MCL - Index of Chapter 30

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 83 of 1943 Repealed-MICHIGAN CIVIL DEFENSE ACT (30.1 - 30.19)
Act 10 of 1942 (1st Ex. Sess.) Repealed-BLACKOUTS AND AIR RAID PROTECTION (30.21 - 30.23)
Act 13 of 1942 (1st Ex. Sess.) Repealed-TRAFFIC, BLACKOUTS, AND AIR RAIDS (30.31 - 30.41)
Act 366 of 1941 Repealed-SABOTAGE PREVENTION ACT (30.51 - 30.64)
Act 14 of 1942 (1st Ex. Sess.) Repealed-PROTECTION OF STATE PROPERTY (30.71 - 30.73)
Act 39 of 1950 (Ex. Sess.) Repealed-SECURITY INVESTIGATION DIVISION (30.101 - 30.105)
Act 43 of 1950 (Ex. Sess.) Repealed-BLOOD TYPING PROGRAM (30.151 - 30.153)
Act 203 of 1951 CIVILIAN DEFENSE (30.201 - 30.204)
Section 30.201-30.203 Repealed. 1953, Act 154, Imd. Eff. June 2, 1953.
Section 30.204 Civilian defense organization; persons prohibited from employment; loyalty oath, form.
Act 154 of 1953 Repealed-CIVIL DEFENSE PROTECTION (30.221 - 30.233)
Section 30.261 Interstate disaster compact.
Section 30.309 Gift or grant for civil defense; control of fund, appropriation.
Section 30.310 Office of civil defense; abolition and transfer of powers, duties, and functions to state police; records, files, and other property; hearings, orders, rules, and regulations; funds.
Section 30.310a Civil defense appropriation; allotment prior to executive reorganization.
E.R.O. No. 1962-1 Repealed-EXECUTIVE REORGANIZATION ORDER (30.321 - 30.326)
Act 390 of 1976 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACT (30.401 - 30.421)
Section 30.401 Short title.
Section 30.402 Definitions.
Section 30.403 Responsibility of governor; executive orders, proclamations, and directives; declaration, duration, and termination of state of disaster or state of emergency; contents and dissemination of executive order or proclamation.
Section 30.404 Effect of executive order or proclamation of state of disaster or state of emergency; federal assistance; reciprocal aid agreement or compact; appropriation.
Section 30.405 Additional powers of governor; prohibition; disobeying or interfering with rule, order, or directive as misdemeanor.
Section 30.406 Obligation of person within state; compensation for services or property; record; claims; exceptions.
Section 30.407 Powers and duties of director.
Section 30.407a Emergency management division; establishment; purpose; employees; emergency management plan; grants; powers of division; definition.
Section 30.407b Stockpiling of medical supplies by department of health and human services; coordination and distribution during state of disaster or state of emergency; inventory list; use of appropriations; definitions.
Section 30.408 Emergency management coordinator; employment or appointment; duties; annexes to emergency management plan; cooperation of state agencies.
Section 30.409 Emergency management coordinator; appointment; duties; eligibility.
Section 30.410 Powers of county and municipality; mutual aid or reciprocal aid agreements or compacts; assistance of emergency management coordinator.
Section 30.411 Powers and duties of personnel of disaster relief forces; liability for personal injury or property damage; right to benefits or compensation; disaster relief workers; immunity; liability and legal obligation of persons owning or controlling real estate or other premises used for shelter; "gross negligence" defined.
Section 30.411a Disaster or emergency relief assistance provided by state employee; unpaid leave of absence; leave of absence with pay; conditions; limitation.
Section 30.412 Disaster or emergency occurring in county or municipality; procedure; ordinances or rules.
Section 30.413 Repealed. 1990, Act 50, Imd. Eff. Apr. 6, 1990.
Section 30.414 Assessment of disaster or emergency; findings and recommendations; notice; temporary assistance; action by governor.
Section 30.415 Repealed. 2002, Act 132, Eff. May 1, 2002.
Section 30.416 Declaration of emergency or major disaster by president; federal grants; agreement pledging state's share.
Section 30.417 Construction of act.
Section 30.418 Disaster and emergency contingency fund; creation; administration; accounting; appropriation; carrying forward unexpended and unencumbered funds; expenditures; reimbursement; declaration; investment.
Section 30.419 Disaster and emergency contingency fund; expenditures when federal assistance unavailable; application for grant; resolution; rules.
Section 30.420 Repeal of MCL 30.221 to 30.233.
Section 30.421 Heightened state of alert; cause; powers of governor; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; civil action; definitions.
Act 91 of 1990 Repealed-IMMUNITY OF VOLUNTEERS (30.431 - 30.432)