MCL - Index of Act 300 of 1949

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 300 of 1949 MICHIGAN VEHICLE CODE (257.1 - 257.923)
300-1949-I CHAPTER I WORDS AND PHRASES DEFINED (257.1...257.83)
Section 257.1 Michigan vehicle code; words and phrases defined.
Section 257.1a "Accessory" and "adequate in-person services" defined.
Section 257.1b “Ambulance” defined.
Section 257.1c “Articulated bus” defined.
Section 257.1d “Alcoholic liquor” defined.
Section 257.2 “Authorized emergency vehicle” defined; additional definitions.
Section 257.2a “Automotive recycler” defined.
Section 257.2b Additional definitions.
Section 257.2c.added "Automated speed enforcement system" and "automated speed enforcement system operator" defined.
Section 257.3 “Axle” defined.
Section 257.3a "Basic driver improvement course" defined.
Section 257.4 “Bicycle” defined.
Section 257.4a “Birthday” defined.
Section 257.4b “Bus” defined.
Section 257.4c “Buy back vehicle” defined.
Section 257.5 "Business district" and "commercial business" defined.
Section 257.5a “Cancellation” defined.
Section 257.6 "Chauffeur" defined.
Section 257.6a “Civil infraction” defined.
Section 257.6b “Civil infraction determination” defined.
Section 257.6c “Civic event” defined.
Section 257.6d “Collector plate” defined.
Section 257.7 "Commercial vehicle" defined.
Section 257.7a “Commercial motor vehicle” defined.
Section 257.7b "Commercial quadricycle" defined.
Section 257.8 “Commissioner” defined.
Section 257.8a "Conviction" defined.
Section 257.8b “Controlled substance” defined.
Section 257.9 “County jail” defined.
Section 257.10 “Cross-walk” defined.
Section 257.11 “Dealer” defined.
Section 257.11a “Demonstrator” defined.
Section 257.11b “Dealer license” defined.
Section 257.12 “Department” defined.
Section 257.12a “Distressed vehicle” defined.
Section 257.12b “Distressed vehicle transporter” defined.
Section 257.12c "Digital network" defined.
Section 257.13 “Driver” defined.
Section 257.13a “Elected gross weight” defined.
Section 257.13b “Empty weight” defined.
Section 257.13c “Electric personal assistive mobility device” defined.
Section 257.13d "Electric carriage" defined.
Section 257.13e "Electric bicycle" defined.
Section 257.13f "Electric skateboard" defined.
Section 257.14 "Established place of business" defined.
Section 257.14a “Executive” or “manufacturer's vehicle” defined.
Section 257.15 “Explosives” defined.
Section 257.16 “Farm tractor” defined.
Section 257.17 “Flammable liquid” defined.
Section 257.17a “Foreign salvage vehicle dealer” defined.
Section 257.17b “Fund-raising registration plate” and “state-sponsored goal” defined.
Section 257.17c “Flood vehicle” defined.
Section 257.18 Definitions, F.
Section 257.18a “Freeway” defined.
Section 257.18b “Gross combination weight rating” or “GCWR” and “gross vehicle weight rating” or “GVWR” defined.
Section 257.19 “Gross weight” defined.
Section 257.19a “Disabled person” and “person with disabilities” defined.
Section 257.19b “Hazardous material” defined.
Section 257.20 “Highway or street” defined.
Section 257.20a "Historic vehicle" defined.
Section 257.20b "High-occupancy vehicle" or "HOV" defined.
Section 257.20c "High-occupancy vehicle lane" or "HOV lane" defined.
Section 257.20d "Ignition interlock device," "breath alcohol ignition interlock device," or "BAIID" defined.
Section 257.21 “Implement of husbandry” defined.
Section 257.22 “Intersection” defined.
Section 257.23 “Judgment” defined.
Section 257.23a “Juvenile adjudication” defined.
Section 257.23b “Juvenile disposition” defined.
Section 257.24 “Laned roadway” defined.
Section 257.24a “Leased vehicle” defined.
Section 257.24b “Late model vehicle” defined.
Section 257.24c “Law of another state” defined.
Section 257.25 “License” defined.
Section 257.25a “Autocycle” defined.
Section 257.25b “Low-speed vehicle” defined.
Section 257.25c "Limousine" defined.
Section 257.25d "Limousine driver" defined.
Section 257.26 “Limited access highway” defined.
Section 257.27 “Local authorities” defined.
Section 257.27a “Major component part” defined.
Section 257.28 “Manufacturer” defined.
Section 257.29 “Maximum axle load” defined.
Section 257.30 “Metal tire” defined.
Section 257.30a Repealed. 1978, Act 568, Eff. Jan. 6, 1979.
Section 257.30b “Michigan university” defined.
Section 257.30c "Modified agriculture vehicle" defined.
Section 257.31 “Motorcycle” defined.
Section 257.32 Repealed. 1976, Act 439, Imd. Eff. Jan. 13, 1977.
Section 257.32a “Motor home” defined.
Section 257.32b "Moped" defined.
Section 257.33 "Motor vehicle" defined.
Section 257.33a “New motor vehicle” defined.
Section 257.33b “Nonprofit recycling center” defined.
Section 257.34 “Nonresident” defined.
Section 257.35 “Nonresident operating privilege” defined.
Section 257.35a “Operate” or “operating” defined.
Section 257.35b “Older model vehicle” defined.
Section 257.35c “Off lease vehicle” defined.
Section 257.36 “Operator” or “operating” defined.
Section 257.36a “Owner-operator” defined.
Section 257.36b "Out-of-service" defined.
Section 257.36c "Other on-track equipment" defined.
Section 257.37 “Owner” defined.
Section 257.38 “Parking” defined.
Section 257.38a "Park model trailer" defined.
Section 257.39 "Pedestrian" defined.
Section 257.39a “Permanent disability” defined.
Section 257.40 “Person” defined.
Section 257.40a “Pickup camper” defined.
Section 257.40b "Personal information" and “highly restricted personal information” defined.
Section 257.40c "Platoon" defined.
Section 257.40c[1] "Personal vehicle" defined.
Section 257.41 “Pole-trailer” defined.
Section 257.41a “Police book” defined.
Section 257.42 "Police officer" defined.
Section 257.43 “Police station” defined.
Section 257.43a "Preliminary chemical breath analysis" defined.
Section 257.43b "Preliminary oral fluid analysis" defined.
Section 257.43c "Power-driven mobility device" defined.
Section 257.44 “Private driveway” and “private road” defined.
Section 257.44a “Probate court disposition” defined.
Section 257.45 “Proof of financial responsibility” defined.
Section 257.45a “Prosecuting attorney” defined.
Section 257.46 "Railroad" defined.
Section 257.47 “Railroad sign or signal” defined.
Section 257.48 "Railroad track" defined.
Section 257.49 "Railroad train" defined.
Section 257.49a "Recreational vehicle" defined.
Section 257.50 “Registration” defined.
Section 257.50a “Residence address” defined.
Section 257.51 Repealed. 2006, Act 85, Eff. Nov. 9, 2006.
Section 257.51a “Resident” defined.
Section 257.52 “Revocation” defined.
Section 257.53 “Right-of-way” defined.
Section 257.54 “Road tractor” defined.
Section 257.55 “Roadway” defined.
Section 257.56 “Safety zone” defined.
Section 257.56a “Salvage vehicle” defined.
Section 257.56b “Salvageable part” defined.
Section 257.56c “Salvage vehicle agent” defined.
Section 257.57 “School bus” defined.
Section 257.57a “School crossing” defined.
Section 257.57b “School crossing guard” defined.
Section 257.57c Repealed. 2002, Act 534, Eff. Oct. 1, 2002.
Section 257.57d “Scrap certificate of title” defined.
Section 257.57e “Scrap vehicle” defined.
Section 257.58 “Secretary of state” defined.
Section 257.58b “Security interest,”“security agreement,”“secured party,”“debtor,”“financing statement,” and “termination statement” defined.
Section 257.58c “Serious impairment of a body function” defined.
Section 257.59 “Semi-trailer” defined.
Section 257.59a “Shoulder” and “ditch slope” defined.
Section 257.60 “Sidewalk” defined.
Section 257.61 “Spacings between axles” defined.
Section 257.62 “Special mobile equipment” defined.
Section 257.62a "Standardized field sobriety test" defined.
Section 257.63 "Streetcar" defined.
Section 257.63a "Streetcar track" defined.
Section 257.64 “Street or highway” defined.
Section 257.64a "Street railway" defined.
Section 257.64b "Street railway system" defined.
Section 257.65 "State" defined.
Section 257.66 “Suspension” defined.
Section 257.67 “Tandem axle” defined.
Section 257.67a “Tandem axle assembly” and “tank vehicle” defined.
Section 257.67b “Temporary disability” defined.
Section 257.67c "Taxicab" defined.
Section 257.67d "Taxicab driver" defined.
Section 257.68 “Through highway” defined.
Section 257.69 "Traffic" defined.
Section 257.70 “Traffic control devices” defined.
Section 257.71 “Traffic control order” defined.
Section 257.72 “Traffic control signal” defined.
Section 257.73 “Trailer” defined.
Section 257.74 “Trailer coach” defined.
Section 257.74a "Travel trailer," "camping trailer," and "fifth wheel trailer" defined.
Section 257.75 “Truck” defined.
Section 257.76 “Transporter” defined.
Section 257.76a "Transportation network company" defined.
Section 257.76b "Transportation network company driver" defined.
Section 257.76c "Transportation network company prearranged ride" defined.
Section 257.76d "Transportation network company rider" defined.
Section 257.77 “Truck tractor” defined.
Section 257.78 “Used or second-hand vehicle” defined.
Section 257.78a “Used vehicle parts dealer” or “used or secondhand vehicle parts dealer” defined.
Section 257.79 “Vehicle” defined.
Section 257.79a “Vehicle salvage pool” defined.
Section 257.79b “Vehicle scrap metal processor” defined.
Section 257.79c “Wrecker” defined.
Section 257.79d “Work zone” defined.
Section 257.79d.amended "Work zone" and "temporary traffic control device" defined.
Section 257.79e "Wholesaler" defined.
Section 257.79f "Boat lift" defined.
Section 257.80 Tenses; definition.
Section 257.81 Number and gender; definitions.
Section 257.82 “Shall” and “may” defined.
Section 257.83 "Specialty court", "specialty court program", and "specialty court interlock program" defined.
Section 257.201 Reference to “division”.
Section 257.202 Secretary of state as exclusive state agent.
Section 257.203 Appointment of employees.
Section 257.203a Meaning of “commissioner” in MCL 257.301 to 257.327; effect of MCL 257.201 to 257.203a.
Section 257.204 Administration and enforcement of act; establishment of highway patrol prohibited; rules; official seal.
Section 257.204a Central file of individual driving records; certified copies as evidence; electronic certification; use of computer-generated certified information; persons who may receive information contained in records maintained by secretary of state.
Section 257.204a.amended Central file of individual driving records; certified copies as evidence; electronic certification; use of computer-generated certified information; persons who may receive information contained in records maintained by secretary of state.
Section 257.204b Conviction of attempted violation; effect.
Section 257.205 Secretary of state; office and branch offices; establishment; employees; bond; liability for loss of money; person appointed to conduct branch office; compensation and expenses.
Section 257.205a Plan to fully reopen secretary of state branches; written report.
Section 257.206 Forms.
Section 257.207 Administering oaths and acknowledging signatures without fee; certified copy of record; fee; evidence; electronic certification; use of computer-generated certified information.
Section 257.207a Electronic driver license status check; request by approved agency; maintenance of written permission by organization; compliance with safeguards; fee.
Section 257.208 Destruction of certain records; maintaining of records involving operation of commercial motor vehicles.
Section 257.208a Availability of records to the public.
