MCL - Index of Chapter 487

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 341 of 1937 Repealed-THE MICHIGAN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ACT (487.1 - 487.292)
Act 319 of 1969 Repealed-BANKING CODE OF 1969 (487.301 - 487.598)
Act 240 of 1931 Repealed-THE BANK COLLECTION CODE (487.601 - 487.617)
Act 390 of 1925 Repealed-PAPER PRESENTED ONE YEAR AFTER DATE (487.621 - 487.621)
Act 386 of 1919 Repealed-FORWARDING OF NEGOTIABLE PAPER (487.641 - 487.641)
Act 165 of 1865 Repealed-MARKING COUNTERFEIT, ALTERED, OR WORTHLESS BILLS (487.651 - 487.652)
Act 95 of 1907 Repealed-FORGED OR RAISED CHECKS (487.661 - 487.661)
Act 378 of 1919 Repealed-NONPAYMENT OF CHECK (487.671 - 487.671)
Act 348 of 1925 Repealed-REVOCATION, COUNTERMAND, OR STOP-PAYMENT ORDER (487.681 - 487.682)
Act 349 of 1925 ADVERSE CLAIM TO BANK DEPOSIT (487.691 - 487.691)
Section 487.691 Adverse claim to bank deposit; notice; restraining order; exception.
Act 248 of 1909 PAYMENT OF DEPOSITS (487.701 - 487.703)
Section 487.701 Minor's deposit; payment; receipt or acquittance sufficient.
Section 487.702 Trust deposit; death of trustees; payment of deposit; receipt or acquittance as release and discharge.
Section 487.703 Deposit in name of joint beneficiaries; payment; receipt sufficient; deposits made payable to survivor; prima facie evidence.
Act 53 of 1978 STATUTORY JOINT ACCOUNT ACT (487.711 - 487.719)
Section 487.711 Short title.
Section 487.712 Meanings of words and phrases.
Section 487.713 Definitions.
Section 487.714 Additional definitions.
Section 487.715 Statutory joint account; creation; signing contract; form of contract; acknowledging receipt of contract; adding additional parties; modifying form of contract.
Section 487.716 Nature and effect of statutory joint accounts; failure to answer question in contract.
Section 487.717 Withdrawals of funds; liability of financial institution; deposits subject to setoff.
Section 487.718 Deposits subject to rights of creditors; laws applicable to transfers in fraud of creditors; claims against insolvent estate of deceased owner of statutory joint account.
Section 487.719 Payment of widow's allowance or allowance for dependent children upon death of person owning deposits in statutory joint account.
Act 330 of 1939 JOINT SAFE DEPOSIT BOX (487.721 - 487.721)
Section 487.721 Safe deposit box rented to joint holders; rights of various holders and survivors; exceptions.
Act 146 of 1941 U.S. DEFENSE SAVINGS BONDS (487.731 - 487.732)
Section 487.731 U.S. defense savings bonds; banks and trust companies authorized as issuing agent for sale of; deposit or pledge of assets.
Section 487.732 Pledging of assets; limitation of financial institutions act not otherwise affected.
Act 2 of 1935 LOANS UNDER NATIONAL HOUSING ACT (487.751 - 487.753)
Section 487.751 National housing act; state financial institutes' authorized transactions; collateral.
Section 487.752 Construction of act as to effect of state laws.
Section 487.753 Declaration of necessity.
Act 29 of 1932 (1st Ex. Sess.) Repealed-RECEIVER OF PRIVATE BANK (487.761 - 487.761)
Act 160 of 1859 BROKERS AND EXCHANGE DEALERS (487.801 - 487.807)
Section 487.801 Certificate of brokers; necessity; filing with county clerk; contents; public inspection.
Section 487.802 Certificate of brokers; new certificate, cause, prior liability.
Section 487.803 Certificate of brokers; evidence of facts.
Section 487.804 Violation of act; penalty.
Section 487.806 Advertisement or representation of nature of business; violation, penalty; exception.
Section 487.807 Violation of act; procedure for collection of penalties.
Act 158 of 1956 Repealed-DEVELOPMENT CREDIT CORPORATIONS (487.831 - 487.848)
Act 117 of 1963 Repealed-BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS (487.851 - 487.867)
Act 76 of 1979 Repealed-MICHIGAN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (487.871 - 487.891)
Act 136 of 1960 Repealed-SALE OF CHECKS ACT (487.901 - 487.916)
Section 487.941 Definitions.
Section 487.942 Authorizing or ordering financial institutions to close offices because of existing or impending emergency; duration; advising governor; authorization to close financial institution on day of national mourning, rejoicing, or other special observance.
Section 487.943 Determination not to open or to close office of financial institution during emergency.
Section 487.944 Notice of closing.
Section 487.945 Period financial institution closed as legal holiday.
Section 487.946 Obligations to employees not altered.
Act 250 of 2006 MONEY TRANSMISSION SERVICES ACT (487.1001 - 487.1047)
Section 487.1001 Short title.
Section 487.1002 Definitions; A to L.
Section 487.1003 Definitions; M to T.
Section 487.1004 Applicability of act.
Section 487.1011 Money transmission services; license required; exception.
Section 487.1012 License application; form; information required.
Section 487.1013 Financial statements; net worth; qualification to do business; application fee; surety bond; aggregate liability of surety; limitation.
Section 487.1014 Investigation; completed application; time period; issuance of license; fee; extension of time period; denial; request for hearing.
Section 487.1015 Fee schedule; expiration and renewal of license.
Section 487.1016 Travel expenses; recovery of fees and fines; collection; disposition.
Section 487.1021 Information obtained in examination or investigation; disclosure prohibited.
