February 11, 2020, Introduced by Reps. Bellino and Garrett and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled

"Public health code,"

by amending sections 7403 and 7404 (MCL 333.7403 and 333.7404), section 7403 as amended by 2016 PA 307 and section 7404 as amended by 2016 PA 308, and by adding section 7412.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 7403. (1) A person shall not knowingly or intentionally possess a controlled substance, a controlled substance analogue, or a prescription form unless the controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, or prescription form was obtained directly from, or pursuant to, a valid prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the course of the practitioner's professional practice, or except as otherwise authorized by this article.

(2) A person who violates this section as to:

(a) A controlled substance classified in schedule 1 or 2 that is a narcotic drug or a drug described in section 7214(a)(iv), and:

(i) That is in an amount of 1,000 grams or more of any mixture containing that substance is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for life or any term of years or a fine of not more than $1,000,000.00, or both.

(ii) That is in an amount of 450 grams or more, but less than 1,000 grams, of any mixture containing that substance is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 30 years or a fine of not more than $500,000.00, or both.

(iii) That is in an amount of 50 grams or more, but less than 450 grams, of any mixture containing that substance is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 20 years or a fine of not more than $250,000.00, or both.

(iv) That is in an amount of 25 grams or more, but less than 50 grams of any mixture containing that substance is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 4 years or a fine of not more than $25,000.00, or both.

(v) That is in an amount less than 25 grams of any mixture containing that substance is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 4 years or a fine of not more than $25,000.00, or both.

(b) Either of the following:

(i) A substance described in section 7212(1)(h) or 7214(c)(ii) is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 10 years or a fine of not more than $15,000.00, or both.

(ii) A controlled substance classified in schedule 1, 2, 3, or 4, except a controlled substance for which a penalty is prescribed in subparagraph (i) or subdivision (a), (c), or (d), or a controlled substance analogue is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both.

(c) Lysergic acid diethylamide, peyote, mescaline, dimethyltryptamine, psilocyn, psilocybin, or a controlled substance classified in schedule 5 is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both.

(d) Marihuana or a substance listed in section 7212(1)(d) is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both.

(e) A prescription form is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.

(3) The following individuals are not in violation of this section:

(a) An individual who seeks medical assistance for himself or herself or who requires medical assistance and is presented for assistance by another individual if he or she is incapacitated because of a drug overdose or other perceived medical emergency arising from the use of a controlled substance or a controlled substance analogue that he or she possesses or possessed in an amount sufficient only for personal use and the evidence of his or her violation of this section is obtained as a result of the individual's seeking or being presented for medical assistance.

(b) An individual who in good faith attempts to procure medical assistance for another individual or who accompanies another individual who requires medical assistance for a drug overdose or other perceived medical emergency arising from the use of a controlled substance or a controlled substance analogue that he or she possesses or possessed in an amount sufficient only for personal use and the evidence of his or her violation of this section is obtained as a result of the individual's attempting to procure medical assistance for another individual or as a result of the individual's accompanying another individual who requires medical assistance to a health facility or agency.

(4) A health facility or agency shall develop a process for notification of the parent or parents, guardian, or custodian of a minor under the age of 18 who is not emancipated under 1968 PA 293, MCL 722.1 to 722.6, and who voluntarily presents himself or herself, or is incapacitated and is presented by another individual if he or she is incapacitated, to a health facility or agency for emergency medical treatment as provided in subsection (3). A health facility or agency shall not provide notification to a parent or parents, guardian, or custodian under this subsection for nonemergency treatment without obtaining the minor's consent.

(5) The exemption from prosecution under this section provided in subsection (3) does not prevent the investigation, arrest, charging, or prosecution of an individual for any other violation of the laws of this state or be grounds for suppression of evidence in the prosecution of any other criminal charges.

(6) If an individual was sentenced to lifetime probation under subsection (2)(a)(iv) as it existed before March 1, 2003 and the individual has served 5 or more years of that probationary period, the probation officer for that individual may recommend to the court that the court discharge the individual from probation. If an individual's probation officer does not recommend discharge as provided in this subsection, with notice to the prosecutor, the individual may petition the court seeking resentencing under the court rules. The court may discharge an individual from probation as provided in this subsection. An individual may file more than 1 motion seeking resentencing under this subsection.

