MCL - Index of Chapter 288

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 169 of 1929 Repealed-DAIRY PRODUCTS (288.1 - 288.15)
Act 233 of 1965 Repealed-FLUID MILK ACT OF 1965 (288.21 - 288.29a)
Act 139 of 1939 Repealed-BREED NAMES OF DAIRY CATTLE (288.41 - 288.45)
Act 212 of 1935 Repealed-MILK FAT TEST LAW (288.51 - 288.60)
Act 216 of 1956 Repealed-MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS (288.71 - 288.83)
Act 222 of 1913 Repealed-MANUFACTURING MILK ACT (288.101 - 288.117)
Act 91 of 1962 Repealed-PROCESSING DAIRY PRODUCTS BY STEAM INFUSION (288.121 - 288.126)
Act 291 of 1947 Repealed-PASTEURIZATION OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS (288.131 - 288.137)
Act 45 of 1967 Repealed-PASTEURIZATION OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS (288.141 - 288.149)
Act 293 of 1945 Repealed-PASTEURIZATION OF MILK AND OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS (288.151 - 288.153)
Act 93 of 1915 Repealed-PASTEURIZATION OF BY-PRODUCTS (288.161 - 288.162)
Act 330 of 1945 Repealed-MICHIGAN FILLED MILK ACT (288.171 - 288.177)
Act 96 of 1919 Repealed-OFFICIAL CREAM TESTER (288.181 - 288.184)
Act 155 of 1939 Repealed-OVERRUN IN MANUFACTURE OF BUTTER; RECORDS (288.201 - 288.206)
Act 211 of 1955 Repealed-BUTTER GRADING AND LABELING (288.211 - 288.217)
Act 243 of 1903 Repealed-RENOVATED BUTTER (288.221 - 288.223)
Act 22 of 1901 Repealed-IMITATION BUTTER (288.241 - 288.242)
Act 63 of 1913 Repealed-OLEOMARGARINE OR MARGARINE (288.251 - 288.257)
Act 45 of 1891 Repealed-BUTTER SUBSTITUTES IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS (288.261 - 288.262)
Act 30 of 1923 Repealed-CHEESE (288.281 - 288.284)
Act 222 of 1931 Repealed-MICHIGAN ICE CREAM ACT (288.301 - 288.315)
Act 298 of 1968 Repealed-FROZEN DESSERTS ACT OF 1968 (288.321 - 288.334)
Act 154 of 1915 Repealed-STANDARD MILK BOTTLES (288.351 - 288.353)
Act 257 of 1911 Repealed-OPENING OR INTERFERING WITH MILK BOTTLES (288.371 - 288.372)
Act 124 of 1957 Repealed-FARM BULK MILK TANKS (288.381 - 288.391)
Act 235 of 1961 Repealed-IMITATION CREAM (288.401 - 288.406)
Act 77 of 1977 Repealed-POLYBROMINATED BIPHENYL CONTAMINATION (288.421 - 288.436)
Act 220 of 1983 Repealed-SILOS TREATED WITH POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (288.451 - 288.454)
Act 266 of 2001 GRADE A MILK LAW OF 2001 (288.471 - 288.540)
266-2001-I ARTICLE I (288.471...288.477)
Section 288.471 Short title.
Section 288.472 Definitions; A.
Section 288.473 Definitions; B to G.
Section 288.474 Definitions; I to M.
Section 288.475 Definitions; M to O.
Section 288.476 Definitions; P to S.
Section 288.477 Definitions; T to W.
266-2001-II ARTICLE II (288.490...288.495)
Section 288.490 Administration of act and promulgation of rules; adoption and incorporation by reference of pasteurized milk ordinance; "regulatory agency" amended; water for milk operations and purposes.
Section 288.491 Imposition of different standards or requirements prohibited; out-of-state produced milk or milk products.
Section 288.492 Inspecting, sampling, and investigating conditions; authority of director to enter premises or vehicles.
Section 288.493 Seizure; procedures.
Section 288.494 Declaration of imminent health hazard; findings; prohibited conduct; dairy animals classified as tuberculosis reactors.
Section 288.495 Repeal of MCL 288.21 to 288.29a and R 285.408.1 to R 285.408.5.
266-2001-III ARTICLE III (288.500...288.506)
Section 288.500 Licensing required; prohibited conduct; compliance with act; temporary license or permit; state agencies operating dairy facilities; applicant for initial grade A dairy farm permit; examination of books, records, and accounts; applicants for permits or licenses; milk products manufactured at retail food establishments.
Section 288.501 Milk plant license; application; form; renewal; fees; deposit; new construction, remodeling, and equipment changes; late fee; total fees.
Section 288.502 Certified industry farm inspectors; license fee; requirements.
Section 288.503 Activities requiring license or permit; fees; license renewals; application for initial grade A dairy farm permit; rates; payment; submission of invoice by milk buyer; assessment of plan review fee; fee for consecutive reinspections.