Section 487.1022 Joint examination or investigation.
Section 487.1023 Changed information; filing; events requiring filing of report.
Section 487.1024 Proposed change of control of licensee; request for approval; additional information; approval by commissioner; determination.
Section 487.1025 Records.
Section 487.1026 Disclosure of information.
Section 487.1031 Permissible investments.
Section 487.1032 Investments permitted under MCL 487.1031; limitation.
Section 487.1033 Agreement between licensee and authorized delegate.
Section 487.1034 Authorized delegate; prohibited conduct; duties.
Section 487.1041 Denying, suspending, not renewing, or revoking license; placing license in receivership; revoking designation of authorized delegate; conditions.
Section 487.1042 Violations; penalties; restitution.
Section 487.1043 Summary suspension order.
Section 487.1044 Cease and desist order.
Section 487.1045 Rules.
Section 487.1046 Civil fine.
Section 487.1047 Order suspending or prohibiting person from being licensee and from being employed by, agent of, or control person of licensee.
Act 89 of 1986 MICHIGAN BIDCO ACT (487.1101 - 487.2001)
89-1986-1 ARTICLE 1 SHORT TITLE, PURPOSES, AND DEFINITIONS (487.1101...487.1106)
Section 487.1101 Short title.
Section 487.1102 Purposes of act.
Section 487.1103 Meanings of words and phrases.
Section 487.1104 Definitions; A to C.
Section 487.1105 Definitions; I to M.
Section 487.1106 Definitions; O to T.
89-1986-2 ARTICLE 2 REGULATION, REPORTING, AND EXAMINATION (487.1201...487.1217)
Section 487.1201 Administration of act; orders; rules; imposition of conditions; applications for declaratory rulings; judicial review.
Section 487.1203 Application; form; information; business plan.
Section 487.1205 Investigations; purposes; oaths and affirmations; witnesses; evidence; documents or records; failure to comply with subpoena.
Section 487.1207 Service of process.
Section 487.1209 Establishment of annual schedule of fees; payment; action for recovery of fees or penalties; failure to submit report; disposition.
Section 487.1211 Books, accounts, and other records of licensee; location and preservation; valuation of assets; audit report.
Section 487.1213 Making or keeping of books, accounts, or other records by person other than licensee; applicability of act; approval of commissioner.
Section 487.1215 Filing reports with commissioner; form; contents.
Section 487.1216 Publication and distribution of information on impact of act.
Section 487.1217 Examination of licensee or subsidiary of licensee; exhibiting books, accounts, and other records; facilitating examination; retention of person to assist commissioner.
89-1986-3 ARTICLE 3 LICENSING (487.1301...487.1317)
Section 487.1301 Licensure; eligibility.
Section 487.1303 Review of information; approval of application for license; determinations; net worth; findings; grounds.
Section 487.1304 Business development enterprise; designation; application; criteria; notification by board of Michigan strategic fund.
Section 487.1304a Reports.
Section 487.1305 Application for preliminary approval of application for license; order; conditions to final approval; fee.
Section 487.1307 Denial of application; written statement of explanation.
Section 487.1309 License; issuance; posting; nontransferable and nonassignable.
Section 487.1311 Prohibited representations; permissible acts.
Section 487.1313 Misrepresentation of license.
Section 487.1315 Michigan corporation or limited liability company licensed under another law.
Section 487.1317 Application to commissioner to accept surrender of license; approval; notice to owners and creditors; filing objection; sending copy of objection to commissioner.
89-1986-4 ARTICLE 4 CORPORATE MATTERS (487.1401...487.1407)
Section 487.1401 Name of licensee; inclusion of word "BIDCO."
Section 487.1403 Board of directors; number of directors; membership; meetings.
Section 487.1405 Death, resignation, or removal of director, officer, or manager; election of director; appointment of officer or manager; notice to commissioner; additional information.
Section 487.1407 Dividend and distribution policies; buying back share of stock or membership interest.
89-1986-5 ARTICLE 5 TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS (487.1501...487.1513)
Section 487.1501 Offices of licensee; number; location; posting sign bearing corporate name; personnel; establishing, relocating, or closing office.
Section 487.1503 Business of licensee; powers and privileges of licensee.
Section 487.1505 Forms, terms, and conditions of financing assistance; participation in program of small business administration; compliance; scope of management assistance; purpose of financing assistance or management assistance; exercise of incidental powers; extension of credit; interest; violation as felony; penalty; “interest” defined.
Section 487.1507 Holding control of business firm; order approving or denying application; “hold control” defined; plan for acquiring and holding control of business firm; demonstrating necessity to hold control of business firm.
Section 487.1509 Transacting business in safe and sound manner; considering risks; authority of commissioner not limited.
Section 487.1511 Definitions; transactions involving potential conflict of interest; authority of commissioner to determine conflict of interest not limited.
Section 487.1513 Lien on or security interest in property of licensee.
89-1986-6 ARTICLE 6 MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS (487.1601...487.1603)
Section 487.1601 Acquiring control of licensee; application for approval; determinations by commissioner.
Section 487.1603 Merger of licensee with another business firm; conditions; purchase by licensee of business of another person; sale of business; application for approval of merger, purchase, or sale; determinations.
89-1986-7 ARTICLE 7 ENFORCEMENT (487.1701...487.1719)
Section 487.1701 Action to enjoin violation or enforce compliance; restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction, or writ of mandamus; appointment of receiver or conservator; bond.
Section 487.1703 Violation of MCL 487.1311; cease and desist order; filing application for hearing on order; rescission of order; judicial review.
