No. 24





House  of  Representatives


100th  Legislature






House Chamber, Lansing, Wednesday, March 4, 2020.


1:30 p.m.


The House was called to order by the Speaker.


The roll was called by the Clerk of the House of Representatives, who announced that a quorum was present.



Afendoulis—present       Filler—present              Jones—present             Reilly—present

Albert—present             Frederick—present        Kahle—present             Rendon—present

Alexander—present        Garrett—present           Kennedy—present        Robinson—present

Allor—present               Garza—present             Koleszar—present         Sabo—present

Anthony—present          Gay-Dagnogo—present Kuppa—present            Schroeder—excused

Bellino—present            Glenn—present             LaFave—present           Shannon—present

Berman—present           Green—present             LaGrand—present         Sheppard—present

Bolden—present            Greig—present             Lasinski—present         Slagh—present

Bollin—present              Griffin—present           Leutheuser—present     Sneller—present

Brann—present              Guerra—present           Liberati—present          Sowerby—present

Brixie—present              Haadsma—present        Lightner—present         Stone—present

Byrd—present               Hall—present               Lilly—present              Tate—present

Calley—present             Hammoud—present      Love—present              VanSingel—present

Cambensy—present        Hauck—present            Lower—present            VanWoerkom—present

Camilleri—present         Hernandez—present      Maddock—present        Vaupel—present

Carter, B.—present         Hertel—present            Manoogian—present     Wakeman—present

Carter, T.—present         Hoadley—present         Marino—present           Warren—present

Chatfield—present         Hoitenga—present        Markkanen—present     Webber—present

Cherry—present             Hood—present             Meerman—present        Wendzel—present

Chirkun—present           Hope—present             Miller—present            Wentworth—present

Clemente—present         Hornberger—present     Mueller—present          Whiteford—present

Cole—present                Howell—present           O’Malley—present       Whitsett—present

Coleman—present          Huizenga—present        Pagan—excused           Wittenberg—present

Crawford—present         Iden—present               Paquette—present         Witwer—present

Eisen—present               Inman—present            Peterson—present         Wozniak—present

Elder—present               Johnson, C.—present     Pohutsky—present        Yancey—present

Ellison—present            Johnson, S.—present     Rabhi—present             Yaroch—present




e/d/s = entered during session

   Rep. Phil Green, from the 84th District, offered the following invocation:


   Our heavenly Father, we are thankful for the day given to us. When we look back at this last couple of months, we see a relatively mild winter. We are thankful we have been able to get here every day without too much trouble.

   Lord, we also note there are a lot of different bugs and strains going around, even inside our bodies as legislators and many of us may not be feeling all that great or all that well. We would pray that You give us strength and I pray that You help our minds to be clear, today, as we make the decisions that need to be made for the direction of our state and for the residents that we serve. Lord, we know that across the world there are many people that are scared and their bodies are being fought over with different viruses. Lord, I pray that You give our leadership and our governments and our health organizations wisdom that they would be able to deal with those viruses. What I pray for today, is that as we go through our business we will be able to stay sharp and be able to see Your hand and Your work in all that we do.

   Lord, we love You and we thank You for allowing us to serve.

   We ask these things in Jesus name, Amen!”






Rep. Rabhi moved that Rep. Pagan be excused from today’s session.

The motion prevailed.


Rep. Webber moved that Rep. Schroeder be excused from today’s session.

The motion prevailed.






The Speaker called the Speaker Pro Tempore to the Chair.



Second Reading of Bills



House Bill No. 5479, entitled

A bill to amend 1990 PA 319, entitled “An act to prohibit local units of government from imposing certain restrictions on the ownership, registration, purchase, sale, transfer, transportation, or possession of pistols, other firearms, or pneumatic guns, ammunition for pistols or other firearms, or components of pistols or other firearms,” by amending section 2 (MCL 123.1102), as amended by 2015 PA 29.

The bill was read a second time.

Rep. Glenn moved that the bill be placed on the order of Third Reading of Bills.

The motion prevailed.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be placed on its immediate passage.

The motion prevailed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor.


By unanimous consent the House returned to the order of

Third Reading of Bills



House Bill No. 5479, entitled

A bill to amend 1990 PA 319, entitled “An act to prohibit local units of government from imposing certain restrictions on the ownership, registration, purchase, sale, transfer, transportation, or possession of pistols, other firearms, or pneumatic guns, ammunition for pistols or other firearms, or components of pistols or other firearms,” by amending section 2 (MCL 123.1102), as amended by 2015 PA 29.

Was read a third time and passed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:

Roll Call No. 133                                    Yeas—58



Afendoulis                         Filler                        Kahle                                     Reilly

Albert                                Frederick                 LaFave                                   Rendon

Alexander                          Glenn                      Leutheuser                             Sheppard

Allor                                 Green                      Lightner                                 Slagh

Bellino                              Griffin                     Lilly                                       VanSingel

Berman                             Hall                         Lower                                    VanWoerkom

Bollin                                Hauck                      Maddock                                Vaupel

Brann                                Hernandez               Marino                                   Wakeman

Calley                                Hoitenga                  Markkanen                             Webber

Chatfield                           Hornberger              Meerman                               Wendzel

Chirkun                             Howell                     Miller                                     Wentworth

Cole                                  Huizenga                 Mueller                                  Whiteford

Crawford                           Iden                         O’Malley                               Wozniak

Eisen                                 Inman                      Paquette                                 Yaroch

Farrington                         Johnson, S.                                                           






Anthony                            Garrett                     Jones                                     Robinson

Bolden                              Garza                       Kennedy                                Sabo

Brixie                                Gay-Dagnogo           Koleszar                                Shannon

Byrd                                  Greig                       Kuppa                                    Sneller

Cambensy                         Guerra                     LaGrand                                Sowerby

Camilleri                           Haadsma                 Lasinski                                 Stone

Carter, B.                           Hammoud                Liberati                                  Tate

Carter, T.                           Hertel                      Love                                      Warren

Cherry                               Hoadley                   Manoogian                             Whitsett

Clemente                           Hood                       Peterson                                 Wittenberg

Coleman                            Hope                       Pohutsky                                Witwer

Elder                                 Johnson, C.              Rabhi                                     Yancey




In The Chair: Wentworth



The House agreed to the title of the bill.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.

The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.






Rep. Cole moved that Rep. Eisen be excused from the balance of today’s session.

The motion prevailed.



Senate Bill No. 253, entitled

A bill to amend 1846 RS 81, entitled “Of fraudulent conveyances and contracts, relative to goods, chattels, and things in action,” by amending section 2 (MCL 566.132), as amended by 1992 PA 245.