Section 257.208b Commercial look-up service; records and information maintained by driver education provider or limousine carrier of passengers; disposition of fees; providing file to nongovernmental person or entity; failure to provide information; fines; definitions.
Section 257.208c Disclosure of personal information; uses.
Section 257.208d Resale or redisclosure of personal information; duties of recipient.
Section 257.209 Application for registration; certificate of title; operator's or other license, investigation.
Section 257.210 Title, registration certificate, permit, license or plate; seizure; possession and custody of plate; security interest.
Section 257.211 Synopsis, summary, or compilation of laws relating to vehicles; selling price of compilation; disposition and use of money collected.
Section 257.212 Notice; methods.
Section 257.213 Officers and investigators; powers.
Section 257.214 Badge of authority.
Section 257.215 Vehicle unregistered or without certificate of title; operation; misdemeanor, exception.
Section 257.216 Vehicles subject to registration and certificate of title provisions; pandemic expiration extension.
Section 257.217 Application for registration and certificate of title; out-of-state vehicle; form; fee; signature of owner; contents; leased pickup truck or vehicle; duties of dealer and person selling or leasing certain vehicles; off lease or buy back vehicle; temporary registration; service fee; imprint on back side of check or bank draft; liability for damages; perfection of security interest; exception for 2021.
Section 257.217a Registration plate inscribed with official amateur radio call letters; application; proof; fees; issuance of plate for vehicle bearing registration issued pursuant to MCL 257.801(1)(a) or (p); use on other vehicle as misdemeanor; surrender of registration plate; submission of application; expiration date.
Section 257.217b Moped; manufacturer's identification number.
Section 257.217c Acquisition of salvage, distressed, or older model vehicles; issuance of salvage or scrap certificates of title; salvage vehicle inspections; sale of vehicles; notice of designation as salvage vehicle; removal of scrap vehicle from state; determination of repair and labor costs; vehicle inspection fee; audit; "actual cash value" defined.
Section 257.217d Special Congressional Medal of Honor registration plate.
Section 257.217e Certificate of title for school bus; condition to issuance.
Section 257.217f Sale, assignment, or other disposition of vehicle for which salvage certificate of title required.
Section 257.217g Pickup camper; manufacturer's identification number.
Section 257.217h Liability of motor vehicle manufacturer.
Section 257.217i Issuance of vehicle identification number and certificate of title for assembled vehicles; requirements; safety study; "assembled vehicle" defined.
Section 257.217m, 257.217n Repealed. 2006, Act 562, Eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
Section 257.217o Repealed. 2012, Act 55, Eff. June 30, 2012.
Section 257.218 Specially constructed, reconstructed, or foreign vehicle; application for registration; fees.
Section 257.219 Refusal of registration, transfer of registration, certificate of title, or salvage certificate of title; grounds; temporary registration plate.
Section 257.220 Application for original registration or certificate of title; examination of indexes and stolen car records.
Section 257.221 Application for registration; creation and maintenance of computerized central file; records; preservation; availability; communication impediment designation; requirements; definition.
Section 257.222 Registration certificate; issuance; electronic title; flood, rebuilt, salvage, or scrap certificate of title issued by another state or jurisdiction; delivery; manufacture; contents; coat of arms of state; conduct constituting misdemeanor; penalties; certificate of title for certain vehicles to be different in color; contents of legend.
Section 257.223 Registration certificate; carrying; electronic accessibility; display; viewing on electronic device; digital photograph; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.224 Registration plate; digital registration plate; issuance; design; display; limitation on renewal; replacement.
Section 257.225 Registration plate; attachment to vehicle; legibility; color; distinctive registration plates; name plate, insignia, or advertising device; limitation; historic military vehicle; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.226 Expiration of vehicle or motorcycle registration; duties of secretary of state; issuance of registration; tax; validity of certificate of title; special registration; certification; registration of commercial vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer; assignment or reassignment of expiration date under international registration plan; leased vehicle multiyear registration; pandemic expiration extension.
Section 257.226a Temporary registration plates or markers.
Section 257.226b Temporary registration; duration; form; fee; use of vehicle.
Section 257.226c Reflectorized reflector plates, tabs, and stickers.
Section 257.227 Application for renewal of vehicle registration; fee; presentation of certificate of title; waiver; proof of vehicle insurance; transmission of vehicle policy information; disclosure.
Section 257.227a Vehicle involved in violation; renewal, replacement, or transfer of registration plate; appearance of owner or representative at branch office required; cancellation of registration; circumstances; notice and opportunity to be heard.
Section 257.227b Repealed. 2011, Act 92, Eff. Dec. 30, 2011.
Section 257.228 Notification of old and new addresses; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.229 Duplicate registration certificate, registration plate, certificate of title, or duplicate certificate of title.
Section 257.230 Special identifying number after alteration or defacement of serial number; record.
Section 257.230a Motorcycle without visible vehicle identification number; seizure; procedure; “person” defined.
Section 257.231 Registration of replacement engines.
Section 257.232 Furnishing list of information to federal, state, or local governmental agency; contract for sale of lists of driver and motor vehicle records; records maintained in bulk; surveys, marketing, or solicitations; insertion of safeguard in agreement or contract; duties of recipient of personal information; disclosure of list based on driving behavior or sanctions.
Section 257.232a Furnishing name and address of lessee of vehicle to secretary of state or police officer.
Section 257.233 Transfer or assignment of title to, or interest in, registered vehicle; disposition of plates; application for new registration certificate; penalty; indorsement on certificate of title; effective date of transfer; submission of secured receipt.
Section 257.233a Transfer of title or interest in vehicle; disclosure of odometer mileage; electronically signed odometer disclosure statement; electronic system; transfer of ownership; "private parties" defined.
Section 257.233b Definitions; disclosure by dealer of damage or repair; exception; grounds for revocation.
Section 257.234 Presentation of certificate of title and registration certificate to secretary of state; fees; issuance of new certificate of title and registration certificate; mail or delivery; repossession of license plates; payment of transfer fee; compliance with MCL 257.238.
Section 257.235 Dealer as transferee of vehicle; requirements; duties; liability of dealer or transferee; transfer of title or interest to another dealer; duties of dealer; dealer reassignment of title form; buy back or off lease vehicle.
Section 257.235a Licensed dealer or junk dealer purchasing vehicle for purpose of destroying or junking vehicle; acceptance and disposition of certificate of title; fee.
Section 257.235b Possession of certificate of title by inventory lender for vehicle subject to inventory loan; written agreement; release of certificate of title by used or secondhand vehicle dealer's inventory lender; limitation; failure to release vehicle title; registration with secretary of state; applicability of section to certain licensed dealers; applicability of MCL 257.235; definitions.
Section 257.236 Procuring title to vehicle acquired by operation of law; validity of registration upon death of owner; application for title by surviving spouse or heir; proof of death; certification; petition.
Section 257.236a Termination of owner's interest by enforcement of security agreement; application for new certificate; certification; holding vehicle for resale; termination of owner's interest by sale pursuant to court process; issuance and contents of new certificate; outstanding certificate.
Section 257.237 Transfer of registration; issuance of new registration certificate and certificate of title; filing surrendered certificate of title; retention of records.
Section 257.238 Security interest in vehicle; certificate of title; assignment; termination statement; electronic transactions.
Section 257.239 Certificate of title; failure to endorse or deliver, fine.
Section 257.240 Liability for use or ownership of vehicle after transfer of endorsed certificate of title; conditions; violation of subsection (2); civil infraction; fine; towing and storage fees.
Section 257.241 Electronic lien title system; establishment, implementation, and operation; contracts; participation of secured parties; inclusion of secured interest or other information in electronic file; execution of release; delivery; assignment of ownership by vehicle dealer; admissibility as evidence of security interest; determination of requirements by secretary of state; establishment, implementation, and operation by July 1, 2016; information to be entered beginning October 1, 2016; definitions.
Section 257.242 Sale of vehicle for salvage.
Section 257.242a Regrooved or recut motor vehicle or motorcycle tires; sale or possession with intent to sell prohibited; exception; misdemeanor.
Section 257.243 Nonresident owner of foreign vehicle; registration; exemption; transportation for compensation; temporary permit; agent for secretary of state; pleasure vehicle; business vehicle.
Section 257.244 Operation of vehicle by manufacturer, subcomponent system producer, manufacturer of automated technology, dealer, or transporter with special plate; temporary civic event license plate; unauthorized use of special plate; penalties; surety bond or insurance; number of plates; operation of vehicle with dealer plate by vendee or prospective purchaser; issuance of registration plate to move vehicle, vessel, or trailer.
Section 257.244a Motorcycle dealer license plates; size.
Section 257.245 General distinguishing number and special plates for manufacturer, transporter, or dealer; application; proof; issuance; duration; fee.
Section 257.246 Special plates; expiration.
Section 257.247 Special plates; manufacturers and transporters, record of uses; inspection by peace officers.
Section 257.247a, 257.247b Repealed. 1992, Act 306, Eff. Mar. 31, 1993.
Section 257.248 Dealer license; investigation; report; bond or bond renewal certificate; dealer plates; stipulation as to service of process; prohibited conduct; application; supplemental dealer license; eligible used dealer license; classification; requirements applicable to issuance, renewal, and expiration; conduct not requiring separate or supplemental license.
Section 257.248a Vehicle dealer; prohibited advertising or representations; designated business hours.
Section 257.248b Foreign salvage vehicle dealer license; form and contents of application; division of dealer licensees into quarter segments; expiration and renewal of license; investigations; stipulation as to service of process.
Section 257.248c Sale, transfer, or release of distressed late model vehicle by vehicle salvage pool, auction, or broker; release of vehicle; release statement; notice to owner and lienholder; sale of vehicle for parts.
Section 257.248d Wholesaler; requirements.
Section 257.248e Salvage vehicle agent license.
Section 257.248f Vehicle dealer or salvage vehicle agent license; criminal history check; fingerprints; disclosure of information; violation of subsection (7) as misdemeanor; "criminal history record information" defined.
Section 257.248g Salvage vehicle agent; duties.
Section 257.248h Persons engaged in prohibited conduct; penalties; refusal to issue or renew license; revocation or suspension of license; denial or revocation of license without hearing.
Section 257.248i Attending pool or auction selling salvage or scrap titled vehicles.
Section 257.248j Acting as dealer without license; warning; administrative fine; notice of assessment; actions; informal conference; administrative hearing; payment of administrative fine; reduction.
Section 257.248k Mobility dealer endorsement.
Section 257.248l Dealer training programs; requirements; trained individual at each retail location; exceptions; training by qualified trade organizations; application process; compliance monitoring; renewal limitation; fees; dealer training program fund; rules; definitions.
Section 257.249 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license as dealer; grounds.
Section 257.249a Denial, suspension, or revocation of license as automotive recycler, used or secondhand vehicle parts dealer, vehicle scrap metal processor, or foreign salvage vehicle dealer; grounds.
Section 257.250 Vehicle dealer's licensee; procedure for notification, investigation, denial, suspension, revocation.
Section 257.250a Placement of license on probation; conditions
Section 257.250b Cease and desist order.
Section 257.250c Other lawful remedies and sanctions.
Section 257.251 Dealer records; maintenance; manner; contents; odometer mileage statement; delivery of written statement to buyer; conditions to valid sale; maintenance and inspection of dealer records and inventory; inspections; summary suspension of license; order; hearing; rules.
Section 257.251a Copies of documents.
Section 257.251b Renting, leasing, or furnishing motorcycle; license to operate required.
Section 257.251c Renting, leasing, or furnishing motorcycle; duties of dealer.
Section 257.251d Renting, leasing, or furnishing motorcycle; license to operate as condition of use by third party.
Section 257.251e Renting, leasing, or furnishing motorcycle; motor vehicle liability policy.