Section 487.1705 Cease and desist order; affirmative action to correct condition; application for hearing on order; affirming, modifying, or rescinding order; judicial review.
Section 487.1707 Order removing subject person from office and prohibiting further participation in business of licensee; notice and hearing; determinations; order suspending subject person from office and prohibiting further participation in business of licensee; application for hearing on order; affirming, modifying, or rescinding order; judicial review; “office” defined.
Section 487.1709 Crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust; order suspending subject person from office and prohibiting further participation in business of licensee; application for hearing on order; affirming, modifying, or rescinding order; judicial review; conviction not required; “office” defined.
Section 487.1711 Disclosure to owners.
Section 487.1713 Calling meeting of board of directors of licensee or of owners of licensee; notice; expenses.
Section 487.1715 Order directing licensee to refrain from providing additional financing assistance to business firms; notice and hearing; determinations; request for hearing; affirming, modifying, or rescinding order; resumption of financing assistance; application to modify or rescind order.
Section 487.1717 Appointment of conservator for licensee; reimbursement of expenses of conservatorship; powers and duties of conservator; liquidation of licensee; appointment of receiver; determinations; manner of liquidation.
Section 487.1719 Violation of act; amount and disposition of civil penalty; applicability of section; provisions cumulative; liability for certain violations.
89-1986-8 ARTICLE 8 CERTAIN UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES (487.1801...487.1819)
Section 487.1801 Definitions.
Section 487.1803 Willful untrue statement or omission of material fact in application or report.
Section 487.1805 Willful refusal to allow inspection or making copies of books, accounts, and other records.
Section 487.1807 Books, accounts, or other records; false entries; omission of required entry; alteration, concealment, or destruction.
Section 487.1809 Financing assistance to associate of licensee.
Section 487.1811 Financing assistance to discharge obligation to associate of licensee; transactions to which section inapplicable.
Section 487.1813 Financing assistance to business firm to which associate of licensee provides financing assistance; applicability of section.
Section 487.1815 Compensation of associate of licensee for procuring or influencing licensee's action with respect to providing financing assistance; section inapplicable to fees received for bona fide closing services; criteria.
Section 487.1817 Exemptions.
Section 487.1819 Violation of article; penalty; applicability of section; power of state to punish not limited by act.
89-1986-9 ARTICLE 9 GENERAL PROVISIONS (487.1901...487.1905)
Section 487.1901 Liberal construction.
Section 487.1903 Proceedings subject to administrative procedures act; exemptions.
Section 487.1905 Applicability of provisions of licensee's incorporating or organizing statute.
89-1986-10 ARTICLE 10 REPEAL (487.2001...487.2001)
Section 487.2001 Repeal of MCL 487.851 to 487.867; certain statutory references considered references to BIDCO.
Act 161 of 1988 CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES ACT (487.2051 - 487.2072)
Section 487.2051 Short title.
Section 487.2052 Definitions.
Section 487.2053 License required to engage in business activity; exceptions.
Section 487.2054 License application.
Section 487.2055 License fee; investigation fee; financial statements; net worth requirements.
Section 487.2056 Surety bond or letter of credit.
Section 487.2057 Investigation of license applicant by commissioner; issuance and delivery of license; expiration of license; renewal of license; fee; penalty for delinquent payment.
Section 487.2058 License certificate; availability of copy; transferability; changing name or place of business; operating one place of business under same license; additional place of business; ceasing business activities.
Section 487.2059 Compliance; exemption of licensee from certain provisions of financial licensing acts; purchase of certain contracts; loans; employment of individual as loan officer to originate mortgage loans or secondary mortgage loan officer to originate secondary mortgage loans; "employ" defined.
Section 487.2060 Suspension or revocation of license; notice; hearing; determination; appeal; grounds for suspending, revoking, or refusing to renew license; suspension or revocation of activities; investigations, examinations, and hearings; evidence; failure to comply with subpoena; cease and desist order.
Section 487.2060a Request for reconsideration.
Section 487.2060b Hearing; judicial review.
Section 487.2060c Enforcement of notice or order.
Section 487.2060d Summary suspension; order; hearing; record.
Section 487.2060e Summary suspension order, cease and desist order, or injunctive relief as additional legal action.
Section 487.2060f Investigation or examination by commissioner; complaint or action; suspension of license; request for hearing; duration of suspension.
Section 487.2060g Fraud or money laundering; definitions.
Section 487.2060h Hearing; decision; findings; judicial review; stay.
Section 487.2060i Enforcement of order; jurisdiction.
Section 487.2060j Violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 487.2060k Violation of order; exceptions.
Section 487.2061 Annual schedule of fees; fees nonrefundable; action for recovery of fees or penalties; disposition of money received.
Section 487.2062 Investigation of business activities; examination of books, accounts, records, and files; additional reports; audit and management letter.
Section 487.2063 Repealed. 1999, Act 275, Imd. Eff. Jan. 5, 2000.
Section 487.2064 Records.
Section 487.2065 Annual report; failure to file report; penalty.
Section 487.2066 Conservatorship or receivership.
Section 487.2066a Licensee engaged in loan servicing activities; appointment of conservator or receiver.
Section 487.2066b Powers and duties of conservator or receiver.
Section 487.2067 Prohibited activities or practices.
Section 487.2068 Rules.
Section 487.2069 Obligation of contract party not impaired or affected.
Section 487.2070 Action by person, county prosecuting attorney, or attorney general.
Section 487.2071 Effective date.
Section 487.2072 Conditional effective date.
Act 344 of 2020 FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION PREVENTION ACT (487.2081 - 487.2091)
Section 487.2081 Short title.
Section 487.2083 Definitions.
