MCL - Index of Act 38 of 1969

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 38 of 1969 HOSPITAL FINANCE AUTHORITY ACT (331.31 - 331.84)
38-1969-1 CHAPTER 1 (331.31...331.33)
Section 331.31 Hospital finance authority act; short title.
Section 331.32 Legislative declaration.
Section 331.33 Definitions.
38-1969-2 CHAPTER 2 (331.41...331.46)
Section 331.41 State hospital finance authority; creation; public body corporate and politic; appointment and terms of members; vacancies; deputies; quorum; action by authority; expenses; authority within department of treasury; independent exercise of powers, duties, and functions; conducting business at public meeting; notice.
Section 331.42 Powers of state authority.
Section 331.43 Hospital loan from state authority; purpose; requirements; security; appointment of receiver; limitation on loan; repayment; interest.
Section 331.44 Bonds and notes; renewal notes; refunding bonds; notes or bonds as general obligations of authority; contents of resolution authorizing notes or bonds; authority of member, officer, or other employee.
Section 331.45 Repealed. 1992, Act 302, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 1992.
Section 331.46 State authority; state treasurer, agent; deposits, payments, security; agreements; system of accounts.
38-1969-3 CHAPTER 3 (331.51...331.63)
Section 331.51 Incorporation of local hospital authority; purposes.
Section 331.52 Local authority; articles of incorporation, adoption, certificate form.
Section 331.53 Local authority; articles, contents.
Section 331.54 Local authority; articles, execution, filing, publication; validity of incorporation.
Section 331.55 Local authority; articles, amendment.
Section 331.56 Local authority as public body corporate; enumeration of powers; general powers not limited; conducting business at public meeting; notice.
Section 331.57 Powers of local authority.
Section 331.57a Hospital loan from local authority; purpose; requirements; security; appointment of receiver; limitation on loan; repayment; interest.
Section 331.58 Power of local authority to borrow money and issue negotiable bonds; purpose; payment of principal and interest; bond or coupon not general obligation or debt.
Section 331.59 Contents of resolution authorizing bonds.
Section 331.60 Additional provisions of resolution authorizing bonds.
Section 331.61 Local authority; bonds, enforcement of payment, validity, publication.
Section 331.62 Issuance of new bonds.
Section 331.63 Local authority; conveyance of hospital facilities.
38-1969-4 CHAPTER 4 (331.71...331.84)
Section 331.71 Applicability of chapter.
Section 331.72 Bonds and notes; authorization; type; payment; interest; denominations; form; registration privileges; execution; redemption; sale; revised municipal finance act inapplicable; bonds and notes subject to agency financing reporting act.
Section 331.72a Bond reserve fund; creation; payment into fund; funding; discretion of authority; uses.
Section 331.73 Pledges and liens; validity; recording.
Section 331.73a Refunding bonds; issuance; purposes.
Section 331.73b Refunding bonds; resolution; plan of refunding; determination; designation of bonds.
Section 331.73c Refunding bonds issued by state authority; payment of principal, interest, and redemption premiums; sources; loan agreement.
Section 331.73d Refunding bonds; nonliability of state; statement.
Section 331.73e Refunding bonds issued by local authority; payment of principal, interest, and redemption premiums; sources; loan agreement; bond, coupon, or indebtedness not general obligation or debt.
Section 331.73f Use of proceeds of refunding bonds and of earnings or profits on proceeds; resolution.
Section 331.73g State treasurer or financial institution as trustee for proceeds of refunding bonds, other funds, and investment earnings and profits; purposes; trust agreement; investment of proceeds; defeasance.
Section 331.74 Authority members; persons executing notes or bonds; personal liability.
Section 331.75 Bond or note holders; vested rights, impairment.
Section 331.76 Repealed. 2002, Act 436, Imd. Eff. June 10, 2002.
Section 331.77 Certificate of need required; exception.
Section 331.77a Bonds to refinance indebtedness or refund obligations as to facilities located outside state; determination.
Section 331.77b Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds or notes; determination and consideration of conditions.
Section 331.78 Bonds or notes; negotiability.
Section 331.79 Bonds and notes; legal investments.
Section 331.80 Tax exemption.
Section 331.81 Bonds and notes; tax exemption, exception.
Section 331.82 Nondiscrimination provision.
Section 331.83 Construction of act as to powers conferred; purpose and intention.
Section 331.84 Declaration of necessity; liberal construction.