March 8, 2016, Introduced by Rep. Pscholka and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.


       A bill to make appropriations for various state departments and agencies; the


judicial branch, and the legislative branch for the fiscal years ending September 30,


2017; to provide anticipated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30,


2018; to provide a nonbinding schedule of programs; to provide for certain conditions


on appropriations; to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.









                                                                  For Fiscal        For Fiscal

                                                                 Year Ending       Year Ending

                                                              Sept. 30, 2017    Sept. 30, 2018




  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $ 38,711,935,000  $ 38,272,050,300


  Total interdepartmental grants and


   intradepartmental transfers...........................        867,312,100       864,462,100


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $ 37,844,622,900  $ 37,407,588,200


  Total federal revenues..................................     20,586,209,100    20,298,418,600


  Total local revenues....................................        220,598,300       215,598,300


  Total private revenues..................................        174,703,200       174,703,200


  Total other state restricted revenues...................      8,462,277,600     8,487,385,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  8,400,834,700  $  8,231,482,400

Article 1








       Sec. 1-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of agriculture and rural development are


appropriated for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, and are anticipated to be


appropriated for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, from the funds indicated


in this part. The following is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated


appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              473.0             473.0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     91,591,300  $     91,591,300


  Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers.............................................            323,200           323,200


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $     91,268,100  $     91,268,100


  Total federal revenues..................................         10,471,200        10,471,200


  Total private revenues..................................            130,700           130,700


  Total other state restricted revenues...................         32,629,300        31,429,300


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     48,036,900  $     49,236,900


       State general fund/general purpose schedule:


     Ongoing state general fund/general purpose..........         48,036,900        49,236,900


     One-time state general fund/general purpose.........                  0                 0


   Sec. 1-102.  DEPARTMENTWIDE


   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0

   Full-time equated classified positions................               32.0              32.0


  Commissions and boards..................................   $         23,800  $         23,800


  Unclassified positions..................................            545,900           545,900


  Executive direction-9.0 FTE positions...................          1,413,500         1,413,500


  Operational services-19.0 FTE positions.................          1,882,700         1,882,700


  Statistical reporting services-1.0 FTE position.........            153,600           153,600


  Emergency management-3.0 FTE positions..................            614,600           614,600


  Accounting service center...............................          1,141,600         1,141,600


  Building occupancy charges..............................            631,200           631,200


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      6,406,900  $      6,406,900


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  HHS, multiple grants....................................            331,900           331,900


   Special revenue funds:


  Private-commodity group revenue.........................             79,100            79,100


  Agricultural preservation fund..........................             15,200            15,200


  Agriculture licensing and inspection fees...............            263,900           263,900


  Commodity inspection fees...............................              1,100             1,100


  Dairy and food safety fund..............................            416,900           416,900


  Feed control fund.......................................             38,900            38,900


  Fertilizer control fund.................................             24,000            24,000


  Freshwater protection fund..............................             67,500            67,500


  Gasoline inspection and testing fund....................             80,000            80,000


  Grain dealers fee fund..................................              7,900             7,900


  Industry support funds..................................             54,300            54,300


  Migratory labor housing fund............................             28,600            28,600


  Nonretail liquor fees...................................             28,100            28,100

  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      4,969,500  $      4,969,500




  Information technology services and projects............   $       1,768,500  $       1,768,500


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      1,768,500  $      1,768,500


     Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  IDG from LARA, liquor quality testing fees..............              3,200             3,200


   Special revenue funds:


  Agricultural preservation fund..........................                200               200


  Agriculture licensing and inspection fees...............             93,800            93,800


  Dairy and food safety fund..............................             61,200            61,200


  Freshwater protection fund..............................                100               100


  Gasoline inspection and testing fund....................             31,800            31,800


  Nonretail liquor fees...................................                500               500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,577,700  $      1,577,700


   Sec. 1-104.  FOOD AND DAIRY


   Full-time equated classified positions................              123.0             123.0


  Food safety and quality assurance-93.0 FTE positions....   $     14,755,400  $     14,755,400


  Milk safety and quality assurance-30.0 FTE positions....          4,260,100         4,260,100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     19,015,500  $     19,015,500


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  USDA, multiple grants...................................            136,300           136,300


  HHS, multiple grants....................................          1,193,800         1,193,800


   Special revenue funds:


  Consumer and industry food safety education fund........            355,400           355,400


  Dairy and food safety fund..............................          4,434,500         4,434,500

  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     12,895,500  $     12,895,500


   Sec. 1-105.  ANIMAL INDUSTRY


   Full-time equated classified positions................               60.0              60.0


  Animal disease prevention and response-60.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $      9,054,500  $       9,054,500


  Indemnification – livestock depredation.................             50,000            50,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      9,104,500  $      9,104,500


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  USDA, multiple grants...................................            527,900           527,900


  Department of interior..................................             50,800            50,800


  HHS, multiple grants....................................             46,600            46,600


   Special revenue funds:


  Private-commodity group revenue.........................             30,500            30,500


  Agriculture licensing and inspection fees...............             59,300            59,300


  Animal welfare fund.....................................            193,300           193,300


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      8,196,100  $      8,196,100




   Full-time equated classified positions................               92.0              92.0


  Pesticide and plant pest management–86.0 FTE positions..   $     13,672,000  $     13,672,000


  Producer security/grain dealers–6.0 FTE positions.......            653,500           653,500


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     14,325,500  $     14,325,500


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  USDA, multiple grants...................................            843,800           843,800


  Department of interior..................................            101,700           101,700


  EPA, multiple grants....................................            533,100           533,100

  HHS, multiple grants....................................            325,000           325,000


   Special revenue funds:


  Private-slow-the-spread foundation......................             21,100            21,100


  Agriculture licensing and inspection fees...............          3,611,600         3,611,600


  Commodity inspection fees...............................            514,900           514,900


  Feed control fund.......................................            948,600           948,600


  Fertilizer control fund.................................            738,600           738,600


  Freshwater protection fund..............................            153,900           153,900


  Grain dealers fee fund..................................            607,100           607,100


  Horticulture fund.......................................             38,800            38,800


  Industry support funds..................................            246,400           246,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      5,640,900  $      5,640,900




   Full-time equated classified positions................               55.0              55.0


  MAEAP - environmental stewardship–23.0 FTE positions....   $      9,146,800  $      9,146,800


  Farmland and open space preservation–7.0 FTE positions..          1,422,100         1,422,100


  Qualified forest program–9.0 FTE positions..............          2,582,700         2,582,700


  Migrant labor housing–9.0 FTE positions.................          1,199,400         1,199,400


  Right-to-farm–3.0 FTE positions.........................            577,600           577,600


  Intercounty drain–4.0 FTE positions.....................            484,400           484,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     15,413,000  $     15,413,000


     Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  IDG from MDEQ, biosolids................................            103,100           103,100


   Federal revenues:


  USDA, multiple grants...................................            922,300           922,300


  Department of interior..................................            121,300           121,300

  EPA, multiple grants....................................            608,300           608,300


   Special revenue funds:


  Agricultural preservation fund..........................            594,400           594,400


  Freshwater protection fund..............................          6,179,800         6,179,800


  Migratory labor housing fund............................            139,200           139,200


  Private forestland enhancement fund.....................            288,200           288,200


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      6,456,400  $      6,456,400




   Full-time equated classified positions................               96.0              96.0


  Laboratory services–42.0 FTE positions..................   $      6,611,000  $      6,611,000


  USDA monitoring–13.0 FTE positions......................          1,616,500         1,616,500


  Consumer protection program–41.0 FTE positions..........          6,637,400         6,637,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     14,864,900  $     14,864,900


     Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  IDG from LARA, liquor quality testing fees..............            216,900           216,900


   Federal revenues:


  USDA, multiple grants...................................          1,617,400         1,617,400


  EPA, multiple grants....................................            171,700           171,700


  HHS, multiple grants....................................            623,300           623,300


   Special revenue funds:


  Agriculture licensing and inspection fees...............             78,800            78,800


  Dairy and food safety fund..............................             71,200            71,200


  Feed control fund.......................................            147,700           147,700


  Gasoline inspection and testing fund....................          1,878,400         1,878,400


  Refined petroleum fund..................................          2,373,200         1,173,200


  Testing fees............................................            293,100           293,100

  Weights and measures regulation fees....................            793,500           793,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      6,599,700  $      7,799,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................               15.0              15.0


  Agriculture development–11.0 FTE positions..............   $      3,604,300  $      3,604,300


  Grape and wine program–3.0 FTE positions................            921,000           921,000


  Rural development fund grant program-1.0 FTE position...          2,000,000         2,000,000


  Value-added grants......................................            500,000           500,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      7,025,300  $      7,025,300


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  USDA, multiple grants...................................          2,316,000         2,316,000


   Special revenue funds:


  Industry support funds..................................            132,600           132,600


  Nonretail liquor fees...................................            875,600           875,600


  Rural development fund..................................          2,000,000         2,000,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,701,100  $      1,701,100




  Fairs and racing........................................   $        256,600  $        256,600


  Purses and supplements - fairs/licensed tracks..........            708,300           708,300


  Licensed tracks - light horse racing....................             40,300            40,300


  Light horse racing – breeders’ awards...................             20,000            20,000


  Standardbred breeders’ awards...........................            345,900           345,900


  Standardbred purses and supplements-licensed tracks.....            671,800           671,800


  Standardbred sire stakes................................            275,000           275,000


  Thoroughbred supplements - licensed tracks..............            601,900           601,900


  Thoroughbred breeders’ awards...........................            368,600           368,600

  Thoroughbred sire stakes................................            378,800           378,800


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      3,667,200  $      3,667,200


     Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


  Agriculture equine industry development fund............          3,667,200         3,667,200


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0  $              0














       Sec. 1-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2016-2017


is $80,666,200.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2016-2017 is $4,750,000.00. The itemized statement below


identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will occur:




  MAEAP - environmental stewardship.....................................   $           3,250,000


  Qualified forest program..............................................              1,500,000


  TOTAL                                                                    $           4,750,000


       Sec. 1-202. The appropriations authorized under this article are subject to the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.