Section 487.2085 Training for signs of covered financial exploitation of members or customers; requirements; reporting; notification; disclosure and identification of reporting individual.
Section 487.2087 Investigations; delay or freeze on transactions; exception.
Section 487.2089 Examination and enforcement authority.
Section 487.2091 Construction of act.
Act 190 of 1991 STATE EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTION PROGRAM (487.2101 - 487.2105)
Section 487.2101 Definitions.
Section 487.2102 Enrollment in distribution system for direct deposit of retirement benefit with financial institution; electronic fund transfer of state college and university payments.
Section 487.2103 Establishment of criteria and distribution system for participation by financial institution.
Section 487.2104 Rules; participation prohibited under certain conditions.
Section 487.2105 Fee; limitation; prohibition.
244-2005-1 ARTICLE 1 (487.2121...487.2122)
Section 487.2121 Short title.
Section 487.2122 Definitions.
244-2005-2 ARTICLE 2 (487.2131...487.2142)
Section 487.2131 Business of providing deferred presentment service transactions; license required; scope of act; application process and timeline; bulletin, order, or rule.
Section 487.2132 Licensure requirements.
Section 487.2133 Application; writing; oath; form; information; fee.
Section 487.2134 License fees; disposition; surety bond.
Section 487.2135 Issuance of license upon investigation that requirements satisfied; posting copy of license.
Section 487.2136 Denial of application or failure to act within certain time period; hearing.
Section 487.2137 License not transferable or assignable; change in control; duties of licensee; request for information or documentation; "control" defined.
Section 487.2138 Report describing certain event.
Section 487.2139 Expiration and renewal of license.
Section 487.2140 Enforcement and implementation of act; issuance of orders and rules; correction of inaccurate information; duties of licensee if database not operational; examination of business, books, and records.
Section 487.2141 Books, accounts, and records; preservation.
Section 487.2142 Development, implementation, and maintenance of database.
244-2005-3 ARTICLE 3 (487.2151...487.2160)
Section 487.2151 Notice; posting; form.
Section 487.2152 Written deferred presentment service agreement; signatures; provisions; arbitration.
Section 487.2153 Transaction; limitation on amount; service fee; conditions prohibiting entering transaction; duties of licensee; prohibited conduct; sign.
Section 487.2154 Customer eligibility; verification; use of database; fee; submission of information to database; closure of transaction.
Section 487.2155 Renewal or extension of agreement; repayment option; conditions; terms; notice; satisfaction of drawer's obligation; deposit of check held in connection with transaction; return of check; payment by debit card; "telephone-initiated entry" defined..
Section 487.2156 Violation of act.
Section 487.2157 Rescission of agreement; redemption of check by drawer.
Section 487.2158 Endorsement of check; returned check charge; liability for dishonored check.
Section 487.2159 Agreements; maintenance; availability for examination; rejected applications.
Section 487.2160 Prohibited conduct.
244-2005-4 ARTICLE 4 (487.2165...487.2173)
Section 487.2165 Customer complaint; filing; investigation or examination by commissioner; subpoena; noncompliance.
Section 487.2166 Cease and desist order.
Section 487.2167 Suspension, revocation, or termination of license.
Section 487.2168 Violations; civil fines.
Section 487.2169 Fraud.
Section 487.2170 Hearing.
Section 487.2171 Rules; report.
Section 487.2171.amended Rules; report.
Section 487.2172 Person providing services before effective date of act; compliance.
Section 487.2173 Civil cause of action; damages.
Act 354 of 1996 SAVINGS BANK ACT (487.3101 - 487.3804)
***** 487.3702 SUBDIVISION (a) DOES NOT APPLY AFTER MAY 31, 1997: See subdivision (a) of 487.3702 *****
354-1996-1 CHAPTER 1 SHORT TITLE AND DEFINITIONS (487.3101...487.3103)
Section 487.3101 Short title.
Section 487.3102 Definitions; A to I.
Section 487.3103 Definitions; L to W.
354-1996-2 CHAPTER 2 ADMINISTRATION (487.3201...487.3226)
Section 487.3201 Financial institutions bureau; jurisdiction; duties of commissioner; construction of act.
Section 487.3202 Prohibited conduct.
Section 487.3203 Federal insurance of deposits required.
Section 487.3204 Savings bank; asset tests; loans for domestic residential housing; failure to satisfy asset tests.
Section 487.3205 Appointment of examiners and employees; payment of compensation, travel, and expenses.
Section 487.3206 Commissioner, deputy commissioner, or examiner; prohibited conduct.
Section 487.3207 Commissioner, deputy commissioner, or examiner; civil liability.
Section 487.3208 Rules, orders, and declaratory rulings.
Section 487.3209 Savings banks and entities subject to examination by commissioner.
Section 487.3210 Schedule of supervisory fees; initial supervisory fee.
Section 487.3211 Circuit court subpoena to appear; petition by commissioner; scope; failure to appear as contempt.
Section 487.3212 Privilege against self-incrimination; perjury.
Section 487.3213 Confidentiality; exception.
Section 487.3214 Application for approval; requirements; appeal.
Section 487.3215 Unsafe or unsound practice or violation; notice of charges; hearing; order to cease and desist; effect and enforcement; out-of-state bank branch.
Section 487.3216 Temporary cease and desist order; effective and enforceable; injunction to set aside, limit, or suspend order.
Section 487.3217 Intent by commissioner to remove director or officer from office; notice; suspension or prohibition; effective date; service of copies of notice; statement of facts; hearing; issuance of order; effect and enforcement.
Section 487.3218 Stay of suspension or prohibition; application to circuit court.
