MCL - Index of Chapter 555

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
R.S. of 1846 Revised Statutes of 1846 (555.1 - 555.28)
R-S-1846-555-1-63 CHAPTER 63 Chapter 63. Of Uses And Trusts. (555.1...555.28)
R-S-1846-555-1-63-USES-AND-TRUSTS. USES AND TRUSTS. (555.1...555.28)
Section 555.1 Uses and trusts; extent of abolition; interests deemed legal.
Section 555.2 Executed use confirmed as legal estate.
Section 555.3 Right to possession deemed legal estate.
Section 555.4 Right to possession deemed legal estate; effect on existing active trust.
Section 555.5 Passive trust; disposition of lands, trustee interest.
Section 555.6 Constructive, resulting or express trusts; preceding sections effect.
Section 555.7 Payment of consideration for conveyance to another; resulting trust, alienee title.
Section 555.8 Payment of consideration for conveyance to another; presumption as fraudulent; resulting trust for creditors of payee.
Section 555.9 Payment of consideration for conveyance to another; fraudulent alienee exemption.
Section 555.10 Implied or resulting trust; validity against bona fide purchaser.
Section 555.11 Express trust; purpose of creation.
Section 555.12 Devise to trustee without power to receive rents and profits; estate of trustee; effect on trust.
Section 555.13 Rents and profits; liability of surplus to claims of creditors of beneficiary.
Section 555.14 Express trust for unauthorized purpose; estate of trustee; power in trust.
Section 555.15 Trust as valid power; land descent.
Section 555.16 Express trust; beneficiary, trustee estates, beneficiary right.
Section 555.17 Express trust; disposal of land in event of failure or termination of trust.
Section 555.18 Express trust; undisposed estate or interest.
Section 555.19 Express trust; assignability of interest of beneficiary.
Section 555.20 Express trust; omission from conveyance; validity as to subsequent creditor and bona fide purchaser from trustee.
Section 555.21 Express trust; mention in instrument; invalidity of certain acts of trustee.
Section 555.22 Authorized payment to trustee; protection of payor.
Section 555.23 Express trust; termination of estate of trustee.
Section 555.24 Express trust; death of all trustees; execution of trust.
Section 555.25 Express trust; trustee resignation.
Section 555.26 Express trust; trustee removal.
Section 555.27 Express trust; appointment of new trustee.
Section 555.28 Conflicting provisions.
Act 340 of 1965 Repealed-THE REVISED UNIFORM PRINCIPAL AND INCOME ACT (555.51 - 555.68)
Act 185 of 1966 Repealed-IRREVOCABLE INTER VIVOS TRUST INSTRUMENTS (555.81 - 555.84)
Act 174 of 1941 COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT FUNDS ACT (555.101 - 555.113)
Section 555.101 Short title; definitions.
Section 555.102 Funds; financial institution may establish, maintain, and administer.
Section 555.103 Funds; financial institution may invest as fiduciary.
Section 555.104 Funds; establishment and maintenance of plan; provisions; availability for inspection.
Section 555.104a Audit; financial report; contents; items to be excluded from report; availability; advertising common trust fund.
Section 555.105 Common trust funds; funds investment.
Section 555.105a Interest in fund other than fiduciary; prohibition; restrictions.
Section 555.106 Common trust funds; participation; certificate.
Section 555.107 Common trust funds; management; control; ownership.
Section 555.108 Common trust funds; assets valuation; admission and withdrawal; basis; distribution.
Section 555.109 Common trust funds; management fee; expenses.
Section 555.110 Common trust funds; mistakes in administration; effect.
Section 555.111 Common trust funds; rules regulating administration.
Section 555.112 Common trust funds; additional investments.
Section 555.113 Common trust funds; court accountings; jurisdiction of probate court.
Act 177 of 1937 Repealed-TRUST FUND INVESTMENTS (555.201 - 555.203)
Act 193 of 1947 TRUSTS OF PROPERTY FOR EMPLOYEES (555.301 - 555.302)
Section 555.301 Trust of property for employees; effect of rule against perpetuities.
Section 555.302 Trusts of property for employees; accumulation of trust income.
