MCL - Index of Act 33 of 2008
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 33 of 2008 | MICHIGAN PLANNING ENABLING ACT (125.3801 - 125.3885) |
33-2008-I. | ARTICLE I. GENERAL PROVISIONS (125.3801...125.3807) |
Section 125.3801 | Short title. |
Section 125.3803 | Definitions. |
Section 125.3805 | Assignment of power or duty to county officer or body. |
Section 125.3807 | Master plan; adoption, amendment, and implementation by local government; purpose. |
Section 125.3811 | Planning commission; creation; adoption of ordinance by local unit of government; notice required; exception; adoption of charter provision by city or home rule village; effect of repeal of planning act; continued exercise or transfer of powers and duties of zoning board or zoning commission. |
Section 125.3813 | Planning commission; effect of township ordinance; number of days; petition requesting submission of ordinance to electors; filing; petition subject to Michigan election law; violation. |
Section 125.3815 | Planning commission; membership; appointment; terms; vacancy; representation; qualifications; ex-officio members; board serving as planning commission; removal of member; conditions; conflict of interest; additional requirements. |
Section 125.3817 | Chairperson, secretary, and other offices; election; terms; appointment of advisory committees. |
Section 125.3819 | Bylaws; adoption; public record requirements; annual report by planning commission. |
Section 125.3821 | Meetings; frequency; time; place; special meeting; notice; compliance with open meetings act; availability of writings to public. |
Section 125.3823 | Compensation; expenses; preparation of budget; acceptance of gifts. |
Section 125.3825 | Employment of planning director and other personnel; contract for services; use of information and advice provided by public officials, departments, and agencies. |
Section 125.3831 | Master plan; preparation by planning commission; meetings with other governmental planning commissions or agency staff; powers. |
Section 125.3833 | Master plan; land use and infrastructure issues; inclusion of maps, plats, charts, and other related matter; recommendations for physical development; additional subjects; implementation of master street plan or certain elements; specifications; section subject to MCL 125.3881(1); public transportation facilities. |
Section 125.3835 | Subplan; adoption. |
Section 125.3837 | Metropolitan county planning commission; designation; powers. |
Section 125.3839 | Master plan; adoption; procedures; notice; submittals; use of electronic mail. |
Section 125.3841 | Preparation of proposed master plan; submission to legislative body for review and comment; approval required; notice; submission of comments; statements as advisory. |
Section 125.3843 | Proposed master plan; public hearing; notice; approval by resolution of planning commission; statement; submission of copy of master plan to legislative body; approval or rejection by legislative body; procedures; submission of adopted master plan to certain entities. |
Section 125.3845 | Extension, addition, revision, or other amendment to master plan; adoption; procedures; review and findings. |
Section 125.3847 | Part of county master plan covering incorporated area; adoption by appropriate city or village required; exception. |
Section 125.3849 | City or village planning department; authority to submit proposed master plan, or proposed extension, addition, revision, or other amendment. |
Section 125.3851 | Public interest and understanding; promotion. |
Section 125.3861 | Construction of certain projects in area covered by municipal master plan; approval; initiation of work on project; requirements; report and advice. |
Section 125.3863 | Approval of construction project before effective date of act; rescission of authorization; failure of planning commission to act within certain period of time. |
Section 125.3865 | Capital improvements program of public structures and improvements; preparation; basis. |
Section 125.3867 | Programs for public structures and improvements; recommendations. |
Section 125.3869 | Copy of zoning ordinance and amendments; request by county planning commission for submission by municipal planning commission. |
Section 125.3871 | Recommendations for ordinances or rules governing subdivision of land; public hearing; notice; action on proposed plat; approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval by planning commission; approval of plat as amendment to master plan. |
33-2008-V. | ARTICLE V. TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS AND REPEALER (125.3881...125.3885) |
Section 125.3881 | Plan adopted or amended under planning act repealed under MCL 125.3885; effect; city or home rule village charter provision creating planning commission or ordinance implementing provision before effective date of act; ordinance creating planning commission under former law; ordinance or rules governing subdivision of land. |
Section 125.3883 | Transfer of powers, duties, and records. |
Section 125.3885 | Repeal of certain acts. |