Section 257.252 Reports of stolen and recovered vehicles.
Section 257.252a Abandoned vehicle; presumption of responsibility; violation; penalty; "abandoned vehicle" defined; notice; duties of police agency; contest by owner; hearing; request; fee; towing and storage charges; secured party; obtaining release of vehicle; inspection; public sale; inability to determine ownership of abandoned vehicle; entry into law enforcement information network.
Section 257.252b Registered and unregistered abandoned scrap vehicles; duties of police agency; release of vehicle; certificate of title or certificate of scrapping; release form; retention of records and photographs; taking registered abandoned scrap vehicle into custody; contest by registered owner; hearing; request; obtaining release of vehicle; fee.
Section 257.252c Repealed. 2005, Act 142, Eff. Oct. 1, 2005.
Section 257.252d Removal of vehicle from public or private property to place of safekeeping; circumstances; arrival of owner or legally entitled person; duties of police agency; release of vehicle; entry of vehicle as abandoned.
Section 257.252e Jurisdiction to determine propriety of police, towing agency or custodian, or private owner action; venue in district court; use of bond to pay towing or storage fees; exclusive remedies.
Section 257.252f Filing petition; duties of court; hearing; notice; burden; decision; district court magistrate; appeal.
Section 257.252g Manner of conducting public sale; application of money received; priority; absence of bidders; acquisition of distressed vehicle; application for salvage certificate of title; canceling entry in law enforcement information network; obtaining original bill of sale.
Section 257.252h Abandoned vehicle fund; creation; sources of funding; investment; interest and earnings; money remaining in fund; expenditures.
Section 257.252i Towing and storage fees.
Section 257.252j Abandoned vehicles; number and placement of vehicles on private property.
Section 257.252k Towing or removing vehicle without owner's consent; notice; requirements.
Section 257.252<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Applicability of MCL 257.252k.
Section 257.252m Notification of civil fines and sanctions.
Section 257.253 Report of stolen vehicle; filing; transferring certificate of title; record of stolen or abandoned vehicles not reported or recovered; availability; reports by other states of stolen and recovered vehicles; abandoned vehicle; notification of owner and lienholder.
Section 257.254 False statement in application for certificate of title or in assignment of title; possession of stolen vehicle; penalties.
Section 257.255 Valid registration plate required; printed or electronic copy; exceptions; violation of subsection (1) as civil infraction or misdemeanor; penalty; nonpayment of apportioned fee under international registration plan as misdemeanor; penalty; impoundment; towing and storage costs; care of load in vehicle; impounded vehicle subject to lien; hearing; certification of unpaid judgment; foreclosure sale; pandemic expiration extension.
Section 257.256 Unlawful lending or use of certificate of title, registration certificate, registration plate, special plate, or permit; unlawful carrying or display of registration certificate or plate; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; unlawful display of registration plate on commercial vehicle.
Section 257.257 Altering, forging, or falsifying documents; violation; penalty.
Section 257.258 Registration or certificate of title; grounds for cancellation; elected gross weight violations; penalty; notice; hearing.
Section 257.259 Evidence of registration; title; dealers' or wreckers' licenses; return to state on cancellation or suspension; failure or refusal to surrender unlawful.
Section 257.301 Valid operator's or chauffeur's license required; group designation and indorsements; surrender of other valid licenses; notice; number of licenses permitted; certifying nonpossession of valid license; pandemic expiration extension.
Section 257.302 Operators' and chauffeurs' licenses; persons exempt.
Section 257.302a Nonresident using license to operate motor vehicle issued by another country; establishment of unique driver record; reciprocal agreement.
Section 257.303 Operator's or chauffeur's license; issuance; prohibitions; revocation; denial of license; multiple convictions or civil infractions; "felony in which a motor vehicle was used" defined.
Section 257.303.amended Operator's or chauffeur's license; issuance; prohibitions; revocation; denial of license; multiple convictions or civil infractions; "felony in which a motor vehicle was used" defined.
Section 257.303a Suspension, revocation, denial, disqualification, or cancellation of license by another state.
Section 257.304 Restricted license; issuance; conditions; carrying and displaying restricted license; order; prohibition; completion of specialty court interlock program and certificate as evidence of abstinence; "certificate" defined; imposition of license sanctions; completion of specialty court program; exemption from immobilization or forfeiture; applicability of section.
Section 257.304.amended Restricted license; issuance; conditions; carrying and displaying restricted license; order; prohibition; completion of specialty court interlock program and certificate as evidence of abstinence; "certificate" defined; imposition of license sanctions; completion of specialty court program; exemption from immobilization or forfeiture; applicability of section.
Section 257.305, 257.305a Repealed. 1990, Act 188, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.
Section 257.306 Temporary instruction permit; operation of motor vehicle without operator's license or permit; pandemic expiration extension; temporary driver education certificate; motorcycle temporary instruction permit.
Section 257.306a Commercial learner's permit; pandemic expiration extension.
Section 257.307 Application for operator's or chauffeur's license to operate noncommercial motor vehicle; documents to be supplied to verify citizenship or identity and legal presence; manner; contents; image and signature; automatic voter registration opt-out; equipment; signature and certification; application fee; duties of secretary of state; donor registry; driving record from another jurisdiction; operation of commercial motor vehicle; application for original, renewal, or upgrade of vehicle group designation or indorsement; verification of identity and citizenship or residency; issuing renewal license by mail or other methods; information manual; Social Security number; electronic access to donor registry; agreements with federal government; termination of license issued by another state; duties of secretary of state; access to prisoner information.
Section 257.307.amended Application for operator's or chauffeur's license to operate noncommercial motor vehicle; documents to be supplied to verify citizenship or identity and legal presence; manner; contents; image and signature; voter registration opt-out; equipment; signature and certification; application fee; duties of secretary of state; donor registry; driving record from another jurisdiction; operation of commercial motor vehicle; application for original, renewal, or upgrade of vehicle group designation or indorsement; verification of identity and citizenship or residency; issuing renewal license by mail or other methods; information manual; Social Security number; electronic access to donor registry; agreements with federal government; termination of license issued by another state; duties of secretary of state; access to prisoner information.
Section 257.307a Operator or chauffeur license containing vehicle group designation; contents.
Section 257.307b Application by male for operator's license or chauffeur's license; registration of applicant with federal selective service system.
Section 257.308 Application of minor for operator's license; condition to approval; exception.
Section 257.309 Examination of applicant for operator's or chauffeur's license; criminal history check; waiver; exception; certification of licensee applying for renewal of license by mail; examining officers; conducting examinations; report of findings and recommendations; rules; issuance of original operator's or chauffeur's license without vehicle group designation or indorsement; driver skills test; waiver; behind-the-wheel road test; prohibited conduct; penalty; applicant for original motorcycle endorsement; waiver of certain requirements; pandemic expiration extension.
Section 257.310 Operator's or chauffeur's license; issuance; applicant for motorcycle indorsement or vehicle group designation or indorsement; contents of license; fingerprint or finger image; digitized license; information; manufacture; unlawful acts; penalties; temporary driver's permit; medical data; emergency contact information; designation of patient advocate or emancipated status; duplicates of license; emergency medical information card; participation in anatomical gift donor registry; communication impediment designation; revocation; definitions.
Section 257.310a Repealed. 1978, Act 139, Eff. May 1, 1979.
Section 257.310b Expired. 1979, Act 66, Eff. Oct. 1, 1980.
Section 257.310c Operator's or chauffeur's license; persons not previously licensed; temporary instruction permit; exception.
Section 257.310d Designation of license as probationary for 3 years; suspension of license or imposition of probationary terms and conditions; duration; reexamination; extension of probationary period; failure to appear for reexamination; notice; additional provisions.
Section 257.310e Graduated licensing.
Section 257.310f Issuance of corrected operator's or chauffeur's license; address confidentiality program participant; renewal; definitions.
Section 257.311 Possession of operator's or chauffeur's license or receipt when operating motor vehicle required; display; identification.
Section 257.311a Issuance of receipt for operator's or chauffeur's license; form; approval; design; effect; expiration of receipt and license; renewal of license.
Section 257.312 Restricted operator's or chauffeur's license; contents; expiration; suspension or revocation; violation as misdemeanor; exceptions.
Section 257.312a Motorcycle indorsement; issuance, suspension, revocation, cancellation, or renewal; special restricted license to operate moped; requirements; expiration; duration; fees; violation as civil infraction or misdemeanor; fines or penalty.
Section 257.312b Motorcycle endorsement; examination; motorcycle safety course; waiver of certain tests; 3-wheeled motorcycle; restriction; establishing and conducting driving skills test; rules; audit of motorcycle safety fund; third party motorcycle program; prohibited conduct; violation as felony.
Section 257.312c Motorcycle endorsement; application; fees; disposition of money; motorcycle safety and education awareness fund; creation; deposit of money or other assets; investment; interest and earnings; money remaining in fund at close of fiscal year; state treasurer as administrator; "look twice – save a life" program; renewal motorcycle endorsement fee; increase.
Section 257.312d Reference to operator's or chauffeur's license as including motorcycle or vehicle indorsement or vehicle group designation.
Section 257.312e Operation of commercial motor vehicle; vehicle group designation; tests; holder of unexpired operator's or chauffeur's license; qualifications and fees for vehicle group designation and endorsement; operation of school bus; exceptions; F vehicle indorsement; knowledge test and driving skills test; disposition of money collected under subsection (7); refund to county or municipality; compliance with MCL 257.303 and 257.319b; requirements for implementing and enforcing federal law.
Section 257.312f Vehicle group designation or endorsement on operator's or chauffeur's license; hazardous material endorsement; vehicle used for farming purposes; age; tests; waiver; seasonal restricted vehicle group designation; conditions prohibiting issuance of commercial learner's permit, vehicle group designation, or vehicle endorsement; cancellation; determining applicability of subsection (5); "farm related service industry" defined.
Section 257.312f.amended Vehicle group designation or endorsement on operator's or chauffeur's license; hazardous material endorsement; vehicle used for farming purposes; age; tests; waiver; seasonal restricted vehicle group designation; conditions prohibiting issuance of commercial learner's permit, vehicle group designation, or vehicle endorsement; cancellation; determining applicability of subsection (5); "farm related service industry" defined.
Section 257.312g Transportation of hazardous material; hazardous material endorsement on operator's or chauffeur's license required; violation; penalty.
Section 257.312h Vehicle group designation and indorsement on chauffeur's license; additional fees; duration of indorsement; disposition and refund of fees.
Section 257.312i Pickup truck with fifth wheel assembly and attached semitrailer; R vehicle indorsement required; prohibition; written examination; fee; exemption.
Section 257.312j Skills testing of individual holding valid out-of-state commercial learner's permit; pilot program.
Section 257.312k Commercial driver licenses; medical certifications; hazardous material endorsements; pandemic expiration extension.
Section 257.313 Operator's or chauffeur's license; loss, destruction, mutilation, or illegibility; duplicate; proof.
Section 257.314 Operator's or chauffeur's license; duration; expiration; identification of licensee less than 21; renewal; extension; pandemic expiration extension.
Section 257.314a Repealed. 1978, Act 139, Eff. May 1, 1979.
Section 257.314b Repealed. 2004, Act 362, Imd. Eff. Oct. 4, 2004.
Section 257.315 Operator's and chauffeur's license; change of address; notice; use of residence address on qualified voter file; failure to report change; violation; penalty; nonappealability.
Section 257.316 Operator's or chauffeur's license; filing and indexing applications; records.
Section 257.316a Repealed. 1990, Act 188, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.
Section 257.317 Suspension or revocation of right of nonresident to operate vehicle in state; forwarding certified copy of record; notification to other states.
Section 257.318 Suspension or revocation of license of person convicted or determined responsible for violation in another state; failure to comply with interstate compact.