Was read a third time and passed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:

Roll Call No. 134                                   Yeas—104



Afendoulis                         Farrington                Johnson, C.                            Rabhi

Albert                                Filler                        Johnson, S.                             Rendon

Alexander                          Frederick                 Jones                                     Robinson

Allor                                 Garrett                     Kahle                                     Sabo

Anthony                            Garza                       Kennedy                                Shannon

Bellino                              Gay-Dagnogo           Koleszar                                Sheppard

Berman                             Glenn                      Kuppa                                    Slagh

Bolden                              Green                      LaFave                                   Sneller

Bollin                                Greig                       LaGrand                                Sowerby

Brann                                Griffin                     Lasinski                                 Stone

Brixie                                Guerra                     Leutheuser                             Tate

Byrd                                  Haadsma                 Liberati                                  VanSingel

Calley                                Hall                         Lightner                                 VanWoerkom

Cambensy                         Hammoud                Lilly                                       Vaupel

Camilleri                           Hauck                      Lower                                    Wakeman

Carter, B.                           Hernandez               Maddock                                Warren

Carter, T.                           Hertel                      Manoogian                             Webber

Chatfield                           Hoadley                   Marino                                   Wendzel

Cherry                               Hoitenga                  Markkanen                             Wentworth

Chirkun                             Hood                       Meerman                               Whiteford

Clemente                           Hope                       Miller                                     Whitsett

Cole                                  Hornberger              Mueller                                  Wittenberg

Coleman                            Howell                     O’Malley                               Witwer

Crawford                           Huizenga                 Paquette                                 Wozniak

Elder                                 Iden                         Peterson                                 Yancey

Ellison                              Inman                      Pohutsky                                Yaroch






Love                                 Reilly                                                                    



In The Chair: Wentworth



The House agreed to the title of the bill.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.

The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.



Second Reading of Bills



House Bill No. 5053, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” by amending section 261 (MCL 18.1261), as amended by 2017 PA 21.

Was read a second time, and the question being on the adoption of the proposed substitute (H-1) previously recommended by the Committee on Appropriations,

The substitute (H-1) was adopted, a majority of the members serving voting therefor.

Rep. Huizenga moved that the bill be placed on the order of Third Reading of Bills.

The motion prevailed.

House Bill No. 5492, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” (MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594) by adding section 385.

The bill was read a second time.

Rep. Hammoud moved that the bill be placed on the order of Third Reading of Bills.

The motion prevailed.



House Bill No. 5493, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” (MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594) by adding section 490.

The bill was read a second time.

Rep. Whiteford moved that the bill be placed on the order of Third Reading of Bills.

The motion prevailed.



House Bill No. 5494, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” (MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594) by adding section 261e.

The bill was read a second time.

Rep. Glenn moved that the bill be placed on the order of Third Reading of Bills.

The motion prevailed.



House Bill No. 5495, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” (MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594) by adding section 261f.

The bill was read a second time.

Rep. Sabo moved that the bill be placed on the order of Third Reading of Bills.

The motion prevailed.


By unanimous consent the House returned to the order of

Third Reading of Bills



House Bill No. 5289, entitled

A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled “Public health code,” by amending sections 2882 and 2891 (MCL 333.2882 and 333.2891), section 2882 as amended by 2002 PA 691 and section 2891 as amended by 2013 PA 136.

Was read a third time and passed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:



Roll Call No. 135                                   Yeas—100



Afendoulis                         Frederick                 Kahle                                     Rendon

Albert                                Garrett                     Kennedy                                Robinson

Alexander                          Garza                       Koleszar                                Sabo

Allor                                 Gay-Dagnogo           Kuppa                                    Shannon

Bellino                              Glenn                      LaFave                                   Sheppard

Berman                             Green                      LaGrand                                Slagh

Bolden                              Greig                       Lasinski                                 Sneller

Bollin                                Griffin                     Leutheuser                             Sowerby

Brann                                Guerra                     Liberati                                  Stone

Byrd                                  Haadsma                 Lightner                                 Tate

Calley                                Hall                         Lilly                                       VanSingel

Cambensy                         Hammoud                Lower                                    VanWoerkom

Camilleri                           Hauck                      Maddock                                Vaupel

Carter, B.                           Hernandez               Manoogian                             Wakeman

Carter, T.                           Hertel                      Marino                                   Warren

Chatfield                           Hoadley                   Markkanen                             Webber

Cherry                               Hoitenga                  Meerman                               Wendzel

Chirkun                             Hood                       Miller                                     Wentworth

Clemente                           Hornberger              Mueller                                  Whiteford

Cole                                  Howell                     O’Malley                               Whitsett

Coleman                            Huizenga                 Paquette                                 Wittenberg

Crawford                           Iden                         Peterson                                 Witwer

Elder                                 Inman                      Pohutsky                                Wozniak

Farrington                         Johnson, S.              Rabhi                                     Yancey

Filler                                 Jones                       Reilly                                     Yaroch






Anthony                            Ellison                     Johnson, C.                            Love

Brixie                                Hope                                                                    



In The Chair: Wentworth



The question being on agreeing to the title of the bill,

Rep. Cole moved to amend the title to read as follows:

A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled “Public health code,” by amending sections 2882 and 2891 (MCL 333.2882 and 333.2891), section 2882 as amended by 2002 PA 691 and section 2891 as amended by 2019 PA 89.

The motion prevailed.

The House agreed to the title as amended.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.

The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.



House Bill No. 5333, entitled

A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled “Natural resources and environmental protection act,” by amending sections 50501, 50502, 50507, and 53503 (MCL 324.50501, 324.50502, 324.50507, and 324.53503), sections 50501 and 50502 as amended by 2004 PA 124 and section 50507 as amended and section 53503 as added by 2018 PA 116.

Was read a third time and passed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:



Roll Call No. 136                                   Yeas—106



Afendoulis                         Filler                        Jones                                     Reilly

Albert                                Frederick                 Kahle                                     Rendon

Alexander                          Garrett                     Kennedy                                Robinson

Allor                                 Garza                       Koleszar                                Sabo

Anthony                            Gay-Dagnogo           Kuppa                                    Shannon

Bellino                              Glenn                      LaFave                                   Sheppard

Berman                             Green                      LaGrand                                Slagh

Bolden                              Greig                       Lasinski                                 Sneller

Bollin                                Griffin                     Leutheuser                             Sowerby

Brann                                Guerra                     Liberati                                  Stone

Brixie                                Haadsma                 Lightner                                 Tate

Byrd                                  Hall                         Lilly                                       VanSingel

Calley                                Hammoud                Love                                      VanWoerkom

Cambensy                         Hauck                      Lower                                    Vaupel

Camilleri                           Hernandez               Maddock                                Wakeman

Carter, B.                           Hertel                      Manoogian                             Warren