(7) As used in this section:

(a) "Drug overdose" means a condition including, but not limited to, extreme physical illness, decreased level of consciousness, respiratory depression, coma, mania, or death, that is the result of consumption or use of a controlled substance or a controlled substance analogue or a substance with which the controlled substance or controlled substance analogue was combined, or that a layperson would reasonably believe to be a drug overdose that requires medical assistance.

(b) "Seeks medical assistance" means reporting a drug overdose or other medical emergency to law enforcement, the 9-1-1 system, a poison control center, or a medical provider, or assisting someone in reporting a drug overdose or other medical emergency.

Sec. 7404. (1) A person shall not use a controlled substance or controlled substance analogue unless the substance was obtained directly from, or pursuant to, a valid prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the course of the practitioner's professional practice, or except as otherwise authorized by this article.

(2) A person who violates this section as to:

(a) A controlled substance classified in schedule 1 or 2 as a narcotic drug or a drug described in section 7212(1)(h) or 7214(a)(iv) or (c)(ii) is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both.

(b) A controlled substance classified in schedule 1, 2, 3, or 4, except a controlled substance for which a penalty is prescribed in subdivision (a), (c), or (d), or a controlled substance analogue, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.

(c) Lysergic acid diethylamide, peyote, mescaline, dimethyltryptamine, psilocyn, psilocybin, or a controlled substance classified in schedule 5 is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 6 months or a fine of not more than $500.00, or both.

(d) Marihuana, catha edulis, salvia divinorum, or a substance described in section 7212(1)(d) or (i) is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days or a fine of not more than $100.00, or both.

(3) The following individuals are not in violation of this section:

(a) An individual who seeks medical assistance for himself or herself or who requires medical assistance and is presented for assistance by another individual if he or she is incapacitated because of a drug overdose or other perceived medical emergency arising from the use of a controlled substance or a controlled substance analogue that he or she possesses or possessed in an amount sufficient only for personal use and the evidence of his or her violation of this section is obtained as a result of the individual's seeking or being presented for medical assistance.

(b) An individual who in good faith attempts to procure medical assistance for another individual or who accompanies another individual who requires medical assistance for a drug overdose or other perceived medical emergency arising from the use of a controlled substance or a controlled substance analogue that he or she possesses or possessed in an amount sufficient only for personal use and the evidence of his or her violation of this section is obtained as a result of the individual's attempting to procure medical assistance for another individual or as a result of the individual's accompanying another individual who requires medical assistance to a health facility or agency.

(4) A health facility or agency shall develop a process for notification of the parent or parents, guardian, or custodian of a minor under the age of 18 who is not emancipated under 1968 PA 293, MCL 722.1 to 722.6, and who voluntarily presents himself or herself, or is incapacitated and is presented by another individual if he or she is incapacitated, to a health facility or agency for emergency medical treatment as provided in subsection (3). A health facility or agency shall not provide notification to a parent or parents, guardian, or custodian under this subsection for nonemergency treatment without obtaining the minor's consent.

(5) The exemption from prosecution under this section provided in subsection (3) does not prevent the investigation, arrest, charging, or prosecution of an individual for any other violation of the laws of this state, or be grounds for suppression of evidence in the prosecution of any other criminal charges.

(6) As used in this section:

(a) "Drug overdose" means a condition including, but not limited to, extreme physical illness, decreased level of consciousness, respiratory depression, coma, mania, or death, that is the result of consumption or use of a controlled substance or a controlled substance analogue or a substance with which the controlled substance or controlled substance analogue was combined, or that a layperson would reasonably believe to be a drug overdose that requires medical assistance.

(b) "Seeks medical assistance" means reporting a drug overdose or other medical emergency to law enforcement, the 9-1-1 system, a poison control center, or a medical provider, or assisting someone in reporting a drug overdose or other medical emergency.

