HB-4241, House Concurred, September 24, 2019
A bill to make appropriations for the department of natural
resources for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020; and to
provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.
Sec. 101. There is appropriated for the department of natural
resources for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, from the
following funds:
Full-time equated unclassified positions......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions....... 2,334.1
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 439,717,700
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................. 232,200
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION.......................... $ 439,485,500
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 75,501,200
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 0
Total private revenues................................. 7,431,600
Total other state restricted revenues................. 309,567,700
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 46,985,000
Full-time equated unclassified positions......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions....... 2,334.1
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 439,717,700
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG, land acquisition services-to-work orders......... 232,200
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................. 232,200
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION.......................... $ 439,485,500
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 72,434,800
Federal national forest timber fund................... 902,600
Michigan state waterways fund, federal................ 1,843,800
State park improvement, federal....................... 320,000
Total federal revenues................................. 75,501,200
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 7,431,600
Total private revenues................................. 7,431,600
Cervidae licensing and inspection fees................ 139,400
Commercial forest fund................................. 27,200
Deer habitat reserve................................... 2,163,000
Fire equipment fund.................................... 668,700
Fisheries settlement................................... 629,200
Forest development fund................................ 48,189,200
Forest land user charges............................... 262,700
Forest recreation account.............................. 3,175,800
Game and fish protection fund......................... 76,158,500
Invasive species fund.................................. 100
Land exchange facilitation fund....................... 5,090,400
Local public recreation facilities fund............... 2,204,000
Mackinac Island State Park fund....................... 1,624,400
Mackinac Island State Park operation fund............. 129,100
MacMullan Conference Center account................... 1,178,600
Marine safety fund..................................... 3,770,200
Michigan heritage publications fund................... 22,300
Michigan historical center operations fund............ 809,600
Michigan natural resources trust fund................. 1,345,700
Michigan state parks endowment fund................... 26,961,400
Michigan state waterways fund......................... 30,351,300
Nongame wildlife fund.................................. 490,800
Off-road vehicle safety education fund................ 234,600
Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund............... 8,419,400
Park improvement fund.................................. 66,998,400
Park improvement fund - Belle Isle subaccount......... 1,000,200
Permanent snowmobile trail easement fund.............. 700,000
Public use and replacement deed fees.................. 28,600
Pure Michigan trails fund.............................. 200
Recreation improvement account........................ 1,545,500
Recreation passport fees............................... 9,873,500
Snowmobile registration fee revenue................... 1,200,800
Snowmobile trail improvement fund..................... 9,966,300
Sportsmen against hunger fund......................... 77,500
Turkey permit fees..................................... 1,130,600
Waterfowl fees......................................... 120,800
Wildlife management public education fund............. 1,600,000
Wildlife resource protection fund..................... 1,179,300
Youth hunting and fishing education and outreach fund 100,400
Total other state restricted revenues................. 309,567,700
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 46,985,000
Full-time equated unclassified positions......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions......... 121.1
Unclassified salaries--6.0 FTE positions.............. $ 824,200
Accounting service center.............................. 1,528,000
Executive direction--11.6 FTE positions............... 2,223,100
Finance and operations--105.5 FTE positions........... 17,014,000
Gifts and pass-through transactions................... 5,000,000
Legal services--4.0 FTE positions..................... 657,500
Natural resources commission.......................... 77,100
Property management.................................... 4,032,300
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 31,356,200
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG, land acquisition services-to-work orders......... 232,200
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 353,500
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 5,000,000
Deer habitat reserve................................... 160,500
Forest development fund................................ 2,927,200
Forest land user charges............................... 7,700
Forest recreation account.............................. 54,100
Game and fish protection fund......................... 7,317,800
Land exchange facilitation fund....................... 5,012,300
Local public recreation facilities fund............... 204,000
Marine safety fund..................................... 813,300
Michigan natural resources trust fund................. 1,323,400
Michigan state parks endowment fund................... 1,341,800
Michigan state waterways fund......................... 799,700
Nongame wildlife fund.................................. 13,800
Off-road vehicle safety education fund................ 700
Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund............... 208,700
Park improvement fund.................................. 1,827,600
Public use and replacement deed fees.................. 28,600
Recreation improvement account........................ 84,900
Snowmobile registration fee revenue................... 50,100
Snowmobile trail improvement fund..................... 127,400
Sportsmen against hunger fund......................... 500