       Sec. 1-203. As used in this article:


       (a) "Department" means the department of agriculture and rural development.


       (b) "Director" means the director of the department.


       (c) "EPA" means the United States environmental protection agency.


       (d) "FDA" means United States food and drug administration.


       (e) "FTE" means full-time equated.


       (f) "HHS" means the United States department of health and human services.


       (g) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.


       (h) "LARA" means the Michigan department of licensing and regulatory affairs.


       (i) "MAEAP" means Michigan agriculture environmental assurance program.


       (j) "MDEQ" means the Michigan department of environmental quality.


       (k) "MOU" means memorandum of understanding.


       (l) "USDA" means the United States department of agriculture.


       Sec. 1-204. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


use the Internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of this article. This


requirement may include transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients


identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include placement of reports on


an Internet or Intranet site.


       Sec. 1-205. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for the purchase of


foreign goods or services, or both, if competitively priced and of comparable quality


American goods or services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to goods


or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan businesses, if they are


competitively priced and of comparable quality. In addition, preference should be


given to goods or services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are competitively priced and of


comparable quality.


       Sec. 1-206. The director shall take all reasonable steps to ensure businesses in


deprived and depressed communities compete for and perform contracts to provide


services or supplies, or both. Each director shall strongly encourage firms with which


the department contracts to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and


deprived communities for services, supplies, or both.

       Sec. 1-207. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


prepare a report on out-of-state travel expenses not later than January 1 of each


year. The travel report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately preceding fiscal year


that was funded in whole or in part with funds appropriated in the department’s


budget. The report shall be submitted to the senate and house appropriations


committees, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The


report shall include the following information:


       (a) The dates of each travel occurrence.


       (b) The transportation and related costs of each travel occurrence, including the


proportion funded with state general fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion


funded with state restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.


       Sec. 1-208. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a principal


executive department, state agency, or authority to hire a person to provide legal


services that are the responsibility of the attorney general. This prohibition does


not apply to legal services for bonding activities and for those outside services that


the attorney general authorizes.


       Sec. 1-209. Not later than November 30, the state budget office shall prepare and


transmit a report that provides for estimates of the total general fund/general


purpose appropriation lapses at the close of the prior fiscal year. This report shall


summarize the projected year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses by


major departmental program or program areas. The report shall be transmitted to the


chairpersons of the senate and house appropriations committees, and the senate and


house fiscal agencies.


       Sec. 1-210. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.

These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $6,000,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line


item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA


431, MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 1-211. The department shall cooperate with the department of technology,


management and budget to maintain a searchable website accessible by the public at no


cost that includes, but is not limited to, all of the following for each department or




       (a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.


       (b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.


       (c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor, including the vendor name,


payment date, payment amount, and payment description.


       (d) The number of active department employees by job classification.

       (e) Job specifications and wage rates.


       Sec. 1-212. Within 14 days after the release of the executive budget


recommendation, the department shall cooperate with the state budget office to provide


the senate and house appropriations chairs, the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees chairs, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an annual report


on estimated state restricted fund balances, state restricted fund projected revenues,


and state restricted fund expenditures for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2016


and September 30, 2017.


       Sec. 1-213. The department shall maintain, on a publicly accessible website, a


department scorecard that identifies, tracks and regularly updates key metrics that


are used to monitor and improve the agency’s performance.


       Sec. 1-214. Total authorized appropriations from all sources under part 1 for


legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017 is $11,911,300.00. From


this amount, total agency appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are


estimated at $6,604,500.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care legacy


costs are estimated at $5,306,800.00.






       Sec. 1-301. (1) Pursuant to the appropriations in part 1, the department may


receive and expend revenue and use that revenue to cover necessary expenses related to


publications, audit and licensing functions, livestock sales, certification of nursery


stock, and laboratory analyses as specified in the following:


       (a) Management services publications.


       (b) Management services audit and licensing functions.


       (c) Pesticide and plant pest management propagation and certification of virus-


free foundation stock.


       (d) Pesticide and plant pest management grading services.


       (e) Laboratory support testing for testing horses in draft horse pulling contests


at county fairs when local jurisdictions request state assistance.


       (f) Laboratory support analyses to determine foreign substances in horses engaged


in racing or pulling contests at tracks.


       (g) Laboratory support analyses of food, livestock, and agricultural products for


disease, foreign products for disease, toxic materials, foreign substances, and


quality standards.


       (h) Laboratory support test samples for other agencies and organizations.


       (i) Fruit and vegetable inspection at shipping and termination points and


processing plants.


       (2) The department shall notify the subcommittees and the fiscal agencies 30 days


prior to proposing changes in fees authorized under this section or under section 5 of


1915 PA 91, MCL 285.35.


       (3) The department shall post on its website a list of all the fees charged by


the department under the authorization provided in this section, including, but not


limited to, rates, number of individuals paying each fee, and the revenue generated by


each fee in the previous fiscal year. Notification of the location of the report on


the website shall be sent to the subcommittees, fiscal agencies, and state budget


office by February 1 each year.


       Sec. 1-303. It is the intent of the legislature that the department use revenue


from licensing and inspection fees to increase the use of technology in licensing and


inspection activities to make licensing and inspection functions, including reporting,


more efficient. The department shall work to ensure that all license and registration


applications can be completed online through a secure web portal.






       Sec. 1-402. The department shall provide information on significant food-borne


outbreaks and emergencies, including any enforcement actions taken related to food


safety during the immediately preceding fiscal year in the food and dairy annual


report and post that report on the department’s website no later than April 1. The


department shall provide electronic notification of where the report can be found on


the department’s website to the appropriation subcommittees, fiscal agencies, and


state budget office.


       Sec. 1-403. The department will establish an on-farm food safety program to


assist farmers impacted by the new FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)


requirements. The purpose of this new program is to create a state and local


partnership to provide training, education and technical assistance to Michigan


farmers in order for them to be compliant with these federal requirements. The


department will track the outcomes of the program to determine the number of farmers


that were provided assistance and the number of farms that complete a food safety plan


as a result of this program.






       Sec. 1-453. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the department may provide


for indemnity as provided for pursuant to the animal industry act, 1988 PA 466, MCL


287.701 to 287.746.


       (2) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for indemnification – livestock


depredation, the department may provide for indemnity as provided for pursuant to the


wildlife depredations indemnification act, 2012 PA 487, MCL 285.361 to 285.365.


       Sec. 1-457. The animal industry division shall include in their annual report the


department’s progress toward meeting the USDA requirements as outlined in the March


2014 bovine tuberculosis program MOU with USDA. Notification as to the location of


that report on the website shall be sent to the senate and house agriculture


committees, the subcommittees, the fiscal agencies, and the state budget office.


       Sec. 1-458. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for animal industry, the


department shall provide inspection and testing of aquaculture facilities and


aquaculture researchers as provided under section 7 of the Michigan aquaculture


development act, 1996 PA 199, MCL 286.877.






       Sec. 1-601. The funds appropriated in part 1 for MAEAP-environmental stewardship


shall be used to support department agriculture pollution prevention programs,


including groundwater and freshwater protection programs under part 87 of the Michigan


natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.8701 to


324.8717, and technical assistance in implementing conservation grants available under


the federal farm bill of 2014.


       Sec. 1-604. (1) Federal revenues authorized by and available from the federal


government in excess of the appropriation in part 1 under section 107 are appropriated


and may be received and expended by the department for purposes authorized under state


law and subject to federal requirements.


       (2) The department shall notify the subcommittees and fiscal agencies prior to


expending federal revenues received and appropriated under subsection (1).


       Sec. 1-608. (1) The appropriations in part 1 for the qualified forest affidavit


program are for the purpose of increasing the knowledge of nonindustrial private


forestland owners of sound forest management practices and increasing the amount of


commercial timber production from those lands.


       (2) The department shall work in partnership with stakeholder groups and other


state and federal agencies to increase the active management of nonindustrial private


forestland to foster the growth of Michigan’s timber product industry.






       Sec. 1-701. The program will increase turnaround times in the Geagley laboratory


from 30-50% to 75-80% and implement a risk based inspection program on devices and


package content in the consumer protection program in the current fiscal year. The


purpose of these programs is to ensure the protection of consumers from economic harm


due to labeling or measurement fraud and to ensure the safety of the food supply. The


department will track the outcome of the program by measuring sample analysis


turnaround times and the percentage of compliant measurement devices inspected in the


fiscal year.






       Sec. 1-801. (1) The department shall establish and administer a value-added grant


program. The program shall promote the expansion of value-added agricultural


production, processing, and access within the state.


       (2) The department shall award grants on a competitive basis from the funds


appropriated in part 1 for value-added grants. Grantees will be required to provide a


cash match and identify measurable project outcomes. Eligible grantees may include,


but are not limited to, individuals, partnerships, cooperatives, private or public


corporations, and local units of government. Grantees will be required to identify


measurable project outcomes.


       (3) A joint evaluation committee shall be selected by the director with


representatives with agriculture, business, and economic development expertise. The


joint evaluation committee shall identify criteria, evaluate applications, and provide


recommendations to the director for final approval of grant awards.


       (4) The department may expend money from the funds appropriated in part 1 for


value-added grants for administering the program.


       (5) The unexpended portion of the value-added grant program is considered a work


project appropriation in accordance with the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.


       (6) The department shall make available on the agency’s website a list of the


grantees, award amount, match funding, and project outcomes. The department shall


electronically notify the appropriations subcommittees, fiscal agencies, and the state


budget office of the location of this list.