Section 257.319 Suspension of license; crimes; violations; waiver; restricted license; "prior conviction" as used in subsection (8); 2 or more convictions; appeal.
Section 257.319a Repealed. 2002, Act 534, Eff. Oct. 1, 2002.
Section 257.319b Suspension or revocation of commercial learners permits or vehicle group designations on operator's or chauffeur's license; notice of conviction, bond forfeiture, civil infraction determination, violation of law, or refusal to submit to chemical test; period of suspension or revocation; denial, cancellation, or revocation of hazardous material indorsement; notice of security risk; applicability of conditions; definitions.
Section 257.319c Providing United States department of transportation with information pertaining to operator's or chauffeur's license with vehicle group designation; notification of motor vehicle administrator or other appropriate officer.
Section 257.319d Operation of commercial motor vehicle by person with certain alcohol content; out-of-service order; violations; penalty.
Section 257.319e Repealed. 2020, Act 376, Eff. Oct. 1, 2021.
Section 257.319f Operation of commercial motor vehicle in violation of out-of-state service order; prohibition; suspension; "commercial motor vehicle" defined.
Section 257.319g Prohibitions; violations; civil infraction.
Section 257.320 Investigation or reexamination of person; notice; restricting, suspending, revoking, or imposing other terms and conditions on license; service of notice; suspension of license for more than 1 year prohibited; reexamination; failure to appear for scheduled reexamination; prohibited restricted license.
Section 257.320a Recording date of conviction, civil infraction determination, or probate court disposition and number of points; interview; violation committed in another state.
Section 257.320b Driver safety school; establishment; supervision; courses; referrals; voluntary attendance; staying imposition of sentence; fee; approval of school.
Section 257.320c Issuance of license after suspension or revocation; examination; qualifications; exception.
Section 257.320d Basic driver improvement course; eligibility; database; use; fees; basic driver improvement course fund; study; report; approval of basic driver improvement course sponsors; security bond; surety; prohibited acts or practices; sanctions; "approved sponsor" defined.
Section 257.320e Payment of reinstatement fee for suspended, revoked, or restricted operator's or chauffeur's license; waiver of fee; assessment of points and licensing action by secretary of state; judicial review of administrative licensing sanction.
Section 257.320e.amended Payment of reinstatement fee for suspended, revoked, or restricted operator's or chauffeur's license; waiver of fee; assessment of points and licensing action by secretary of state; judicial review of administrative licensing sanction.
Section 257.321 Surrender of license; replacement.
Section 257.321a Failure to answer citation or notice to appear in court; failure to comply with order or judgment; notice and duration of suspension; exceptions; effect of failure to appear; giving copy of information transmitted to secretary of state to person; driver license reinstatement fees; failure to answer out-state citation, comply with out-state order or judgment, or appear in court or administrative tribunal under MCL 257.732; parking or standing of vehicle; resolution of outstanding matters regarding notices, orders, or citations; "a serious offense involving a motor vehicle" defined.
Section 257.321b Suspended or revoked license; destruction.
Section 257.321c Notification by friend of the court of failure to appear for hearing, comply with repayment plan order, or respond to license suspension notice; duty of secretary of state to suspend operator's or chauffeur's license; duration; transmission of fees; amounts.
Section 257.322 Hearing officer; appointment; powers and duties as to appeals from final determination of secretary of state.
Section 257.322a Ignition interlock device; removal; issuance of order required.
Section 257.323 Denial, revocation, suspension, or restriction of operator or chauffeur's license, vehicle group designation, or indorsement; final determination; petition for review of determination; order setting cause for hearing; service of order, petition, and affidavits on secretary of state's office; testimony and examination; order affirming, modifying, or setting aside restriction, suspension, or denial; conditions; restricted driving privileges; vehicle owned by employer; notification; other requirements.
Section 257.323a Petition for order staying revocation or suspension of license; ex parte order; provisions inapplicable to violation of financial responsibility act.
Section 257.323b Cancellation of minor's license.
Section 257.323c Restricted license; issuance by circuit court; limitations; exceptions; condition.
Section 257.323d Drug case information management fund; creation; purpose; expenditure; crediting and investing money; reversion; distribution of amounts by state court administrator; reimbursement of costs.
Section 257.324 Prohibited conduct; void or canceled license.
Section 257.325 Causing or permitting unlicensed minor to drive.
Section 257.326 Operation of vehicle in violation of act; owner's permission prohibited.
Section 257.327 Unlicensed chauffeur; employment prohibited.
Section 257.328 Producing evidence of motor vehicle insurance upon request of police officer; violation as civil infraction; electronic copy; certificate of insurance as prima facie evidence that insurance in force; contents; presentation of proof of insurance to court; civil infraction determination; surrendering license unless proof of insurance submitted to court; suspension of license by secretary of state; order; fee; renewal, transfer, or replacement of registration plate; producing false evidence as misdemeanor; penalty; points; section inapplicable to owner or operator of motor vehicle registered in other state or foreign country or province.
Section 257.329 Possessing, selling, or offering for sale a stolen, false, or counterfeit certificate of insurance; penalty.
300-1949-IV CHAPTER IV CIVIL LIABILITY ACT (257.401...257.404)
Section 257.401 Civil actions; liability of owner; liability of lessor; construction of subsections (3) and (4); “motor vehicle” defined; liability for off lease vehicle.
Section 257.401.amended Civil actions; liability of owner; liability of lessor; construction of subsections (3) and (4); “motor vehicle” defined; liability for off lease vehicle; exception for shared vehicle owner and peer-to-peer car sharing program.
Section 257.401a “Owner” defined.
Section 257.402 Rear end collision; prima facie evidence of negligence.
Section 257.403 Nonresident vehicle operators; service of process, manner, record; service upon defendant, certification; taxable costs; application of section.
Section 257.403a Nonresident; definition.
Section 257.404 Service of process; place.
300-1949-V-ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION (257.501...257.502a)
Section 257.501 Financial responsibility act; administration, rules and regulations.
Section 257.502 Operating record; certified abstract inadmissible as evidence.
Section 257.502a Proof of compliance with laws of another state.
Section 257.503 Access to motor vehicle accident report; prohibitions; violation; penalty; definitions.
Section 257.503a-257.503c Repealed. 1971, Act 67, Eff. Oct. 1, 1971.
Section 257.504 Repealed. 1971, Act 138, Eff. Oct. 1, 1971.
Section 257.504a-257.510 Repealed. 1971, Act 67, Eff. Oct. 1, 1971.
Section 257.511 Nonpayment of judgment; certification to secretary of state; nonresidents.
Section 257.512 Nonpayment of judgment; suspension of registration and nonresident's operating privilege.
Section 257.512a Nonpayment of judgment; finding as to insurer, effect.
Section 257.513 Duration of suspension of license, registration, and nonresident's operating privilege; satisfaction of judgment.
Section 257.514 When judgments deemed satisfied.
Section 257.515 Installment payment of judgment; default.
Section 257.515a Restoration of license or registration after nonpayment of installment; limitation.
Section 257.516 Repealed. 1976, Act 101, Imd. Eff. Apr. 27, 1976.
Section 257.517 Proof of financial responsibility; alternative methods.
Section 257.518 Proof of financial responsibility; certificate of insurance.
Section 257.518a Commercial quadricycle; liability insurance; minimum limit.
Section 257.518b Satisfaction of financial responsibility requirements; types of automobile insurance; applicability of section to insurance obtained by transportation network company driver or transportation network company.
Section 257.519 Proof of financial responsibility; nonresident, compliance of insurance carrier.
Section 257.520 Motor vehicle liability policy; definition; contents; coverage; limits; conditions; excess or additional coverage; reimbursement; proration; binder or indorsement.
Section 257.521 Motor vehicle liability policy; notice of termination.
Section 257.522 Automobile insurance policies unaffected by chapter.
Section 257.523 Bond as proof of financial responsibility; satisfaction of judgment.
Section 257.524 Money or securities as proof.
Section 257.525 Owners' proof for others.
Section 257.526 Substitution of proof.
Section 257.527 Other proof required.
Section 257.528 Cancellation of bond or certificate of insurance, returning money or securities deposited as proof of financial responsibility, or waiving requirement of filing proof; conditions; certification; refusal of application by person whose proof is cancelled or returned; reestablishment of proof.
Section 257.529 Transfer of registration.
Section 257.530 Surrender of license and registration upon suspension or for lack of sufficient proof.
Section 257.531 Repealed. 2012, Act 204, Eff. Jan. 1, 2013.
Section 257.532 Availability of other security.
Section 257.601 Applicability of chapter to operations on highways; exceptions.
Section 257.601a Private road open to general public; contract; enforcement of act; cost and posting of signs; contracts not affected; "private road that is open to the general public" defined.
Section 257.601b Moving violation in work zone, emergency scene, school zone, or school bus zone; penalties; exceptions; definitions.
Section 257.601c Moving violation causing injury or death to person operating implement of husbandry on highway.
Section 257.601d Person who commits moving violation that is the proximate cause of death of another person or serious impairment of body function; penalty; other violations; "moving violation" defined.
Section 257.602 Compliance with order or direction of police officer.
Section 257.602a Failure to stop at signal of police or conservation officer; penalty; subsection (1) inapplicable unless officer in uniform and vehicle identified; violation of subsection (1) as felony; conviction for conduct arising out of same transaction; “serious injury” defined.
Section 257.602b Holding or using a mobile electronic device while operating a motor vehicle; prohibited; exception for commercial motor vehicle and school bus; "use a mobile electronic device" defined; situational exceptions; violation as civil infraction; fine; local ordinances superseded; multiple violations penalty and enforcement; sunset applicability; definitions.
Section 257.602c Individual issued level 1 or 2 graduated license; use of cellular telephone prohibited; exceptions; violation as civil infraction; local ordinance; report; "Kelsey's Law."
Section 257.603 Applicability of chapter to government vehicles; exemption of authorized emergency vehicles; conditions; exemption of police vehicles not sounding audible signal; exemption of persons, vehicles, and equipment working on surface of highway.
Section 257.604 Riding animal or driving animal-drawn vehicle on roadway; rights and duties.
Section 257.605 Applicability and uniformity of provisions; local laws and regulations; payment and allocation of civil fines; issuance of more than 1 citation; equipment violations; "local law" defined.
Section 257.606 Regulation of streets or highways under jurisdiction of local authority and within reasonable exercise of police power; accepted engineering practices as basis for regulations; stop sign or traffic control device requiring state trunk line highway traffic to stop; approval; posting signs giving notice of local traffic regulations; providing by ordinance for impounding of motor vehicle parked contrary to local ordinance; bond or cash deposit.
Section 257.606a Maintenance of highway by state or local government; duty; immunity from tort liability; exception.
Section 257.606b On-demand automated motor vehicle network; operation.
Section 257.607 Realty owners' regulation of traffic on private property.
Section 257.608 Uniform system of traffic control devices; manual.
Section 257.609 Traffic control devices; placement and maintenance; restrictions; county road commission, permission, costs.
Section 257.610 Traffic control devices; placement and maintenance by local authorities and county road commissions; compliance with manual; failure to comply with statutory provisions; sale, purchase, or manufacture of devices.
Section 257.611 Traffic control devices; obedience required; exception; avoiding obedience by driving on public or private property; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.611a Direction of traffic in work zone; conditions; failure to comply; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.612 Traffic control signals; location; red arrow and yellow arrow indications; colors; traffic control signal at place other than intersection; stopping at sign, marking, or signal; violation of subsection (1) or (2) as civil infraction; approaching person using wheelchair or device to aid walking; violation of subsection (4) as misdemeanor; location of sign prohibiting turn on red signal; additional sign; location of temporary traffic control signal.
