June 15, 2017, Introduced by Senators HERTEL, KNEZEK, CONYERS, GREGORY, JONES, HOOD, ROCCA, PROOS, HUNE and ANANICH and referred to the Committee on Education.



     A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled


"The revised school code,"


by amending section 1171 (MCL 380.1171), as added by 2006 PA 324.




     Sec. 1171. (1) The board of a school district or board of


directors of a public school academy is encouraged to shall provide


age-appropriate and medically accurate instruction for pupils and


medically accurate professional development for school personnel


concerning the warning signs and risk factors for suicide and


depression and the protective factors that help prevent suicide.


The instruction and professional development shall be designed to


achieve the following goals:


     (a) To prevent both fatal and nonfatal suicide behaviors among



     (b) To increase pupil awareness of the warning signs and risk


factors for suicide and depression.


     (c) To improve access to appropriate prevention services for


vulnerable youth groups.


     (2) The board of a school district or board of directors of a


public school academy is encouraged to work with school personnel


and local or state organizations and resources specializing in


suicide prevention and awareness.


     (3) The department shall develop or select model programs and


materials on suicide prevention and awareness that are appropriate


for the purposes of this section, such as the Michigan model for


comprehensive school health education, and shall make those model


programs and materials available to school districts and public


school academies.


     (4) If a school district or public school academy provides


instruction described in subsection (1), the The board of the a


school district or board of directors of the a public school


academy shall notify the parents of all pupils of each school in


which the instruction described in subsection (1) is provided about


the instruction using the communication method the school district


or public school academy normally uses for regular communications


with parents.


     (5) Failure of a school district or public school academy to


comply with subsection (4) does not create a cause of action or


constitute a breach of any legal duty in a civil action.


     (6) The legislature shall provide for funding to a school

district or public school academy for any increase in cost related


to compliance with this section.


     (7) (6) This section shall be known as the "Chase Edwards




     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.