       Sec. 1-802. The department will work with the rural development fund board to


establish a process and criteria for funding projects as well as establishing metrics


and measurable outcomes for the program. The funds appropriated from the rural


development fund must be used in accordance with the provisions outlined in PA 411 of








       Sec. 1-902. All appropriations from the agriculture equine industry development


fund, except for the Michigan gaming control board’s regulatory expenses and the


department’s expenses to administer horse racing programs, shall be reduced


proportionately if revenues to the agriculture equine industry development fund


decline during the preceding fiscal year to a level lower than the amounts


appropriated in part 1.

Article 2








       Sec. 2-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of attorney general are appropriated for the


fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the


fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, from the funds indicated in this part. The


following is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this








   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              527.0             522.5


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     95,185,800  $     94,485,800


  Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers.............................................         28,989,700        28,989,700


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $     66,196,100  $     65,496,100


  Total federal revenues..................................          9,476,700         9,476,700


  Total local revenues....................................                  0                 0


  Total private revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total other state restricted revenues...................         17,578,900        17,578,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     39,140,500  $     38,440,500


       State general fund/general purpose schedule:


     Ongoing state general fund/general purpose..........         38,440,500        38,440,500


     One-time general fund/general purpose...............            700,000                 0



   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              522.5             522.5


  Attorney general........................................   $        112,500  $        112,500


  Unclassified positions-5.0 FTE positions................            754,000           754,000


  Attorney general operations-479.5 FTE positions.........         83,800,000        83,800,000


  Child support enforcement-25.0 FTE positions............          3,503,800         3,503,800


  Prosecuting attorneys coordinating council-12.0 FTE


   positions.............................................          2,142,600         2,142,600


  Public safety initiative-1.0 FTE position...............            905,800           905,800


  Sexual assault law enforcement-5.0 FTE positions........          1,713,500         1,713,500


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     92,932,200  $     92,932,200


     Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  IDG from MDHHS, health policy...........................            206,900           206,900


  IDG from MDHHS, medical services administration.........            691,200           691,200


  IDG from MDHHS, WIC.....................................            152,500           152,500


  IDG from department of corrections......................            660,300           660,300


  IDG from MDE............................................            595,600           595,600


  IDG from MDEQ...........................................          2,009,000         2,009,000


  IDG from MDHHS, human services..........................          5,932,500         5,932,500


  IDG from MDIFS, financial and insurance services........          1,213,000         1,213,000


  IDG from TED, workforce development agency..............             89,600            89,600


  IDG from MDLARA, fireworks safety fund..................             83,000            83,000


  IDG from MDLARA, health professions.....................          3,037,400         3,037,400


  IDG from MDLARA, licensing and regulation fees..........            335,600           335,600


  IDG from MDLARA, Michigan occupational safety and health


   administration........................................            107,700           107,700

  IDG from MDLARA, remonumentation fees...................            106,100           106,100


  IDG from MDLARA, securities fees........................            188,300           188,300


  IDG from MDLARA, unlicensed builders....................            334,700           334,700


  IDG from MDMVA..........................................            164,900           164,900


  IDG from MDOS, children’s protection registry...........             45,000            45,000


  IDG from MDOT, comprehensive transportation fund........            204,500           204,500


  IDG from MDOT, state aeronautics fund...................            177,600           177,600


  IDG from MDOT, state trunkline fund.....................          2,429,200         2,429,200


  IDG from MDSP...........................................            257,300           257,300


  IDG from DTMB...........................................            463,800           463,800


  IDG from DTMB, civil service commission.................            305,900           305,900


  IDG from DTMB, risk management revolving fund...........          1,468,400         1,468,400


  IDG from Michigan state housing development authority...            676,600           676,600


  IDG from treasury.......................................          6,874,000         6,874,000


  IDG from TED, strategic fund............................            179,100           179,100


     Federal revenues:


  DAG, state administrative match grant/food stamps.......            137,000           137,000


  Federal funds...........................................          3,145,100         3,145,100


  HHS, medical assistance, medigrant......................            384,800           384,800


  HHS-OS, state Medicaid fraud control units..............          5,688,600         5,688,600


  National criminal history improvement program...........            121,200           121,200


     Special revenue funds:


  Antitrust enforcement collections.......................            762,600           762,600


  Attorney general’s operations fund......................            767,000           767,000


  Auto repair facilities fees.............................            327,400           327,400


  Franchise fees..........................................            382,400           382,400


  Game and fish protection fund...........................            751,100           751,100

  Human trafficking commission fund.......................            390,000           390,000


  Liquor purchase revolving fund..........................          1,459,200         1,459,200


  Manufactured housing fees...............................            250,600           250,600


  Merit award trust fund..................................            495,700           495,700


  Michigan employment security act – administrative fund..          2,241,500         2,241,500


  Prisoner reimbursement..................................            625,200           625,200


  Prosecuting attorneys training fees.....................            411,500           411,500


  Public utility assessments..............................          2,077,300         2,077,300


  Real estate enforcement fund............................            100,700           100,700


  Reinstatement fees......................................            257,700           257,700


  Retirement funds........................................          1,042,200         1,042,200


  Second injury fund......................................            821,700           821,700


  Self-insurers security fund.............................            571,200           571,200


  Silicosis and dust disease fund.........................            225,700           225,700


  State building authority revenue........................            120,900           120,900


  State casino gaming fund................................          1,861,900         1,861,900


  State lottery fund......................................            345,100           345,100


  Utility consumers fund..................................            780,800           780,800


  Waterways fund..........................................            140,000           140,000


  Worker’s compensation administrative revolving fund.....            369,500           369,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     36,886,900  $     36,886,900




  Information technology service and projects.............   $       1,553,600  $       1,553,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      1,553,600  $      1,553,600


     Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,553,600  $      1,553,600



   Full-time equated classified positions................                4.5               0.0


  Prescription drug abuse enforcement.....................   $         700,000  $               0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $        700,000  $              0


     Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        700,000  $              0














       Sec. 2-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2016-2017


is $56,719,400.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2016-2017 is $0.00.


       Sec. 2-202. The appropriations authorized under this article are subject to the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.


       Sec. 2-203. As used in this article:


       (a) "DAG" means the United States department of agriculture.


       (b) "Department" means the department of attorney general.


       (c) "DTMB" means the department of technology, management and budget.


       (d) "FTE" means full-time equated.


       (e) "HHS" means the United States department of health and human services.


       (f) "HHS-OS" means the HHS – office of the secretary.


       (g) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.


       (h) "MDE" means the Michigan department of education.


       (i) "MDEQ" means the Michigan department of environmental quality.


       (j) "MDHHS" means the Michigan department of health and human services.


       (k) "MDIFS" means the Michigan department of insurance and financial services.


       (l) "MDLARA" means the Michigan department of licensing and regulatory affairs.


       (m) "MDMVA" means the Michigan department of military and veterans affairs.


       (n) "MDOS" means the Michigan department of state.


       (o) "MDOT" means the Michigan department of transportation.


       (p) "MDSP" means the Michigan department of state police.


       (q) "TED" means the department of talent and economic development.


       (r) "WIC" means women, infants and children.


       Sec. 2-204. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


use the Internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of this article. This


requirement may include transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients


identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include placement of reports on


an Internet or Intranet site.


       Sec. 2-205. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for the purchase of


foreign goods or services, or both, if competitively priced and of comparable quality


American goods or services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to goods


or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan businesses, if they are


competitively priced and of comparable quality. In addition, preference should be


given to goods or services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are competitively priced and of


comparable quality.


       Sec. 2-206. The director of each department receiving appropriations in part 1


shall take all reasonable steps to ensure businesses in deprived and depressed


communities compete for and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or

both. Each director shall strongly encourage firms with which the department contracts


to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and deprived communities for


services, supplies, or both.


       Sec. 2-207. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


prepare a report on out-of-state travel expenses not later than January 1 of each


year. The travel report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately preceding fiscal year


that was funded in whole or in part with funds appropriated in the department’s


budget. The report shall be submitted to the senate and house appropriations


committees, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The


report shall include the following information:


       (a) The dates of each travel occurrence.


       (b) The transportation and related costs of each travel occurrence, including the


proportion funded with state general fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion


funded with state restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.


       Sec. 2-208. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a principal


executive department, state agency, or authority to hire a person to provide legal


services that are the responsibility of the attorney general. This prohibition does


not apply to legal services for bonding activities and for those activities that the


attorney general authorizes.


       Sec. 2-209. Not later than November 30, the state budget office shall prepare and


transmit a report that provides for estimates of the total general fund/general


purpose appropriation lapses at the close of the prior fiscal year. This report shall


summarize the projected year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses by


major departmental program or program areas. The report shall be transmitted to the


chairpersons of the senate and house appropriations committees, and the senate and

house fiscal agencies.


       Sec. 2-210. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $ 1,500,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $ 1,500,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These


funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another


line item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984


PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $ 100,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 2-211. The department shall cooperate with the department of technology,


management and budget to maintain a searchable website accessible by the public at no


cost that includes, but is not limited to, all of the following for each department or




       (a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.


       (b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.

       (c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor, including the vendor name,


payment date, payment amount, and payment description.


       (d) The number of active department employees by job classification.


       (e) Job specifications and wage rates.


       Sec. 2-212. Within 14 days after the release of the executive budget


recommendation, the department shall cooperate with the state budget office to provide


the senate and house appropriations chairs, the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees chairs, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an annual report


on estimated state restricted fund balances, state restricted fund projected revenues,


and state restricted fund expenditures for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2016


and September 30, 2017.


       Sec. 2-213. The department shall maintain, on a publicly accessible website, a


department scorecard that identifies, tracks and regularly updates key metrics that


are used to monitor and improve the agency’s performance.


       Sec. 2-214. Total authorized appropriations from all sources under part 1 for


legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017 are $18,361,000.00. From


this amount, total agency appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are


estimated at $10,096,700.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care


legacy costs are estimated at $8,264,300.00.






