house resolution no.59

Reps. Coleman, Breen, Puri, Pohutsky, Brenda Carter, Morgan, Wegela, Hoskins, Rogers, McFall and Whitsett offered the following resolution:

A resolution to urge the United States government and Michiganders to strengthen ties with Taiwan.

Whereas, The United States and Taiwan have strong ties based on shared ideals and robust bilateral trade. Taiwan shares the values of freedom, democracy, human rights, rule of law, peace, and prosperity with the United States and the state of Michigan. In 2021, the United States ranked as Taiwan’s second-largest trading partner, while Taiwan was the eighth-largest trading partner of the United States, counting the European Union as a single trading partner. The countries shared 113.9 billion dollars in two-way goods trade and 19.8 billion dollars in two-way services trade in that year; and

Whereas, Taiwan is a particularly important trade partner for our nation’s agricultural industry. Taiwan imported 3.9 billion dollars’ worth of agricultural products from the United States in 2021, making it the sixth-largest market for United States food and agricultural products overall. Examining individual agricultural products, Taiwan was the seventh-largest market for United States soybeans and corn in 2021. Due to our high-quality produce, the United States remains one of Taiwan’s largest sources of agricultural products, supplying more than one-fifth of the country’s total agricultural imports in 2020; and

Whereas, The state of Michigan and Taiwan have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship, with strong bilateral trade and a long history of educational and cultural exchanges. Taiwan was Michigan’s tenth-largest export market in Asia in 2022, with over 313 million dollars’ worth of Michigan goods exported to Taiwan that year. Since 2006, the Michigan Department of Education and the Taiwanese Ministry of Education have had an English and Chinese language teacher exchange program, helping our citizens to grow closer and learn about each other’s cultures. The Taiwan Friendship Caucus in the Michigan Legislature exists to strengthen ties between our governments, our economies, and our people. To ensure this relationship remains strong, Michigan businesses should increase their economic engagement with Taiwan; and

Whereas, The United States could take additional steps to strengthen bilateral trade with Taiwan, which would also enhance Taiwan’s trade with the state of Michigan. Trade between our nations could be improved if the United States entered into a bilateral trade agreement and an avoidance of double taxation agreement with Taiwan. Taiwan could also be included in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), a partnership between many Indo-Pacific nations and the United States that was created to strengthen economic cooperation. The United States invited other Indo-Pacific partners to join the IPEF in May 2022, and Taiwan should be invited to and included in this partnership; and

Whereas, Taiwan has adopted a policy of “steadfast diplomacy” in its foreign relations. This policy “aims at mutual benefit and peace, creating sustainable partnerships with diplomatic allies, and strengthening substantive ties in multiple fields with friendly and like-minded countries.” Taiwan is clearly willing to collaborate with the world to deal with global challenges and seek a brighter future together; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we urge the United States government and Michiganders to strengthen ties with Taiwan; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the President of the United States Senate, and the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.