Turkey permit fees..................................... 79,800
Waterfowl fees......................................... 3,400
Wildlife resource protection fund..................... 43,200
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 3,340,000
Full-time equated classified positions........... 13.0
Great Lakes restoration initiative.................... $ 2,922,000
Invasive species prevention and control--13.0 FTE
positions............................................. 5,056,900
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 7,978,900
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 2,922,000
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 5,056,900
Full-time equated classified positions......... 137.3
Marketing and outreach--80.8 FTE positions............ $ 14,166,300
Michigan historical center--56.5 FTE positions........ 6,975,200
Michigan wildlife council campaign management......... 80,000
Michigan wildlife council media....................... 936,000
Michigan wildlife council messaging and implementation 448,000
Michigan wildlife council research.................... 136,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 22,741,500
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 2,374,800
State park improvement, federal....................... 320,000
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 396,200
Forest development fund................................ 136,000
Forest recreation account.............................. 16,900
Game and fish protection fund......................... 8,466,800
Land exchange facilitation fund....................... 47,500
Marine safety fund..................................... 36,100
Michigan heritage publications fund................... 22,300
Michigan historical center operations fund............ 809,600
Michigan state parks endowment fund................... 91,800
Michigan state waterways fund......................... 152,700
Nongame wildlife fund.................................. 10,900
Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund............... 38,500
Park improvement fund.................................. 2,904,200
Recreation passport fees............................... 53,200
Snowmobile registration fee revenue................... 19,500
Snowmobile trail improvement fund..................... 45,600
Sportsmen against hunger fund......................... 76,400
Wildlife management public education fund............. 1,600,000
Youth hunting and fishing education and outreach fund 98,400
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 5,024,100
Full-time equated classified positions......... 230.5
Natural resources heritage--9.0 FTE positions......... $ 639,500
Wildlife management--221.5 FTE positions.............. 45,581,200
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 46,220,700
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 25,581,100
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 315,700
Cervidae licensing and inspection fees................ 86,000
Deer habitat reserve................................... 1,740,900
Forest development fund................................ 277,600
Game and fish protection fund......................... 12,186,800
Nongame wildlife fund.................................. 435,600
Turkey permit fees..................................... 1,017,000
Waterfowl fees......................................... 114,100
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 4,465,900
Full-time equated classified positions......... 223.5
Aquatic resource mitigation--2.0 FTE positions........ $ 629,300
Fish production--63.0 FTE positions................... 10,419,400
Fisheries resource management--158.5 FTE positions... 21,369,700
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 32,418,400
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 11,514,300
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 136,700
Fisheries settlement................................... 629,200
Game and fish protection fund......................... 19,612,100
Invasive species fund.................................. 100
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 526,000
Full-time equated classified positions......... 293.0
General law enforcement--293.0 FTE positions.......... $ 44,784,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 44,784,100
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 6,648,100
Special revenue funds:
Cervidae licensing and inspection fees................ 53,400
Forest development fund................................ 45,400
Forest recreation account.............................. 72,800
Game and fish protection fund......................... 20,013,500
Marine safety fund..................................... 1,349,900
Michigan state parks endowment fund................... 71,400
Michigan state waterways fund......................... 21,700
Off-road vehicle safety education fund................ 156,300
Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund............... 2,007,800
Park improvement fund.................................. 72,800
Snowmobile registration fee revenue................... 723,400
Wildlife resource protection fund..................... 1,094,000
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 12,453,600
Full-time equated classified positions......... 967.2
Forest recreation and trails--61.7 FTE positions...... $ 7,131,100
MacMullan Conference Center--15.0 FTE positions....... 1,178,600
Recreational boating--174.9 FTE positions............. 20,471,600
State parks--715.6 FTE positions...................... 75,892,400
State park improvement revenue bonds - debt service.. 1,197,500
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 105,871,200
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 141,400
Michigan state waterways fund, federal................ 1,643,800
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 428,100
Forest recreation account.............................. 2,990,000
MacMullan Conference Center account................... 1,178,600
Michigan state parks endowment fund................... 11,347,700
Michigan state waterways fund......................... 18,830,800
Off-road vehicle safety education fund................ 7,200
Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund............... 1,485,800
Park improvement fund.................................. 60,807,800
Park improvement fund - Belle Isle subaccount......... 1,000,200
Pure Michigan trails fund.............................. 100
Recreation improvement account........................ 504,600
Recreation passport fees............................... 320,300
Snowmobile registration fee revenue................... 16,100
Snowmobile trail improvement fund..................... 1,628,500
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 3,540,200