       Sec. 2-302. (1) The attorney general shall perform all legal services, including


representation before courts and administrative agencies rendering legal opinions and


providing legal advice to a principal executive department or state agency. A


principal executive department or state agency shall not employ or enter into a


contract with any other person for services described in this section.


       (2) The attorney general shall defend judges of all state courts if a claim is


made or a civil action is commenced for injuries to persons or property caused by the


judge through the performance of the judge’s duties while acting within the scope of


his or her authority as a judge.


       (3) The attorney general shall perform the duties specified in 1846 RS 12, MCL


14.28 to 14.35, and 1919 PA 232, MCL 14.101 to 14.102, and as otherwise provided by




       Sec. 2-303. The attorney general may sell copies of the biennial report in excess


of the 350 copies that the attorney general may distribute on a gratis basis. Gratis


copies shall not be provided to members of the legislature. Electronic copies of


biennial reports shall be made available on the department of attorney general’s


website. The attorney general shall sell copies of the report at not less than the


actual cost of the report and shall deposit the money received into the general fund.


       Sec. 2-304. The department of attorney general is responsible for the legal


representation for state of Michigan state employee worker’s disability compensation


cases. The risk management revolving fund revenue appropriation in part 1 is to be


satisfied by billings from the department of attorney general for the actual costs of


legal representation, including salaries and support costs.


       Sec. 2-305. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, not more than


$400,000.00 shall be reimbursed per fiscal year for food stamp fraud cases heard by


the third circuit court of Wayne County that were initiated by the department of


attorney general pursuant to the existing contract between the department of human


services, the prosecuting attorneys association of Michigan, and the department of


attorney general. The source of this funding is money earned by the department of


attorney general under the agreement after the allowance for reimbursement to the


department of attorney general for costs associated with the prosecution of food stamp


fraud cases. It is recognized that the federal funds are earned by the department of


attorney general for its documented progress on the prosecution of food stamp fraud

cases according to the United States department of agriculture regulations and that,


once earned by this state, the funds become state funds.


       Sec. 2-306. Any proceeds from a lawsuit initiated by or settlement agreement


entered into on behalf of this state against a manufacturer of tobacco products by the


attorney general are state funds and are subject to appropriation as provided by law.


       Sec. 2-307. (1) In addition to the antitrust revenues in part 1, antitrust,


securities fraud, consumer protection or class action enforcement revenues, or


attorney fees recovered by the department, not to exceed $250,000.00, are appropriated


to the department for antitrust, securities fraud, and consumer protection or class


action enforcement cases.


       (2) Any unexpended funds from antitrust, securities fraud, or consumer protection


or class action enforcement revenues at the end of the fiscal year, including


antitrust funds in part 1, may be carried forward for expenditure in the following


fiscal year up to the maximum authorization of $250,000.00.


       Sec. 2-308. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated up to $1,500,000.00 from litigation expense reimbursements awarded to the




       (2) The funds may be expended for the payment of court judgments, settlements,


arbitration awards or other administrative and litigation decisions, attorney fees,


and litigation costs, assessed against the office of the governor, the department of


the attorney general, the governor, or the attorney general when acting in an official


capacity as the named party in litigation against the state. The funds may also be


expended for the payment of state costs incurred under section 16 of chapter X of the


code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 770.16.


       (3) Unexpended funds at the end of the fiscal year may be carried forward for


expenditure in the following year, up to a maximum authorization of $1,500,000.00.


       Sec. 2-309. From the prisoner reimbursement funds appropriated in part 1, the

department may spend up to $625,200.00 on activities related to the state correctional


facility reimbursement act, 1935 PA 253, MCL 800.401 to 800.406. In addition to the


funds appropriated in part 1, if the department collects in excess of $1,131,000.00 in


gross annual prisoner reimbursement receipts provided to the general fund, the excess,


up to a maximum of $1,000,000.00, is appropriated to the department of attorney


general and may be spent on the representation of the department of corrections and


its officers, employees, and agents, including, but not limited to, the defense of


litigation against the state, its departments, officers, employees, or agents in civil


actions filed by prisoners.


       Sec. 2-310. (1) For the purposes of providing title IV-D child support


enforcement funding, the department of human services, as the state IV-D agency, shall


maintain a cooperative agreement with the attorney general for federal IV-D funding to


support the child support enforcement activities within the office of the attorney




       (2) The attorney general or his or her designee shall, to the extent allowable


under federal law, have access to any information used by the state to locate parents


who fail to pay court-ordered child support.


       Sec. 2-312. The department of attorney general shall not receive and expend funds


in addition to those authorized in part 1 for legal services provided specifically to


other state departments or agencies except for costs for expert witnesses, court


costs, or other nonsalary litigation expenses associated with a pending legal action.


       Sec. 2-313. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for attorney general


operations, the department shall allocate $600,000.00 for the investigation and


prosecution of mortgage fraud.

Article 3








       Sec. 3-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of civil rights are appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2017, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2018 from the funds indicated in this part. The following is


a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              132.0             129.0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     16,721,900  $     16,371,900


  Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers.............................................            293,600           293,600


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $     16,428,300  $     16,078,300


  Total federal revenues..................................          2,763,000         2,763,000


  Total private revenues..................................             18,700            18,700


  Total other state restricted revenues...................            151,900           151,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     13,494,700  $     13,144,700


       State general fund/general purpose schedule:


     Ongoing state general fund/general purpose..........         13,144,700        13,144,700


     One-time state general fund/general purpose.........            350,000                 0




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              129.0             129.0

  Unclassified positions-6.0 FTE positions................   $        660,300  $        660,300


  Civil rights operations-121.0 FTE positions.............         13,831,700        13,831,700


  Division on deaf and hard of hearing-6.0 FTE positions..            798,600           798,600


  Hispanic/Latino commission of Michigan-1.0 FTE position.    261,000           261,000


  Asian Pacific American affairs commission-1.0 FTE


   position..............................................            112,400           112,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     15,664,000  $     15,664,000


     Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  IDG from DTMB...........................................            293,600           293,600


   Federal revenues:


  EEOC, state and local antidiscrimination agency


   contracts.............................................          1,211,500         1,211,500


  HUD grant...............................................          1,536,500         1,536,500


   Special revenue funds:


  Private revenues........................................             18,700            18,700


  Division on deafness fund...............................             93,400            93,400


  State restricted indirect funds.........................             58,500            58,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     12,451,800  $     12,451,800




  Information technology services and projects............   $         707,900  $         707,900


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $        707,900  $        707,900


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  EEOC, state and local antidiscrimination agency


   contracts.............................................             15,000            15,000


   Special revenue funds:

  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        692,900   $       692,900




   Full-time equated classified positions................                3.0               0.0


  Civil rights operations-2.0 FTE positions...............   $        250,000  $              0


  Commission on Middle Eastern American affairs-1.0 FTE


   position..............................................            100,000                 0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $        350,000  $              0


     Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        350,000   $             0














       Sec. 3-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2016-2017


is $13,646,600.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2016-2017 is $0.


       Sec. 3-202. The appropriations authorized under this article are subject to the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.


       Sec. 3-203. As used in this article:


       (a) "Department" means the department of civil rights.


       (b) "Director" means the director of the department of civil rights.


       (c) "DTMB" means the department of technology, management and budget.


       (d) "EEOC" means the United States equal employment opportunity commission.


       (e) "FTE" means full-time equated.


       (f) "HUD" means the United States department of housing and urban development.


       (g) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.


       Sec. 3-204. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


use the Internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of this article. This


requirement may include transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients


identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include placement of reports on


an Internet or Intranet site.


       Sec. 3-205. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for the purchase of


foreign goods or services, or both, if competitively priced and of comparable quality


American goods or services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to goods


or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan businesses, if they are


competitively priced and of comparable quality. In addition, preference should be


given to goods or services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are competitively priced and of


comparable quality.


       Sec. 3-206. The director of each department receiving appropriations in part 1


shall take all reasonable steps to ensure businesses in deprived and depressed


communities compete for and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or


both. Each director shall strongly encourage firms with which the department contracts


to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and deprived communities for


services, supplies, or both.


       Sec. 3-207. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


prepare a report on out-of-state travel expenses not later than January 1 of each


year. The travel report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately preceding fiscal year


that was funded in whole or in part with funds appropriated in the department’s

budget. The report shall be submitted to the senate and house appropriations


committees, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The


report shall include the following information:


       (a) The dates of each travel occurrence.


       (b) The transportation and related costs of each travel occurrence, including the


proportion funded with state general fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion


funded with state restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.


       Sec. 3-208. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a principal


executive department, state agency, or authority to hire a person to provide legal


services that are the responsibility of the attorney general. This prohibition does


not apply to legal services for bonding activities and for those outside services that


the attorney general authorizes.


       Sec. 3-209. Not later than November 30, the state budget office shall prepare and


transmit a report that provides for estimates of the total general fund/general


purpose appropriation lapses at the close of the prior fiscal year. This report shall


summarize the projected year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses by


major departmental program or program areas. The report shall be transmitted to the


chairpersons of the senate and house appropriations committees, and the senate and


house fiscal agencies.


       Sec. 3-210. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $750,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not

available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 3-211. The department shall cooperate with the department of technology,


management and budget to maintain a searchable website accessible by the public at no


cost that includes, but is not limited to, all of the following for each department or




       (a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.


       (b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.


       (c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor, including the vendor name,


payment date, payment amount, and payment description.


       (d) The number of active department employees by job classification.


       (e) Job specifications and wage rates.


       Sec. 3-212. Within 14 days after the release of the executive budget


recommendation, the department shall cooperate with the state budget office to provide


the senate and house appropriations chairs, the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees chairs, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an annual report


on estimated state restricted fund balances, state restricted fund projected revenues,


and state restricted fund expenditures for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2016


and September 30, 2017.


