MCL - Index of Act 241 of 2004

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 241 of 2004 MICHIGAN CHILDREN'S PROTECTION REGISTRY ACT (752.1061 - 752.1068)
Section 752.1061 Short title; legislative intent.
Section 752.1062 Definitions.
Section 752.1063 Child protection registry; establishment and operation; registration of contact points; duration; expiration; revocation; renewal; registration by schools and other institutions serving minor children; compliance mechanism; fees; operational date.
Section 752.1064 Children's protection registry fund; creation; expenditures; reversion to general fund.
Section 752.1065 Prohibited conduct; exceptions; third-party security audits.
Section 752.1066 Release of information; prohibitions; register not subject to freedom of information act.
Section 752.1067 Violation of act; penalties.
Section 752.1068 Civil action; attorney fees; remedies; investigation of business transactions; effective date of section.