Full-time equated classified positions........... 17.0
Historical facilities system--13.0 FTE positions...... $ 1,827,100
Mackinac Island State Park operations--4.0 FTE
positions............................................. 335,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 2,162,100
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Mackinac Island State Park fund....................... 1,624,400
Mackinac Island State Park operation fund............. 129,100
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 408,600
Full-time equated classified positions......... 331.5
Adopt-a-forest program................................. $ 25,000
Cooperative resource programs--11.0 FTE positions.... 1,580,300
Forest fire equipment.................................. 931,500
Forest management and timber market development--178.0
FTE positions......................................... 35,061,700
Forest management initiatives--8.5 FTE positions...... 881,400
IDG from forest development fund to department of
agriculture and rural development.................... 997,300
Minerals management--20.0 FTE positions............... 2,915,600
Wildfire protection--114.0 FTE positions.............. 14,320,200
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 56,713,000
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 3,405,800
Federal national forest timber fund................... 902,600
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 1,054,900
Commercial forest fund................................. 25,100
Fire equipment fund.................................... 668,700
Forest development fund................................ 39,008,900
Forest land user charges............................... 231,100
Game and fish protection fund......................... 1,996,600
Michigan state parks endowment fund................... 2,741,300
Michigan state waterways fund......................... 52,700
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 6,625,300
Sec. 111. GRANTS
Dam management grant program.......................... $ 350,000
Deer habitat improvement partnership initiative....... 300,000
Federal - clean vessel act grants..................... 400,000
Federal - forest stewardship grants................... 2,000,000
Federal - land and water conservation fund payments.. 6,000,000
Federal - rural community fire protection............. 400,000
Federal - urban forestry grants....................... 900,000
Fisheries habitat improvement grants.................. 1,250,000
Grants to communities - federal oil, gas, and timber
payments.............................................. 3,450,000
Grants to counties - marine safety.................... 3,074,700
National recreational trails.......................... 3,901,400
Nonmotorized trail development and maintenance grants 200,000
Off-road vehicle safety training grants............... 60,000
Off-road vehicle trail improvement grants............. 4,656,800
Recreation improvement fund grants.................... 907,100
Recreation passport local grants...................... 2,000,000
Snowmobile law enforcement grants..................... 380,100
Snowmobile local grants program....................... 8,090,400
Trail easements........................................ 700,000
Wildlife habitat improvement grants................... 1,500,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 40,520,500
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 18,618,800
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 100,000
Deer habitat reserve................................... 200,000
Game and fish protection fund......................... 2,750,000
Local public recreation facilities fund............... 2,000,000
Marine safety fund..................................... 1,407,300
Off-road vehicle safety education fund................ 60,000
Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund............... 4,656,800
Permanent snowmobile trail easement fund.............. 700,000
Recreation improvement account........................ 907,100
Snowmobile registration fee revenue................... 380,100
Snowmobile trail improvement fund..................... 8,090,400
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 650,000
Information technology services and projects.......... $ 10,526,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 10,526,100
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Commercial forest fund................................. 2,100
Deer habitat reserve................................... 61,600
Forest development fund................................ 1,644,100
Forest land user charges............................... 23,900
Forest recreation account.............................. 42,000
Game and fish protection fund......................... 3,814,900
Land exchange facilitation fund....................... 30,600
Marine safety fund..................................... 163,600
Michigan natural resources trust fund................. 22,300
Michigan state parks endowment fund................... 1,367,400
Michigan state waterways fund......................... 493,700
Nongame wildlife fund.................................. 30,500
Off-road vehicle safety education fund................ 10,400
Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund............... 21,800
Park improvement fund.................................. 1,386,000
Pure Michigan trails fund.............................. 100
Recreation improvement account........................ 48,900
Snowmobile registration fee revenue................... 11,600
Snowmobile trail improvement fund..................... 74,400
Sportsmen against hunger fund......................... 600
Turkey permit fees..................................... 33,800
Waterfowl fees......................................... 3,300
Wildlife resource protection fund..................... 42,100
Youth hunting and fishing education and outreach...... 2,000
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 1,194,400
Forest development infrastructure..................... $ 4,150,000
State parks repair and maintenance.................... 21,000,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 25,150,000
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Forest development fund................................ 4,150,000
Michigan state parks endowment fund................... 10,000,000
Recreation passport fees............................... 9,500,000
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 1,500,000
Local boating infrastructure maintenance and
improvements.......................................... $ 3,000,000
State boating infrastructure maintenance.............. 8,075,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 11,075,000
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 875,000
Michigan state waterways fund, federal................ 200,000