       Sec. 3-213. The department shall maintain, on a publicly accessible website, a


department scorecard that identifies, tracks and regularly updates key metrics that


are used to monitor and improve the agency’s performance.


       Sec. 3-214. Total authorized appropriations from all sources under part 1 for


legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017 is $3,062,000.00. From this


amount, total agency appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are estimated at


$1,697,800.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care legacy costs are

estimated at $1,364,200.00.






       Sec. 3-402. (1) In addition to the appropriations contained in part 1, the


department of civil rights may receive and expend funds from local or private sources


for all of the following purposes:


       (a) Developing and presenting training for employers on equal employment


opportunity law and procedures.


       (b) The publication and sale of civil rights related informational material.


       (c) The provision of copy material made available under freedom of information




       (d) Other copy fees, subpoena fees, and witness fees.


       (e) Developing, presenting, and participating in mediation processes for certain


civil rights cases.


       (f) Workshops, seminars, and recognition or award programs consistent with the


programmatic mission of the individual unit sponsoring or coordinating the programs.


       (g) Staffing costs for all activities included in this subsection.


       (2) The department of civil rights shall annually report to the state budget


director, the senate and house of representatives standing committees on


appropriations, and the senate and house fiscal agencies the amount of funds received


and expended for purposes authorized under this section.


       Sec. 3-403. The department of civil rights may contract with local units of


government to review equal employment opportunity compliance of potential contractors


and may charge for and expend amounts received from local units of government for the


purpose of developing and providing these contractual services.

Article 4








       Sec. 4-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of corrections are appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2017, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2018, from the funds indicated in this part. The following


is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Average population....................................             44,493            44,493


   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               16.0              16.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................           14,049.6          14,049.6


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  2,029,386,100  $  2,019,898,700


  Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers.............................................                  0                 0


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $  2,029,386,100  $  2,019,898,700


  Total federal revenues..................................          5,523,700         5,523,700


  Total local revenues....................................          8,692,800         8,692,800


  Total private revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total other state restricted revenues...................         35,711,700        35,711,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  1,979,457,900  $  1,969,970,500


       State general fund/general purpose schedule:


     Ongoing state general fund/general purpose..........      1,969,970,500     1,969,970,500


     One-time state general fund/general purpose.........          9,487,400                 0


   Sec. 4-102.  EXECUTIVE

   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               16.0              16.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................               20.0              20.0


  Unclassified positions-16.0 FTE positions ..............   $      1,793,800  $      1,793,800


  Executive direction–20.0 FTE positions..................          4,208,600         4,208,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      6,002,400  $      6,002,400


     Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      6,002,400  $      6,002,400




   Full-time equated classified positions................              343.4             343.4


  Prisoner re-entry local service providers...............   $     13,208,600  $     13,208,600


  Prisoner re-entry MDOC programs.........................          9,124,100         9,124,100


  Prisoner re-entry federal grants........................            750,000           750,000


  Public safety initiative................................          4,500,000         4,500,000


  Re-entry services-70.0 FTE positions....................         21,755,100        21,755,100


  Education program-273.4 FTE positions...................         36,555,500        36,555,500


  Community corrections comprehensive plans and services..         12,158,000        12,158,000


  Felony drunk driver jail reduction and community


   treatment program.....................................          1,440,100         1,440,100


  Residential services....................................         15,475,500        15,475,500


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    114,966,900  $    114,966,900


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  DOJ, prisoner reintegration.............................            250,000           250,000


  DOJ, second chance act reentry initiative...............            500,000           500,000


  Federal education funding...............................          1,757,300         1,757,300


   Special revenue funds:

  Program and special equipment fund......................          5,213,200         5,213,200


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    107,246,400  $    107,246,400




   Full-time equated classified positions................              247.0             247.0


  Budget and operations administration–185.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $     24,696,700  $     24,696,700


  Prison industries operations-62.0 FTE positions.........          9,837,400         9,837,400


  New custody staff training..............................          9,216,500         9,216,500


  Compensatory buyout and union leave bank................                100               100


  Worker’s compensation...................................         14,171,300        14,171,300


  Rent ..................................................          2,349,100         2,349,100


  Equipment and special maintenance.......................          1,559,700         1,559,700


  Administrative hearings officers........................          3,407,100         3,407,100


  Judicial data warehouse user fees.......................             50,000            50,000


  Sheriffs’ coordinating and training office..............            100,000           100,000


  Prosecutorial and detainer expenses.....................          5,001,000         5,001,000


  County jail reimbursement program.......................         13,597,100        13,597,100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     83,986,000  $     83,986,000


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  DOJ, prison rape elimination act grant..................            674,700           674,700


   Special revenue funds:


  Jail reimbursement program fund.........................          5,900,000         5,900,000


  Local corrections officer training fund.................            100,000           100,000


  Correctional industries revolving fund..................         10,451,800        10,451,800


  Program and special equipment fund......................                100               100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     66,859,400  $     66,859,400



   Full-time equated classified positions................            2,194.6           2,194.6


  Field operations–1,881.9 FTE positions..................   $    213,669,400  $    213,669,400


  Detroit detention center-63.1 FTE positions.............          8,487,400         8,487,400


  Detroit re-entry center-216.6 FTE positions.............         27,073,900        27,073,900


  Parole board operations–33.0 FTE positions..............          3,812,000         3,812,000


  Parole/probation services...............................            940,000           940,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    253,982,700  $    253,982,700


     Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


  Local – community tether program reimbursement..........            205,400           205,400


  Local revenues..........................................          8,487,400         8,487,400


  Re-entry center offender reimbursements.................             24,300            24,300


  Parole and probation oversight fees.....................          4,428,600         4,428,600


  Parole and probation oversight fees set-aside...........            940,000           940,000


  Tether program participant contributions................          2,480,900         2,480,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    237,416,100  $    237,416,100




   Full-time equated classified positions................              319.0             319.0


  Correctional facilities administration–21.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $      5,046,600  $      5,046,600


  Prison food service.....................................         54,455,900        54,455,900


  Transportation–211.0 FTE positions......................         25,113,200        25,113,200


  Central records–52.0 FTE positions......................          6,015,600         6,015,600


  Inmate legal services...................................            790,900           790,900


  Housing inmates in federal institutions.................            611,000           611,000


  Prison store operations–35.0 FTE positions..............          3,372,600         3,372,600

  Leased beds and alternatives to leased beds.............                100               100


  Cost-effective housing initiative.......................                100               100


  Public works programs...................................          1,000,000         1,000,000


  Inmate housing fund.....................................                100               100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     96,406,100  $     96,406,100


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  DOJ-BOP, federal prisoner reimbursement.................            411,000           411,000


  SSA-SSI, incentive payment..............................            272,000           272,000


   Special revenue funds:


  Correctional industries revolving fund..................            569,000           569,000


  Public works user fees..................................          1,000,000         1,000,000


  Resident stores.........................................          3,372,600         3,372,600


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     90,781,500  $     90,781,500


   Sec. 4-107.  HEALTH CARE


   Full-time equated classified positions................            1,491.9           1,491.9


  Prisoner health care services...........................   $     71,380,400  $     71,380,400


  Vaccination program.....................................            691,200           691,200


  Interdepartmental grant to human services, eligibility


   specialists...........................................            100,000           100,000


  Substance abuse testing and treatment services-8.0 FTE


   positions.............................................         22,340,600        22,340,600


  Healthy Michigan plan administration-12.0 FTE positions.    1,100,700         1,100,700


  Clinical and mental health services and support-1,471.9


   FTE positions.........................................        232,759,700       232,759,700


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    328,372,600   $   328,372,600


     Appropriated from:

   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues and reimbursements.....................            373,700           373,700


  DOJ, office of justice programs, RSAT...................            250,200           250,200


   Special revenue funds:


  Prisoner health care copayments.........................            257,200           257,200


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    327,491,500  $    327,491,500




   Average population....................................             44,493            44,493


     Full-time equated classified positions..............            9,433.7           9,433.7


  Alger correctional facility – Munising-260.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $     30,602,300  $     30,602,300


  Baraga correctional facility – Baraga-294.8 FTE


   positions.............................................         35,306,500        35,306,500


  Bellamy Creek correctional facility – Ionia-390.2


   FTE positions.........................................         43,850,900        43,850,900


  Earnest C. Brooks correctional facility – Muskegon-


   440.9 FTE positions...................................         50,797,100        50,797,100


  Carson City correctional facility – Carson City-


   425.4 FTE positions...................................         46,557,100        46,557,100


  Central Michigan correctional facility – St. Louis-


   391.6 FTE positions...................................         46,105,600        46,105,600


  Chippewa correctional facility – Kincheloe-435.1 FTE


   positions.............................................         50,450,800        50,450,800


  Cooper Street correctional facility – Jackson-263.1


   FTE positions.........................................         29,792,800        29,792,800


  G. Robert Cotton correctional facility – Jackson-


   392.3 FTE positions...................................         44,232,800        44,232,800

  Charles E. Egeler correctional facility – Jackson-


   374.6 FTE positions...................................         43,525,500        43,525,500


  Richard A. Handlon correctional facility – Ionia-


   252.7 FTE positions...................................         29,843,400        29,843,400


  Gus Harrison correctional facility – Adrian-442.6


   FTE positions.........................................         49,475,100        49,475,100


  Ionia correctional facility – Ionia-286.3 FTE . positions        33,696,600        33,696,600


  Kinross correctional facility – Kincheloe-268.1 FTE


   positions.............................................         33,170,000        33,170,000


  Lakeland correctional facility – Coldwater-279.4 FTE


   positions.............................................         33,339,500        33,339,500


  Macomb correctional facility – New Haven-294.8 FTE


   positions.............................................         34,675,200        34,675,200


  Marquette branch prison – Marquette-321.7 FTE positions.    38,109,600        38,109,600


