MCL - Index of Act 306 of 1969
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 306 of 1969 |
306-1969-1 | CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (24.201...24.211) |
Section 24.201 | Administrative procedures; short title. |
Section 24.203 | Definitions; A to G. |
Section 24.205 | Definitions; L to R. |
Section 24.207 | "Rule" defined. |
Section 24.207a | “Small business” defined. |
Section 24.208 | Michigan register; publication; cumulative index; contents; public subscription; fee; synopsis of proposed rule or guideline; transmitting copies to office of regulatory reform. |
Section 24.211 | Construction of act. |
306-1969-2 | CHAPTER 2 GUIDELINES (24.221...24.228) |
Section 24.221-24.223 | Repealed. 1976, Act 442, Eff. Apr. 13, 1977. |
Section 24.224 | Adoption of guideline; notice. |
Section 24.225 | Guidelines as public record; distribution of copies. |
Section 24.226 | Adoption of guidelines in lieu of rules prohibited. |
Section 24.227 | Validity of guidelines; contesting guideline. |
Section 24.228 | Adoption of standard form contract; notice. |
Section 24.231 | Rules; continuation; amendment; rescission. |
Section 24.232 | Statutory construction; discrimination; crimes; adoption by reference; effect of guideline, operational memorandum, bulletin, interpretive statement, or form with instructions; agency order; limitation on rule-making delegation. |
Section 24.233 | Rules; organization; operations; procedures. |
Section 24.233.amended | Rules; organization; operations; procedures. |
Section 24.234 | Office of regulatory reform; agency; powers and duties. |
Section 24.235 | Joint committee on administrative rules; creation; appointment and terms of members; chairperson; expenses; meetings; hearings; action by committee; report; hiring and supervision of staff and related functions. |
Section 24.235a | Repealed. 1993, Act 7, Eff. Dec. 8, 1994. |
Section 24.236 | Office of regulatory reform procedures and standards for rules. |
Section 24.238 | Filing of requests by individuals for promulgation of certain rules. |
Section 24.239 | Request for rule-making. |
Section 24.239a | Notice of public hearing; approval by office; copies. |
Section 24.239a.amended | Notice of public hearing; approval by office; copies. |
Section 24.240 | Reducing disproportionate economic impact of rule on small business; applicability of section and MCL 24.245(3). |
Section 24.241 | Notice of public hearing before adoption of rule; opportunity to present data, views, questions, and arguments; time, contents, and transmittal of notice; advanced notice of proposed action; provisions governing public hearing; presence and participation of certain persons at public hearing required. |
Section 24.241.amended | Notice of public hearing before adoption of rule; opportunity to present data, views, questions, and arguments; time, contents, and transmittal of notice; advanced notice of proposed action; provisions governing public hearing; presence and participation of certain persons at public hearing required. |
Section 24.241a | Request by legislator for copies of proposed rules or changes in rules. |
Section 24.242 | Notice of public hearing; publication requirements; submission of copy to office; publication of notice in Michigan register; distribution of copies of notice of public hearing; meeting of joint committee on administrative rules. |
Section 24.242.amended | Notice of public hearing; publication requirements; submission of copy to office; publication of notice in Michigan Register; distribution of copies of notice of public hearing; meeting of joint committee on administrative rules. |
Section 24.243 | Compliance required; contesting rule on ground of noncompliance. |
Section 24.243.amended | Compliance required; contesting rule on ground of noncompliance. |
Section 24.244 | Notice of public hearings on rules; exceptions to requirements; applicability of MCL 24.241, 24.242, and 24.266 to rules promulgated under Michigan occupational safety and health act or determination under MCL 24.245c(3); "substantially similar" defined. |
Section 24.244.amended | Notice of public hearings on rules; exceptions to requirements; applicability of MCL 24.241 and 24.242 to rules promulgated under Michigan occupational safety and health act or determination under MCL 24.245c(3); "substantially similar" defined. |
Section 24.245 | Approval of rules by legislative service bureau and office; agency reports; regulatory impact statement; fiscal agency reports; exceptions. |
Section 24.245a | Joint committee on administrative rules; consideration of rule; actions; filing of rule by office; effective date of rule; withdrawal and resubmission of rule; tolling; "session day" defined. |
Section 24.245b | Information to be posted on office of regulatory reinvention website. |
Section 24.245c | Proposal by committee that proposed rule be changed; actions by agency; review and determination by office; notice to committee. |
Section 24.246 | Promulgation of rules; procedure; arrangement, binding, certification, and inspection of rules. |
Section 24.247 | Effective date of rules; withdrawal or rescission of promulgated rules; notice of withdrawal. |
Section 24.247.amended | Effective date of rules; withdrawal or rescission of promulgated rules; notice of withdrawal. |
