house resolution no.41
Reps. Hall, Hoitenga, Wendzel, Afendoulis, Maddock, Paquette, Steven Johnson, LaFave, Rendon, Markkanen, Wozniak, Berman, Reilly, Marino, Miller, Hornberger, Meerman and Lower offered the following resolution:
Whereas, U.S. House Resolution 109 and U.S. Senate Resolution 59 have been introduced in Congress recognizing the duty of the federal government to create a Green New Deal. The Green New Deal calls for an elimination of greenhouse gas emissions through public works projects and federal regulation. In addition to climate goals, the plan includes far reaching social promises that are contrary to traditional American principles by providing a basic income for able-bodied adults unwilling to work; and
Whereas, The projects proposed in the Green New Deal would be extremely expensive. One analysis estimated the cost could be as high as $93 trillion over 10 years, which would lead to crippling new taxes and debt; and
Whereas, Well established American industries would be harmed by excessive environmental regulation proposed in the Green New Deal. Our trucking, automobile, and agriculture industries would all be affected, putting countless jobs at risk; and
Whereas, The Green New Deal would stifle economic development and consumers will bear the burden. Rather than allow efficient market forces to put pressure on businesses to lower greenhouse gas emissions, business decisions will be based on the whims of federal regulation at the expense of consumer affordability and employee wages; and
Whereas, Achieving the goals set out in the Green New Deal may not even be technologically feasible in the 10-year time-frame. There is no justification for the enormous economic harm this deal will cause especially if it cannot meet its stated goals; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we oppose the Green New Deal as outlined in U.S. House Resolution 109 and U.S. Senate Resolution 59 and encourage our national leaders to pursue smarter evidence-based regulatory practices; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.