  Michigan reformatory – Ionia-311.7 FTE positions........         35,442,700        35,442,700


  Muskegon correctional facility – Muskegon-205.0 FTE


   positions.............................................         25,467,100        25,467,100


  Newberry correctional facility – Newberry-200.1 FTE


   positions.............................................         24,402,400        24,402,400


  Oaks correctional facility – Eastlake-290.4 FTE


   positions.............................................         34,091,800        34,091,800


  Ojibway correctional facility – Marenisco-203.1 FTE


   positions.............................................         23,545,600        23,545,600


  Parnall correctional facility – Jackson-260.0 FTE


   positions.............................................         28,461,800        28,461,800


  Pugsley correctional facility – Kingsley-209.9 FTE


   positions.............................................         24,996,100        24,996,100

  Saginaw correctional facility – Freeland-274.9 FTE


   positions.............................................         32,952,700        32,952,700


  Special alternative incarceration program – (Camp


   Cassidy Lake)-119.0 FTE positions.....................         13,733,700        13,733,700


  St. Louis correctional facility – St. Louis-303.6 FTE


   positions.............................................         36,687,100        36,687,100


  Thumb correctional facility – Lapeer-283.6 FTE


   positions.............................................         33,052,400        33,052,400


  Women’s Huron Valley correctional complex – Ypsilanti-


   501.9 FTE positions...................................         59,117,400        59,117,400


  Woodland correctional facility – Whitmore Lake-284.9


   FTE positions.........................................         33,279,200        33,279,200


  Northern region administration and support-48.0 FTE


   positions.............................................          4,509,900         4,509,900


  Southern region administration and support-124.0 FTE


   positions.............................................         24,098,000        24,098,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  1,107,368,700  $  1,107,368,700


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  DOJ, state criminal alien assistance program............          1,034,800         1,034,800


   Special revenue funds:


   State restricted revenues and reimbursements..........            102,100           102,100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  1,106,231,800  $  1,106,231,800




  Information technology services and projects............   $      28,813,300  $      28,813,300


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     28,813,300  $     28,813,300


     Appropriated from:

   Special revenue funds:


  Correctional industries revolving fund..................            177,100           177,100


  Parole and probation oversight fees set-aside...........            694,800           694,800


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     27,941,400  $     27,941,400




  New custody training staff-one-time.....................   $      8,506,100  $              0


  Ballistic vests-one-time................................            981,300                 0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      9,487,400  $              0


     Appropriated from:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      9,487,400  $              0














       Sec. 4-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2016-2017


is $2,015,169,600.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units


of government for fiscal year 2016-2017 is $110,420,700.00. The itemized statement


below identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will






  Field operations – assumption of county probation staff...............   $          61,749,900


  Community corrections comprehensive plans and services................             12,158,000


  Re-entry services - intensive detention re-entry program..............              1,500,000


  Residential services..................................................             15,475,500


  County jail reimbursement program.....................................             13,597,100


  Felony drunk driver jail reduction and community treatment program....              1,440,100


  Leased beds and alternatives to leased beds...........................                    100


  Public safety initiative..............................................              4,500,000


  TOTAL                                                                    $         110,420,700


       Sec. 4-202. The appropriations authorized under this article are subject to the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.


       Sec. 4-203. As used in this article:


       (a) "Administrative segregation" means confinement for maintenance of order or


discipline to a cell or room apart from accommodations provided for inmates who are


participating in programs of the facility.


       (b) "Department" or "MDOC" means the Michigan department of corrections.


       (c) "DOJ" means the United States department of justice.


       (d) "DOJ-BOP" means the DOJ bureau of prisons.


       (e) "EPIC program" means the department’s effective process improvement and


communication program.


       (f) "FTE" means full-time equated.


       (g) "Goals" means the intended or projected result of a comprehensive corrections


plan or community corrections program to reduce repeat offending, criminogenic and


high-risk behaviors, prison commitment rates, to reduce the length of stay in a jail,


or to improve the utilization of a jail.


       (h) "Jail" means a facility operated by a local unit of government for the


physical detention and correction of persons charged with or convicted of criminal




       (i) "MDHHS" means the Michigan department of health and human services.


       (j) "Objective risk and needs assessment" means an evaluation of an offender’s


criminal history; the offender’s noncriminal history; and any other factors relevant

to the risk the offender would present to the public safety, including, but not


limited to, having demonstrated a pattern of violent behavior, and a criminal record


that indicates a pattern of violent offenses.


       (k) "Offender eligibility criteria" means particular criminal violations, state


felony sentencing guidelines descriptors, and offender characteristics developed by


advisory boards and approved by local units of government that identify the offenders


suitable for community corrections programs funded through the office of community




       (l) "Offender target populations" means felons or misdemeanants who would likely


be sentenced to imprisonment in a state correctional facility or jail, who would not


likely increase the risk to the public safety based on an objective risk and needs


assessment that indicates that the offender can be safely treated and supervised in


the community.


       (m) "Offender who would likely be sentenced to imprisonment" means either of the




       (i) A felon or misdemeanant who receives a sentencing disposition that appears to


be in place of incarceration in a state correctional facility or jail, according to


historical local sentencing patterns.


       (ii) A currently incarcerated felon or misdemeanant who is granted early release


from incarceration to a community corrections program or who is granted early release


from incarceration as a result of a community corrections program.


       (n) "RSAT" means residential substance abuse treatment.


       (o) "Serious emotional disturbance" means that term as defined in section 100d(2)


of the mental health code, 1974 PA 328, MCL 330.1100d.


       (p) "Serious mental illness" means that term as defined in section 100d(3) of the


mental health code, 1974 PA 328, MCL 330.1100d.


       (q) "SSA" means the United States Social Security Administration.

       (r) "SSA-SSI" means SSA supplemental security income.


       Sec. 4-204. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


use the Internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of this article. This


requirement may include transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients


identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include placement of reports on


an Internet or Intranet site.


       Sec. 4-205. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for the purchase of


foreign goods or services, or both, if competitively priced and of comparable quality


American goods or services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to goods


or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan businesses, if they are


competitively priced and of comparable quality. In addition, preference should be


given to goods or services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are competitively priced and of


comparable quality.


       Sec. 4-207. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


prepare a report on out-of-state travel expenses not later than January 1 of each


year. The travel report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately preceding fiscal year


that was funded in whole or in part with funds appropriated in the department’s


budget. The report shall be submitted to the senate and house appropriations


committees, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The


report shall include the following information:


       (a) The dates of each travel occurrence.


       (b) The transportation and related costs of each travel occurrence, including the


proportion funded with state general fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion


funded with state restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.

       Sec. 4-208. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a principal


executive department, state agency, or authority to hire a person to provide legal


services that are the responsibility of the attorney general. This prohibition does


not apply to legal services for bonding activities and for those outside services that


the attorney general authorizes.


       Sec. 4-209. Not later than November 30, the state budget office shall prepare and


transmit a report that provides for estimates of the total general fund/general


purpose appropriation lapses at the close of the prior fiscal year. This report shall


summarize the projected year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses by


major departmental program or program areas. The report shall be transmitted to the


chairpersons of the senate and house appropriations committees, and the senate and


house fiscal agencies.


       Sec. 4-210. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These


funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another


line item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984


PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL



       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 4-211. The department shall cooperate with the department of technology,


management and budget to maintain a searchable website accessible by the public at no


cost that includes, but is not limited to, all of the following for each department or




       (a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.


       (b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.


       (c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor, including the vendor name,


payment date, payment amount, and payment description.


       (d) The number of active department employees by job classification.


       (e) Job specifications and wage rates.


       Sec. 4-212. Within 14 days after the release of the executive budget


recommendation, the department shall cooperate with the state budget office to provide


the senate and house appropriations chairs, the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees chairs, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an annual report


on estimated state restricted fund balances, state restricted fund projected revenues,


and state restricted fund expenditures for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2016


and September 30, 2017.


       Sec. 4-213. The department shall maintain, on a publicly accessible website, a


department scorecard that identifies, tracks and regularly updates key metrics that


are used to monitor and improve the agency’s performance.


       Sec. 4-214. Total authorized appropriations from all sources under part 1 for


legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017 is $337,858,200.00. From

this amount, total agency appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are


estimated at $187,327,100.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care


legacy costs are estimated at $150,531,100.00.


       Sec. 4-215. The department may charge fees and collect revenues in excess of


appropriations in part 1 not to exceed the cost of offender services and programming,


employee meals, parolee loans, academic/vocational services, custody escorts,


compassionate visits, union steward activities, and public works programs and services


provided to local units of government or private nonprofit organizations. The revenues


and fees collected are appropriated for all expenses associated with these services


and activities.


       Sec. 4-216. (1) Any contract for prisoner telephone services entered into after


the effective date of this section shall include a condition that fee schedules for


prisoner telephone calls, including rates and any surcharges other than those


necessary to meet program and special equipment costs, be the same as fee schedules


for calls placed from outside of correctional facilities.


       (2) Revenues appropriated and collected for program and special equipment funds


shall be considered state restricted revenue. Funding will be used for prisoner


programming and special equipment and security projects. Unexpended funds remaining at


the close of the fiscal year shall not lapse to the general fund but shall be carried


forward and be available for appropriation in subsequent fiscal years.


       (3) The department shall submit a report to the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house fiscal agencies, the legislative


corrections ombudsman, and the state budget director by February 1 outlining revenues


and expenditures from program and special equipment funds. The report shall include


all of the following:


       (a) A list of all individual projects and purchases financed with program and


special equipment funds in the immediately preceding fiscal year, the amounts expended

on each project or purchase, and the name of each vendor the products or services were


purchased from.


       (b) A list of planned projects and purchases to be financed with program and


special equipment funds during the current fiscal year, the amounts to be expended on


each project or purchase, and the name of each vendor for which the products or


services were purchased.


