June 8, 2016, Introduced by Reps. Banks, Moss, Cochran, Gay-Dagnogo, Plawecki, Robinson, Hovey-Wright, Dianda, Geiss, Pagan, Garrett, Greig and Wittenberg and referred to the Committee on Insurance.


     A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled


"The insurance code of 1956,"


by amending sections 2108 and 2478 (MCL 500.2108 and 500.2478),


section 2108 as amended by 2015 PA 141 and section 2478 as amended


by 1984 PA 7, and by adding section 2108a.




     Sec. 2108. (1) On the effective date of a manual of


classification, manual of rules and rates, rating plan, or


modification of a manual of classification, manual of rules and


rates, or rating plan that an insurer proposes to use for


automobile insurance or home insurance, the insurer shall file the


manual or plan with the director. Each filing under this subsection

must state the character and extent of the coverage contemplated.


An insurer that is subject to this chapter and that maintains rates


in any part of this state shall at all times maintain rates in


effect for all eligible persons meeting the underwriting criteria


of the insurer.


     (2) An insurer may satisfy its obligation to make filings


under subsection (1) by becoming a member of, or a subscriber to, a


rating organization licensed under chapter 24 or chapter 26 that


makes the filings, and by filing with the director a copy of its


authorization of the rating organization to make the filings on its


behalf. This chapter does not require an insurer to become a member


of or a subscriber to a rating organization. An insurer may file


and use deviations from filings made on its behalf. The deviations


are subject to this chapter.


     (3) A filing under this section must be accompanied by a


certification by or on behalf of the insurer that, to the best of


the insurer's information and belief, the filing conforms to the


requirements of this chapter.


     (4) A filing under this section must include information that


supports the filing with respect to the requirements of section


2109. The information may include 1 or more of the following:


     (a) The experience or judgment of the insurer or rating


organization making the filing.


     (b) The interpretation of the insurer or rating organization


of any statistical data it relies on.


     (c) The experience of other insurers or rating organizations.


     (d) Any other relevant information.

     (5) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the


department shall make a filing under this section and any


accompanying information open to public inspection on filing. An


insurer or a rating organization filing on the insurer's behalf may


designate information included in the filing or any accompanying


information as a trade secret. The insurer or the rating


organization filing on behalf of the insurer shall demonstrate to


the director that the designated information is a trade secret. If


the director determines that the information is a trade secret, the


information is not subject to public inspection and is exempt from


the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.


As used in this subsection, "trade secret" means that term as


defined in section 2 of the uniform trade secrets act, 1998 PA 448,


MCL 445.1902. However, trade secret does not include filings and


information accompanying filings under this section that were


subject to public inspection before the effective date of the


amendatory act that added this sentence.January 11, 2016.


     (6) An insurer shall not make, issue, or renew a contract or


policy except in accordance with filings that are in effect for the


insurer under this chapter.


     (7) An insurer that knowingly includes false or misleading


information in a filing under this section shall pay a civil fine


not to exceed $100,000.00 to be recovered by the director and paid


into the general fund.


     Sec. 2108a. Beginning January 1, 2017 and each January 1


thereafter, the department shall post on the department's website a


comparison of insurance rates, based on filings under sections 2108

and 2406, for those lines of insurance that the director determines


are of most interest to individual purchasers of insurance. The


posting under this section must be designed to provide useful


information to consumers so that they may make informed comparisons


of rates. The posting must include sample policy rates or premiums


for sample consumers.


     Sec. 2478. (1) Subject to subsection subsections (3) and (4),


the commissioner director may, if he or she finds that any person


or organization a person has violated a provision of this chapter,


previous to before the date of his or her finding, impose a civil


fine of not more than $300.00 for each violation, and if the


violation is wilful, willful, the commissioner director may impose


a civil fine of not more than $1,500.00 for each violation. A civil


fine shall not be imposed for an offense that was committed more


than 12 months prior to before the date of the commissioner's


director's findings. A fine collected under this subsection shall


must be turned over to the state treasurer and credited to the


general fund of the this state.


     (2) The commissioner director may suspend the license of any a


rating organization or insurer which that fails to comply with an


order of the commissioner director within the time specified by the


order, or any extension of the order which that the commissioner


may grant, director grants, but the suspension shall does not


affect the validity or continued effectiveness of rates previously


filed and effective. The commissioner director shall not suspend


the license of any a rating organization or insurer for failure to


comply with an order until the time prescribed for an appeal from

the order has expired, or, if an appeal has been taken, until the


order has been affirmed. The commissioner director may determine


when a suspension of license shall become becomes effective, and


the suspension shall remain remains in effect for the period fixed


by him or her, time ordered by the director unless he or she the


director modifies or rescinds the suspension, or until the order


upon on which the suspension is based is modified, rescinded, or




     (3) A civil fine shall not be imposed and a license shall not


be suspended or revoked except upon on a written order of the


commissioner, director specifying the alleged violation and stating


his or her findings, made after a hearing held upon on not less


than 10 days' written notice to the person or organization. An


Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4), an order issued by


the commissioner pursuant to director under this section shall not


require the payment of civil fines exceeding $10,000.00.


     (4) Both of the following apply to a violation of section




     (a) For a person who willfully withholds information, the


person shall pay a civil fine not to exceed $5,000.000 for each 30-


day period that the person violates section 2474 as described in


this subdivision. A civil fine under this subdivision must not


exceed $100,000.00 to be recovered by the director and paid into


the general fund.


     (b) For a person who knowingly gives false or misleading


information, the person shall pay a civil fine not to exceed


$100,000.00 to be recovered by the director and paid into the

general fund.