Section 487.3219 Felony charge involving dishonesty or breach of trust by director or officer; suspension or prohibition; duration; entry of conviction; order of removal from office or prohibition; service of copy; finding of not guilty or other disposition.
Section 487.3220 Board of directors; less than quorum.
Section 487.3221 Hearing; decision; review; modifying, terminating, or setting aside order; commencement of proceedings not as stay of order.
Section 487.3222 Notice or order; jurisdiction of court.
Section 487.3223 Prohibited acts; fine; limitation.
Section 487.3224 Service of notice; intent to issue cease and desist order; notice to governor.
Section 487.3225 Proceedings under MCL 487.3215, 487.3216(1), or 487.3217; notice to federal authorities of intent to institute proceedings.
Section 487.3226 Definitions.
354-1996-3 CHAPTER 3 CORPORATE STRUCTURE (487.3301...487.3339)
Section 487.3301 Corporation; formation; purpose.
Section 487.3302 Organization of savings bank; application; forms; notice; publication requirements; waiver; examination of information and statements; approval or disapproval of application.
Section 487.3302a Organization of branch by out-of-state savings bank; proof of federal insurance on deposits; determination of compliance; certificate of organization and eligibility to accept deposits and investments of public funds.
Section 487.3303 Organization of savings bank to serve depository institutions; application.
Section 487.3304 Organizational expenses; reimbursement; review.
Section 487.3305 Articles of incorporation.
Section 487.3306 Authorization to commence business; conditions; verification; certificate with official seal; application deemed abandoned and no effect; first meeting.
Section 487.3307 Required capital; applicability of section to consolidated organization; authorization of stock savings bank or mutual savings bank to commence business; total capital; maintenance of surplus amount.
Section 487.3308 Stock savings bank; stock issuance.
Section 487.3309 Mutual savings bank; membership.
Section 487.3310 Issuance of capital notes, debentures, and other indebtedness.
Section 487.3311 Applicability of provisions to voting stock.
Section 487.3312 Issuance of stock by mutual savings bank; conversion.
Section 487.3313 Issuance of certificates of stock by savings bank.
Section 487.3314 Increase in capital stock.
Section 487.3315 Reduction in capital stock.
Section 487.3316 Declaration and payment of dividends.
Section 487.3317 Mutual savings bank; meetings.
Section 487.3318 Records.
Section 487.3319 Savings bank; meetings; voting.
Section 487.3320 Savings bank; meeting notice.
Section 487.3321 Savings bank; stock ledger; designation of transfer agent or registrar of shares; list to be furnished upon request.
Section 487.3322 Savings bank; election of directors; vacancy; bylaws; meetings; chief executive officer; minutes; quorum; notice of meeting.
Section 487.3323 Oath.
Section 487.3324 Purchase or sale of securities by director; conditions.
Section 487.3325 Director or officer of savings bank; discharge of duties; violation; removal; vote.
Section 487.3326 Indemnification of party.
Section 487.3327 Indemnification of director, officer, employee, or agent.
Section 487.3328 Payment or reimbursement of expenses incurred in civil or criminal action, suit, or proceeding.
Section 487.3329 Rights to indemnification.
Section 487.3330 Insurance; trust fund.
Section 487.3330a Consolidation or merger; position of director, officer, employee, or agent of depository institution.
Section 487.3331 Articles of incorporation; amendment.
Section 487.3332 Definitions; best interests of savings bank, shareholders, or members.
Section 487.3333 Liquidation; notice; certificate of termination; designation of liquidating agent or committee; bond; reports; removal; appointment of new agent or committee; examination by commissioner; publication of notice; filing and forwarding certificate of termination.
Section 487.3334 Commencement of voluntary liquidation procedures; savings bank as body corporate; actions, suits, or proceedings begun prior to liquidation proceeding; powers of surviving directors.
Section 487.3335 Savings bank; expiration of term by limitation; extension; renewal.
Section 487.3336 Sale or purchase of assets; consideration; purpose; filing certified copies of proceedings; liability; maintenance of principal office or branches.
Section 487.3337 Sale or purchase of branches; notice.
Section 487.3338 Unlimited amounts or share of deposits.
Section 487.3339 Compliance review committee; construction of section.
354-1996-4 CHAPTER 4 POWERS (487.3401...487.3436)
Section 487.3401 Savings bank; powers.
Section 487.3402 Purchase, design, manufacture, construction, repair, modification, or improvement of real property; use of loan proceeds; liability for defect.
Section 487.3403 Purchase of corporation stock by savings bank; limitation on aggregate investments.
Section 487.3404 Purchase of stock, or loans to, Michigan business development corporation.
Section 487.3405 Venture capital investments; “professional investor” and “venture capital” defined.
Section 487.3406 “Investment security” and “secretary” defined; purchase of investment securities.
Section 487.3407 Acquisition, development, or improvement of real estate; limitation on investment of assets; powers of savings bank.
Section 487.3408 Services performed by savings bank.
Section 487.3409 Savings bank engaged in real estate brokerage business; notice of licensure or ownership; prohibited acts; disclosure to credit applicant; violation of section; orders; limitation.
Section 487.3410 Investment in service entities.
Section 487.3411 Powers granted in MCL 487.3401 and 487.3403 construed.
Section 487.3412 Change in location of principal office.
Section 487.3413 Transactions relating to capital stock of corporation; authorization; purchase and sale of securities and stock; loan or discount; purchase or holding of own stock.
Section 487.3414 Savings bank possessing capital and surplus more than $1,000,000.00; powers; application; savings bank operating foreign branches; restrictions and limitations; further powers.
Section 487.3415 Savings bank with branch offices in foreign country.