       (c) A review of projects and purchases planned for future fiscal years from


program and special equipment funds.






       Sec. 4-301. For 3 years after a felony offender is released from the department’s


jurisdiction, the department shall maintain the offender’s file on the offender


tracking information system and make it publicly accessible in the same manner as the


file of the current offender. However, the department shall immediately remove the


offender’s file from the offender tracking information system upon determination that


the offender was wrongfully convicted and the offender’s file is not otherwise


required to be maintained on the offender tracking information system.


       Sec. 4-304. The department shall maintain a staff savings initiative program in


conjunction with the EPIC program for employees to submit suggestions for efficiencies


for the department. The department shall consider each suggestion in a timely manner.


The department shall report by March 1 to the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees on corrections, the legislative corrections ombudsman, the senate and


house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director on process improvements that were


implemented based on suggestions that were recommended for the implementation from the


staff savings initiative and EPIC programs.






       Sec. 4-401. The department shall submit 3-year and 5-year prison population


projection updates concurrent with submission of the executive budget to the senate


and house appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the legislative corrections


ombudsman, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The


report shall include explanations of the methodology and assumptions used in


developing the projection updates.


       Sec. 4-405. By March 1, the department shall report to the senate and house


appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the legislative corrections ombudsman,


the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director on substance abuse


testing and treatment program objectives, outcome measures, and results, including


program impact on offender success and programmatic success.


       Sec. 4-407. By June 30, the department shall place the statistical report from


the immediately preceding calendar year on an Internet site. The statistical report


shall include, but not be limited to, the information as provided in the 2004


statistical report.


       Sec. 4-408. The department shall measure the recidivism rates of offenders.


       Sec. 4-410. (1) The funds included in part 1 for community corrections


comprehensive plans and services are to encourage the development through technical


assistance grants, implementation, and operation of community corrections programs


that enhance offender success and that also may serve as an alternative to


incarceration in a state facility or jail. The comprehensive corrections plans shall


include an explanation of how the public safety will be maintained, the goals for the


local jurisdiction, offender target populations intended to be affected, offender


eligibility criteria for purposes outlined in the plan, and how the plans will meet


the following objectives, consistent with section 8(4) of the community corrections


act, 1988 PA 511, MCL 791.408:


       (a) Reduce admissions to prison of offenders who would likely be sentenced to

imprisonment, including probation violators.


       (b) Improve the appropriate utilization of jail facilities, the first priority of


which is to open jail beds intended to house otherwise prison-bound felons, and the


second priority being to appropriately utilize jail beds so that jail crowding does


not occur.


       (c) Open jail beds through the increase of pretrial release options.


       (d) Reduce the readmission to prison of parole violators.


       (e) Reduce the admission or readmission to prison of offenders, including


probation violators and parole violators, for substance abuse violations.


       (f) Contribute to offender success.


       (2) The award of community corrections comprehensive plans and residential


services funds shall be based on criteria that include, but are not limited to, the


prison commitment rate by category of offenders, trends in prison commitment rates and


jail utilization, historical trends in community corrections program capacity and


program utilization, and the projected impact and outcome of annual policies and


procedures of programs on offender success, prison commitment rates, and jail




       (3) Funds awarded for residential services in part 1 shall provide for a per diem


reimbursement of not more than $47.50 for nonaccredited facilities, or of not more


than $48.50 for facilities that have been accredited by the American corrections


association or a similar organization as approved by the department.


       Sec. 4-411. The comprehensive corrections plans shall also include, where


appropriate, descriptive information on the full range of sanctions and services that


are available and utilized within the local jurisdiction and an explanation of how


jail beds, residential services, the special alternative incarceration program,


probation detention centers, the electronic monitoring program for probationers, and


treatment and rehabilitative services will be utilized to support the objectives and

priorities of the comprehensive corrections plans and the purposes and priorities of


section 8(4) of the community corrections act, 1988 PA 511, MCL 791.408, that


contribute to the success of offenders. The plans shall also include, where


appropriate, provisions that detail how the local communities plan to respond to


sentencing guidelines found in chapter XVII of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA


175, MCL 777.1 to 777.69, and use the county jail reimbursement program under section


414. The state community corrections board shall encourage local community corrections


advisory boards to include in their comprehensive corrections plans strategies to


collaborate with local alcohol and drug treatment agencies of the MDHHS for the


provision of alcohol and drug screening, assessment, case management planning, and


delivery of treatment to alcohol- and drug-involved offenders.


       Sec. 4-414. (1) The department shall administer a county jail reimbursement


program from the funds appropriated in part 1 for the purpose of reimbursing counties


for housing in jails certain felons who otherwise would have been sentenced to prison.


       (2) The county jail reimbursement program shall reimburse counties for convicted


felons in the custody of the sheriff if the conviction was for a crime committed on or


after January 1, 1999 and 1 of the following applies:


       (a) The felon’s sentencing guidelines recommended range upper limit is more than


18 months, the felon’s sentencing guidelines recommended range lower limit is 12


months or less, the felon’s prior record variable score is 35 or more points, and the


felon’s sentence is not for commission of a crime in crime class G or crime class H or


a nonperson crime in crime class F under chapter XVII of the code of criminal


procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 777.1 to 777.69.


       (b) The felon’s minimum sentencing guidelines range minimum is more than 12


months under the sentencing guidelines described in subdivision (a).


       (c) The felon was sentenced to jail for a felony committed while he or she was on


parole and under the jurisdiction of the parole board and for which the sentencing

guidelines recommended range for the minimum sentence has an upper limit of more than


18 months.


       (3) State reimbursement under this subsection shall be $60.00 per diem per


diverted offender for offenders with a presumptive prison guideline score, $50.00 per


diem per diverted offender for offenders with a straddle cell guideline for a group 1


crime, and $35.00 per diem per diverted offender for offenders with a straddle cell


guideline for a group 2 crime. Reimbursements shall be paid for sentences up to a 1-


year total.


       (4) As used in this subsection:


       (a) "Group 1 crime" means a crime in 1 or more of the following offense


categories: arson, assault, assaultive other, burglary, criminal sexual conduct,


homicide or resulting in death, other sex offenses, robbery, and weapon possession as


determined by the department of corrections based on specific crimes for which


counties received reimbursement under the county jail reimbursement program in fiscal


year 2007 and fiscal year 2008, and listed in the county jail reimbursement program


document titled "FY 2007 and FY 2008 Group One Crimes Reimbursed", dated March 31,




       (b) "Group 2 crime" means a crime that is not a group 1 crime, including larceny,


fraud, forgery, embezzlement, motor vehicle, malicious destruction of property,


controlled substance offense, felony drunk driving, and other nonassaultive offenses.


       (c) "In the custody of the sheriff" means that the convicted felon has been


sentenced to the county jail and is either housed in the county jail or has been


released from jail and is being monitored through the use of the sheriff’s electronic


monitoring system.


       (5) County jail reimbursement program expenditures shall not exceed the amount


appropriated in part 1 for the county jail reimbursement program. Payments to counties


under the county jail reimbursement program shall be made in the order in which

properly documented requests for reimbursements are received. A request shall be


considered to be properly documented if it meets MDOC requirements for documentation.


By October 15, the department shall distribute the documentation requirements to all




       (6) Any county that receives funding under this section for the purpose of


housing in jails certain felons who otherwise would have been sentenced to prison


shall, as a condition of receiving the funding, report by September 30 an annual


average jail capacity and annual average jail occupancy for the immediately preceding


fiscal year.


       Sec. 4-416. Allowable uses for the felony drunk driver jail reduction and


community treatment program funding shall include reimbursing counties for


transportation, treatment costs, and housing felony drunk drivers during a period of


assessment for treatment and case planning. Reimbursements for housing during the


assessment process shall be at the rate of $43.50 per day per offender, up to a


maximum of 5 days per offender.


       Sec. 4-418. (1) The department shall collaborate with the state court


administrative office on facilitating changes to Michigan court rules that would


require the court to collect at the time of sentencing the state operator’s license,


state identification card, or other documentation used to establish the identity of


the individual to be admitted to the department. The department shall maintain those


documents in the prisoner’s personal file.


       (2) The department shall cooperate with MDHHS to create and maintain a process by


which prisoners can obtain their Michigan birth certificates if necessary. The


department shall describe a process for obtaining birth certificates from other


states, and in situations where the prisoner’s effort fails, the department shall


assist in obtaining the birth certificate.


       (3) The department shall collaborate with the department of military and veterans

affairs to create and maintain a process by which prisoners can obtain a copy of their


DD Form 214 or other military discharge documentation if necessary.


       Sec. 4-419. (1) The department shall provide monthly electronic mail reports to


the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the legislative


corrections ombudsman, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget


director on prisoner populations by security levels by facility, prison facility


capacities, and parolee and probationer populations.


       (2) The department shall provide quarterly electronic mail reports to the senate


and house appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the legislative corrections


ombudsman, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The


reports shall include information on end-of-month prisoner populations in county


jails, the net operating capacity according to the most recent certification report,


identified by date, and end-of-month data, year-to-date data, and comparisons to the


prior year for the following:


       (a) Community residential program populations, separated by centers and


electronic monitoring.


       (b) Parole populations.


       (c) Probation populations, with identification of the number in special


alternative incarceration.


       (d) Prison and camp populations, with separate identification of the number in


special alternative incarceration and the number of lifers.


       (e) Prisoners classified as past their earliest release date.


       (f) Parole board activity, including the numbers and percentages of parole grants


and parole denials.


       (g) Prisoner exits, identifying transfers to community placement, paroles from


prisons and camps, paroles from community placement, total movements to parole, prison


intake, prisoner deaths, prisoners discharging on the maximum sentence, and other

prisoner exits.


       (h) Prison intake and returns, including probation violators, new court


commitments, violators with new sentences, escaper new sentences, total prison intake,


returns from court with additional sentences, community placement returns, technical


parole violator returns, and total returns to prison and camp.






