October 11, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Frederick, Noble, LaFave, Hauck, Griffin, Hoitenga, Wentworth, Rendon, Allor, Barrett, Farrington, Marino, Kahle, Bellino, Brann, LaSata, Ellison, Greimel, Elder, Alexander, Hornberger, Lucido, Leutheuser, VanderWall, Howell, Iden, Sneller and Lasinski and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.


     A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the state


constitution of 1963, by amending section 31 of article IV and by


adding section 55 to article IV, to provide that certain state


budget bills be presented to the governor on or before a certain


date and to reduce compensation of state legislators when certain


state budget bills are not presented on or before a certain date.


     Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the


state of Michigan, That the following amendment to the state


constitution of 1963, to provide that certain state budget bills be


presented to the governor on or before a certain date and to reduce


compensation of state legislators when certain state budget bills


are not presented on or before a certain date, is proposed, agreed


to, and submitted to the people of the state:




     Sec. 31. The general appropriation bills for the succeeding


fiscal period covering items set forth in the budget shall be


passed or rejected in either house of the legislature before that


house passes any appropriation bill for items not in the budget


except bills supplementing appropriations for the current fiscal


year's operation. Any bill requiring an appropriation to carry out


its purpose shall be considered an appropriation bill. One of the


general appropriation bills as passed by the legislature shall


contain an itemized statement of estimated revenue by major source


in each operating fund for the ensuing fiscal period, the total of


which shall not be less than the total of all appropriations made


from each fund in the general appropriation bills as passed. The


legislature shall present all general appropriation bills for the


succeeding fiscal period to the governor on or before July 1 of


each year.


     Sec. 55. If the legislature has not presented all general


appropriation bills for the succeeding fiscal period to the


governor by the date set forth in section 31 of this article, each


legislator shall forfeit his or her salary for each day after that


date that all the general appropriation bills have not been




     Resolved further, That the foregoing amendment shall be


submitted to the people of the state at the next general election


in the manner provided by law.