House Bill 5479 as reported from committee

Sponsor:  Rep. Annette Glenn

Committee:  Judiciary

Complete to 3-4-20


House Bill 5479 would amend 1990 PA 319, which generally prohibits local units of government from imposing certain restrictions on the ownership, registration, purchase, sale, transfer, transportation, or possession of firearms (including pistols, pneumatic guns, firearm components, and ammunition).

The bill would prohibit a local unit of government (a city, village, township, or county) from using any public resource to implement, administer, or operate a program to purchase privately owned firearms, firearm parts, or ammunition from private individuals or organizations (commonly referred to as a “gun buyback program”).

A local unit of government could purchase firearms, firearm parts, or ammunition from a licensed firearms dealer for law enforcement purposes.

MCL 123.1102


House Bill 5479 would have no fiscal impact on the state or on local units of government.


The National Rifle Association indicated support for the bill. (3-3-20)

The following entities indicated opposition to the bill (3-3-20):

·         Michigan Association of Counties

·         Michigan Municipal League

·         Michigan Fraternal Order of Police

·         City of Midland

·         City of Port Huron

·         City of Detroit

·         Everytown for Gun Safety

                                                                                         Legislative Analyst:   Susan Stutzky

                                                                                                 Fiscal Analyst:   Robin Risko

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.