house resolution no.235
Reps. Roth, Liberati, Sabo, Borton, Rogers, Markkanen, Beson, Bollin, Breen and O'Malley offered the following resolution:
A resolution to declare February 18, 2022, as Caregivers Day in the state of Michigan.
Whereas, February 18 marks National Caregivers Day 2022, created in 2015 to recognize in-home caregivers who provide personal care and support to enable millions of Americans who are aging or who have a disability to remain safe and healthy in their own homes; and
Whereas, Home care has emerged as a valuable solution to fill gaps created by traditional care models, including hospitals, nursing homes, and home health. Professional caregivers work for licensed home care agencies and receive training to enable them to assist with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation. Most importantly, these caregivers provide vital companionship and mental stimulation by engaging their clients in conversation and other activities; and
Whereas, Professional caregivers, who number nearly 4.6 million in the United States and family caregivers who are an estimated at 44 million, are lifelines to millions of Americans while keeping them safe, healthy, and engaged. Important benefits of home care include helping seniors lead more independent lives, preventing falls and other common injuries, promoting medication adherence, and reducing social isolation; and
Whereas, The home care industry is among the fastest growing healthcare industries in the United States and the Home Care Association Michigan Chapter continuously advocates on behalf of our providers and professional caregivers who have been essential in the fight against COVID-19; and
Whereas, Caregivers have stepped up to the challenge of COVID-19, not only caring for their clients but also risking their own personal health and safety while doing so; and
Whereas, Home care workers enable families to stay together at home safely and with dignity as they age; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare February 18, 2022, as Caregivers Day in the state of Michigan. We express our gratitude to caregivers for their unwavering commitment to the care of their clients and families, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.