Section 288.503a Receipt of completed application; issuance of license within certain time period; "completed application" defined.
Section 288.504 Temporary license or permit.
Section 288.505 Special license fees or taxes.
Section 288.506 Access to markets for grade A milk and milk products; certificate of free sale; application; fees; "certificate of free sale" defined.
266-2001-IV ARTICLE IV (288.510...288.518)
Section 288.510 Purchasing milk for resale or manufacture into another product; payment; manner; dates; issuance of check; notation.
Section 288.511 Security device as condition to issuance and maintenance of license; exemption.
Section 288.512 Milk plant not providing security device; audited or verified financial statement; requirements.
Section 288.513 Other forms of security; terms and conditions; value.
Section 288.514 Prepayment.
Section 288.515 Cancellation or modification of security device; milk plant as first receiving point for milk; milk sold in interstate commerce; choice of independent audit or voluntary security modification; cost of audit; payment; failure of milk plant to meet minimum liquidity requirement.
Section 288.516 Change in security device; circumstances; decision by department to require modification of security device; notice to producers shipping milk.
Section 288.517 Breach of secured obligation; filing verified proof of claim or evidence of default; entry of department order requiring creditors to file claims; publication of order; audit by department; order allowing or disallowing each claim; collection of amount from licensee or surety to satisfy claims; action by attorney general; award of interest; other lien, security, or priority.
Section 288.518 License issued, renewed, or modified; notice to producers delivering milk; form.
266-2001-V ARTICLE V (288.520...288.530)
Section 288.520 Conduct resulting in revocation, suspension, or summary suspension of license or permit; administrative action; notice to each producer; time period for licensee or permittee to regain compliance and reinstatement.
Section 288.521 Immediate discontinuation of operation; eligibility for reinstatement; order of summary suspension; effect of order during proceedings.
Section 288.522 Conduct as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 288.523 Violation of act by producer; sanctions and administrative fines; procedure.
Section 288.524 Restraining order.
Section 288.530 Packaged milk products; label requirements; advertisements.
266-2001-VI ARTICLE VI (288.531...288.540)
Section 288.531 Bulk milk hauler/sampler; requirements for picking up milk; measurement; pickup record; information; copies; responsibility of driver for official samples.
Section 288.532 Bulk milk hauler/sampler; duties.
Section 288.533 Bulk milk hauler/sampler; partial pickups; thermometer; sample transfer instrument and transport case; hose port; compliance with pasteurized milk ordinance.
Section 288.534 Milk transport truck; requirements.
Section 288.535 Farm tank; requirements.
Section 288.536 Care and handling of milk samples; substantial compliance.
Section 288.537 Analysis; responsibilities; methods; acceptance or rejection.
Section 288.538 Pasteurized milk and milk products offered for sale; requirements.
Section 288.539 Sell-by date; requirements.
Section 288.540 Effective date.
Act 267 of 2001 MANUFACTURING MILK LAW OF 2001 (288.561 - 288.740)
Section 288.561 Short title.
267-2001-I ARTICLE I (288.570...288.577)
Section 288.570 Definitions; A.
Section 288.571 Definitions; B, C.
Section 288.572 Definitions; D.
Section 288.573 Definitions; F to L.
Section 288.574 Definitions; M.
Section 288.575 Definitions; M.
Section 288.576 Definitions; O to R.
Section 288.577 Definitions; S to W.
267-2001-3 ARTICLE 3 (288.590...288.592)
Section 288.590 Other standards or requirements; inspection reports; out-of-state milk products.
Section 288.591 Repeal of acts; rescission of rules.
Section 288.592 Effective date.
267-2001-5 ARTICLE 5 (288.610...288.611)
Section 288.610 Administration of act; rules; incorporation by reference.
Section 288.611 Investigations; inspections.
267-2001-7 ARTICLE 7 (288.630...288.631)
Section 288.630 Prohibited acts; standards; compliance.
Section 288.631 Testing frequency for dairy products; testing dairy farm water supplies.
267-2001-9 ARTICLE 9 (288.650...288.652)
Section 288.650 Inspecting, sampling, and investigating conditions; authority of director and department.
Section 288.651 Seizure of milk, dairy products, or equipment; findings; condemnation or destruction; removal of tag or transfer to another container prohibited.
Section 288.652 Access to markets for milk and dairy products; certificate of free sale; application; fees; "certificate of free sale" defined.
267-2001-11 ARTICLE 11 (288.670...288.686)
Section 288.670 License or permit.
Section 288.670a Receipt of completed application for initial or renewal license; issuance of license within certain time period; "completed application" defined.
Section 288.670b "Pasteurized milk ordinance" defined; license to conduct certified industry manufacturing farm inspections; license fee; inspections; authorization by director.
Section 288.671 Milk products manufactured at retail food establishments; exemption.
Section 288.672 Unlicensed dairy plant or previously denied license dairy plant; application for license; investigation of sanitary conditions.
