MCL - Index of Act 102 of 1986

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 102 of 1986 PART-TIME, INDEPENDENT STUDENT GRANTS (390.1281 - 390.1288)
Section 390.1281 Definitions.
Section 390.1282 Grant program; establishment; purpose.
Section 390.1283 Participation in grant program; eligibility.
Section 390.1284 Total amount granted to educational institution; use of funds.
Section 390.1285 Maximum grant to eligible student; priority; effect of other scholarships or grant awards.
Section 390.1286 Grant not income in determining eligibility for aid or assistance under social welfare act.
Section 390.1287 Gifts, grants, bequests, donations, and devises; acceptance authorized; annual report.
Section 390.1288 Rules.