Section 487.3416 Savings bank as owner or lessor of personal property; lease payments as rent; taxes; prohibition.
Section 487.3417 Savings bank with branch in another state.
Section 487.3418 Loan production offices.
Section 487.3419 Purchase or assumption of national or state chartered bank, savings bank, or association; operation as new branch.
Section 487.3420 Discontinuing operations of branch or agency office; transfer of functions.
Section 487.3421 Trust powers; conditions, limitations, and restrictions.
Section 487.3422 Definitions; trust service agreements.
Section 487.3423 Separation of trust department business from commercial bank business; commingled and consolidated funds; limitation; lien on securities in event of savings bank failure.
Section 487.3424 Fiduciary powers; considerations.
Section 487.3425 Repealed. 2000, Act 482, Imd. Eff. Jan. 11, 2001.
Section 487.3426 Fund or property held by savings bank as fiduciary; investments; “registered investment company” defined; funds considered as held in fiduciary capacity.
Section 487.3427 Enforcement of MCL 487.3421 to 487.3426; orders or declaratory rulings.
Section 487.3428 Safe deposit and storage department.
Section 487.3429 Lease, purchase, holding, and conveyance of real estate.
Section 487.3430 Interest and charges on loans and credit extensions.
Section 487.3431 Drafts or bills of exchange.
Section 487.3432 Loans and extensions of credit and leases; limitations; exceptions; definitions.
Section 487.3433 Loans and extensions of credit; exceptions to limitations.
Section 487.3434 Capital and surplus; limitations.
Section 487.3436 Automatic teller machine located on premises of casino, casino enterprise, liquor store, or adult entertainment establishment; preventing access to cash benefits from Michigan bridge card; definitions.
354-1996-5 CHAPTER 5 REGULATION (487.3501...487.3514)
Section 487.3501 Impairment of capital.
Section 487.3502 Violations; liability of directors or officers.
Section 487.3503 Officer or employee as agent in sale of stock or securities; prohibition.
Section 487.3504 Receipt of consideration or gratuity prohibited.
Section 487.3505 Surety bonds; protection against insurable losses.
Section 487.3506 Reports; penalty for failure to report.
Section 487.3507 Regulation and prescription of terms, conditions, bylaws, and rules by board of directors.
Section 487.3508 Pledge of assets.
Section 487.3509 Deposit by savings bank; limitation.
Section 487.3510 Insolvency; transfer of assets null and void.
Section 487.3511 Property or casualty insurance as condition to mortgage loan.
Section 487.3512 Overdrafts.
Section 487.3514 Repealed. 2005, Act 192, Imd. Eff. Nov. 7, 2005.
Section 487.3601 Receiver; appointment.
Section 487.3602 Receiver; powers; report to commissioner.
Section 487.3603 Procedures for liquidation; limitation.
Section 487.3604 Rights of depositors and creditors of closed savings bank.
Section 487.3605 Conservator; appointment; powers; duties.
Section 487.3606 Affairs of savings bank turned back to board of directors; notice.
Section 487.3607 Orders or declaratory rulings as to receivers and conservators; compensation and expenses to reimburse bureau.
Section 487.3608 Reorganization of savings bank.
Section 487.3701 Consolidated savings bank.
Section 487.3702 Consolidated organization.
Section 487.3703 Consolidated savings bank; rights, interests, privileges, powers, restrictions, disabilities, liabilities, and duties.
Section 487.3704 Consolidated organization; service of process; prosecution.
Section 487.3705 Operation of branches of consolidated or acquired savings bank.
Section 487.3706 Definitions; consolidation.
Section 487.3706a Definitions; reorganization of existing mutual savings bank to mutual holding company; requirements; organization and incorporation of new savings bank subsidiary; approval.
Section 487.3707 Definitions; terms and conditions of conversion or exchange.
Section 487.3708 Conversion of savings bank into stock association or national banking association; conversion of mutual savings bank into state or federal mutual savings and loan association.
Section 487.3709 Conversion of federally chartered shareholder-owned financial institution into savings bank.
Section 487.3710 Conversion of state chartered shareholder-owned financial institution into savings bank.
Section 487.3711 Conversion of member-owned federally chartered financial institution into mutual savings bank.
Section 487.3711a Conversion of mutual federal savings and loan association, mutual federal savings bank, or other member-owned federally chartered financial institution into stock savings bank.
Section 487.3712 Conversion of member-owned state chartered financial institution into mutual savings bank.
Section 487.3712a Conversion of mutual state savings and loan association, or mutual state savings bank, or other member-owned state chartered financial institution into stock savings bank.
Section 487.3713 Rights, obligations, and relations of converted and converting organization.
Section 487.3714 Liability not impaired by sale of assets, consolidation, or conversion.
Section 487.3715 Conversion of mutual savings bank to stock savings bank.
Section 487.3801 Use of “bank,”“banker,” or “banking.”
Section 487.3802 Construction of act.
Section 487.3803 Effect of MCL 450.1 to 450.192.
Section 487.3804 Tax exemptions.
Act 276 of 1999 BANKING CODE OF 1999 (487.11101 - 487.15105)
276-1999-1 CHAPTER 1 (487.11101...487.11203)
276-1999-1-1 PART 1 SHORT TITLE AND GENERAL PROVISIONS (487.11101...487.11107)
Section 487.11101 Short title.
Section 487.11102 Supervision and regulation of banking organizations; state policy.
Section 487.11103 Filing of documents as constructive notice of contents; limitation.
Section 487.11104 Remedies; construction of act.
Section 487.11105 Person engaged in business of banking; corporation as fiduciary.
Section 487.11106 Use of designation or name.
Section 487.11107 Tax exemptions.