Special revenue funds:
Michigan state waterways fund......................... 10,000,000
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 0
Wildlife and fisheries health study................... $ 200,000
Wildlife management.................................... 2,000,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 2,200,000
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose.................... $ 2,200,000
Sec. 201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state
constitution of 1963, total state spending from state resources
under part 1 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020 is
$356,552,700.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid
to local units of government for the fiscal year ending September
30, 2020 is $8,122,200.00. The itemized statement below identifies
appropriations from which spending to local units of government
will occur:
Dam management grants.................................. $ 175,000
Fisheries habitat improvement grants.................. 125,000
Grants to counties – marine safety.................... 1,407,300
Nonmotorized trail development and maintenance grants 100,000
Off-road vehicle safety training grants............... 60,000
Off-road vehicle trail improvement grants............. 634,100
Recreation improvement fund grants.................... 90,700
Recreation passport local grants...................... 2,000,000
Snowmobile law enforcement grants..................... 380,100
Wildlife habitat improvement grants................... 150,000
Local boating infrastructure maintenance and
improvements.......................................... 3,000,000
TOTAL.................................................. $ 8,122,200
Sec. 202. The appropriations authorized under this part and
part 1 are subject to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.
Sec. 203. As used in this part and part 1:
(a) "Department" means the department of natural resources.
(b) "Director" means the director of the department.
(c) "FTE" means full-time equated.
(d) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.
Sec. 204. The departments and agencies receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall use the internet to fulfill the
reporting requirements of this part. This requirement may include
transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients
identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include
placement of reports on an internet or intranet site.
Sec. 205. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for
the purchase of foreign goods or services, or both, if
competitively priced and of comparable quality American goods or
services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to
goods or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan
businesses if they are competitively priced and of comparable
quality. In addition, preference should be given to goods or
services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan
businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are
competitively priced and of comparable quality.
Sec. 206. The director shall take all reasonable steps to
ensure businesses in deprived and depressed communities compete for
and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or both. The
director shall strongly encourage firms with which the department
contracts to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and
deprived communities for services, supplies, or both.
Sec. 207. The departments and agencies receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall prepare a report on out-of-state
travel expenses not later than January 1 of each year. The travel
report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and
unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately
preceding fiscal year that was funded in whole or in part with
funds appropriated in the department's budget. The report shall be
submitted to the senate and house appropriations committees, the
house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director.
The report shall include the following information:
(a) The dates of each travel occurrence.
(b) The total transportation and related costs of each travel
occurrence, including the proportion funded with state general
fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion funded with state
restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,
and the proportion funded with other revenues.
Sec. 208. Funds appropriated in this part and part 1 shall not
be used by a principal executive department, state agency, or
authority to hire a person to provide legal services that are the
responsibility of the attorney general. This prohibition does not
apply to legal services for bonding activities and for those
outside services that the attorney general authorizes.
Sec. 209. Not later than November 30, the state budget office
shall prepare and transmit a report that provides for estimates of
the total general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses at the
close of the prior fiscal year. This report shall summarize the
projected year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation
lapses by major departmental program or program areas. The report
shall be transmitted to the chairpersons of the senate and house
appropriations committees, and the senate and house fiscal
Sec. 210. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for
state restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available
for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line
item in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget
act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
Sec. 211. The department shall cooperate with the department
of technology, management, and budget to maintain a searchable
website accessible by the public at no cost that includes, but is
not limited to, all of the following for each department or agency:
(a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.
(b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.
(c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor,
including the vendor name, payment date, payment amount, and
payment description.
(d) The number of active department employees by job
(e) Job specifications and wage rates.
Sec. 212. Within 14 days after the release of the executive
budget recommendation, the department shall cooperate with the
state budget office to provide the senate and house appropriations
chairs, the senate and house appropriations subcommittees chairs,
and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an annual report on
estimated state restricted fund balances, state restricted fund
projected revenues, and state restricted fund expenditures for the
fiscal years ending September 30, 2019 and September 30, 2020.
