house Resolution No.214
Reps. Lilly, VanWoerkom, O'Malley, Allor, Griffin, Paquette, Sheppard and Yaroch offered the following resolution:
Whereas, Great Lakes water levels are at or near historic high levels. Over the last year, high water level records set in the early 1950s and mid-1980s have been broken throughout the region. The United States Army Corps of Engineers projects that historically high water levels will continue for at least the next six months, with Lake Michigan and Lake Huron projected to break seasonal record highs this winter; and
Whereas, Record high water levels have created emergency conditions along the Great Lakes shoreline. Shoreline erosion and flooding have erased beaches and significantly damaged roads, bridges, and boat ramps, impacting businesses, state parks, and municipalities. Homes have collapsed into the lakes as the bluffs they sit on erode away. Michigan's $955 million coastal tourism industry is increasingly threatened; and
Whereas, The redirection of water into the Great Lakes from Ontario contributes to high water levels. On average, three to four billion gallons of water are diverted into Lake Superior through the Long Lac and Ogoki diversions every day, affecting water levels across the region. These diversions raise water levels up to 4.3 inches on Lake Michigan and Lake Huron and 2.4 inches on Lake Superior; and
Whereas, Canada has reduced flow through the Long Lac and Ogoki diversions in the past — or closed flow off entirely — to help relieve high water levels. At the request of the United States, Canada reduced or stopped flow during past historic high periods in the early 1950s, early 1970s, and mid-1980s; and
Whereas, Every inch that water levels can be reduced will save homes and decrease damage to public infrastructure in Michigan and other states. Once again, our Great Lakes communities and residents need Canada's assistance to address this crisis; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we call on the Governor to formally request that Ontario cease or limit to the greatest extent possible the redirection of water into the Great Lakes until water levels recede from historic highs; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Michigan.