Carter, T.                           Hoadley                   Marino                                   Webber

Chatfield                           Hoitenga                  Markkanen                             Wendzel

Cherry                               Hood                       Meerman                               Wentworth

Chirkun                             Hope                       Miller                                     Whiteford

Clemente                           Hornberger              Mueller                                  Whitsett

Cole                                  Howell                     O’Malley                               Wittenberg

Coleman                            Huizenga                 Paquette                                 Witwer

Crawford                           Iden                         Peterson                                 Wozniak

Elder                                 Inman                      Pohutsky                                Yancey

Ellison                              Johnson, C.              Rabhi                                     Yaroch

Farrington                         Johnson, S.                                                           






In The Chair: Wentworth



The question being on agreeing to the title of the bill,

Rep. Cole moved to amend the title to read as follows:

A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled “Natural resources and environmental protection act,” by amending sections 50501, 50502, and 50507 (MCL 324.50501, 324.50502, and 324.50507), sections 50501 and 50502 as amended by 2004 PA 124 and section 50507 as amended by 2018 PA 116.

The motion prevailed.

The House agreed to the title as amended.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.

The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.



Rep. Cole moved that House Bill No. 5053 be placed on its immediate passage.

The motion prevailed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor.


House Bill No. 5053, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” by amending section 261 (MCL 18.1261), as amended by 2017 PA 21.

Was read a third time and passed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:



Roll Call No. 137                                   Yeas—106



Afendoulis                         Filler                        Jones                                     Reilly

Albert                                Frederick                 Kahle                                     Rendon

Alexander                          Garrett                     Kennedy                                Robinson

Allor                                 Garza                       Koleszar                                Sabo

Anthony                            Gay-Dagnogo           Kuppa                                    Shannon

Bellino                              Glenn                      LaFave                                   Sheppard

Berman                             Green                      LaGrand                                Slagh

Bolden                              Greig                       Lasinski                                 Sneller

Bollin                                Griffin                     Leutheuser                             Sowerby

Brann                                Guerra                     Liberati                                  Stone

Brixie                                Haadsma                 Lightner                                 Tate

Byrd                                  Hall                         Lilly                                       VanSingel

Calley                                Hammoud                Love                                      VanWoerkom

Cambensy                         Hauck                      Lower                                    Vaupel

Camilleri                           Hernandez               Maddock                                Wakeman

Carter, B.                           Hertel                      Manoogian                             Warren

Carter, T.                           Hoadley                   Marino                                   Webber

Chatfield                           Hoitenga                  Markkanen                             Wendzel

Cherry                               Hood                       Meerman                               Wentworth

Chirkun                             Hope                       Miller                                     Whiteford

Clemente                           Hornberger              Mueller                                  Whitsett

Cole                                  Howell                     O’Malley                               Wittenberg

Coleman                            Huizenga                 Paquette                                 Witwer

Crawford                           Iden                         Peterson                                 Wozniak

Elder                                 Inman                      Pohutsky                                Yancey

Ellison                              Johnson, C.              Rabhi                                     Yaroch

Farrington                         Johnson, S.                                                           






In The Chair: Wentworth



The House agreed to the title of the bill.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.

The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.



Rep. Cole moved that House Bill No. 5492 be placed on its immediate passage.

The motion prevailed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor.


House Bill No. 5492, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” (MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594) by adding section 385.

Was read a third time and passed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:



Roll Call No. 138                                   Yeas—106



Afendoulis                         Filler                        Jones                                     Reilly

Albert                                Frederick                 Kahle                                     Rendon

Alexander                          Garrett                     Kennedy                                Robinson

Allor                                 Garza                       Koleszar                                Sabo

Anthony                            Gay-Dagnogo           Kuppa                                    Shannon

Bellino                              Glenn                      LaFave                                   Sheppard

Berman                             Green                      LaGrand                                Slagh

Bolden                              Greig                       Lasinski                                 Sneller

Bollin                                Griffin                     Leutheuser                             Sowerby

Brann                                Guerra                     Liberati                                  Stone

Brixie                                Haadsma                 Lightner                                 Tate

Byrd                                  Hall                         Lilly                                       VanSingel

Calley                                Hammoud                Love                                      VanWoerkom

Cambensy                         Hauck                      Lower                                    Vaupel

Camilleri                           Hernandez               Maddock                                Wakeman

Carter, B.                           Hertel                      Manoogian                             Warren

Carter, T.                           Hoadley                   Marino                                   Webber

Chatfield                           Hoitenga                  Markkanen                             Wendzel

Cherry                               Hood                       Meerman                               Wentworth

Chirkun                             Hope                       Miller                                     Whiteford

Clemente                           Hornberger              Mueller                                  Whitsett

Cole                                  Howell                     O’Malley                               Wittenberg

Coleman                            Huizenga                 Paquette                                 Witwer

Crawford                           Iden                         Peterson                                 Wozniak

Elder                                 Inman                      Pohutsky                                Yancey

Ellison                              Johnson, C.              Rabhi                                     Yaroch

Farrington                         Johnson, S.                                                           






In The Chair: Wentworth



The House agreed to the title of the bill.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.

The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.



Rep. Cole moved that House Bill No. 5493 be placed on its immediate passage.

The motion prevailed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor.


House Bill No. 5493, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” (MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594) by adding section 490.

Was read a third time and passed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:



Roll Call No. 139                                   Yeas—106



Afendoulis                         Filler                        Jones                                     Reilly

Albert                                Frederick                 Kahle                                     Rendon

Alexander                          Garrett                     Kennedy                                Robinson

Allor                                 Garza                       Koleszar                                Sabo

Anthony                            Gay-Dagnogo           Kuppa                                    Shannon

Bellino                              Glenn                      LaFave                                   Sheppard

Berman                             Green                      LaGrand                                Slagh

Bolden                              Greig                       Lasinski                                 Sneller

Bollin                                Griffin                     Leutheuser                             Sowerby

Brann                                Guerra                     Liberati                                  Stone

Brixie                                Haadsma                 Lightner                                 Tate

Byrd                                  Hall                         Lilly                                       VanSingel

Calley                                Hammoud                Love                                      VanWoerkom

Cambensy                         Hauck                      Lower                                    Vaupel

Camilleri                           Hernandez               Maddock                                Wakeman

Carter, B.                           Hertel                      Manoogian                             Warren

Carter, T.                           Hoadley                   Marino                                   Webber

Chatfield                           Hoitenga                  Markkanen                             Wendzel

Cherry                               Hood                       Meerman                               Wentworth

Chirkun                             Hope                       Miller                                     Whiteford

Clemente                           Hornberger              Mueller                                  Whitsett

Cole                                  Howell                     O’Malley                               Wittenberg

Coleman                            Huizenga                 Paquette                                 Witwer

Crawford                           Iden                         Peterson                                 Wozniak

Elder                                 Inman                      Pohutsky                                Yancey

Ellison                              Johnson, C.              Rabhi                                     Yaroch

Farrington                         Johnson, S.                                                           




In The Chair: Wentworth



The House agreed to the title of the bill.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.

