A bill to amend 1974 PA 258, entitled
"Mental health code,"
by amending section 100c (MCL 330.1100c), as amended by 2020 PA 285.
the people of the state of michigan enact:
Sec. 100c. (1) "Peace officer" means an officer of the department of state police, or an officer of a law enforcement agency of a county, township, city, or village who is responsible for preventing and detecting crime and enforcing the criminal laws of this state, or an officer of a law enforcement agency who is licensed under the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards act, 1965 PA 203, MCL 28.601 to 28.615. For the purposes of sections 408, 426, 427a, and 427b, peace officer also includes an officer of the United States Secret Service with the officer's consent and a police officer of the Veterans' Administration Medical Center Reservation.
(2) "Peer review" means a process, including the review process required under section 143a, in which mental health professionals of a state facility, licensed hospital, or community mental health services program evaluate the clinical competence of staff and the quality and appropriateness of care provided to recipients. Peer review evaluations are confidential in accordance with section 748(9) and are based on criteria established by the facility or community mental health services program itself, the accepted standards of the mental health professions, and the department.
(3) "Person requiring treatment" means an individual who meets the criteria described in section 401.
(4) "Physician" means an individual licensed or otherwise authorized to engage in the practice of medicine under part 170 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.17001 to 333.17097, or to engage in the practice of osteopathic medicine and surgery under part 175 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.17501 to 333.17556.
(5) "Primary consumer" means an individual who has received or is receiving services from the department or a community mental health services program or services from the private sector equivalent to those offered by the department or a community mental health services program.
(6) "Priority" means preference for and dedication of a major proportion of resources to specified populations or services. Priority does not mean serving or funding the specified populations or services to the exclusion of other populations or services.
(7) "Protective custody" means the temporary custody of an individual by a peace officer with or without the individual's consent for the purpose of protecting that individual's health and safety, or the health and safety of the public, and for the purpose of transporting the individual under section 276, 408, or 427 if the individual appears, in the judgment of the peace officer, to be a person requiring treatment or is a person requiring treatment. Protective custody is civil in nature and is not an arrest.
(8) "Psychiatric residential treatment facility" or "PRTF" means a facility other than a hospital that provides psychiatric services, as described in 42 CFR 441.151 to 441.182, 441.184, in an inpatient setting to individuals under age 21.
(9) "Psychiatric unit" means a unit of a general hospital that provides inpatient services for individuals with serious mental illness or serious emotional disturbance. As used in this subsection, "general hospital" means a hospital as defined in section 20106 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.20106.
(10) "Psychiatrist" means 1 or more of the following:
(a) A physician who has completed a residency program in psychiatry approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or the American Osteopathic Association, or who has completed 12 months of psychiatric rotation and is enrolled in an approved residency program as described in this subdivision.
(b) A psychiatrist employed by or under contract with the department or a community mental health services program on March 28, 1996.
(c) A physician who devotes a substantial portion of his or her time to the practice of psychiatry and is approved by the director.
(11) "Psychologist" means an individual who is licensed or otherwise authorized to engage in the practice of psychology under part 182 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.18201 to 333.18237, and who devotes a substantial portion of his or her time to the diagnosis and treatment of individuals with serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, substance use disorder, or developmental disability.
(12) "Public patient" means an individual approved for mental health services by a community mental health services program. Public patient includes an individual who is admitted as a patient under section 423, 429, or 438.
(13) "Recipient" means an individual who receives mental health services, either in person or through telemedicine, from the department, a community mental health services program, or a facility or from a provider that is under contract with the department or a community mental health services program. For the purposes of this act, recipient does not include an individual receiving substance use disorder services under chapter 2A unless that individual is also receiving mental health services under this act in conjunction with substance use disorder services.
(14) "Recipient rights advisory committee" means a committee of a community mental health services program board appointed under section 757 or a recipient rights advisory committee appointed by a licensed hospital under section 758.
(15) "Recovery" means a highly individualized process of healing and transformation by which the individual gains control over his or her life. Related services include recovery management, recovery support services, recovery houses or transitional living programs, and relapse prevention. Recovery involves the development of a new meaning, purpose, and growing beyond the impact of addiction or a diagnosis. Recovery may include the pursuit of spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical well-being.
(16) "Regional entity" means an entity established under section 204b to provide specialty services and supports.
(17) "Rehabilitation" means the act of restoring an individual to a state of mental and physical health or useful activity through vocational or educational training, therapy, and counseling.
(18) "Resident" means an individual who receives services in a facility.
(19) "Responsible mental health agency" means the hospital, center, or community mental health services program that has primary responsibility for the recipient's care or for the delivery of delivering services or supports to that recipient.
(20) "Rule" means a rule promulgated under the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.