Sec. 213. The department shall maintain, on a publicly
accessible website, a department scorecard that identifies, tracks,
and regularly updates key metrics that are used to monitor and
improve the agency's performance.
Sec. 214. Total authorized appropriations from all sources
under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September
30, 2019 are estimated at $45,804,600.00. From this amount, total
agency appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are
estimated at $22,266,700.00. Total agency appropriations for
retiree health care legacy costs are estimated at $23,537,900.00.
Sec. 215. Appropriations of state restricted game and fish
protection funds have been made in the following amounts to the
following departments and agencies:
Legislative auditor general........................... $ 32,000
Attorney general....................................... 640,700
Department of technology, management, and budget...... 491,400
Department of treasury................................. 3,010,500
Sec. 216. Pursuant to section 43703(3) of the natural
resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL
324.43703, there is appropriated from the game and fish protection
trust fund to the game and fish protection account of the Michigan
conservation and recreation legacy fund, $6,000,000.00 for the
fiscal year ending September 30, 2020.
Sec. 220. The department shall not take disciplinary action
against an employee for communicating with a member of the
legislature or his or her staff.
Sec. 221. The department may contract with or provide grants
to local units of government, institutions of higher education, or
nonprofit organizations to support activities authorized by
appropriations in part 1. As used in this section, contracts and
grants include, but are not limited to, contracts and grants for
research, wildlife and fisheries management, forest management,
invasive species monitoring and control, and natural resource-
related programs.
Sec. 251. From the amounts appropriated in part 1 for invasive
species prevention and control, the department shall allocate not
less than $3,600,000.00 for grants for the prevention, detection,
eradication, and control of invasive species.
Sec. 302. The department may charge land acquisition projects
appropriated for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, and for
prior fiscal years, a standard percentage fee to recover actual
costs, and may use the revenue derived to support the land
acquisition service charges provided for in part 1.
Sec. 303. As appropriated in part 1, the department may charge
both application fees and transaction fees related to the exchange
or sale of state-owned land or rights in land authorized by part 21
of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA
451, MCL 324.2101 to 324.2165. The fees shall be set by the
director at a rate that allows the department to recover its costs
for providing these services.
Sec. 408. By October 21, the department shall submit to the
senate and house appropriations subcommittees on natural resources
a report on all land transactions approved by the natural resources
commission in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019. For each
land transaction, the report shall include the size of the parcel,
the county and municipality in which the parcel is located, the
dollar amount of the transaction, the fund source affected by the
transaction, and whether the transaction is by purchase, public
auction, transfer, exchange, or conveyance.
Sec. 504. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department shall provide a report to the legislature on the use of
registration fees collected from privately owned cervid operations.
Appropriations in part 1 from cervidae licensing and inspection
fees shall be used only for work directly related to the regulation
of privately owned cervid operations in this state.
Sec. 506. The United States Department of Agriculture,
Wildlife Services, is encouraged to harvest all deer during
targeted removal required under the enhanced wildlife biosecurity
Sec. 601. (1) From the appropriation in part 1 for aquatic
resource mitigation, not more than $758,000.00 shall be allocated
for grants to watershed councils, resource development councils,
soil conservation districts, local governmental units, and other
nonprofit organizations for stream habitat stabilization and soil
erosion control.
(2) The fisheries division in the department shall develop
priority and cost estimates for all projects recommended for grants
under subsection (1).
Sec. 602. As a condition of expenditure of fisheries
management appropriations under part 1, the department of natural
resources shall not impede the certification process for water
control structures on Michigan waterways. The department of natural
resources shall fund from funds appropriated in part 1 all non-
water-quality studies or requirements that the department requests
of either of the following:
(a) The department of environmental quality as a condition for
issuance of a certification under section 401 of the federal water
pollution control act, 33 USC 1341.
(b) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as a condition of
licensing under the federal power act, 16 USC 791a to 825r.
Sec. 603. The department shall produce an annual report
detailing the performance of its fish hatcheries by March 31.
Sec. 802. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department shall provide quarterly reports on the number of acres
of state forestland marked or treated for timber harvest to the
senate and house appropriations subcommittees on natural resources
and the standing committees of the senate and house of
representatives with primary responsibility for natural resources
issues. The department shall complete and deliver these reports by
45 days after the end of the fiscal quarter.