The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.



Rep. Cole moved that House Bill No. 5494 be placed on its immediate passage.

The motion prevailed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor.


House Bill No. 5494, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” (MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594) by adding section 261e.

Was read a third time and passed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:



Roll Call No. 140                                   Yeas—106



Afendoulis                         Filler                        Jones                                     Reilly

Albert                                Frederick                 Kahle                                     Rendon

Alexander                          Garrett                     Kennedy                                Robinson

Allor                                 Garza                       Koleszar                                Sabo

Anthony                            Gay-Dagnogo           Kuppa                                    Shannon

Bellino                              Glenn                      LaFave                                   Sheppard

Berman                             Green                      LaGrand                                Slagh

Bolden                              Greig                       Lasinski                                 Sneller

Bollin                                Griffin                     Leutheuser                             Sowerby

Brann                                Guerra                     Liberati                                  Stone

Brixie                                Haadsma                 Lightner                                 Tate

Byrd                                  Hall                         Lilly                                       VanSingel

Calley                                Hammoud                Love                                      VanWoerkom

Cambensy                         Hauck                      Lower                                    Vaupel

Camilleri                           Hernandez               Maddock                                Wakeman

Carter, B.                           Hertel                      Manoogian                             Warren

Carter, T.                           Hoadley                   Marino                                   Webber

Chatfield                           Hoitenga                  Markkanen                             Wendzel

Cherry                               Hood                       Meerman                               Wentworth

Chirkun                             Hope                       Miller                                     Whiteford

Clemente                           Hornberger              Mueller                                  Whitsett

Cole                                  Howell                     O’Malley                               Wittenberg

Coleman                            Huizenga                 Paquette                                 Witwer

Crawford                           Iden                         Peterson                                 Wozniak

Elder                                 Inman                      Pohutsky                                Yancey

Ellison                              Johnson, C.              Rabhi                                     Yaroch

Farrington                         Johnson, S.                                                           






In The Chair: Wentworth



The House agreed to the title of the bill.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.

The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.

Rep. Cole moved that House Bill No. 5495 be placed on its immediate passage.

The motion prevailed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor.


House Bill No. 5495, entitled

A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled “The management and budget act,” (MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594) by adding section 261f.

Was read a third time and passed, a majority of the members serving voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:



Roll Call No. 141                                   Yeas—106



Afendoulis                         Filler                        Jones                                     Reilly

Albert                                Frederick                 Kahle                                     Rendon

Alexander                          Garrett                     Kennedy                                Robinson

Allor                                 Garza                       Koleszar                                Sabo

Anthony                            Gay-Dagnogo           Kuppa                                    Shannon

Bellino                              Glenn                      LaFave                                   Sheppard

Berman                             Green                      LaGrand                                Slagh

Bolden                              Greig                       Lasinski                                 Sneller

Bollin                                Griffin                     Leutheuser                             Sowerby

Brann                                Guerra                     Liberati                                  Stone

Brixie                                Haadsma                 Lightner                                 Tate

Byrd                                  Hall                         Lilly                                       VanSingel

Calley                                Hammoud                Love                                      VanWoerkom

Cambensy                         Hauck                      Lower                                    Vaupel

Camilleri                           Hernandez               Maddock                                Wakeman

Carter, B.                           Hertel                      Manoogian                             Warren

Carter, T.                           Hoadley                   Marino                                   Webber

Chatfield                           Hoitenga                  Markkanen                             Wendzel

Cherry                               Hood                       Meerman                               Wentworth

Chirkun                             Hope                       Miller                                     Whiteford

Clemente                           Hornberger              Mueller                                  Whitsett

Cole                                  Howell                     O’Malley                               Wittenberg

Coleman                            Huizenga                 Paquette                                 Witwer

Crawford                           Iden                         Peterson                                 Wozniak

Elder                                 Inman                      Pohutsky                                Yancey

Ellison                              Johnson, C.              Rabhi                                     Yaroch

Farrington                         Johnson, S.                                                           






In The Chair: Wentworth



The House agreed to the title of the bill.

Rep. Cole moved that the bill be given immediate effect.

The motion prevailed, 2/3 of the members serving voting therefor.






Rep. Cole moved that House Committees be given leave to meet during the balance of today’s session.

The motion prevailed.

By unanimous consent the House returned to the order of

Announcement by the Clerk of Printing and Enrollment



The Clerk announced that the following bills had been reproduced and made available electronically on Wednesday, March 4:

Senate Bill Nos.      812    813    814    815    816    817    818


The Clerk announced that the following Senate bill had been received on Wednesday, March 4:

Senate Bill No.       716



Reports of Standing Committees



The Committee on Financial Services, by Rep. Farrington, Chair, referred

House Bill No. 5131, entitled

A bill to amend 2008 PA 551, entitled “Uniform securities act (2002),” (MCL 451.2101 to 451.2703) by amending the title, as amended by 2014 PA 355, and by adding article 5A.

to the Committee on Ways and Means with the recommendation that the substitute (H-2) be adopted.



Favorable Roll Call


To Refer:

Yeas: Reps. Farrington, Sheppard, Bellino, Berman, Wakeman, Gay-Dagnogo, Wittenberg, Clemente, Stone and Whitsett

Nays: None

The bill and substitute were referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.



The Committee on Financial Services, by Rep. Farrington, Chair, referred

House Bill No. 5481, entitled

A bill to amend 1980 PA 299, entitled “Occupational code,” by amending sections 2661, 2663, 2665, 2667, 2673, and 2677 (MCL 339.2661, 339.2663, 339.2665, 339.2667, 339.2673, and 339.2677), as added by 2012 PA 505, and by adding section 2670.

to the Committee on Ways and Means with the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted.



Favorable Roll Call


To Refer:

Yeas: Reps. Farrington, Sheppard, Bellino, Berman, Wakeman, Gay-Dagnogo, Wittenberg, Clemente, Stone and Whitsett

Nays: None

The bill and substitute were referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.





The following report, submitted by Rep. Farrington, Chair, of the Committee on Financial Services, was received and read:

Meeting held on: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Present: Reps. Farrington, Sheppard, Bellino, Berman, Wakeman, Gay-Dagnogo, Wittenberg, Clemente, Stone and Whitsett

Absent: Rep. Schroeder

Excused: Rep. Schroeder

The Committee on Elections and Ethics, by Rep. Calley, Chair, referred

Senate Bill No. 117, entitled

A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled “Michigan election law,” by amending section 759a (MCL 168.759a), as amended by 2012 PA 523.

to the Committee on Ways and Means with the recommendation that the substitute (H-2) be adopted.



