MCL - Index of R.S. of 1846

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
R.S. of 1846 Revised Statutes of 1846 (14.28 - 14.35)
R-S-1846-14-28-12 CHAPTER 12 Chapter 12. Of Certain State Officers.3 (14.28...14.35)
R-S-1846-14-28-12-THE-ATTORNEY-GENERAL. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. (14.28...14.35)
Section 14.28 Representation of state; designation of solicitor general.
Section 14.29 Suits involving state departments.
Section 14.30 Supervision of prosecutors; report to legislature.
Section 14.31 Annual report to legislature; abstract of prosecutor's reports.
Section 14.32 Opinions for state officials; failure of prosecutors to file annual reports.
Section 14.33 Moneys received payable to state treasury; deposit of proceeds to restricted fund; “proceeds” defined.
Section 14.34 Record of participation in actions; delivery to successor.
Section 14.35 Salary; assistants; service on commissions.