Speaker Hall offered the following resolution:
A resolution to create the Select Committee on Protecting Michigan Employees and Small Businesses.
Whereas, There are significant issues facing employees throughout Michigan and threatening to close the doors of our state?s small businesses; and
Whereas, The pressing nature of these challenges requires swift action from the Legislature to protect paychecks and support the stability of our small business economy; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the Select Committee on Protecting Michigan Employees and Small Businesses is created. The select committee shall consist of 15 members appointed by the Speaker of the House, nine House Republicans and six House Democrats. The Speaker of the House shall designate the chairperson, majority vice chairperson, and minority vice chairperson; and be it further
Resolved, That the select committee shall consider legislation regarding Michigan?s minimum wage, including the minimum wage for tipped workers, and legislation regarding earned sick time. The select committee may favorably report any bill back to the House.