House Bill 4936 of 2011

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Insurance; no-fault; coverage and benefits; make miscellaneous changes. Amends secs. 3101, 3104, 3107, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3135, 3157, 3163 & 3172 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.3101 et seq.) & adds secs. 1245, 3107c & 3178.


Bill Document Formatting Information
House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes


House Fiscal Agency Analysis

Revised Summary As Introduced (10-05-11)
This document analyzes HB4936
Revised Summary as Reported From Committee (11-07-11)
This document analyzes HB4936


(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)
Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date Journal Action
9/13/2011 HJ 68 Pg. 2160 introduced by Representative Pete Lund
9/13/2011 HJ 68 Pg. 2160 read a first time
9/13/2011 HJ 68 Pg. 2160 referred to Committee on Insurance
9/14/2011 HJ 69 Pg. 2169 printed bill filed 09/14/2011
10/13/2011 HJ 81 Pg. 2409 reported with recommendation with substitute H-2
10/13/2011 HJ 81 Pg. 2409 referred to second reading