STATE SURPLUS LAND; APPLICATION                                      H.B. 4363 (H-1):

                                                                                         SUMMARY OF BILL

                                                                         REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE










House Bill 4363 (Substitute H-1 as reported without amendment)

Sponsor:  Representative Gary Howell

House Committee:  Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation

Senate Committee:  Natural Resources




The bill would amend Part 21 (General Real Estate Powers) of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act to allow the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to approve or deny an application for the exchange or purchase of State surplus land within 210 days, instead of 180 days, after the application was considered complete.


Under the Act, any State lands under the control of the DNR that may be sold or conveyed may be exchanged for lands of equal area or approximately equal value belonging to the Federal government or owned by private individuals if it is in the interest of the State to do so.


An individual who wishes to exchange his or her land for surplus State land or who wishes to purchase surplus State land through negotiated sale must submit an application to the DNR, which includes a fee, if applicable, and any information required by DNR in order for the application to be considered complete.


Currently, within 180 days after the application for the exchange or purchase of surplus land is complete (or a later date agreed to by the applicant and the DNR), the DNR must approve or deny the application and notify the applicant in writing. If the application is denied, the notice must specify the reason for the denial. Under the bill, the DNR would have up to 210, instead of 180, days to approve or deny the application and notify the applicant.


MCL 324.2104 et al.                                        Legislative Analyst:  Dana Adams




The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government, as it would make minor changes to an existing departmental process.


Date Completed:  12-13-21                                     Fiscal Analyst:  Ben Dawson





This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.