 566.1 | Agreements to modify or discharge contracts and obligations valid without consideration. |
Act 310 of 1919 | Repealed-THE UNIFORM FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE ACT (566.11 - 566.23) |
Act 434 of 1998 | UNIFORM VOIDABLE TRANSACTIONS ACT (566.31 - 566.45) |
Section 566.31 | Definitions. |
Section 566.32 | Insolvency. |
Section 566.33 | Transfer for value. |
Section 566.34 | Transfer with intent to defraud. |
Section 566.35 | Transfer by debtor as voidable. |
Section 566.36 | Transfer as perfected; completion. |
Section 566.37 | Action for relief against transfer or obligation; right of creditor to execution on asset or proceeds. |
Section 566.38 | Transfer or obligation not voidable; recovery of judgment; rights of good-faith transferee or oblige; burden of proof; preponderance of evidence as standard of proof. |
Section 566.39 | Claim for relief; extinguishment. |
Section 566.40 | Debtor's and qualified trustee's location; jurisdiction. |
Section 566.41 | "Protected series" and "series organization" defined. |
Section 566.42 | Principles of law and equity as supplemental provisions of act. |
Section 566.43 | Application and construction of act. |
Section 566.44 | Electronic signatures or delivery. |
Section 566.45 | Short title; applicable provisions. |
R.S. of 1846 | Revised Statutes of 1846 (566.101 - 566.110) |
R-S-1846-566-101-80 | CHAPTER 80 Chapter 80. Of Fraudulent Conveyances And Contracts Relative To Lands. (566.101...566.110) |
R-S-1846-566-101-80-80 | CHAPTER 80 FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES. (566.101...566.110) |
Section 566.101 | Conveyance with intent to defraud; invalidity. |
Section 566.102 | Notice of prior conveyance; effect. |
Section 566.103 | Conveyance reserving powers of revocation or alteration; invalidity. |
Section 566.104 | Conveyance by person authorized to revoke grant; validity. |
Section 566.105 | Conveyance before vesting of power to revoke; validity. |
Section 566.106 | Statute of frauds; conveyance of interest in lands other than one year lease. |
Section 566.107 | Statute of frauds; will, trust by implication or operation of law. |
Section 566.108 | Statute of frauds; contract for interest in lands other than one year lease; sales at auction. |
Section 566.109 | Statute of frauds; consideration, statement in contract, evidence. |
Section 566.110 | Court of chancery; powers not abridged. |
R.S. of 1846 | Revised Statutes of 1846 (566.131 - 566.146) |
R-S-1846-566-131-81 | CHAPTER 81 Chapter 81. Of Fraudulent Conveyances And Contracts, Relative To Goods, Chattels, And Things In Action. (566.131...566.146) |
Section 566.131 | Transfers in trust of property void as against creditors; exceptions. |
Section 566.132 | Agreements, contracts, or promises required to be in writing and signed; enforcement; "financial institution" defined. |
Section 566.134 | Auction sales; memorandum of contract. |
Section 566.135 | Representation concerning character; business or credit of another. |
Section 566.136 | Consideration; evidence. |
Section 566.137-566.146 | Repealed. 1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964. |
Act 57 of 1877 | Repealed-FORECLOSURE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE OR PLEDGE (566.191 - 566.191) |
Act 117 of 1881 | Repealed-DISCHARGE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGES (566.201 - 566.202) |
R.S. of 1846 | Revised Statutes of 1846 (566.221 - 566.226) |
R-S-1846-566-221-82 | CHAPTER 82 Chapter 82. General Provisions Relating To Fraudulent Conveyances And Contracts. (566.221...566.226) |
Section 566.221 | Acts to hinder or defraud creditors; invalidity. |
Section 566.222 | Grant or assignment of trust to be in writing. |
Section 566.223 | Acts void as against heirs or assigns of creditor and purchaser. |
Section 566.224 | Fraudulent intent; question of fact. |
Section 566.225 | Purchaser without notice; protection. |
Section 566.226 | Conveyance; definition. |
Section 566.251 | Automobile accessories sold upon chattel mortgage or conditional sale; vendor to forward title and copy of mortgage to secretary of state; fee. |
Section 566.252 | Automobile accessories sold upon chattel mortgage or conditional sale; recording upon title; additional information. |
Section 566.253 | Automobile accessories sold upon chattel mortgage or conditional sale; invalid against bona fide purchaser unless recorded. |
Act 305 of 1939 | MOTOR VEHICLE INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACTS (566.301 - 566.314) |
Section 566.301 | Motor vehicle installment sales contracts; definitions. |
Section 566.302 | Contract; contents; delivery of copy and insurance policy to buyer. |
Section 566.303-566.314 | Repealed. 1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964. |
Act 290 of 1939 | Repealed-FORECLOSURE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGES (566.401 - 566.412) |
Act 187 of 1943 | Repealed-MORTGAGE OR PLEDGE OF SECURITIES (566.501 - 566.501) |
Act 331 of 1937 | CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL CONTRACTS (566.551 - 566.552) |
Section 566.551 | Contracts with correspondence schools; construction, negotiability. |
Section 566.552 | Correspondence school contracts; definitions. |