Section 257.613 Applicability of regular traffic control signals to pedestrians; special pedestrian control signals; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.613a School crossings; establishment; basis; determination; notice; erection of school crossing signs.
Section 257.613b School crossing guard; stationing; time period; color and design of outer vest; stopping vehicular traffic with hand held stop sign; authority.
Section 257.613c School crossing guard; responsibility of local law enforcement agency; instruction required; approval and conduct of courses.
Section 257.613d Failure to stop for school crossing guard holding stop sign in upright position; misdemeanor; presumption.
Section 257.614 Flashing red or yellow signals; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.615 Signs or lights resembling traffic-control devices or emergency vehicles; commercial advertising on traffic signs; prohibition; public nuisance; removal; placement of street decorations and banners.
Section 257.616 Repealed. 2016, Act 111, Eff. Aug. 8, 2016.
Section 257.616a Portable signal preemptive device; prohibitions; penalties; exceptions; definitions.
300-1949-VI-ACCIDENTS ACCIDENTS (257.617...257.624b)
Section 257.617 Accident resulting in serious impairment of body function or death; stopping required; reporting to police agency or officer; violation as felony; penalty.
Section 257.617a Accident; personal injury; reporting to police agency or officer; stopping required; penalty; suspension of license.
Section 257.618 Accidents; damage to vehicles; stopping required; reporting to police agency or officer; penalty.
Section 257.618a Vehicle accident; removal from main traveled portion of roadway or streetcar track; conditions; violation of subsection (1) as civil infraction; removal by law enforcement agency, public agency, or department; liability; "gross negligence" defined; reimbursement.
Section 257.619 Accidents; duties of driver.
Section 257.620 Accidents; attended or unattended vehicle; stopping; report.
Section 257.621 Accidents; fixtures on or adjacent to highway; notification of owner; exhibition of driver's license; reports.
Section 257.622 Report of accidents resulting in death, personal injury, or property damage; forms; analysis; use; retention.
Section 257.622a Ignition interlock device; installation included in crash report.
Section 257.623 Accidents; reports by garagekeepers or repairmen.
Section 257.624 Report not available for use in court action; purpose of report; authorization and purpose of scientific studies and research; use of data; disclosures; liability; penalty.
Section 257.624a Transportation or possession of alcoholic liquor in open or uncapped container open or upon which seal broken; violation as misdemeanor; exception; subsections (1) and (2) inapplicable to passenger in commercial quadricycle; definitions.
Section 257.624b Transport or possession of alcoholic liquor by person less than 21 years of age.
Section 257.625 Operating motor vehicle while intoxicated; "operating while intoxicated" defined; operating motor vehicle when visibly impaired; penalties for causing death or serious impairment of a body function; operation of motor vehicle by person less than 21 years of age; "any bodily alcohol content" defined; requirements; controlled substance; costs; enhanced sentence; guilty plea or nolo contendere; establishment of prior conviction; special verdict; public record; burden of proving religious service or ceremony; ignition interlock device; definitions; prior conviction; violations arising out of same transaction.
Section 257.625a Arrest without warrant; circumstances; preliminary chemical breath analysis; provisions; operator ordered out-of-service; refusal of commercial motor vehicle operator to submit to chemical breath analysis as misdemeanor; penalty; provisions applicable to chemical tests and analysis; evidence; availability of test results; admissibility of refusal to submit to chemical test; definitions.
Section 257.625b Arraignment of person arrested for misdemeanor violation; pretrial conference; advising accused of maximum penalty before acceptance of plea; screening, assessment, and rehabilitative services; assessment for medication-assisted treatment; action by secretary of state pending appeal.
Section 257.625c Consent to chemical tests; persons not considered to have given consent to withdrawal of blood; administration of tests; definitions.
Section 257.625d Refusal to submit to chemical test; court order; report to secretary of state; form.
Section 257.625e Refusal to submit to chemical test pursuant to MCL 257.625d; request for hearing; notice.
Section 257.625f Effect of failure to request hearing; hearing procedure; notice; authority of hearing officer; scope of hearing; finding; record; licensing sanctions; judicial review; notice to motor vehicle administrator of another state.
Section 257.625g Duties of peace officer if person refuses chemical test or if test reveals unlawful alcohol content or presence of controlled substance or other intoxicating substance; test results; duration of temporary license or permit; definitions.
Section 257.625h Drunk driving prevention equipment and training fund; drunk driving caseflow assistance fund.
Section 257.625i Michigan annual drunk driving audit; preparation; contents; report; evaluation of 1998 legislation.
Section 257.625j Repealed. 1991, Act 98, Eff. Jan. 1, 1992.
Section 257.625k Ignition interlock device manufacturer; certification; approval; requirements; rules; cost; notice to department by certifying laboratory; list of manufacturers; BAIID manufacturer; approval of BAIID service center; inspections; prohibited conduct by individual; installation requirements; installer qualifications and requirements; approval; renewal.
Section 257.625<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Ignition interlock device; warning label; prohibited conduct; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; impoundment of motor vehicle.
Section 257.625m Operation of commercial motor vehicle by person with certain alcohol content; arrest without warrant; violation as misdemeanor or felony; sentence; suspension of term prohibited; prior conviction.
Section 257.625n Forfeiture of vehicle or return to lessor.
Section 257.625o Ignition interlock device; sale, lease, or installation in vehicle; surety bond.
Section 257.625p Operation of commercial quadricycle by person with certain alcohol content; prohibition; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 257.625q Compliance with MCL 257.625k; investigation and determination by secretary of state; decertification of installer; notice to manufacturer; violation; penalty; suspension or revocation of manufacturer certification; removal from list of approved certified BAIIDs; summary suspension or revocation; hearing; rules.
Section 257.625r Authority of peace officer certified as drug recognition expert to require person to submit to preliminary oral fluid analysis; arrest; admissibility of results; refusal; ordering person out of service.
Section 257.625s Testimony of person qualified in administration of standardized field sobriety tests.
Section 257.625t Roadside drug testing pilot program.
Section 257.626 Reckless driving on highway, frozen public lake, or parking place; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 257.626a Drag races; prohibition on public highways; definition; prima facie evidence; applicability within Silver Lake State Park; "drag race" defined.
Section 257.626b Careless or negligent operation of vehicle as civil infraction.
Section 257.626c Repealed. 2008, Act 463, Eff. Oct. 31, 2010.
Section 257.627 Speed limits.
Section 257.627a "Regularly scheduled school session," "school," and "school zone" defined; speed limit on highway segment in school zone; time period; exception; state trunk line highway or county highway; school in session year-round; signs; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.627b Repealed. 2006, Act 85, Eff. Nov. 9, 2006.
Section 257.627c.added Installation and use of automated speed enforcement systems in work zones; violations; report to legislature.
Section 257.628 Maximum or minimum speed limit; determination; petition by township board; modified speed limit; public record of traffic control order; speed limit signs, signals, or devices; violation as civil infraction; definitions.
Section 257.628a Repealed. 1974, Act 28, Imd. Eff. Mar. 2, 1974.
Section 257.628b Maximum speed in certain political subdivisions; vehicle, bicycle or other device; snowmobile exception; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.629 Repealed. 2016, Act 445, Imd. Eff. Jan. 5, 2017.
Section 257.629a County traffic safety organization; creation, appropriation.
Section 257.629b Reduction of maximum speed limit; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.629c Points and minimum fine; schedule; applicability of subsection (1).
Section 257.629d Repealed. 2006, Act 231, Eff. Sept. 24, 2006.
Section 257.629e Levy, transmittal, and disposition of assessments; annual report; highway safety fund, jail reimbursement program fund, secondary road patrol and training fund; creation; administration; use of money collected; annual report.
Section 257.630 Repealed. 1976, Act 439, Imd. Eff. Jan. 13, 1977.
Section 257.631 Public bridge, causeway, or viaduct; maximum speed, load, or gross weight; violation as civil infraction; assessment of civil fine; exceptions; determination of civil fine; determination of gross weight; investigation; signs; evidence.
Section 257.632 Exemption from speed limitations; police vehicles, fire department or fire patrol vehicles, and ambulances; conditions.
Section 257.633 Violation of speed limit; specifications in complaint, citation, summons, or notice; burden of proof.
Section 257.634 Driving on right half of roadway; exceptions; driving on roadway having 2 or more lanes for travel in 1 direction; traveling on freeway having 3 or more lanes for travel in same direction; ordinance regulating same subject matter prohibited; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.635 Passing vehicle proceeding in opposite direction; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.636 Overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in same direction; overtaking a bicycle proceeding in same direction; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.637 Overtaking and passing on right of another vehicle or bicycle; conditions; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.638 Overtaking and passing on left of another vehicle; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.639 Driving to left side of roadway; limitations; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.640 No-passing zones; determination; signs or markings; traffic control devices; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.641 Designating 1-way traffic; signs; driving to right of rotary traffic island; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.642 Roadway divided into 2 or more marked lanes; applicable rules; designation as HOV lane; restrictions; exceptions; designation as automated vehicle roadway or lane; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.643 Distance between vehicles; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.643a Leaving space between trucks or truck tractors; passing; exclusion for platoon; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.643b Leaving space between snowplows; passing exception; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.644 Driving on highway divided into 2 roadways; parking or driving on dividing space, barrier, or section; use of crossovers on limited access highways; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.645 Driving onto or from limited access roadway; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.646 Repealed. 1967, Act 277, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967.
Section 257.647 Turning at intersection; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.648 Operation of vehicle or bicycle; signals for stopping or turning; signal lamp or mechanical signal device on commercial motor vehicle; violation as civil infraction.
300-1949-VI-RIGHT-OF-WAY RIGHT-OF-WAY (257.649...257.655)
Section 257.649 Right of way; rules; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.649a Right-of-way; turning left at location other than intersection; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.650 Right-of-way; turning left at intersection; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.651 State trunk line highways; preference at intersections; stop, yield or merge signs.
Section 257.652 Stopping before entering or crossing highway from alley, private road, or driveway; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.653 Immediate approach of authorized emergency vehicle; duty of driver of another vehicle; duty of streetcar operator; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.653a Stationary emergency vehicle giving visual signal; duty of approaching vehicle to exhibit due care and caution; violation; penalty; exception on certain highways.
Section 257.653b Approaching and passing stationary solid waste collection vehicle, utility service vehicle, or road maintenance vehicle; duty to exhibit due care and caution; exception on certain highways; definitions.
Section 257.654 Vehicles forming part of funeral procession; right-of-way; flags; passing through funeral procession with vehicle as civil infraction.
Section 257.655 Pedestrians on highways; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.656 Violations of MCL 257.656 to 257.661a as civil infractions; duty of parent or guardian; regulations applicable to bicycles and motorcycles.
Section 257.657 Rights and duties of persons riding bicycle, electric bicycle, electric skateboard, electric personal assistive mobility device, moped, low-speed vehicle, or commercial quadricycle.
Section 257.657a Operation of golf cart on village, city, or township streets or state trunk line highway.
Section 257.658 Riding on seat of bicycle, motorcycle, moped, electric skateboard, or electric personal assistive mobility device; number of persons; wearing of crash helmet; conditions; rules; requirements for autocycle.
Section 257.658a Seats and foot rests; requirements; exception; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.658b Crash helmet required; exception.
Section 257.659 Riding while attached to streetcar or vehicle.
Section 257.660 Electric personal assistive mobility device, low-speed vehicle, commercial quadricycle; electric skateboard, or moped; operation; limitations; applicability to police officer; regulation by local government; prohibitions; regulation by department of natural resources.
Section 257.660a Operation of bicycle upon highway or street; riding close to right-hand curb or edge of roadway; exceptions.
Section 257.660b Operation of bicycle upon highway or street; riding more than 2 abreast.
