MCL - Index of Act 55 of 1895

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 55 of 1895 LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION (457.51 - 457.58)
Section 457.51 Loyal Orange Institution, incorporation.
Section 457.52 Grand lodge; articles of association, execution, contents.
Section 457.53 Grand lodge; filing copy of articles with department of commerce; associates and successors as body politic and corporate; power and authority.
Section 457.54 Grand lodge; certified copy of articles as evidence; subordinate lodges, institution; existing lodges; regulation.
Section 457.55 Subordinate lodge; incorporation; making and executing articles of association; filing copy of articles with department of commerce; associates and successors as body politic and corporate; powers; limitations; evidence of existence and incorporation.
Section 457.56 Erection of buildings; capital stock, creation, shares; cemetery or crematorium, purchase, rules and regulations.
Section 457.57 Governing law; amendment of act.
Section 457.58 Changing location of business office; filing written notice of change with department of commerce.