Sec. 7412. (1) If an individual described in subsection (4) pleads guilty to or is found guilty of possession of a controlled substance under section 7403 or of use of a controlled substance under section 7404, the court, without entering a judgment of guilt with the consent of the accused, may defer further proceedings and place the individual on probation upon terms and conditions that must include, but are not limited to, payment of a probation supervision fee as prescribed in section 3c of chapter XI of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 771.3c, and the completion of a screening and assessment by a substance use disorder services program within 30 days after the deferment of the proceedings under this section to determine whether the individual is likely to benefit from substance use disorder services. Upon violation of a term or condition, the court may enter an adjudication of guilt and proceed as otherwise provided. Upon fulfillment of the terms and conditions, the court shall discharge the individual and dismiss the proceedings. Discharge and dismissal under this section must be without adjudication of guilt and, except as otherwise provided by law, is not a conviction for purposes of this section or for purposes of disqualifications or disabilities imposed by law upon conviction of a crime, including the additional penalties imposed for second or subsequent convictions under section 7413. There may be only 2 discharges and dismissals under this section as to an individual.

(2) All court proceedings under this section must be open to the public. Except as provided in subsection (3), if the record of proceedings as to the defendant is deferred under this section, the record of proceedings during the period of deferral must be closed to public inspection.

(3) Unless the court enters a judgment of guilt under this section, the department of state police shall retain a nonpublic record of the arrest, court proceedings, and disposition of the criminal charge under this section. However, the nonpublic record must be open to the following individuals and entities for the purposes noted:

(a) The courts of this state, law enforcement personnel, the department of corrections, and prosecuting attorneys for use only in the performance of their duties or to determine whether an employee of the court, law enforcement agency, department of corrections, or prosecutor's office has violated his or her conditions of employment or whether an applicant meets criteria for employment with the court, law enforcement agency, department of corrections, or prosecutor's office.

(b) The courts of this state, law enforcement personnel, and prosecuting attorneys for the purpose of showing that a defendant has already twice availed himself or herself of this section.

(c) The department of health and human services for enforcing child protection laws and vulnerable adult protection laws or ascertaining the preemployment criminal history of any individual who will be engaged in the enforcement of child protection laws or vulnerable adult protection laws.

(d) The Michigan commission on law enforcement standards created in section 3 of the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards act, 1965 PA 203, MCL 28.603, as follows:

(i) The court placed the individual on probation.

(ii) If, at the time of the request, the individual is seeking licensure as a law enforcement officer under the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards act, 1965 PA 203, MCL 28.601 to 28.615, the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards may use the record to determine whether the individual meets the requirements for licensure as provided in that act.

(iii) If the individual is licensed as a law enforcement officer under the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards act, 1965 PA 203, MCL 28.601 to 28.615, the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards may use the record to determine whether the license may be revoked as provided in that act.

(iv) If the individual is seeking admission to a law enforcement training academy, the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards may use the record to determine whether the individual meets the requirements for admission to the academy as provided in the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards act, 1965 PA 203, MCL 28.601 to 28.615.

(v) If the individual is seeking a waiver from the law enforcement officer minimum standards regarding training requirements, the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards may use the record to determine whether the individual meets the requirements for the waiver as provided in the Michigan commission on law enforcement standards act, 1965 PA 203, MCL 28.601 to 28.615.

(4) This section only applies to an individual whose violation of section 7403 or 7404 arose under all of the following circumstances:

(a) The individual was incapacitated because of a drug overdose or other perceived medical emergency arising from the use of a controlled substance or controlled substance analogue that he or she possessed in an amount sufficient only for personal use.

(b) The individual sought medical assistance for his or her incapacitation.

(c) The evidence of the violation of section 7403 or 7404 was obtained as a result of the individual's seeking medical assistance.

(5) As used in this section:

(a) "Drug overdose" means a condition including, but not limited to, extreme physical illness, decreased level of consciousness, respiratory depression, coma, mania, or death, that is the result of consumption or use of a controlled substance or a controlled substance analogue or a substance with which the controlled substance or controlled substance analogue was combined, or that a layperson would reasonably believe to be a drug overdose that requires medical assistance.

(b) "Seeking medical assistance" means reporting a drug overdose or other medical emergency to law enforcement, the 9-1-1 system, a poison control center, or a medical provider, or assisting someone in reporting a drug overdose or other medical emergency.

Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days after the date it is enacted into law.