Favorable Roll Call


To Refer:

Yeas: Reps. Calley, Sheppard, Hornberger, Marino, Paquette, Guerra and Hope

Nays: None

The bill and substitute were referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.



The Committee on Elections and Ethics, by Rep. Calley, Chair, referred

Senate Bill No. 297, entitled

A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled “Michigan election law,” (MCL 168.1 to 168.992) by adding section 18a.

to the Committee on Ways and Means.



Favorable Roll Call


To Refer:

Yeas: Reps. Calley, Sheppard, Hornberger, Marino, Paquette, Guerra and Hope

Nays: None

The bill was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.





The following report, submitted by Rep. Calley, Chair, of the Committee on Elections and Ethics, was received and read:

Meeting held on: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Present: Reps. Calley, Sheppard, Hornberger, Marino, Paquette, Guerra and Hope



The Committee on Ways and Means, by Rep. Iden, Chair, reported

House Bill No. 5422, entitled

A bill to amend 1976 IL 1, entitled “A petition to initiate legislation to provide for the use of returnable containers for soft drinks, soda water, carbonated natural or mineral water, other nonalcoholic carbonated drink, and for beer, ale, or other malt drink of whatever alcoholic content, and for certain other beverage containers; to provide for the use of unredeemed bottle deposits; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state agencies and officials; and to prescribe penalties and provide remedies,” (MCL 445.571 to 445.576) by adding section 4c.

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

The bill and substitute were referred to the order of Second Reading of Bills.



Favorable Roll Call


To Report Out:

Yeas: Reps. Iden, Lilly, Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Meerman and Byrd

Nays: Reps. Warren and Bolden



The Committee on Ways and Means, by Rep. Iden, Chair, reported

House Bill No. 5423, entitled

A bill to amend 1976 IL 1, entitled “A petition to initiate legislation to provide for the use of returnable containers for soft drinks, soda water, carbonated natural or mineral water, other nonalcoholic carbonated drink, and for beer, ale, or other malt drink of whatever alcoholic content, and for certain other beverage containers; to provide for the use of unredeemed bottle deposits; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state agencies and officials; and to prescribe penalties and provide remedies,” by amending section 3c (MCL 445.573c), as amended by 1996 PA 384.

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

The bill and substitute were referred to the order of Second Reading of Bills.



Favorable Roll Call


To Report Out:

Yeas: Reps. Iden, Lilly, Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Meerman and Byrd

Nays: Reps. Warren and Bolden



The Committee on Ways and Means, by Rep. Iden, Chair, reported

House Bill No. 5424, entitled

A bill to amend 1976 IL 1, entitled “A petition to initiate legislation to provide for the use of returnable containers for soft drinks, soda water, carbonated natural or mineral water, other nonalcoholic carbonated drink, and for beer, ale, or other malt drink of whatever alcoholic content, and for certain other beverage containers; to provide for the use of unredeemed bottle deposits; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state agencies and officials; and to prescribe penalties and provide remedies,” by amending section 4 (MCL 445.574), as amended by 1998 PA 473.

Without amendment and with the recommendation that the bill pass.

The bill was referred to the order of Second Reading of Bills.



Favorable Roll Call


To Report Out:

Yeas: Reps. Iden, Lilly, Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Meerman and Byrd

Nays: Reps. Warren and Bolden



The Committee on Ways and Means, by Rep. Iden, Chair, reported

House Bill No. 5425, entitled

A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled “The code of criminal procedure,” by amending section 14h of chapter XVII (MCL 777.14h), as amended by 2019 PA 49.

Without amendment and with the recommendation that the bill pass.

The bill was referred to the order of Second Reading of Bills.



Favorable Roll Call


To Report Out:

Yeas: Reps. Iden, Lilly, Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Meerman and Byrd

Nays: Reps. Warren and Bolden



The Committee on Ways and Means, by Rep. Iden, Chair, reported

House Bill No. 5426, entitled

A bill to amend 2017 PA 132, entitled “Cyber civilian corps act,” by amending sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 (MCL 18.222, 18.223, 18.224, 18.225, 18.226, and 18.227).

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

The bill and substitute were referred to the order of Second Reading of Bills.



Favorable Roll Call


To Report Out:

Yeas: Reps. Iden, Lilly, Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Meerman, Warren, Byrd, Hertel and Bolden

Nays: None

The Committee on Ways and Means, by Rep. Iden, Chair, reported

House Bill No. 5427, entitled

A bill to amend 2017 PA 132, entitled “Cyber civilian corps act,” by amending sections 9 and 10 (MCL 18.229 and 18.230).

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

The bill and substitute were referred to the order of Second Reading of Bills.



Favorable Roll Call


To Report Out:

Yeas: Reps. Iden, Lilly, Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Meerman, Warren, Byrd, Hertel and Bolden

Nays: None



The Committee on Ways and Means, by Rep. Iden, Chair, reported

Senate Bill No. 543, entitled

A bill to amend 1998 PA 58, entitled “Michigan liquor control code of 1998,” by amending section 701 (MCL 436.1701), as amended by 2010 PA 266.

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-2) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

The bill and substitute were referred to the order of Second Reading of Bills.



Favorable Roll Call


To Report Out:

Yeas: Reps. Iden, Lilly, Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Meerman, Warren, Byrd, Hertel and Bolden

Nays: None



The Committee on Ways and Means, by Rep. Iden, Chair, reported

Senate Bill No. 762, entitled

A bill to amend 1951 PA 33, entitled “An act to provide police and fire protection for townships and for certain areas in townships, certain incorporated villages, and certain cities; to authorize contracting for fire and police protection; to authorize the purchase of fire and police equipment, and the maintenance and operation of the equipment; to provide for defraying the cost of the equipment; to authorize the creation of special assessment districts and the levying and collecting of special assessments; to authorize the issuance of special assessment bonds in anticipation of the collection of special assessments and the advancement of the amount necessary to pay such bonds, and to provide for reimbursement for such advances by reassessment if necessary; to authorize the collection of fees for certain emergency services in townships and other municipalities; to authorize the creation of administrative boards and to prescribe their powers and duties; to provide for the appointment of traffic officers and to prescribe their powers and duties; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,” by amending section 10 (MCL 41.810), as amended by 2004 PA 463.

Without amendment and with the recommendation that the bill pass.

The bill was referred to the order of Second Reading of Bills.



