December 08, 2021, Introduced by Rep. Outman and referred to the Committee on Energy.

A bill to amend 2008 PA 295, entitled

"Clean and renewable energy and energy waste reduction act,"

by amending sections 73, 77, and 97 (MCL 460.1073, 460.1077, and 460.1097), as amended by 2016 PA 342.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 73. (1) A provider's energy waste reduction plan shall be filed with, reviewed by, and approved or rejected by the commission. For a provider whose rates are regulated by the commission, the plan shall be enforced by the commission. For a provider whose rates are not regulated by the commission, the plan shall be enforced as provided in section 99. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subpart, the commission shall allow municipally owned electric utilities to design and administer energy waste reduction plans in a manner consistent with the administrative changes approved in the commission's April 17, 2012 order in case nos. U-16688 to U-16728 and U-17008.

(2) The commission shall not approve a proposed energy waste reduction plan unless the commission determines that the energy waste reduction plan meets the utility system resource cost test and, subject to section 78, is reasonable and prudent. In determining whether the energy waste reduction plan is reasonable and prudent, the commission shall review each element and consider whether it would reduce the future cost of service for the provider's customers. In addition, the commission shall consider at least all of the following:

(a) The specific changes in customers' consumption patterns that the proposed energy waste reduction plan is attempting designed to influence.

(b) The cost and benefit analysis and other justification for specific programs and measures included in a proposed energy waste reduction plan.

(c) Whether the proposed energy waste reduction plan is consistent with any long-range resource plan filed by the provider with the commission.

(d) Whether the proposed energy waste reduction plan will result in any unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage to any class of customers.

(e) The extent to which the energy waste reduction plan provides programs that are available, affordable, and useful to all customers.

(3) Every 2 years after initial approval of an energy waste reduction plan under subsection (2), the commission shall review the plan. For a provider whose rates are regulated by the commission, the commission shall conduct a contested case hearing on the plan pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328. After the hearing, the commission shall approve, with any changes consented to by the provider, or reject the plan and any proposed amendments to the plan.

(4) If a provider proposes to amend its plan at a time other than during the biennial review process under subsection (3), the provider shall file the proposed amendment with the commission. After the hearing and within 90 days after the amendment is filed, the commission shall approve, with any changes consented to by the provider, or reject the plan and the proposed amendment or amendments to the plan.

(5) If the commission rejects a proposed plan or amendment under this section, the commission shall explain in writing the reasons for its determination.

(6) After December 31, 2021, this section does not apply to an electric provider whose rates are not regulated by the commission.

Sec. 77. (1) Except as provided in section 81 and subject Subject to section 97, an electric provider's energy waste reduction programs under this subpart shall collectively achieve incremental energy savings each year through 2021 2026 equivalent to 1.0% of total annual retail electricity sales in megawatt hours in the preceding year.

(2) If an electric provider uses load management to achieve energy savings under its energy waste reduction plan, the minimum energy savings required under subsection (1) shall be adjusted by an amount such that the ratio of the minimum energy savings to the sum of actual expenditures for implementing its approved energy waste reduction plan and the load management expenditures remains constant.

(3) Subject to section 97, a natural gas provider's energy waste reduction program under this subpart shall achieve annual incremental energy savings each year equivalent to 0.75% of total annual retail natural gas sales in decatherms or equivalent MCFs in the preceding year.

(4) Incremental energy savings under subsection (1) or (3) for a year shall be determined for a provider by adding the energy savings expected to be achieved by energy waste reduction measures implemented during that year under any energy waste reduction programs consistent with the provider's energy waste reduction plan. The energy savings expected to be achieved shall be determined using a savings database or other savings measurement approach as determined reasonable by the commission.

(5) For purposes of calculations under subsection (1) or (3), total annual retail electricity or natural gas sales in a year shall be based on 1 of the following at the option of the provider as specified in its energy waste reduction plan:

(a) The number of weather-normalized megawatt hours or decatherms or equivalent MCFs sold by the provider to retail customers in this state during the year preceding the year for which incremental energy savings are being calculated.

(b) The average number of megawatt hours or decatherms or equivalent MCFs sold by the provider during the 3 years preceding the year for which incremental energy savings are being calculated.

(6) For any year after 2012, an electric provider may substitute renewable energy credits associated with renewable energy generated that year from a renewable energy system constructed after October 6, 2008, load management that reduces overall energy usage, or a combination thereof for energy waste reduction credits otherwise required to meet the energy waste reduction standard, if the substitution is approved by the commission. The commission shall not approve a substitution unless the commission determines that the substitution is cost-effective.

(7) Renewable energy credits, load management that reduces overall energy usage, or a combination thereof shall not be used by a provider to meet more than 10% of the energy waste reduction standard. Substitutions for energy waste reduction credits shall be made at the rate of 1 renewable energy credit per energy waste reduction credit.

Sec. 97. (1) By a time determined by the commission, each provider shall submit to the commission an annual report that provides information relating to the actions taken by the provider to comply with the energy waste reduction standards. By that same time, a municipally owned electric utility shall submit a copy of the report to the governing body of the municipally owned electric utility, and a cooperative electric utility shall submit a copy of the report to its board of directors.

(2) An annual report under subsection (1) shall include all of the following information:

(a) The amount of energy waste reduction achieved during the reporting period.

(b) Expenditures made in the past year and anticipated future expenditures to comply with this subpart.

(c) Any other information that the commission determines necessary.

(3) Concurrent with the submission of each report under subsection (1), a municipally owned electric utility shall submit a summary of the report to its customers in their bills with a bill insert and to its governing body. Concurrent with the submission of each report under subsection (1), a cooperative electric utility shall submit a summary of the report to its members in a periodical issued by an association of rural electric cooperatives and to its board of directors. A municipally owned electric utility or cooperative electric provider shall make a copy of the report available at its office and shall post a copy of the report on its website. A summary under this section shall indicate that a copy of the report is available at the office or website.

(4) The commission shall submit to the standing committees of the senate and house of representatives with primary responsibility for energy issues an annual report that evaluates and determines whether this subpart has been cost-effective and makes recommendations to the legislature. The report may be combined with the annual report under section 5a of 1939 PA 3, MCL 460.5a.

(5) Subject to subsection (6), if If the commission determines that a provider's energy waste reduction program under this subpart has not been cost-effective, the provider's program is suspended beginning 180 days after the date of the determination. If a provider's energy waste reduction program is suspended under this subsection, both of the following apply:

(a) The provider shall maintain cumulative incremental energy savings in megawatt hours or decatherms or equivalent MCFs in subsequent years at the level actually achieved during the year preceding the year in which the commission's determination is made.

(b) The provider shall not impose energy waste reduction charges in subsequent years except to the extent necessary to recover unrecovered energy waste reduction expenses incurred under this subpart before suspension of the provider's program.

(6) Subsection (5) does not apply to an electric provider on or after January 1, 2022.