276-1999-1-2 PART 2 DEFINITIONS (487.11201...487.11203)
Section 487.11201 Definitions; A to F.
Section 487.11202 Definitions; F to P.
Section 487.11203 Definitions; S to V.
276-1999-2 CHAPTER 2 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS BUREAU (487.12101...487.12410)
276-1999-2-1 PART 1 ADMINISTRATION (487.12101...487.12109)
Section 487.12101 Financial institutions bureau; creation; jurisdiction; commissioner; appointment; duties; seal; other employment.
Section 487.12102 Purpose of act.
Section 487.12103 Powers and duties vested under former act; transfer of property, books, and other papers; effect of orders and rules.
Section 487.12104 Deputies; appointment by commissioner; duties; revocation.
Section 487.12105 Employees; appointment by commissioner; compensation; duties; revocation.
Section 487.12106 Commissioner, deputy commissioner, or examiner; prohibited conduct.
Section 487.12107 Liability; immunity.
Section 487.12108 Annual report.
Section 487.12109 Confidentiality; disclosures.
276-1999-2-2 PART 2 GENERAL POWERS (487.12201...487.12204)
Section 487.12201 Rules.
Section 487.12202 Examination of institution, its subsidiaries, and service entities.
Section 487.12203 Fees; state bank regulatory fund.
Section 487.12204 Declaratory rulings, orders, or determinations.
276-1999-2-3 PART 3 ENFORCMENT POWERS (487.12301...487.12315)
Section 487.12301 Subpoena powers.
Section 487.12302 Application.
Section 487.12303 Reconsideration of order, ruling, or finding; hearing.
Section 487.12304 Notice of charges; hearing; issuance of order to cease and desist; enforcement; notice to comptroller of currency and attorney general.
Section 487.12305 Temporary cease and desist order.
Section 487.12306 Conduct constituting breach of fiduciary duty; order of removal or prohibition.
Section 487.12307 Stay of suspension or prohibition; issuance by court.
Section 487.12308 Conduct involving felony or misdemeanor charge; order of removal or prohibition.
Section 487.12309 Quorum of board of directors.
Section 487.12310 Hearing; decision; review; consent order; modification, termination, or setting aside order.
Section 487.12311 Enforcement powers; jurisdiction of court.
Section 487.12312 Prohibited conduct; fine.
Section 487.12313 Service of notice or order.
Section 487.12314 Notice to federal supervisory authorities.
Section 487.12315 Foreign bank; prohibited conduct.
276-1999-2-4 PART 4 RECEIVERSHIPS AND CONSERVATORSHIPS (487.12401...487.12410)
Section 487.12401 Liquidation; receiver or other liquidating agent.
Section 487.12402 Appointment of receiver; conditions; procedures.
Section 487.12403 Receiver; duties; powers.
Section 487.12404 Lien on property or assets; voidable transfer.
Section 487.12405 Records.
Section 487.12406 Conservator; appointment; bond and security; qualifications; expenses.
Section 487.12407 Conservator; rights, powers, and privileges.
Section 487.12408 Deposits received while bank in conservatorship.
Section 487.12409 Authority of conservator to borrow money; purpose.
Section 487.12410 Termination of conservatorship.
276-1999-3 CHAPTER 3 BANK ORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE (487.13101...487.13913)
276-1999-3-1 PART 1 FORMATION (487.13101...487.13108)
Section 487.13101 Bank organization generally.
Section 487.13102 Bank organization; application.
Section 487.13103 Organization of depository institutions generally.
Section 487.13104 Expenses of incorporators; reimbursement.
Section 487.13105 Bank as body corporate; authorization.
Section 487.13106 Commencement of business.
Section 487.13107 Organization meeting; notice.
Section 487.13108 Capital adequacy; requirements.
276-1999-3-2 PART 2 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION (487.13201...487.13203)
Section 487.13201 Articles of incorporation; approval generally.
Section 487.13202 Articles of incorporation; contents.
Section 487.13203 Articles of incorporation; amendments.
276-1999-3-3 PART 3 DISSOLUTION (487.13301...487.13307)
Section 487.13301 Proposed resolution of dissolution; certificate of termination; designation of liquidating agent or committee; reports; examination by commissioner; filing of certificate; termination.
Section 487.13302 Bank in dissolution as body corporate.
Section 487.13303 Bank in dissolution; function of officers, directors, and shareholders.
Section 487.13304 “Existing claim” and “existing claimant” defined; notice to depositors and creditors; existing claims; effective date of written notice.
Section 487.13305 “Claim” and “claimant” defined; notice of dissolution; publication; requirements.
Section 487.13306 Court supervision of bank in dissolution.
Section 487.13307 Debts, obligations, and liabilities.
276-1999-3-4 PART 4 TERM EXTENSION (487.13401...487.13401)
Section 487.13401 Expiration of corporate term; extension.
276-1999-3-5 PART 5 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS (487.13501...487.13507)
Section 487.13501 Board of directors; election; appointment of officers; meetings.
Section 487.13502 Board of directors; oath.
Section 487.13503 Sale or purchase of securities or property.
Section 487.13504 Discharge of duties; liability; commencement of action; violation; statute of limitations.
Section 487.13505 Removal of director.
Section 487.13506 Sale of stock or securities; officer or employee as agent prohibited.
Section 487.13507 Procurement of loan; receipt of gratuity or consideration prohibited.
276-1999-3-6 PART 6 SHAREHOLDERS (487.13601...487.13604)
Section 487.13601 Meeting of shareholders.
Section 487.13602 Meeting called by commissioner.
Section 487.13603 Names and addresses of shareholders; record.