Favorable Roll Call


To Report Out:

Yeas: Reps. Iden, Lilly, Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Warren, Byrd, Hertel and Bolden

Nays: Rep. Meerman





The following report, submitted by Rep. Iden, Chair, of the Committee on Ways and Means, was received and read:

Meeting held on: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Present: Reps. Iden, Lilly, Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Meerman, Warren, Byrd, Hertel and Bolden



The following report, submitted by Rep. Crawford, Chair, of the Committee on Families, Children, and Seniors, was received and read:

Meeting held on: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Present: Reps. Crawford, Rendon, Farrington, Hoitenga, Wozniak, Garrett, Liberati, Brenda Carter and Cynthia Johnson





The following report, submitted by Rep. Afendoulis, Chair, of the Committee on Tax Policy, was received and read:

Meeting held on: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Present: Reps. Afendoulis, Lower, Vaupel, Webber, Farrington, Steven Johnson, Hall, O’Malley, Yancey, Wittenberg, Ellison, Lasinski, Robinson and Whitsett

Absent: Rep. Schroeder

Excused: Rep. Schroeder





The following report, submitted by Rep. Lower, Chair, of the Committee on Local Government and Municipal Finance, was received and read:

Meeting held on: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Present: Reps. Lower, Marino, Crawford, Calley, Howell, Markkanen, Paquette, Ellison, Sowerby, Garza, Hope and Kuppa

Absent: Rep. Eisen

Excused: Rep. Eisen



Messages from the Senate



Senate Bill No. 716, entitled

A bill to amend 1951 PA 51, entitled “An act to provide for the classification of all public roads, streets, and highways in this state, and for the revision of that classification and for additions to and deletions from each classification; to set up and establish the Michigan transportation fund; to provide for the deposits in the Michigan transportation fund of specific taxes on motor vehicles and motor vehicle fuels; to provide for the allocation of funds from the Michigan transportation fund and the use and administration of the fund for transportation purposes; to promote safe and efficient travel for motor vehicle drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians, and other legal users of roads, streets, and highways; to set up and establish the truck safety fund; to provide for the allocation of funds from the truck safety fund and administration of the fund for truck safety purposes; to set up and establish the Michigan truck safety commission; to establish certain standards for road contracts for certain businesses; to provide for the continuing review of transportation needs within the state; to authorize the state transportation commission, counties, cities, and villages to borrow money, issue bonds, and make pledges of funds for transportation purposes; to authorize counties to advance funds for the payment of deficiencies necessary for the payment of bonds issued under this act; to provide for the limitations, payment, retirement, and security of the bonds and pledges; to provide for appropriations and tax levies by counties and townships for county roads; to authorize contributions by townships for county roads; to provide for the establishment and administration of the state trunk line fund, local bridge fund, comprehensive transportation fund, and certain other funds; to provide for the deposits in the state trunk line fund, critical bridge fund, comprehensive transportation fund, and certain other funds of money raised by specific taxes and fees; to provide for definitions of public transportation functions and criteria; to define the purposes for which Michigan transportation funds may be allocated; to provide for Michigan transportation fund grants; to provide for review and approval of transportation programs; to provide for submission of annual legislative requests and reports; to provide for the establishment and functions of certain advisory entities; to provide for conditions for grants; to provide for the issuance of bonds and notes for transportation purposes; to provide for the powers and duties of certain state and local agencies and officials; to provide for the making of loans for transportation purposes by the state transportation department and for the receipt and repayment by local units and agencies of those loans from certain specified sources; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,” by amending sections 18a and 18b (MCL 247.668a and 247.668b), section 18b as amended by 2002 PA 498.

The Senate has passed the bill.

The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Transportation.



Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 22.

A concurrent resolution calling for the responsible use of the state’s transportation bonding authority and to state the Legislature’s intent regarding future debt service payments.

Whereas, Article IX, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Michigan of 1963 grants authority to the Legislature to authorize the issuance of transportation bonds against constitutionally protected revenue designated for usage by the state. To facilitate the issuance of bonds, the Legislature, through statute, has authorized the State Transportation Commission to issue transportation bonds; and

Whereas, The State Transportation Commission is a constitutionally established body appointed by the Governor, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. This body, not the Governor, is tasked with determining policy for the department, including, but not limited to, the financing mechanisms utilized by the department; and

Whereas, Neither the state constitution nor state law authorizes the Governor to issue transportation bonds; and

Whereas, The state of Michigan continues to make annual debt payments on transportation bonds first issued over 25 years ago, diminishing available funds for annual road projects; and

Whereas, With the issuance of new bonds, there could be even less available funding for state roads than there is today, due to 30 more years of annual debt payments to service the new bonds; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That we call for the responsible use of the state’s transportation bonding authority; and be it further

Resolved, That it is the intent of the Legislature that the total amount of bonds and notes issued pursuant to MCL 247.668b for transportation purposes, described in the second paragraph of Article IX, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Michigan of 1963, shall not exceed an amount as will be serviced as to the maximum principal and interest requirements by a sum equal to 15% of the total of the amount of money received from taxes, the use of which is restricted by Article IX, Section 9, and which is deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the State Trunk Line Fund during the state fiscal year immediately preceding the issuance of the bonds or notes, unless the growth rate of taxes exceeds 25% from the previous fiscal year; and be it further

Resolved, That it is the intent of the Legislature not to increase future debt service appropriations above the levels authorized for Fiscal Year 2019-2020; and be it further

Resolved, That it is the intent of the Legislature not to authorize appropriations for debt service payments for bonds longer than 10 years; and be it further

Resolved, That we urge the State Transportation Commission to provide a copy of this resolution to all individuals and entities who seek to purchase transportation bonds; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the members of the State Transportation Commission, the Director of the Michigan Department of Transportation, and the Governor.

The Senate has adopted the concurrent resolution.

The concurrent resolution was referred to the Committee on Transportation.



Introduction of Bills



Rep. Frederick introduced

House Bill No. 5576, entitled

A bill to establish certain financial aid programs for certain residents of this state seeking associate degrees or industry-recognized certificates or credentials from certain educational and jobs training programs; to provide for the administration of the financial aid programs; and to prescribe certain powers and duties of certain state officers, agencies, and departments.

The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.

Reps. Camilleri, Gay-Dagnogo, Ellison, Garrett, Love, Koleszar and Hertel introduced

House Bill No. 5577, entitled

A bill to amend 1931 PA 328, entitled “The Michigan penal code,” by amending section 50 (MCL 750.50), as amended by 2019 PA 135.

The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Agriculture.



Reps. VanSingel and Yancey introduced

House Bill No. 5578, entitled

A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled “The code of criminal procedure,” by amending section 24 of chapter VII (MCL 767.24), as amended by 2018 PA 182.

The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.