Section 257.660c Operation of bicycle upon sidewalk or pedestrian crosswalk.
Section 257.660d Parking bicycle or electric skateboard on sidewalk, highway, or street.
Section 257.661 Carrying package, bundle, or article on bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, moped, or motorcycle.
Section 257.661a Handlebars of motorcycle or moped.
Section 257.662 Bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric skateboard, or commercial quadricycle; equipment; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.662a Electric bicycle; rights of individual; label to be affixed by manufacturer or distributor; tampering with or modification of electric bicycle prohibited; requirements applicable to class 3 electric bicycle; compliance with federal requirements; operation on highway or within city; operation of class 1, class 2, or class 3 electric bicycle on certain trails; compliance with Americans with disabilities act of 1990 and persons with disabilities civil rights act; public hearing; inapplicability of subsections (6) to (10) to use of electric bicycles on congressionally authorized public trail system.
Section 257.663 Repealed. 2016, Act 332, Imd. Eff. Dec. 9, 2016.
Section 257.664 Repealed. 2000, Act 126, Imd. Eff. May 30, 2000.
Section 257.665 Research or testing of automated motor vehicle, technology allowing motor vehicle to operate without human operator, or any automated driving system; proof of insurance; existence of certain circumstances; operation; provisions applicable to platoon.
Section 257.665a Liability.
Section 257.665b Participation of motor vehicle manufacturer in SAVE project.
Section 257.665c Departmental duties; automated vehicle roadways; local ordinances superseded.
Section 257.665d Automated vehicle roadway system and infrastructure study.
Section 257.665e Departmental report to legislature; progress of automated vehicle roadways.
Section 257.666 Violation; civil infraction; other violations arising from same transaction.
Section 257.666a Operation of motor vehicles on automated vehicle roadways; compliance with MCL 257.642(3); violation as civil infraction; limited use of data.
Section 257.667 Stopping at railroad grade crossing; driving through, around, or under crossing gate or barrier; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.667a Installation and use of unmanned traffic monitoring devices at railroad grade crossing; civil infraction; evidence; diagnostic study team review required where fatality at public railroad grade crossing; exception.
Section 257.668 Designating certain grade crossings as "stop" crossings or "yield" crossings; signs; duties of driver; cost of yield sign installations; action for negligence; exception for on-track equipment; failure to stop or yield as civil infraction.
Section 257.669 Vehicles required to activate hazard warning lights and stop at railroad track grade crossing; driver to listen and look in both directions; shifting gears prohibited; exceptions; "inactive railroad track" defined; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.669a Federal motor carrier safety regulations; adoption; transportation of persons and property over railroad-highway grade crossings.
Section 257.670 Operating or moving certain vehicles or equipment upon or across steam railroad tracks at grade level; notice of intended crossing; stopping, listening, and looking; warning; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.671 Designation of through highways; designation of stop, yield, or merge intersections; stop, yield, or merge signs; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.672 Stopping, parking or leaving vehicle upon paved or main traveled part of highway or upon paved or unpaved part of limited access highway; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.673 Removal of illegally stopped bicycles or vehicles; costs.
Section 257.674 Prohibited parking; exceptions; bus loading zone; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.674a Clear vision areas; parking and commercial enterprises prohibited; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.675 Stopping, standing, or parking of vehicle; requirements; signs; traffic control orders as rules; hearing; use of windshield placard by disabled person; courtesy required; free parking sticker; display; confiscation; false statement, deception, or fraud as misdemeanor; penalty; violation as civil infraction; cancellation, revocation, or suspension; driver, chauffeur's, or state personal identification card number; signature of physician, physician assistant, certified nurse practitioner, or physical therapist; third party reimbursement or worker's compensation; "disabled person" defined.
Section 257.675a Unlawful standing or parked vehicle; proof; presumption.
Section 257.675a.amended Unlawful standing or parked vehicle; proof; presumption.
Section 257.675b Unlawful standing or parked leased or rented motor vehicle; liability proof; information to be provided by owner; definitions.
Section 257.675c Stopping, standing, or parking violations; registered owner as person prima facie responsible for violation; affirmative defense; civil action; written indemnification agreement; applicability of subsection (3) to leased vehicle; issuing citation to operator.
Section 257.675c.amended Stopping, standing, or parking violations; registered owner as person prima facie responsible for violation; affirmative defense; civil action; written indemnification agreement; applicability of subsection (3) to leased vehicle; issuing citation to operator.
Section 257.675d Authorizing and utilizing persons other than police officers to issue citations; violations; training program; definitions.
Section 257.675e.added Liability of shared vehicle driver; violations; proof.
Section 257.676 Unattended vehicle; setting brakes, stopping motor, placing in park, removing ignition key, and turning front wheels; vehicle with remote starter; rescission of R 28.1458; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.676a Sale or display for sale of produce or merchandise within right-of-way of highway; civil infraction; issuance of permit; conditions; exceptions; logo signage; disposition of revenue.
Section 257.676b Interference with normal flow of vehicular, streetcar, or pedestrian traffic prohibited; public utility facilities; solicitation of contributions on behalf of charitable or civic organization; violation as civil infraction; local regulations; "charitable or civic organization" defined.
Section 257.676c Scene of motor vehicle accident or disabled vehicle; business solicitation by wrecker, recovery, or towing service; prohibition; violation; civil fine; exception; request by owner or operator of motor vehicle.
Section 257.676d Contract between local unit of government and wrecker, recovery, or towing service; incentives prohibited.
Section 257.677 Interference with view or control of driver or operation; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.677a Obstruction of safety vision by removal or deposit of snow, ice, or slush prohibited.
Section 257.678 Coasting prohibited; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.679 Following or parking within certain distance of fire apparatus; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.679a Limited access highway; pedestrians and certain vehicles prohibited; bicycles permitted on paths; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.680 Driving over unprotected fire hose; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.681 Bus; fire extinguisher required.
Section 257.682 Stopping for school bus displaying flashing red lights; violation as civil infraction; meeting stopped school bus on divided highway; proof; rebuttable presumption; use of stop-arm camera system; definitions.
Section 257.682.amended Stopping for school bus displaying flashing red lights; violation as civil infraction and civil fine; meeting stopped school bus on divided highway; proof; rebuttable presumption; use of stop-arm camera system; camera-based violations; definitions.
Section 257.682a Device causing emission of flame or smoke from vehicle; civil infraction.
Section 257.682b Permitting person under 18 to ride in open bed of pickup truck prohibited; exceptions; civil infraction.
Section 257.682c Operation of commercial snow removal vehicle; yellow or amber light required; civil infraction and fine; definitions.
300-1949-VI-EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT (257.683... 257.714b)
Section 257.683 Driving or moving vehicle in unsafe condition; condition and adjustment of parts and equipment; stopping and inspecting vehicle; citation; training requirements as motor carrier enforcement officer; additional parts and accessories; exceptions; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.684 Head lamps; lighting, distance, height.
Section 257.684a Implement of husbandry; sale; requirements; posting standards.
Section 257.685 Head lamps; number; modulator; height; auxiliary, spot, or other lamp; exemption.
Section 257.686 Rear lamps; exemption; requirements for implement of husbandry; pickup camper.
Section 257.687 Special lamps for passenger buses, trucks and trailers.
Section 257.688 Additional lights or reflectors on vehicles.
Section 257.689 Clearance and marker lamps and reflectors; color.
Section 257.690 Reflectors, clearance lamps, and side marker lamps; mounting.
Section 257.691 Clearance and marker lamps and reflectors; visibility.
Section 257.692 Combination vehicles; obstructed lights, lighting requirements.
Section 257.693 Lamp or flag on projecting load.
Section 257.694 Parked vehicles; lighting.
Section 257.695 Minimum lighting for all vehicles.
Section 257.696 Spot lamps; fog lamps.
Section 257.697 Signal lamps or devices; exemption.
Section 257.697a Sale or operation of certain vehicles unlawful; exception.
Section 257.697b Rear stop lamps.
Section 257.698 Side cowl or fender lamps; running board courtesy lamp; backing lights; lamp or reflector; flashing, oscillating, or rotating lights; private motor vehicle of security guard agency or alarm company; use of lights authorized or required under MCL 257.697, 257.697a, and 257.698a; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.698a Vehicular traffic hazard; front and rear warning lamps.
Section 257.699 Multiple beam road lighting equipment; requirements and limitations.
Section 257.700 Multiple-beam road lighting equipment; oncoming traffic; intensity.
Section 257.701 Single-beam road-lighting equipment; intensity.
Section 257.702 Head lamps on mopeds; single beam or multiple beam type; requirements and limitations.
Section 257.703 Slow-moving vehicles; reduced lighting power.
Section 257.704 Special restriction as to direction of certain lights.
Section 257.705 Brake equipment.
Section 257.705a Brake fluid specifications.
Section 257.706 Horn or other warning device; siren, whistle, air horn, or bell; theft alarm signal device.
Section 257.707 Muffler, engine, power mechanism, and exhaust system; requirements; prohibitions.
Section 257.707a Definitions used in MCL 257.707a to 257.707e.
Section 257.707b Exhaust system; requirements.
Section 257.707c Noise limitations; prohibitions; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.707d Violations; penalties; liability; prima facie evidence.
Section 257.707e Test instrumentation and procedures; rules; local vehicle noise rules.
Section 257.707f Appropriation.
Section 257.708 Mirrors.
Section 257.708a Windshields; goggles, eyeglasses, or face shields.
Section 257.708b Operating motor vehicle with television or similar electronic device viewable by operator prohibited; exceptions; location of permitted visual device; special permit for research vehicle; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.709 Windshields and windows; prohibitions; rearview mirrors; exceptions; windshield wipers; exemption; hot air windshield defroster or electrically heated windshield or other device; windshield device; definitions.
Section 257.710 Tires; studs or other traction devices; rules; exceptions; use or sale of unsafe tires prohibited.
Section 257.710a Safety belts and restraining devices; standards, rules and regulations.
Section 257.710b Safety belts; bolts and brackets.
Section 257.710c Bumpers; height limitations; lift blocks; prohibited modifications; construction of section; applicability; definitions.
Section 257.710d Child restraint system required; position; exceptions; violation as civil infraction; points; abstract; exemption by rules; alternate means of protection.
Section 257.710d.amended Child restraint system required; position; exceptions; violation as civil infraction; points; abstract; exemption by rules; alternate means of protection.
Section 257.710e Safety belt required; driver or passenger to which section inapplicable; transporting child 4 years of age but less than 16 years of age; use of lap belt for purpose of road construction or maintenance; enforcement of section; violation as evidence of negligence; reduction of recovery for damages; violation as civil infraction; reports of police harassment; effect of primary enforcement; report of findings; intent; assessment of points prohibited.
Section 257.710e.amended Safety belt required; driver or passenger to which section inapplicable; transporting child 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age; use of lap belt for purpose of road construction or maintenance; enforcement of section; violation as evidence of negligence; reduction of recovery for damages; violation as civil infraction; reports of inappropriate enforcement; intent; assessment of points prohibited.
Section 257.710f Adoption of program to encourage compliance.
Section 257.710g Child car seat safety grant program; establishment.
Section 257.711 Safety glass required; safety plastic on buses; “safety glass” defined; penalties.
Section 257.711a Repealed. 1990, Act 188, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.
Section 257.712, 257.713 Repealed. 2002, Act 282, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 257.714 Repealed. 1980, Act 487, Imd. Eff. Jan. 21, 1981.
Section 257.714a, 257.714b Repealed. 2005, Act 179, Imd. Eff. Oct. 20, 2005.
Section 257.715 Maintenance of equipment on vehicles; stopping and inspecting vehicles; citation for defects in equipment; inspection of vehicles involved in accident; temporary vehicle check lanes.