Section 24.248 | Emergency rules; tolling effective date; scheduling substance as controlled substance; numbering and compilation; "administrator" defined. |
Section 24.248.amended | Emergency rules; scheduling substance as controlled substance; numbering and compilation; "administrator" defined. |
Section 24.249 | Filed rules; transmission. |
Section 24.250 | Legislative standing committees; functions. |
Section 24.251 | Amendment and rescission of rules by legislature; introduction of bill. |
Section 24.252 | Suspension of rules. |
Section 24.253 | Annual regulatory plan; link to website of office of regulatory reinvention. |
Section 24.254 | Failure of committee to provide notice. |
Section 24.255 | Annual supplement to Michigan administrative code; electronic publication by office of regulatory reform; contents. |
Section 24.256 | Editorial work for Michigan register, Michigan administrative code, and code supplements; uniformity; conformity with Michigan compiled laws; correction of obvious errors; publication of Michigan administrative code; time for publishing supplements. |
Section 24.257 | Omission of rules from Michigan register, Michigan administrative code, and code supplements; conditions; prorating publication and distribution cost of materials published in Michigan register and annual supplement; payment. |
Section 24.258 | Request for preparation of reproduction proofs or negatives of rules; reimbursement; publication of rules electronically or in pamphlets; cost. |
Section 24.259 | Copies of Michigan register, Michigan administrative code, and code supplements; distribution; official use. |
Section 24.261 | Filing and publication of rules; presumptions arising therefrom; judicial notice. |
Section 24.263 | Declaratory ruling by agency as to applicability of rule. |
Section 24.264 | Declaratory judgment as to validity or applicability of rule. |
Section 24.265 | Environmental rules review committee; membership; requirements and exclusions; terms; removal; powers and duties; purpose. |
Section 24.266 | Request for rule-making; procedure; notification in writing; public hearing; extension; agency report; review, approval, or rejection proposed rules; certificates of approval; legislative service bureau. |
306-1969-4 | CHAPTER 4 PROCEDURES IN CONTESTED CASES (24.271...24.288) |
Section 24.271 | Parties in contested case; time and notice of hearing; service of notice or other process on legislator. |
Section 24.272 | Defaults, written answers, evidence, argument, cross-examination. |
Section 24.273 | Subpoenas; issuance; revocation. |
Section 24.274 | Oaths; depositions; disclosure of agency records. |
Section 24.275 | Evidence; admissibility, objections, submission in written form. |
Section 24.275a | Definitions; hearing where witness testifies as alleged victim of sexual, physical, or psychological abuse; use of dolls or mannequins; support person; notice; ruling on objection; exclusion of persons not necessary to proceeding; section additional to other protections or procedures. |
Section 24.276 | Evidence to be entered on record; documentary evidence. |
Section 24.277 | Official notice of facts; evaluation of evidence. |
Section 24.278 | Stipulations; disposition of cases, methods. |
Section 24.279 | Presiding officers; designation; disqualification, inability. |
Section 24.280 | Presiding officer; powers and duties; “nonmeeting day” defined. |
Section 24.281 | Proposals for decision; contents. |
Section 24.282 | Communications by agency staff; limitations; exceptions. |
Section 24.285 | Final decision and order. |
Section 24.286 | Official records of hearings. |
Section 24.287 | Rehearings. |
Section 24.288 | Contested case for permit under MCL 324.1301. |
306-1969-5 | CHAPTER 5 LICENSES (24.291...24.292) |
Section 24.291 | Licensing; applicability of contested case provisions; expiration of license. |
Section 24.292 | License; suspension, revocation, and amendment proceedings; summary suspension. |
306-1969-6 | CHAPTER 6 JUDICIAL REVIEW (24.301...24.306) |
Section 24.301 | Judicial review as of right or by leave. |
Section 24.302 | Judicial review; method. |
Section 24.303 | Petition for review; filing; contents; copy of agency decision or order. |
Section 24.304 | Petition for review; filing, time; stay; record; scope. |
Section 24.305 | Inadequate record; additional evidence, modification of findings, decision order. |
Section 24.306 | Grounds for reversals. |
306-1969-7 | CHAPTER 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (24.311...24.315) |
Section 24.311 | Repeals. |
Section 24.312 | References to repealed acts. |
Section 24.313 | Effective date and applicability. |
Section 24.314 | Rules in process. |
Section 24.315 | Exemptions. |
306-1969-8 | CHAPTER 8 (24.321...24.328) |
Section 24.321 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 24.322 | Definitions. |
Section 24.323 | Awarding costs and fees; finding; hearing; evidence; reduction or denial of award; final action; amount of costs and fees; applicability of section. |
Section 24.324 | Delaying entry of final order prohibited. |
Section 24.325 | Judicial review; modification of final action; making award pursuant to MCL 600.2421d. |
Section 24.326 | Annual report; payment of costs and fees. |
Section 24.327 | Recovery of same costs under other law prohibited. |
Section 24.328 | Applicability of MCL 24.321 to 24.327 to contested cases. |