Rep. Steven Johnson introduced

House Bill No. 5579, entitled

A bill to amend 1998 PA 58, entitled “Michigan liquor control code of 1998,” by amending sections 203, 204, 537, and 609c (MCL 436.1203, 436.1204, 436.1537, and 436.1609c), section 203 as amended by 2016 PA 520, section 204 as added by 2018 PA 178, section 537 as amended by 2018 PA 560, and section 609c as added by 2017 PA 130.

The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform.


By unanimous consent the House returned to the order of

Messages from the Governor



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:23 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 5263 (Public Act No. 34, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1991 PA 179, entitled “An act to regulate and insure the availability of certain telecommunication services; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state agencies and officials; to prescribe penalties; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,” by amending section 316 (MCL 484.2316), as amended by 2011 PA 58.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:40 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:15 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4830 (Public Act No. 35, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled “An act to protect and promote the public health; to codify, revise, consolidate, classify, and add to the laws relating to public health; to provide for the prevention and control of diseases and disabilities; to provide for the classification, administration, regulation, financing, and maintenance of personal, environmental, and other health services and activities; to create or continue, and prescribe the powers and duties of, departments, boards, commissions, councils, committees, task forces, and other agencies; to prescribe the powers and duties of governmental entities and officials; to regulate occupations, facilities, and agencies affecting the public health; to regulate health maintenance organizations and certain third party administrators and insurers; to provide for the imposition of a regulatory fee; to provide for the levy of taxes against certain health facilities or agencies; to promote the efficient and economical delivery of health care services, to provide for the appropriate utilization of health care facilities and services, and to provide for the closure of hospitals or consolidation of hospitals or services; to provide for the collection and use of data and information; to provide for the transfer of property; to provide certain immunity from liability; to regulate and prohibit the sale and offering for sale of drug paraphernalia under certain circumstances; to provide for the implementation of federal law; to provide for penalties and remedies; to provide for sanctions for violations of this act and local ordinances; to provide for an appropriation and supplements; to repeal certain acts and parts of acts; to repeal certain parts of this act; and to repeal certain parts of this act on specific dates,” by amending section 20161 (MCL 333.20161), as amended by 2019 PA 74.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:42 p.m.)

Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:17 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4468 (Public Act No. 36, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1976 PA 442, entitled “An act to provide for public access to certain public records of public bodies; to permit certain fees; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain public officers and public bodies; to provide remedies and penalties; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts,” by amending section 5 (MCL 15.235), as amended by 2018 PA 105.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:44 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:19 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4444 (Public Act No. 37, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1976 PA 442, entitled “An act to provide for public access to certain public records of public bodies; to permit certain fees; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain public officers and public bodies; to provide remedies and penalties; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts,” by amending section 11 (MCL 15.241), as amended by 2014 PA 563.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:46 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:21 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4445 (Public Act No. 38, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1976 PA 442, entitled “An act to provide for public access to certain public records of public bodies; to permit certain fees; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain public officers and public bodies; to provide remedies and penalties; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts,” by amending section 4 (MCL 15.234), as amended by 2018 PA 523.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:48 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:25 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4912 (Public Act No. 39, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1998 PA 58, entitled “An act to create a commission for the control of the alcoholic beverage traffic within this state, and to prescribe its powers, duties, and limitations; to provide for powers and duties for certain state departments and agencies; to impose certain taxes for certain purposes; to provide for the control of the alcoholic liquor traffic within this state and to provide for the power to establish state liquor stores; to prohibit the use of certain devices for the dispensing of alcoholic vapor; to provide for the care and treatment of alcoholics; to provide for the incorporation of farmer cooperative wineries and the granting of certain rights and privileges to those cooperatives; to provide for the licensing and taxation of activities regulated under this act and the disposition of the money received under this act; to prescribe liability for retail licensees under certain circumstances and to require security for that liability; to provide procedures, defenses, and remedies regarding violations of this act; to provide for the enforcement and to prescribe penalties for violations of this act; to provide for allocation of certain funds for certain purposes; to provide for the confiscation and disposition of property seized under this act; to provide referenda under certain circumstances; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,” by amending section 513 (MCL 436.1513), as amended by 2018 PA 479.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:50 p.m.)

Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:27 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4128 (Public Act No. 40, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1939 PA 288, entitled “An act to revise and consolidate the statutes relating to certain aspects of the family division of circuit court, to the jurisdiction, powers, and duties of the family division of circuit court and its judges and other officers, to the change of name of adults and children, and to the adoption of adults and children; to prescribe certain jurisdiction, powers, and duties of the family division of circuit court and its judges and other officers; to prescribe the manner and time within which certain actions and proceedings may be brought in the family division of the circuit court; to prescribe pleading, evidence, practice, and procedure in certain actions and proceedings in the family division of circuit court; to provide for appeals from certain actions in the family division of circuit court; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state departments, agencies, and officers; to provide for certain immunity from liability; and to provide remedies and penalties,” by amending section 1 of chapter XI (MCL 711.1), as amended by 2000 PA 111.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:52 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:29 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4832 (Public Act No. 41, I.E.), being

An act to amend 2001 PA 142, entitled “An act to consolidate prior acts naming certain Michigan highways; to provide for the naming of certain highways; to prescribe certain duties of the state transportation department; and to repeal acts and parts of acts and certain resolutions,” (MCL 250.1001 to 250.2083) by adding section 18b.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:54 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:31 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 5117 (Public Act No. 42, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1961 PA 236, entitled “An act to revise and consolidate the statutes relating to the organization and jurisdiction of the courts of this state; the powers and duties of the courts, and of the judges and other officers of the courts; the forms and attributes of civil claims and actions; the time within which civil actions and proceedings may be brought in the courts; pleading, evidence, practice, and procedure in civil and criminal actions and proceedings in the courts; to provide for the powers and duties of certain state governmental officers and entities; to provide remedies and penalties for the violation of certain provisions of this act; to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with or contravening any of the provisions of this act; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,” by amending section 6431 (MCL 600.6431).

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:56 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:33 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 5118 (Public Act No. 43, I.E.), being

An act to amend 2016 PA 343, entitled “An act to provide compensation and other relief for individuals wrongfully imprisoned for crimes; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state and local governmental officers and agencies; to provide remedies; and to make an appropriation,” by amending section 7 (MCL 691.1757).

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 3:58 p.m.)

Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:37 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4689 (Public Act No. 45, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1937 PA 306, entitled “An act to promote the safety, welfare, and educational interests of the people of the state of Michigan by regulating the construction, reconstruction, and remodeling of certain public or private school buildings or additions to such buildings, by regulating the construction, reconstruction, and remodeling of buildings leased or acquired for school purposes, and to define the class of buildings affected by this act; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state agencies and officials; to prescribe penalties for the violation of this act; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,” by amending the title and section 5a (MCL 388.855a), the title as amended by 2002 PA 628 and section 5a as amended by 2006 PA 199, and by adding section 1d.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 4:02 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:39 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4203 (Public Act No. 46, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1933 PA 167, entitled “An act to provide for the raising of additional public revenue by prescribing certain specific taxes, fees, and charges to be paid to the state for the privilege of engaging in certain business activities; to provide, incident to the enforcement thereof, for the issuance of licenses to engage in such occupations; to provide for the ascertainment, assessment and collection thereof; to appropriate the proceeds thereof; and to prescribe penalties for violations of the provisions of this act,” by amending section 1a (MCL 205.51a), as amended by 2017 PA 221, and by adding section 4ff.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 4:04 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:41 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4204 (Public Act No. 47, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1937 PA 94, entitled “An act to provide for the levy, assessment, and collection of a specific excise tax on the storage, use, or consumption in this state of tangible personal property and certain services; to appropriate the proceeds of that tax; to prescribe penalties; and to make appropriations,” by amending section 2b (MCL 205.92b), as amended by 2017 PA 220, and by adding section 4ff.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 4:06 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:43 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4862 (Public Act No. 48, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled “An act to protect and promote the public health; to codify, revise, consolidate, classify, and add to the laws relating to public health; to provide for the prevention and control of diseases and disabilities; to provide for the classification, administration, regulation, financing, and maintenance of personal, environmental, and other health services and activities; to create or continue, and prescribe the powers and duties of, departments, boards, commissions, councils, committees, task forces, and other agencies; to prescribe the powers and duties of governmental entities and officials; to regulate occupations, facilities, and agencies affecting the public health; to regulate health maintenance organizations and certain third party administrators and insurers; to provide for the imposition of a regulatory fee; to provide for the levy of taxes against certain health facilities or agencies; to promote the efficient and economical delivery of health care services, to provide for the appropriate utilization of health care facilities and services, and to provide for the closure of hospitals or consolidation of hospitals or services; to provide for the collection and use of data and information; to provide for the transfer of property; to provide certain immunity from liability; to regulate and prohibit the sale and offering for sale of drug paraphernalia under certain circumstances; to provide for the implementation of federal law; to provide for penalties and remedies; to provide for sanctions for violations of this act and local ordinances; to provide for an appropriation and supplements; to repeal certain acts and parts of acts; to repeal certain parts of this act; and to repeal certain parts of this act on specific dates,” by amending section 20981 (MCL 333.20981), as added by 2016 PA 40.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 4:08 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:53 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4152 (Public Act No. 53, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled “An act to protect and promote the public health; to codify, revise, consolidate, classify, and add to the laws relating to public health; to provide for the prevention and control of diseases and disabilities; to provide for the classification, administration, regulation, financing, and maintenance of personal, environmental, and other health services and activities; to create or continue, and prescribe the powers and duties of, departments, boards, commissions, councils, committees, task forces, and other agencies; to prescribe the powers and duties of governmental entities and officials; to regulate occupations, facilities, and agencies affecting the public health; to regulate health maintenance organizations and certain third party administrators and insurers; to provide for the imposition of a regulatory fee; to provide for the levy of taxes against certain health facilities or agencies; to promote the efficient and economical delivery of health care services, to provide for the appropriate utilization of health care facilities and services, and to provide for the closure of hospitals or consolidation of hospitals or services; to provide for the collection and use of data and information; to provide for the transfer of property; to provide certain immunity from liability; to regulate and prohibit the sale and offering for sale of drug paraphernalia under certain circumstances; to provide for the implementation of federal law; to provide for penalties and remedies; to provide for sanctions for violations of this act and local ordinances; to provide for an appropriation and supplements; to repeal certain acts and parts of acts; to repeal certain parts of this act; and to repeal certain parts of this act on specific dates,” by amending section 2891 (MCL 333.2891), as amended by 2019 PA 89.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 4:18 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:55 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 4153 (Public Act No. 54, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled “An act to protect and promote the public health; to codify, revise, consolidate, classify, and add to the laws relating to public health; to provide for the prevention and control of diseases and disabilities; to provide for the classification, administration, regulation, financing, and maintenance of personal, environmental, and other health services and activities; to create or continue, and prescribe the powers and duties of, departments, boards, commissions, councils, committees, task forces, and other agencies; to prescribe the powers and duties of governmental entities and officials; to regulate occupations, facilities, and agencies affecting the public health; to regulate health maintenance organizations and certain third party administrators and insurers; to provide for the imposition of a regulatory fee; to provide for the levy of taxes against certain health facilities or agencies; to promote the efficient and economical delivery of health care services, to provide for the appropriate utilization of health care facilities and services, and to provide for the closure of hospitals or consolidation of hospitals or services; to provide for the collection and use of data and information; to provide for the transfer of property; to provide certain immunity from liability; to regulate and prohibit the sale and offering for sale of drug paraphernalia under certain circumstances; to provide for the implementation of federal law; to provide for penalties and remedies; to provide for sanctions for violations of this act and local ordinances; to provide for an appropriation and supplements; to repeal certain acts and parts of acts; to repeal certain parts of this act; and to repeal certain parts of this act on specific dates,” by amending section 2803 (MCL 333.2803), as amended by 2012 PA 499.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 4:20 p.m.)

Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:57 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 5043 (Public Act No. 55, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1974 PA 258, entitled “An act to codify, revise, consolidate, and classify the laws relating to mental health; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state and local agencies and officials and certain private agencies and individuals; to regulate certain agencies and facilities providing mental health or substance use disorder services; to provide for certain charges and fees; to establish civil admission procedures for individuals with mental illness, substance use disorder, or developmental disability; to establish guardianship procedures for individuals with developmental disability; to establish procedures regarding individuals with mental illness, substance use disorder, or developmental disability who are in the criminal justice system; to provide for penalties and remedies; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,” by amending sections 100b and 772 (MCL 330.1100b and 330.1772), section 100b as amended by 2014 PA 200 and section 772 as added by 1995 PA 290, and by adding section 206a; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 4:22 p.m.)



Date: March 3, 2020

Time: 12:59 p.m.

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir—I have this day approved and signed

Enrolled House Bill No. 5044 (Public Act No. 56, I.E.), being

An act to amend 1994 PA 203, entitled “An act to establish certain standards for foster care and adoption services for children and their families; and to prescribe powers and duties of certain state agencies and departments and adoption facilitators,” by amending section 4c (MCL 722.954c), as amended by 2014 PA 337.

(Filed with the Secretary of State March 3, 2020, at 4:24 p.m.)






Rep. Witwer moved that the House adjourn.

The motion prevailed, the time being 3:10 p.m.


The Speaker Pro Tempore declared the House adjourned until Thursday, March 5, at 12:00 Noon.




Clerk of the House of Representatives