Section 288.673 Noncompliance with act or rule; revocation or suspension of license or permit; administrative fine; notice; findings; operation of business or activity; reinstatement.
Section 288.674 Summary suspension of license or permit; findings; compliance and reinstatement; order.
Section 288.675 Purchasing milk for resale or manufacture into another product; payment to producer; manner and dates; violation; issuance of check.
Section 288.676 Condition to issuance and maintenance of license; security required; exemption.
Section 288.677 Audited financial statement.
Section 288.678 Other forms of security; request for information from financial and insurance services of department of consumer and industry services.
Section 288.679 Cash prepayments.
Section 288.680 Cancellation or modification of security by dairy plant; notice required; manner; increase in amount due and accrued; applicability to dairy products in interstate commerce; disclosure of financial and product information; audited financial statement; complaint by producer requesting independent audit; filing; costs; suspension or revocation of dairy plant license; reinstatement.
Section 288.681 Change in security device; circumstances requiring dairy plant to provide change or increase; notice sent by department to dairy plant; notice to producers.
Section 288.682 Breach of obligation; proof of claim or evidence of default; order requiring filing of claims by creditors; publication of notice; notice of allowance or disallowance; action by attorney general; distribution; other liens, security, or priority.
Section 288.683 Notice to producers of type of security device used; form; qualifications for dairy plant license.
Section 288.684 Conduct as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 288.685 Selling milk found positive for violative drug residues; sanctions and administrative fines.
Section 288.686 Restraining order.
267-2001-13 ARTICLE 13 (288.690...288.703)
Section 288.690 Milk for human consumption; compliance with requirements for eradication of tuberculosis and brucellosis; prohibited sale; disposal; milking barn or milking parlor; yard and loafing area; duties of person obtaining milk from dairy animal; milkhouse or milkroom; dairy farm bulk tank; milk shipping.
Section 288.691 Transporting milk; vehicles; duties of licensed bulk milk hauler/sampler; testing of milk by dairy plant, transfer station, or receiving station.
Section 288.692 Load samples; testing for violative drug residue; disposal of milk testing positive; identification of producer of milk testing positive; copies of test results; processing or availability of raw milk; milk exceeding certain limits; determining and remedying cause of illegal somatic cell count, temperature, or bacteria; permit suspension; reinstatement; shipping prohibited; duties of milk representative.
Section 288.693 Examination of test results and inspection of dairy farms; frequency.
Section 288.694 Failure of producer to meet minimum quality standards.
Section 288.695 Incoming raw milk and manufactured dairy products; samples.
Section 288.696 Pasteurized milk and dairy products; sale; processing as low-acid foods.
Section 288.697 “Pasteurization” and “pasteurized”; temperature and time relationships.
Section 288.698 Manufacture of cheese; use of unpasteurized milk.
Section 288.699 Milk and dairy products; pasteurization required; cooling; equipment; temperature; ingredients added before or after pasteurization; repasteurized condensed milk; design and operation of pasteurization equipment.
Section 288.700 Manufacturing milk into dairy product; duties of plant owner or operator.
Section 288.701 Manufacturing milk into dairy product; additional duties of plant owner or operator.
Section 288.702 Dairy plant employee; requirements.
Section 288.703 Owner or operator of dairy plant; duties; package labels; advertising.
267-2001-15 ARTICLE 15 (288.710...288.719)
Section 288.710 Manufacturing dry milk products; duties of plant owner or operator.
Section 288.711 Condensed products; temperature; use of surge, balance, or storage tank.
Section 288.712 Dry products.
Section 288.713 Dry milk product repackaging operator; duties.
Section 288.714 Dryers, conveyors, sifters, and storage bins; cleaning.
Section 288.715 Manufacturing, processing, and packaging butter; duties of plant owner or operator.
Section 288.716 Sale of butter; requirements.
Section 288.717 Butter; grading standards.
Section 288.718 Butter; chlorinating facilities; contamination prevention; containers or packaging materials.
Section 288.719 Parchment liners, wrappers, and other packaging material; protection against contamination.
267-2001-17 ARTICLE 17 (288.730...288.740)
Section 288.730 Cheese; duties of manufacturer or processor.
Section 288.731 Manufacturing or processing cheese; pasteurization temperature and time standards; equipment.
Section 288.732 Cheese; additional duties of manufacturer or processor.
Section 288.733 Supplying processed cheese to filler or slice former; requirements.
Section 288.734 Evaporated, condensed, or sterilized dairy products; systems and equipment requirements.
Section 288.735 Frozen dessert; pasteurization.
Section 288.736 Equipment; compliance with sanitary standards.
Section 288.737 Frozen desserts; temperature of dairy products received in fluid form; rerun standards; packaging; labeling.
Section 288.738 Nonconforming new frozen dessert or mix; submission of label for review and approval.
Section 288.739 Vehicle to transport mix, frozen desserts, and ingredients; construction and operation; cleaning.
Section 288.740 Mobile frozen dessert plant; requirements.