Act 19 of 1952 Repealed-UNIFORM TRUST RECEIPTS ACT (555.401 - 555.419)
Act 56 of 1957 CORPORATE FIDUCIARY STOCKHOLDERS (555.441 - 555.447)
Section 555.441 Corporation as fiduciary or co-fiduciary holding stock or securities in name of nominee; consent of co-fiduciary; endorsement of certificate.
Section 555.442 Acts of nominee, federal reserve bank, and clearing corporation deemed acts of corporation acting as fiduciary.
Section 555.443 Records of corporation to show ownership of stock or other securities held by corporation as fiduciary; manner of keeping stocks and other securities separate from assets of corporation.
Section 555.444 Deposit of securities with federal reserve bank; crediting deposit; designating fiduciary account; records to show ownership of securities held in account; transfer of securities.
Section 555.445 Deposit of securities in clearing corporation, bank, or trust company; deposit of securities by clearing corporation, bank, or trust company in another clearing corporation, bank, or trust company; evidence of safety of securities; merging certificates; holding certificates in bulk; transfer of securities; approval of commissioner.
Section 555.446 Rules.
Section 555.447 Applicability of amendatory act.
Act 83 of 1962 Repealed-UNIFORM TESTAMENTARY ADDITIONS TO TRUSTS ACT (555.461 - 555.464)
Act 159 of 2004 UNIFORM PRINCIPAL AND INCOME ACT (555.501 - 555.1006)
159-2004-1 ARTICLE 1 (555.501...555.505)
Section 555.501 Short title.
Section 555.502 Definitions.
Section 555.503 Duties of fiduciary; allocation of receipts and disbursements to or between principal and income; discretionary power; impartiality.
Section 555.504 Adjustment between principal and income; factors; policy; circumstances prohibiting adjustment; exercise of power by cofiduciary; release of or limitation on power to adjust.
Section 555.505 Exercise of discretionary power by fiduciary; limitation on court to order; decision; petition; burden of proof.
159-2004-2 ARTICLE 2 (555.601...555.602)
Section 555.601 Death or termination of trust; duties of fiduciary.
Section 555.602 Beneficiary's share of net income; determination; maintenance of records by fiduciary.
159-2004-3 ARTICLE 3 (555.701...555.703)
Section 555.701 Income interest; beginning and ending date; conditions.
Section 555.702 Allocation of income receipt or disbursement; occurrence of due date; accrual.
Section 555.703 Undistributed income.
159-2004-4 ARTICLE 4 (555.801...555.815)
Section 555.801 “Entity” defined; allocation to income money received; allocation of receipts to principal; money received in partial liquidation; limitation; statement by entity on source or character of distribution.
Section 555.802 Income; principal; allocation of amounts received as distributions from trust or purchased interest.
Section 555.803 Separate accounting for business or other activity.
Section 555.804 Principal; allocations.
Section 555.805 Receipts from rental property.
Section 555.806 Interest received; allocation to income; proceeds of sale; allocation to principal.
Section 555.807 Life insurance proceeds; other contracts; allocations.
Section 555.808 Insubstantial allocation.
Section 555.809 Definitions; payment allocation.
Section 555.810 Liquidating asset; allocation of receipts.
Section 555.811 Receipts from minerals, water, or other natural resources; allocations.
Section 555.812 Net receipts from sale of timber; allocations.
Section 555.813 Marital deduction; insufficient income from or use of trust assets; actions to be taken by trustee.
Section 555.814 Derivative transactions; gain or loss realized from exercise of option; allocations.
Section 555.815 Asset-backed security; allocation of payments.
159-2004-5 ARTICLE 5 (555.901...555.906)
Section 555.901 Income disbursements.
Section 555.902 Principal disbursements.
Section 555.903 Depreciation; amount transferred to principal.
Section 555.904 Principal disbursement; transfer of amount to provide reserve.
Section 555.905 Tax payments.
Section 555.906 Income beneficiaries and remainder benefits; adjustments between principal and income.
159-2004-6 ARTICLE 6 (555.1001...555.1006)
Section 555.1001 Application and construction of act.
Section 555.1002 Severability.
Section 555.1003 Repeal of MCL 555.51 to 555.68.
Section 555.1004 Effective date.
Section 555.1005 Applicability to trust or estate on effective date of act.
Section 555.1006 Applicability of MCL 555.409 to certain trusts; dates.