June 12, 2018, Introduced by Reps. Rabhi and Geiss and referred to the Committee on Elections and Ethics.


     A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled


"Michigan election law,"


by amending sections 492, 495, and 510 (MCL 168.492, 168.495, and


168.510), section 492 as amended by 2010 PA 253 and section 495 as


amended by 1995 PA 87; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




     Sec. 492. Each person who has the following qualifications of


an elector, or who will have those qualifications at the next


election or primary election, is entitled to register as an elector


in the township, city, or village in which he or she resides. The


person shall must be a citizen of the United States; not less than


18 16 years of age; a resident of the this state for not less than


30 days; and a resident of the township, city, or village on or


before the thirtieth day before the next regular or special


election or primary election. For purposes of registering to vote


and voting at an election or special election for the office of


judge of a municipal court that exercises jurisdiction over another


city pursuant to under section 9928(3) of the revised judicature


act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.9928, a person who resides in the


other city over which municipal court jurisdiction is exercised is


considered a resident of the city in which the municipal court is




     Sec. 495. The registration affidavit required under section


493 shall must contain all of the following:


     (a) The name of the elector.


     (b) The residence address of the elector, including the street


and number or rural route and box number and the apartment number,


if any.


     (c) The birthplace and date of birth of the elector.


     (d) The driver's driver license or state personal


identification card number of the elector, if available.


     (e) A statement that the elector is a citizen of the United




     (f) A statement that the elector is at the time of completing


the affidavit, or will be on the date of the next election, not


less than 18 16 years of age.


     (g) A statement that the elector has or will have lived in


this state not less than 30 days before the next election.


     (h) A statement that the elector has or will have established


his or her residence in the township, city, or village in which the


elector is applying for registration not less than 30 days before

the next election.


     (i) A statement that the elector is or will be a qualified


elector of the township, city, or village on the date of the next




     (j) A space in which the elector shall must state the place of


the elector's last registration, if any.


     Sec. 510. At least once a month, the county clerk shall


forward a list of the last known address and birth date of all


persons over 18 16 years of age who have died within in the county


to the clerk of each city or township within in the county. The


city or township clerk shall compare this list with the


registration records and cancel the registration of all deceased




     Enacting section 1. Section 758a of the Michigan election law,


1954 PA 116, MCL 168.758a, is repealed.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Joint Resolution ____ or House Joint Resolution KK


(request no. 05831'18) of the 99th Legislature becomes part of the


state constitution of 1963 as provided in section 1 of article XII


of the state constitution of 1963.