Section 487.13604 Provisions applicable to voting stock.
276-1999-3-7 PART 7 CONSOLIDATION AND CONVERSION (487.13701...487.13714)
Section 487.13701 Consolidated bank; formation.
Section 487.13702 Consolidated organization.
Section 487.13703 Consolidated bank; rights, privileges, and powers.
Section 487.13704 Service of process.
Section 487.13705 Notice of operation.
Section 487.13706 Definitions; applicable provisions.
Section 487.13707 Definitions; consolidation agreement; approval of terms and conditions.
Section 487.13708 Conversion of bank into stock association, stock savings bank, or national banking association.
Section 487.13709 Conversion of depository institution.
Section 487.13710 Effect of conversion.
Section 487.13711 Branch services.
Section 487.13712 Discontinuing branch operations; transfer of functions to principal office.
Section 487.13713 Principal office; relocation.
Section 487.13714 Branch office in foreign country; applicable provisions.
276-1999-3-8 PART 8 CAPITAL (487.13801...487.13808)
Section 487.13801 Issuance of capital notes, debentures, or other instrument of indebtedness.
Section 487.13802 Issuance of shares; number; classes; designations.
Section 487.13803 Stock certificates.
Section 487.13804 Capital stock; increase.
Section 487.13805 Capital stock; reduction.
Section 487.13806 Dividends.
Section 487.13807 Deficiency; steps to make assessment or dissolution; extension.
Section 487.13808 Distribution of sale proceeds; issuance of new certificates; effect of uniform commercial code.
276-1999-3-9 PART 9 ADMINISTRATION (487.13901...487.13913)
Section 487.13901 Repayment of deposits.
Section 487.13902 Compliance review committee.
Section 487.13903 Surety bond.
Section 487.13904 Indemnification.
Section 487.13905 Indemnification; expenses and amounts.
Section 487.13906 Director, officer, employee, or agent as party to action; reimbursement.
Section 487.13907 Other rights to indemnification or advancement; limitation.
Section 487.13908 Liability insurance or trust fund.
Section 487.13909 Consolidation or merger; position of director, officer, employee, or agent of absorbed depository institution.
Section 487.13910 Definitions; person acting in best interests of bank or shareholders.
Section 487.13911 Reports.
Section 487.13912 Attachment or execution.
Section 487.13913 Action taken or event occurring on or before November 29, 1995.
276-1999-4 CHAPTER 4 BANKING POWERS (487.14101...487.14406)
276-1999-4-1 PART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (487.14101...487.14111)
Section 487.14101 Banking powers generally.
Section 487.14102 Safe deposit and storage department; lien for unpaid rental and storage charges.
Section 487.14103 Drafts or bills of exchange.
Section 487.14104 Real estate brokerage.
Section 487.14105 Permitted services or activities.
Section 487.14106 Purchase or sale of assets; powers of bank.
Section 487.14107 Sale or purchase of bank branch.
Section 487.14108 Pledging bank assets as collateral security.
Section 487.14109 Bank agent; activities.
Section 487.14110 Automatic teller machine located on premises of casino, casino enterprise, liquor store, or adult entertainment establishment; preventing access to cash benefits from Michigan bridge card; definitions.
Section 487.14111 Loan promotion raffle or savings promotion raffle.
276-1999-4-2 PART 2 LOANS (487.14201...487.14205)
Section 487.14201 Loans and credit extensions; interest and charges.
Section 487.14202 Total loans and credit extensions; limitation; exceptions; limitations based upon capital and surplus.
Section 487.14203 Financing real or personal property; use of proceeds for purchase, design, manufacture, construction, repair, modification, or improvement; liability for defect.
Section 487.14204 Insurance; hazard; property and casualty.
Section 487.14205 Allowance for bank loan and lease losses; charge off of debt.
276-1999-4-3 PART 3 INVESTMENTS (487.14301...487.14310)
Section 487.14301 Purchasing, selling, underwriting, and holding investment securities.
Section 487.14302 Purchase of investment securities.
Section 487.14303 Investment in other assets.
Section 487.14304 Bank investment authority; purchasing or holding shares of stock or other equity interests.
Section 487.14305 Venture capital investments.
Section 487.14306 Lease, purchase, holding, and conveyance of real property.
Section 487.14307 Acquisition, development, or improvement of real property for sale.
Section 487.14308 Acquisition of real property for use of customer; loan secured by real property.
Section 487.14309 Acquisition of personal property for use of customer; loan secured by personal property.
Section 487.14310 Investment in service entity.
276-1999-4-4 PART 4 TRUSTS (487.14401...487.14406)
Section 487.14401 Trust powers; conditions, limitations, and restrictions.
Section 487.14402 Definitions; trust service agreement.
Section 487.14403 Trust powers; segregation of assets held in fiduciary capacity; separate books and records; commingling and consolidation.
Section 487.14404 Application for full fiduciary powers; considerations; limited trust power.
Section 487.14405 Investment of trust funds or property; "registered investment company" defined; bank considered as fiduciary.
Section 487.14406 Repealed. 2005, Act 195, Imd. Eff. Nov. 7, 2005.
276-1999-5 CHAPTER 5 FOREIGN BANKS (487.15101...487.15105)
276-1999-5-STRUCTURE STRUCTURE (487.15101...487.15105)
Section 487.15101 State agency or state foreign bank branch; establishment and operation by state foreign bank branch.
Section 487.15102 Conversion of state agency or state foreign bank branch into federal agency or federal branch.
Section 487.15103 Termination of authority to operate state agency or state foreign bank branch.
Section 487.15104 Reports.
Section 487.15105 Operations of foreign bank at state foreign bank branch or state agency.