house resolution no.67
Reps. Aiyash, Farhat, Beson, McKinney, Wegela, Puri, Arbit, Bierlein, Breen, Fitzgerald, Hood, Hoskins, Koleszar, Price, Rogers, Shannon, Weiss and Young offered the following resolution:
Whereas, This occasion is observed in commitment to the Islamic principles and in remembrance of the month in which the holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); and
Whereas, This month of sacrifice and contemplation begins on the evening of Wednesday, March 22, 2023, based on the visual sightings of the crescent moon. Ramadan continues until the evening of Thursday, April 20, 2023, with Eid al-Fitr, the celebration of the completion of the month; and
Whereas, Muslims in Michigan, our nation, and around the world will observe Ramadan by fasting, emphasizing self-discipline, worship, charity, and reading the holy Quran to improve patience, humility, and spirituality; and
Whereas, During Ramadan, Muslims spend this period in reflection and prayer while strengthening the bonds of family, friendship, and community. Ramadan is considered the most sacred month of the Islamic calendar; and
Whereas, The Muslim population has been growing in the United States and today’s Muslim American population is a tapestry of ethnic, racial, linguistic, social, and economic groups; and
Whereas, One of the largest populations of Muslims in the United States resides in Michigan and makes meaningful contributions to our state; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body extend best wishes to Muslims in Michigan, the United States, and worldwide, for a joyous and meaningful observance of Ramadan, a holy month of prayer, fasting, charity, and reflection.