Sec. 803. In addition to the money appropriated in part 1, the
department may receive and expend money from federal sources to
provide response to wildfires as required by a compact with the
federal government. If additional expenditure authorization is
required, the department shall notify the state budget office that
expenditure under this section is required. The department shall
notify the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on natural
resources and the house and senate fiscal agencies by November 1 of
the expenditures under this section during the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2019.
Sec. 807. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
there is appropriated from the disaster and emergency contingency
fund up to $800,000.00 to cover department costs related to any
disaster as defined in section 2 of the emergency management act,
1976 PA 390, MCL 30.402.
(2) Funds appropriated under subsection (1) shall not be
expended unless the state budget director recommends the
expenditure and the department notifies the house and senate
committees on appropriations. By December 1 each year, the
department shall provide a report to the senate and house fiscal
agencies and the state budget office on the use of the disaster and
emergency contingency fund during the prior fiscal year.
(3) If Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
reimbursement is approved for costs paid from the disaster and
emergency contingency fund, the federal revenue shall be deposited
into the disaster and emergency contingency fund.
(4) Unexpended and unencumbered funds remaining in the
disaster and emergency contingency fund at the close of the fiscal
year shall not lapse to the general fund and shall be carried
forward and be available for expenditures in subsequent fiscal
Sec. 901. The appropriation in part 1 for snowmobile law
enforcement grants shall be used by the department to provide
grants to county law enforcement agencies to enforce part 821 of
the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA
451, MCL 324.82101 to 324.82161, including rules promulgated under
that part and ordinances enacted pursuant to that part. The
department shall consider the number of enforcement hours and the
number of miles of snowmobile trails in each county in allocating
these grants. Any funds not distributed to counties revert back to
the snowmobile registration fee subaccount created under section
82111 of the natural resources and environmental protection act,
1994 PA 451, MCL 324.82111. Counties shall provide semiannual
reports to the department on the use of grant money received under
this section.
Sec. 902. The department shall provide a report on the marine
safety grant program to the senate and house appropriations
subcommittees on natural resources and the senate and house fiscal
agencies by December 1. The report shall include the following
information for the preceding year: the total amount of revenue
received for watercraft registrations, the amount deposited into
the marine safety fund, and the expenditures made from the marine
safety fund, including the amounts expended for department
administration, other state agencies, the law enforcement division,
and grants to counties. The report shall also include the
distribution methodology used by the department to distribute the
marine safety grants and a list of the grants and the amounts
awarded by county.
Sec. 1001. Federal pass-through funds to local institutions
and governments that are received in amounts in addition to those
included in part 1 for grants to communities - federal oil, gas,
and timber payments and that do not require additional state
matching funds are appropriated for the purposes intended. By
November 30, the department shall report to the senate and house
appropriations subcommittees on natural resources, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director on all amounts
appropriated under this section during the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2019.
Sec. 1002. The department shall work with the waterways
commission to develop a plan to incorporate grants for state-
designated water trails as part of the current waterways account
grant application program. Grant criteria shall be based in part on
the qualifications and criteria already established in the
department's water trail designation process.
Sec. 1103. The appropriations in part 1 for capital outlay
shall be carried forward at the end of the fiscal year consistent
with section 248 of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL
Sec. 1202. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for finance
and operations, $35,000.00 is designated to reimburse local units
of government for qualifying costs related to lake level
assessments. The department may reimburse these costs without being
compelled to do so by a court of law.
Sec. 1203. The unexpended funds appropriated in part 1 for
wildlife management (one-time) are designated as a work project
appropriation, and any unencumbered or unallotted funds shall not
lapse at the end of the fiscal year and shall be available for
expenditure for projects under this section until the projects have
been completed. The following is in compliance with section 451a of
the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a:
(a) The purpose of the project is to fund wildlife disease
(b) The project will be accomplished by utilizing state
employees or contracts with service providers, or both.
(c) The total estimated cost of the project is $2,000,000.00.
(d) The tentative completion date is September 30, 2022.
Sec. 1206. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for
wildlife and fisheries health study, the department shall
investigate the effect of PFAS contamination on Michigan's wildlife
and fisheries populations.
(2) As used in this section, "PFAS" means perfluoroalkyl and
polyfluoroalkyl substances.