MCL - Index of 451-1994-II-1-33

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
451-1994-II-1-33 PART 33 AQUATIC NUISANCE CONTROL (324.3301...324.3315)
Section 324.3301 Definitions; A to D.
Section 324.3302 Definitions; G to W.
Section 324.3303 Chemical treatment of waters for aquatic nuisance control; permit or certificate of coverage required; exception; records; qualifications; authorization under part 31.
Section 324.3304 Lake management plan as part of permit application; proposal for whole lake evaluation treatment; placement of specific conditions in permit; scientific rationale for permit denial.
Section 324.3305 Registration of chemical used for aquatic nuisance control; evaluations; order to prohibit or suspend chemical use.
Section 324.3306 Certificate of coverage; application fee; adjustment; target; "consumer price index" defined; aquatic nuisance control fund; payment of fee.
Section 324.3307 Application; electronic submission; approval or denial within certain time period; requirements; failure to satisfy requirements.
Section 324.3308 Written permission from bottomland owner.
Section 324.3309 Permit; term; information to be included; authorization of chemical treatment; annual fees; additional conditions.
Section 324.3310 Permit conditions.
Section 324.3311 Permit; revisions; transfer; expansion of area of impact.
Section 324.3312 Rules.
Section 324.3313 Violations as misdemeanors; penalty; commencement of civil action by attorney general; revocation of permit or certificate of coverage.
Section 324.3315 Registry of waterbodies infested by aquatic invasive species; maintenance of website.