Section 257.715a Inspection of certain school buses, buses, or other motor vehicles with seating capacity of 12 or more; delegation of inspection; rules.
300-1949-VI-SIZE-WEIGHT-AND-LOAD SIZE, WEIGHT AND LOAD (257.716...257.750)
Section 257.716 Exceeding size and weight limitations as misdemeanor; exceptions; rules; operation of wrecker, disabled vehicle, and trailer; noncompliance as civil infraction; fine.
Section 257.717 Maximum permissible width of vehicle or load; extension beyond center line of highway; permit; designation of highway for operation of vehicle or vehicle combination; special permit; boat lift or trailer; snowplow blade; violation as civil infraction; charging owner.
Section 257.718 Width of load carried on passenger type vehicle; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.719 Height of vehicle; liability for damage to bridge or viaduct or resulting injury; normal length maximum; prohibitions; length of certain vehicles prohibited from operation on state highways; combination of truck and semitrailer transporting assembled motor vehicles or bodies; connecting assemblies and lighting devices; gross weight; violation as civil infraction; applicability of subsections (2)(a) and (3)(b); definitions.
Section 257.719a Operation of towing vehicle to which mobile home or park model trailer attached.
Section 257.719b Certain mobile homes transported in lower peninsula; additional requirements.
Section 257.719c Truck and semitrailers used for transporting passengers for sightseeing purposes.
Section 257.720 Construction or loading of vehicles to prevent contents from escaping; exception; closing tailgates, faucets, and taps; exemption; proof of violation; loading of vehicles not completely enclosed; prima facie liability; exceptions; front end loading device; violation; penalty; "logs" defined.
Section 257.721 Passenger vehicle or pickup truck towing vehicle or trailer; drawbar or other connection; coupling devices and safety chains; pickup truck with fifth wheel assembly; conditions for towing additional trailer or semitrailer; speed limit requirements; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.722 Maximum axle load; normal loading maximum; designating highways as adequate for heavier loading; restrictions as to tandem axle assemblies; exceptions; public utility vehicles; normal size of tires; maximum wheel load; reduction of maximum axle load on concrete pavements during March, April, and May; exemptions; suspension of restrictions; determination of gross vehicle weight and axle weights; designation of highways for operation of certain vehicles; increase in axle loading maximums; engine fueled by compressed or liquefied natural gas; definitions.
Section 257.722.amended Maximum axle load; normal loading maximum; designating highways as adequate for heavier loading; restrictions as to tandem axle assemblies; exceptions; public utility vehicles; normal size of tires; maximum wheel load; reduction of maximum axle load on concrete pavements during March, April, and May; exemptions; suspension of restrictions; determination of gross vehicle weight and axle weights; designation of highways for operation of certain vehicles; increase in axle loading maximums; engine fueled by compressed or liquefied natural gas; electric batteries; definitions.
Section 257.722a Transporting flammable liquid; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; enforcement; “in bulk” defined; vehicles transporting hazardous materials.
Section 257.723 Towing or platform bed wreckers or road service vehicles; compliance with federal identification requirements; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.724 Stopping vehicle for weighing; shifting or removing load; civil fine and costs; moving vehicle to place of safekeeping; impoundment; lien; foreclosure sale; powers of authorized agent; unlawful weight as civil infraction; fine; driving duly marked vehicle; failure to stop as misdemeanor.
Section 257.724a Axle weight requirements; exception; weight after lift axles lowered; "lift axle" defined.
Section 257.725 Special permit for certain vehicles and loads required; fees; violation as civil infraction; annual permit for movement of construction equipment; "jurisdictional authority" defined.
Section 257.725a Transportation of farm machinery or implements by dealer; annual permit; condition.
Section 257.726 Prohibitions, limitations, or truck route designations by local authorities and county road commissions; signs; written objection by adjoining township; violation as civil infraction; exception for agricultural equipment.
Section 257.726a Enforcement of act on boundary streets or highways.
Section 257.726b Violation as to load, weight, or height of vehicle or load; powers of police officer.
Section 257.726c Duly authorized agent of county road commission; shoulder patch required; firearm.
Section 257.727 Arrest without warrant; arraignment by magistrate or family division of circuit court.
Section 257.727a Repealed. 1979, Act 66, Eff. Aug. 1, 1979.
Section 257.727b Citation books; issuance; receipt.
Section 257.727c “Citation” defined; numbering, form, and parts of citation; modification and optional use of citation; complaint signed by police officer as made under oath; conditions.
Section 257.728 Arrest without warrant; preparation and contents of citation; informing offender of violation; arraignment before magistrate or probate court; appearance; guaranteed appearance certificate or deposit; fees; violation by officer or magistrate; issuance of citation to operator involved in accident; issuance of citation to person operating commercial motor vehicle.
Section 257.728a Citation; delivery of copies to police chief or duly authorized person; deposit of original with court; mailing original to court; spoiled, mutilated, or voided citation; criminal complaint.
Section 257.728b Establishment of procedures to insure accountability; maintenance of citation records.
Section 257.728c Audit of citation records.
Section 257.728d Falsification of citation or record of issuance; penalty.
Section 257.728e Accepting plea; signing of complaint; filing sworn complaint; warrant for arrest.
Section 257.729 Fine and costs.
Section 257.730 Provisions governing arrests without warrant and issuance of citations; execution of warrant.
Section 257.731 Evidence of conviction or civil infraction determination inadmissible in civil action.
Section 257.732 Record of cases; forwarding abstract of record or report to secretary of state; settlement; abstracts forwarded; "felony in which a motor vehicle was used" defined; statement; "felony in which a commercial motor vehicle was used" defined; certification that all abstracts forwarded; noncompliance as misconduct in office; location and public inspection of abstracts; entering abstracts on master driving record; exceptions; informing courts of violations; entering order of reversal in book or index; modifications; abstract as part of written notice to appear; immediate report; expunction prohibited.
Section 257.732a Driver responsibility fee; assessment; notice; payment by installment; failure to pay fee; suspension of driving privileges; fire protection fund; creation; disposition of funds; transmission of fees to state treasurer; collection of assessments subject to MCL 257.304; assessment and collection; provisions applicable beginning September 30, 2018; reinstatement; appropriation.
Section 257.732a.amended Fire protection fund; creation; disposition of funds; transmission of fees to state treasurer.
Section 257.732b Driver responsibility fee; workforce training; participation as alternative to paying fee.
Section 257.732c Workforce training payment program; creation; development; administrator; definitions.
Section 257.732d Driver responsibility fee obligations affected by changes to state law; education of affected individuals.
Section 257.733 Release of accident information to nongovernmental agency; exception.
Section 257.741 Civil infraction action as civil action; commencement; plaintiff; jurisdiction; time and place for appearance; venue.
Section 257.741.amended Civil infraction action as civil action; commencement; plaintiff; jurisdiction; time and place for appearance; venue.
Section 257.742 Stopping, detaining, and issuing citation for civil infraction; pursuing, stopping, and detaining person outside village, city, township, or county; purpose; violation as to load, weight, height, length, or width of vehicle or load; powers of police officer; issuing citation to driver of motor vehicle; form of citation; informing person of alleged civil infraction; delivering copy of citation to alleged offender; issuing, serving, and processing citations for parking and standing violations; filing citation with court; “parking violation notice” and “parking violations bureau” defined.
Section 257.742.amended Stopping, detaining, and issuing citation for civil infraction; pursuing, stopping, and detaining person outside village, city, township, or county; purpose; violation as to load, weight, height, length, or width of vehicle or load; powers of police officer; issuing citation to driver of motor vehicle; form of citation; informing person of alleged civil infraction; delivering copy of citation to alleged offender; issuing, serving, and processing citations for parking and standing violations; filing citation with court; camera-based violation citation by mail; “parking violation notice” and "parking violations bureau" defined.
Section 257.743 Contents of citation issued pursuant to MCL 257.742; timely appearance.
Section 257.744 Admissions or denials; sworn complaint; warrant for arrest.
Section 257.744a Police officer knowingly making materially false statement in citation as perjury; felony; penalty; contempt of court.
Section 257.745 Responding to allegations in citation; appearance in person, by representation, or by mail; admission of responsibility; acceptance of admission; denial of responsibility; scheduling of informal or formal hearing.
Section 257.746 Informal hearing; procedure.
Section 257.747 Formal hearing; procedure.
Section 257.748 Default judgment; suspension of license.
Section 257.749 Stopping nonresident for civil infraction; release personal recognizance; immediate hearing before magistrate; failure to appear; default judgment.
Section 257.750 Issuance of citations; number as factor in evaluation of police officer's performance prohibited; applicability of MCL 257.901; fees prohibited; violation of MCL 257.749 as misconduct in office; removal.
300-1949-VIA CHAPTER VIA STREETCARS (257.790...257.793)
Section 257.790 Operation of bicycle or vehicle on streetcar track; removal, overtaking, and passing; requirements; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791 Use of street railway system or streetcar; prohibitions; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791a Occupancy and use of a street railway system station; violation as a civil infraction; "shared station" defined.
Section 257.791b Smoking prohibited within or on streetcar or station; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791c Animals, other than service or qualified animals prohibited on or in streetcar or station; violation as civil infraction; definitions.
Section 257.791d Food and beverages prohibited on or within a streetcar or station; exceptions; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791e Disposal of garbage prohibited on or in a streetcar or station; violation as a civil infraction.
Section 257.791f Oversized baggage or commercial shopping cart prohibited on or within a streetcar or station.
Section 257.791g Disruptive conduct prohibited; live music permit; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.792 Removal of bicycle, vehicle, cargo, or other personal property blocking, delaying, or interfering with movement of streetcar; liability; "gross negligence" defined; reimbursement by owner or carrier; definitions.
Section 257.793 Powers, immunities, and authority of law enforcement officers; sworn oath of office; monthly uniform crime reports.
300-1949-VII CHAPTER VII REGISTRATION FEES (257.801...257.821)
Section 257.801 Registration taxes on vehicle; schedules; exemption from ad valorem taxes on vehicles in stock or bond; increase and disposition of certain taxes; late fee; waiver; taxes and revenues relating to regional transit authority; historic vehicle; fee increase on vehicle using 4 or more tires; increase in fees; definitions.
Section 257.801a Registration fees; portable feed mills or mixers.
Section 257.801b Refund of specific tax paid in error; refund of dealer license fees; refund on and return of registration plates or tabs; refund in case of original application for certain registration plates; refund or credit for plates issued under MCL 257.801g.
Section 257.801c Nonpayment of check or draft for fee or tax on vehicle; liability; penalties; collection of delinquent accounts.
Section 257.801d Repealed. 2003, Act 152, Eff. Oct. 1, 2003.
Section 257.801e Moped; application for registration; form; signature; fee; issuance and contents of certificate of registration; insurance; size, legibility, and inspection of certificate; issuance and display of decal; rules; certificate of registration for use in testing or demonstrating moped; duration of registration.
Section 257.801f Moped; notice of destruction or abandonment; surrender and cancellation of certificate of registration; notice of change of address; transfer of certificate; fee; duration of registration; duplicate certificate.
Section 257.801g Apportionment of fee under international registration plan if permitted by reciprocal compact, agreement, or other arrangement; definition; issuance of registration plate and cab card upon payment of apportioned fee; purchase of annual international registration plan plates; service fee; notice; effect of late payment; effect of surrendering or not surrendering registration plate; temporary registration.
Section 257.801h Fleet registration; application; issuance and display of registration plates; tax; late fee; adding or deleting registration; ineligible vehicle; determination of owner's compliance.
Section 257.801i Issuance of registration for more than 1 period.
Section 257.801j Additional tax charged by regional transit authority.
Section 257.801k Late fees; exception for certain vehicles in pandemic; adequate in-person services.
