MCL - Index of 451-1994-II-5
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
451-1994-II-5 | CHAPTER 5 RECYCLING AND RELATED SUBJECTS (324.16101...324.17505) |
451-1994-II-5-161 | PART 161 PLASTIC PRODUCTS LABELING (324.16101...324.16104) |
Section 324.16101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.16102 | Plastic products; labeling with code; list of label codes; copies of list. |
Section 324.16103 | Additional staff prohibited. |
Section 324.16104 | Violation; civil fine; default; remedy. |
451-1994-II-5-163 | PART 163 PLASTIC DEGRADABLE CONTAINERS (324.16301...324.16303) |
Section 324.16301 | Definitions. |
Section 324.16302 | Container holding devices constructed of plastic rings; design and registration of symbol; test data; vacuum-packed wrapping. |
Section 324.16303 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
451-1994-II-5-165 | PART 165 OFFICE PAPER RECOVERY (324.16501...324.16503) |
Section 324.16501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.16502 | Paper recycling system; establishment; purpose; scope; schedule; functions. |
Section 324.16503 | Proceeds of paper recycling system; disposition; use. |
451-1994-II-5-167 | PART 167 USED OIL RECYCLING (324.16701...324.16705) |
Section 324.16701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.16702 | Plan to promote recycling of motor oil; public education program. |
Section 324.16703 | Plan to recycle motor oil; demonstration used oil recycling project; project plan; funding. |
Section 324.16704 | Disposal of used oil; designation of land as collection facility; placement in receptacle or container; applicability of subsection (1); disposal of used oil in municipal solid waste incinerator; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; enforcement actions; criteria used in designating collection facilities. |
Section 324.16705 | Comprehensive plan. |
451-1994-II-5-169 | PART 169 SCRAP TIRES (324.16901...324.16911) |
Section 324.16901 | Definitions. |
Section 324.16902 | Delivery of scrap tire; limitations; removal; scope of subsection (2); presumptions. |
Section 324.16902a | Repealed. 2002, Act 496, Imd. Eff. July 3, 2002. |
Section 324.16903 | Accumulation of scrap tires outdoors by owner or operator of collection site; compliance; bond required; exception; drawing on bond; notice; order. |
Section 324.16903a | Fires at collection sites; statewide response plan. |
Section 324.16903b | Bond; exemptions; noncompliance; notice; compliance with subsection (1). |
Section 324.16903c | Maintenance limiting mosquito breeding; requirements; violation; penalty; payment default. |
Section 324.16904 | Owner or operator of collection site or portable shredding operation; application for registration; form; documentation of bonding; compliance with storage requirements; fee. |
Section 324.16904a | End user; exemption. |
Section 324.16904b | Regulation of scrap tires as solid waste. |
Section 324.16905 | Scrap tire hauler; registration; form; contents; presentment; display of number; maintenance, availability, and contents of record; disposal at other location prohibited; original record; copy; bond; use; conditions for drawing on; notice; order. |
Section 324.16906 | Record. |
Section 324.16907 | Report to legislature. |
Section 324.16908 | Scrap tire regulatory fund; creation; investment; interest and earnings; department as administrator for auditing purposes; no reversion to general fund; use of money in fund; grants. |
Section 324.16908a | Development of markets for scrap tires. |
Section 324.16908b | Unpaid cleanup costs; lien; filing of petition by attorney general; type of lien; duration; release. |
Section 324.16908c | Intentional open burning of scrap tire prohibited. |
Section 324.16909 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalties; separate violations; issuance of appearance ticket; section inapplicable to violation of MCL 324.16903c; false statement. |
Section 324.16909a | Investigation or inspection; warrantless search; seizure of vehicle or equipment; costs. |
Section 324.16910 | Response to fire or violation of part; action for recovery of incurred costs. |
Section 324.16911 | Reports; appointment of scrap tire advisory committee. |
451-1994-II-5-171 | PART 171 BATTERY DISPOSAL (324.17101...324.17107) |
Section 324.17101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.17102 | Disposal of lead acid battery. |
Section 324.17103 | Retailer of lead acid batteries; duties. |
Section 324.17104 | Notices; failure to post; default in payment of civil fine. |
Section 324.17105 | Acceptance of lead acid batteries by distributor; quantity; removal from point of collection. |
Section 324.17105a | Batteries containing intentionally introduced mercury; sales or offers prohibited. |
Section 324.17105b | Button cell mercuric oxide battery or mercuric oxide battery; sales or offers. |
Section 324.17105c | Nickel cadmium batteries; voluntary collection program. |
Section 324.17106, 324.17106a | Repealed. 1995, Act 124, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1995. |
Section 324.17107 | Enforcement; violation as misdemeanor; penalties. |
451-1994-II-5-172. | PART 172. MERCURY-ADDED PRODUCTS (324.17201...324.17206) |
Section 324.17201 | Definitions. |
Section 324.17202 | Mercury thermometer; sale, offer for sale, or offer for promotional purposes. |
Section 324.17203 | Enforcement; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.17204 | Sale of blood pressure device containing mercury; prohibitions; exceptions. |
Section 324.17205 | Thermostat containing mercury or mercury compound; sale or distribution prohibited; exception. |
Section 324.17206 | Esophageal dilator, bougie tube, or gastrointestinal tube with mercury or mercury compound added; sale, offer for sale, or distribution prohibited; exceptions. |
451-1994-II-5-173 | PART 173 ELECTRONICS (324.17301...324.17333) |
Section 324.17301 | Definitions. |
Section 324.17303 | Sale or offer of sale of new covered electronic device; registration by manufacturer; expiration; contents; effectiveness; failure to comply with requirements or rules; notice of deficiency; denial or revocation of registration; hearing; validity; fee; deposit of revenues; list of registered manufacturers; maintenance of website; report. |
Section 324.17305 | Sale or offer of sale of new covered electronic device; manufacturer; requirements. |
Section 324.17307 | Sale or offer of sale of new covered electronic device; retailer; appearance of manufacturer on registration list. |
Section 324.17309 | Computer takeback program. |
Section 324.17311 | Video display device takeback program. |
Section 324.17313 | Electronic waste advisory council; creation; members; appointments; term; vacancy; removal; co-chairs; meeting; quorum; business conducted at public meeting; writings; compensation prohibited; report; dissolution. |
Section 324.17315 | Recycling of covered electronic devices; manner; rules. |
Section 324.17317 | Recycling of covered electronic devices; registration form; contents; report of total weight recycled previous state fiscal year; effectiveness of registration; notice of deficiency; fee; deposit of revenues; submission of false registration as violation; report. |
Section 324.17319 | Requirements. |
Section 324.17321 | Rules for purposes of MCL 324.17303 and 324.17315. |
Section 324.17323 | Management of covered electronic devices not considered disposal. |
Section 324.17325 | Recycler of covered electronic devices; inspection of operations. |
Section 324.17327 | Electronic waste recycling fund; creation; deposit of money or assets; investment; money at close of fiscal year; administrator of fund; expenditures. |
Section 324.17329 | Violation; penalty; suspension or revocation of registration; deposit of fine in electronic waste recycling fund. |
Section 324.17331 | Loss or use of data; liability. |
Section 324.17333 | Report. |
451-1994-II-5-175 | PART 175 RECYCLING REPORTING (324.17501...324.17505) |
Section 324.17501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.17502 | Recycling establishment; registration; requirements. |
Section 324.17503 | Recycling establishment; report. |
Section 324.17504 | Information; confidentiality; exemption from disclosure. |
Section 324.17505 | Website; posting; report to legislature. |