Section 257.802 Special registration; registration of commercial vehicles and special mobile equipment; temporary registration plates or markers; tax rates, fees, and service charges; deposit of service fees.
Section 257.802a Temporary permits; collection and disposition of fee; bulk sales to agents.
Section 257.803 Special plates for manufacturer, transporter, or dealer; fees.
Section 257.803a Issuance of historic vehicle registration plate or registration tab; fee; certification; registration certificate; registration transferable; expiration or revocation of registration.
Section 257.803a.amended Issuance or renewal historic vehicle registration plate; fee; certification; registration certificate; registration transferable; expiration or revocation of registration.
Section 257.803b Personalized registration plate; use; letters and numbers; material; duplication prohibited; submission of application; payment, disposition, and use of service fee; expiration date; letters and numbers given to different person in subsequent year; other sequence of letters and numbers; temporary permit.
Section 257.803b.amended Personalized registration plate; use; letters and numbers; material; duplication prohibited; submission of application; payment, disposition, and use of service fee; expiration date; letters and numbers given to different person in subsequent year; other sequence of letters and numbers; temporary permit.
Section 257.803c Personalized registration plates; confiscation for improper use.
Section 257.803d Special registration plates for disabled persons or for vehicles used to transport disabled persons; inscription; statements; fees; application; violation; penalty; "disabled person" defined.
Section 257.803e Special registration plate; inscription; application; form; proof; issuance of plate; exemption; misdemeanor; expiration of plate; application for renewal; "blue star family member" and "gold star family member" defined.
Section 257.803f Special registration plates for totally disabled veterans and surviving spouses; inscription; application; form; service fee prohibited; proof; tax exemption; expiration of plates; renewal; tab for persons with disabilities; misdemeanor.
Section 257.803f.amended Special registration plates for disabled veterans and surviving spouses; inscription; application; form; service fee prohibited; proof; tax exemption; expiration of plates; renewal; tab for persons with disabilities; misdemeanor.
Section 257.803g Special registration for member of congress from Michigan; issuance; expiration; fee.
Section 257.803h Tab for persons with disabilities; "disabled person" defined.
Section 257.803i Special registration plate for member of National Guard, military reserve, or armed forces; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal.
Section 257.803j Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of armed forces during Korean War; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal.
Section 257.803k Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of armed forces during Vietnam War; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal.
Section 257.803<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of armed forces during World War II; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal.
Section 257.803m Special organization plates.
Section 257.803n Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of National Guard, reserve, or branch of armed forces during Persian Gulf War or conflicts in Grenada, Panama, or Lebanon; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal.
Section 257.803o Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of National Guard, reserve, or branch of armed forces called to active duty during declared war or armed conflict; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal.
Section 257.803p Authentic Michigan registration plate; fee; certification; registration certificate; transferability; validity; revocation of registration.
Section 257.803q Special registration plate; “honorary consul” designation; fee; tax; prohibited use; violation as misdemeanor; expiration; status or immunity.
Section 257.803r Service fees; deposit into transportation administration collection fund.
Section 257.803s Legacy registration plates; application; fees.
Section 257.803t.added Special "Merchant Marine" registration plate.
Section 257.803u.added Special registration for woman veteran; issuance; expiration.
Section 257.804 Fee for distinctive or commemorative plate and duplicate or replacement license plate; deposit into transportation administration collection fund.
Section 257.805 Application for issuance or renewal of motor vehicle registration or replacement registration tab or sticker; recreation passport fee; format and language of motor vehicle application; transfer of revenue; adjustment of amounts in subsection (1); annual review; registration tab or sticker; payment as personal information; definitions.
Section 257.806 Certificate of title or duplicate certificate of title; fees; special expeditious treatment; additional fee; deposit in transportation administration collection fund; special identifying number; payment and disposition of tire disposal surcharge.
Section 257.807 License fees.
Section 257.808 Liens on motor vehicles; fees.
Section 257.809 Application for transfer of registration; fee; payment of difference in fee; deposit into transportation administration collection fund.
Section 257.810 Disposition of fees.
Section 257.810a Assessment; collection; disposition; purpose.
Section 257.810b Transportation administration collection fund; creation; investment, disposition, and expenditure of money; payments under certain sections of law; report of itemized list of deposits and expenditures; review of funds to be used to leverage additional federal funds.
300-1949-VII-LICENSES LICENSES (257.811...257.812)
Section 257.811 Fees for operator's license, chauffeur's license, or minor's restricted license; renewal; refund to county or municipality; traffic law enforcement and safety fund; operator's license issued to persons under 18 years of age or licensed in another state; person on active military service at time of expiration; renewal rate; exception for late fees during 2021.
Section 257.811a Motorcycle safety course; conducting; amount and use of fees; duties of secretary of state; rules; designation, qualifications, and funding of state coordinator of motorcycle safety education program; annual inspections; fulfillment of waiver requirement; audit.
Section 257.811b Motorcycle safety course conducted by private business enterprise; rules; fulfillment of waiver requirement.
Section 257.811c Repealed. 2006, Act 562, Eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
Section 257.811d Definitions; fund-raising registration plate; requirements; design or logo by university or other person; written agreement.
Section 257.811e Fund-raising plate.
Section 257.811f Fund-raising plate; issuance; application; donation, tax, and fee; renewal; personalized fund-raising plate; disabled person's plate; expiration; temporary registration permit.
Section 257.811g Collector plate; display; purchase; ceasing sale.
Section 257.811h Disposition of service fee collections; separate accounts; disbursement; ceasing issuance of fund-raising plate; ownership of right, title, and interest; royalty fee; report
Section 257.811i Plates recognizing water quality; collection of donations; creation of water quality protection fund; definitions.
Section 257.811j Children's trust fund-raising plate or collector plate; collection of donations.
Section 257.811k Michigan lighthouse preservation grant fund; creation and expenditure of fund; annual accounting; grant awards; transfer and disposition of collected donations; "state historic preservation office" defined.
Section 257.811<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Critical nongame wildlife habitat fund-raising plate and collector plate; collection of donations; transfer and disposition.
Section 257.811m Plates recognizing Michigan veterans memorial; donations.
Section 257.811n Agricultural heritage; fund-raising donations; collection; transfer and disbursement.
Section 257.811o American pride; design; transfer and disbursement; proud to be American fund; report.
Section 257.811p Olympic education-training center; design; logo; transfer and disbursement.
Section 257.811q Support for our troops; design; transfer and disbursement; support our troops fund; report.
Section 257.811r Fund-raising plate; boy scouts of America; fund.
Section 257.811s Thomas Daley gift of life fund; creation; deposit of money or other assets; money remaining at close of fiscal year; transfer; administration for auditing purposes; expenditures; "fund" defined.
Section 257.811t Fund-raising plate recognizing anatomical gift donation.
Section 257.811v Fund-raising plate and matching collector plate; ducks unlimited.
Section 257.811w Ducks unlimited fund; creation; investment; disbursement.
Section 257.811x Fund-raising plate recognizing Michigan breast and cervical cancer control program.
Section 257.811y Amanda's fund for breast cancer prevention and treatment; transfer of donation money from sale of fund-raising plates; summary of expenditures; "Michigan breast and cervical cancer control program" defined.
Section 257.811z Fund-raising plate recognizing be the match; be the match fund; creation; transfer of donation money; disbursement; state treasurer as administrator; expenditure.
Section 257.811aa Sickle cell anemia awareness fund and fund-raising plate; collection of donations; transfer and disposition.
Section 257.811bb Plates recognizing Michigan veterans; donations; Michigan veterans engagement fund; creation; administrator; money remaining in fund at close of fiscal year; disbursement to Michigan veterans affairs agency; expenditures.
Section 257.811cc Fund-raising plate recognizing Detroit Red Wings.
Section 257.811dd Fund-raising plate recognizing Detroit Tigers.
Section 257.811ee Fund-raising plate recognizing Detroit Lions.
Section 257.811ff Fund-raising plate recognizing Detroit Pistons.
Section 257.811hh Fund-raising plate; recognizing sickle cell anemia education and treatment; sickle cell anemia awareness fund.
Section 257.811ii.added Michigan 4-H fund-raising plate.
Section 257.811jj.added Michigan 4-H Foundation fund.
Section 257.812 Fee for duplicate or corrected license; renewal.
300-1949-VII-MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS (257.813...257.821)
Section 257.813 Certified copies of records.
Section 257.814 Use tax; collection; disposition; collection upon registration of nonresident vehicle in this state.
Section 257.815 Application for registration or for transfer of license; statement of sales tax due; form; copies; exemption; certification; transmitting statement and sales tax funds to department of treasury; issuing or transferring title or license plates on motor vehicle sold by dealer; conditions; compensation for collection of sales tax.
Section 257.816 Acceptance of credit cards for payment of tax or fee.
Section 257.817 Liability.
Section 257.818 Repealed. 2003, Act 152, Eff. Oct. 1, 2003.
Section 257.819 Disposition and use of revenues from increases in fees.
Section 257.819a Traffic law enforcement and safety fund; creation; investment, disposition, transfer, and expenditure of money.
Section 257.819b Trooper recruit school fund; creation; investment, disposition, and expenditure of money.
Section 257.820 Repealed. 2003, Act 152, Eff. Oct. 1, 2003.
Section 257.821 Disposition and use of fees.
300-1949-VIII CHAPTER VIII PENALTIES (257.901...257.910)
Section 257.901 Violation as misdemeanor; penalty; civil infraction.
Section 257.901a Violation of MCL 257.311; waiver of fine and costs; certification.
Section 257.902 Violation of act; felony, penalty.
Section 257.903 False certification as felony; penalty.
Section 257.904 Operating vehicle if license, registration certificate, or vehicle group designation suspended, revoked, or denied; penalty; extending period of suspension or revocation; enhanced sentence; furnishing record to court; applicability.
Section 257.904.amended Operating vehicle if license, registration certificate, or vehicle group designation suspended, revoked, or denied; penalty; extending period of suspension or revocation; enhanced sentence; furnishing record to court; applicability.
Section 257.904a Operation of motor vehicle by unlicensed person as misdemeanor; penalty; second offense.
Section 257.904b Order of impoundment.
Section 257.904c Vehicle immobilization required; duties of peace officer; validity of temporary vehicle registration; duration.
Section 257.904d Vehicle immobilization; order; "vehicle immobilization" and "prior conviction" defined.
Section 257.904e Vehicle immobilization; manner; storage; removal; impoundment.
Section 257.904f Vehicle registration records; disclosure.
Section 257.905 Violation of financial responsibility chapter; penalty.
Section 257.905[1] Repealed. 2020, Act 383, Eff. Mar. 24, 2021.
Section 257.906 Right of police officer to enter upon private road.
Section 257.907 Civil infraction; payment of civil fine and costs; certification of repair of defective equipment; collection of civil fines or costs; waiver of fine, cost, and assessment; civil infraction arising out of ownership or operation of commercial quadricycle; "moving violation" defined.
Section 257.907.amended Civil infraction; payment of civil fine and costs; certification of repair of defective equipment; collection of civil fines or costs; waiver of fine, cost, and assessment; civil infraction arising out of ownership or operation of commercial quadricycle; "moving violation" defined.
Section 257.907a.added Work zone safety fund.
Section 257.908 Default as civil contempt; penalty.
Section 257.909 Application and allocation of civil fines to public and county law libraries.
Section 257.909.amended Application and allocation of civil fines to public and county law libraries; allocation of civil fines under MCL 257.682 to school districts; allocation of civil fines under 257.907 to work zone safety fund.
Section 257.910 Conviction based on plea of nolo contendere; treatment.
300-1949-IX CHAPTER IX MISCELLANEOUS (257.921...257.923)
Section 257.921 Repeal.
Section 257.922 Saving clause.
Section 257.922a Act inapplicable to racing event.
Section 257.923 Short title.