       Sec. 4-501. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for prosecutorial and detainer


expenses, the department shall reimburse counties for housing and custody of parole


violators and offenders being returned by the department from community placement who


are available for return to institutional status and for prisoners who volunteer for


placement in a county jail.


       Sec. 4-502. Funds included in part 1 for the sheriffs’ coordinating and training


office are appropriated for and may be expended to defray costs of continuing


education, certification, recertification, decertification, and training of local


corrections officers, the personnel and administrative costs of the sheriffs’


coordinating and training office, the local corrections officers advisory board, and


the sheriffs’ coordinating and training council under the local corrections officers


training act, 2003 PA 125, MCL 791.531 to 791.546.






       Sec. 4-603. (1) All prisoners, probationers, and parolees involved with the


curfew monitoring program shall reimburse the department for costs associated with


their participation in the program. The department may require community service work


reimbursement as a means of payment for those able-bodied individuals unable to pay


for the costs of the equipment.


       (2) Program participant contributions and local program reimbursement for the


curfew monitoring program appropriated in part 1 are related to program expenditures


and may be used to offset expenditures for this purpose.


       (3) Included in the appropriation in part 1 is adequate funding to implement the


curfew monitoring program to be administered by the department. The curfew monitoring


program is intended to provide sentencing judges and county sheriffs in coordination


with local community corrections advisory boards access to the state’s curfew


monitoring program to reduce prison admissions and improve local jail utilization. The


department shall determine the appropriate distribution of the curfew monitor units


throughout the state based upon locally developed comprehensive corrections plans


under the community corrections act, 1988 PA 511, MCL 791.401 to 791.414.


       (4) For a fee determined by the department, the department shall provide counties


with the curfew monitor equipment, replacement parts, administrative oversight of the


equipment’s operation, notification of violators, and periodic reports regarding


county program participants. Counties are responsible for curfew monitor equipment


installation and service. For an additional fee as determined by the department, the


department shall provide staff to install and service the equipment. Counties are


responsible for the coordination and apprehension of program violators.


       (5) Any county with curfew monitor charges outstanding over 60 days shall be


considered in violation of the community curfew monitor program agreement and lose


access to the program.


       Sec. 4-615. The department shall submit a report containing a list detailing the


number of prisoners who have received life imprisonment sentences with the possibility


of parole and who are currently eligible for parole to the senate and house


appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house fiscal agencies, the


legislative corrections ombudsman, and the state budget director by January 1.


       Sec. 4-616. The parole board shall review its policies related to the review and


parole of those offenders serving a parolable life sentence with consideration given

to those that do not pose an ongoing risk to society.






       Sec. 4-804. The department shall report quarterly to the senate and house


appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the legislative corrections ombudsman,


the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director on prisoner health


care utilization. The report shall include the number of inpatient hospital days,


outpatient visits, emergency room visits, and prisoners receiving off-site inpatient


medical care in the previous quarter, by facility.


       Sec. 4-805. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for substance abuse testing and


treatment services, the department shall implement the living in recovery program


serving at least 500 offenders in the current fiscal year. The purpose of this new


program is to cost effectively target relapse prevention and help develop sobriety


support systems to deter further criminal behavior and recidivism. The department will


track the outcome of the program to determine the number of participants that


succeeded, the number that failed and were returned to prison, and the number that


failed, but were not returned to prison.


       Sec. 4-806. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for clinical and mental health


services and support, the department shall expand its mental health treatment and sex


offender treatment programs. The purpose of this enhancement is to address increased


caseloads, reduce the number of prisoners on the waiting list of prisoners who are


past their earliest release date, and reduce the percentage of prisoners readmitted to


mental health programs at their previous level of care.






       Sec. 4-906. Any local unit of government or private nonprofit organization that


contracts with the department for public works services shall be responsible for


financing the entire cost of such an agreement.


       Sec. 4-907. The department shall report by March 1 to the senate and house


appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the legislative corrections ombudsman,


the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director on academic and


vocational programs. The report shall provide information relevant to an assessment of


the department’s academic and vocational programs, including, but not limited to, all


of the following:


       (a) The number of instructors and the number of instructor vacancies, by program


and facility.


       (b) The number of prisoners enrolled in each program, the number of prisoners


completing each program, the number of prisoners transferred to another facility while


enrolled in a program and the reason for transfer, the number of prisoners enrolled


who repeat the program, and the number of prisoners on waiting lists for each program,


all itemized by facility.


       (c) The steps the department has undertaken to improve programs, track records,


accommodate transfers and prisoners with health care needs, and reduce waiting lists.


       (d) The number of prisoners paroled without a high school diploma and the number


of prisoners paroled without a high school equivalency.


       (e) An explanation of the value and purpose of each program, for example, to


improve employability, reduce recidivism, reduce prisoner idleness, or some


combination of these and other factors.


       (f) An identification of program outcomes for each academic and vocational




       (g) An explanation of the department’s plans for academic and vocational




       (h) The number of prisoners not paroled at their earliest release date due to


lack of a high school equivalency, and the reason those prisoners have not obtained a

high school equivalency.


       Sec. 4-910. The department shall allow the Michigan Braille transcribing fund


program to operate at its current location. The donation of the building by the


Michigan Braille transcribing fund at the G. Robert Cotton Correctional Facility in


Jackson is acknowledged and appreciated. The department shall continue to encourage


the Michigan Braille transcribing fund program to produce high-quality materials for


use by the visually impaired.


       Sec. 4-913. (1) Any prisoner required to complete a violence prevention program,


sexual offender program, or other program as a condition of parole shall be


transferred to a facility where that program is available in order to accomplish


timely completion of that program prior to the expiration of his or her minimum


sentence and eligibility for parole. Nothing in this section should be deemed to make


parole denial appealable in court.


       (2) The department shall submit a biannual report to the members of the senate


and house appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house fiscal


agencies, the state budget director, and the legislative corrections ombudsman


detailing enrollment in sex offender programming, assaultive offender programming,


violent offender programming, and thinking for change. At a minimum, the report shall


include the following:


       (a) A full accounting of the number of individuals who are required to complete


the programming, but have not yet done so.


       (b) The number of individuals who have reached their earliest release date, but


who have not completed required programming.


       (c) A plan of action for addressing any waiting lists or backlogs for programming


that may exist.


       Sec. 4-924. The department shall evaluate all prisoners at intake for substance


abuse disorders, serious developmental disorders, serious mental illness, and other

mental health disorders. Prisoners with serious mental illness or serious


developmental disorders shall not be removed from the general population as a punitive


response to behavior caused by their serious mental illness or serious developmental


disorder. Due to persistent high violence risk or severe disruptive behavior that is


unresponsive to treatment, prisoners with serious mental illness or serious


developmental disorders may be placed in secure residential housing programs that will


facilitate access to institutional programming and ongoing mental health services. A


prisoner with serious mental illness or serious developmental disorder who is confined


in these specialized housing programs shall be evaluated or monitored by a medical


professional at a frequency of not less than every 12 hours.


       Sec. 4-925. By March 1, the department shall report to the senate and house


appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the senate and house fiscal agencies, the


legislative corrections ombudsman, and the state budget director on the annual number


of prisoners in administrative segregation between October 1, 2016 and September 30,


2017, and the annual number of prisoners in administrative segregation between October


1, 2016 and September 30, 2017 who at any time during the current or prior prison term


were diagnosed with serious mental illness or have a developmental disorder and the


number of days each of the prisoners with serious mental illness or a developmental


disorder have been confined to administrative segregation.


       Sec. 4-929. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the department shall do all of


the following:


       (a) Ensure that any inmate care and control staff in contact with prisoners less


than 18 years of age are adequately trained with regard to the developmental and


mental health needs of prisoners less than 18 years of age. By April 1, the department


shall report to the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on corrections, the


senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director on the training


curriculum used and the number and types of staff receiving annual training under that



       (b) Provide appropriate placement for prisoners less than 18 years of age who


have serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, or a serious developmental


disorder and need to be housed separately from the general population. Prisoners less


than 18 years of age who have serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance,


or a serious developmental disorder shall not be removed from an existing placement as


a punitive response to behavior caused by their serious mental illness, serious


emotional disturbance, or a serious developmental disorder. Due to persistent high


violence risk or severe disruptive behavior that is unresponsive to treatment,


prisoners less than 18 years of age with serious emotional disturbance, serious mental


illness, or serious developmental disorders may be placed in secure residential


housing programs that will facilitate access to institutional programming and ongoing


mental health services. A prisoner less than 18 years of age with serious mental


illness, serious emotional disturbance, or a serious developmental disorder who is


confined in these specialized housing programs shall be evaluated or monitored by a


medical professional at a frequency of not less than every 12 hours.


       (c) Implement a specialized re-entry program that recognizes the needs of


prisoners less than 18 years old for supervised re-entry.






       Sec. 4-1000. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for information technology


services and projects, the department shall expand bandwidth in 27 correctional


facilities and 113 field operations offices. The purpose of this bandwidth expansion


is to support critical information technology systems that provide platforms for


several mandated programs and department cost savings efforts.






       Sec. 4-1100. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for new custody staff


training, the department will increase the training capacity for new custody staff by


350 officers. The purpose of this academy is to address higher than normal attrition


of correction officers and decrease overtime costs.

Article 5








       Sec. 5-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of education and certain state purposes related


to education are appropriated for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, and are


anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, from the


funds indicated in this part. The following is a summary of the appropriations and


anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              596.5             596.5


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    316,917,400  $    308,367,300


  Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers.............................................                  0                 0


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $    316,917,400  $    308,367,300


  Total federal revenues..................................        225,164,100       217,114,100


  Total local revenues....................................          5,557,200         5,557,200


  Total private revenues..................................          2,034,200         2,034,200


  Total other state restricted revenues...................          7,780,700         7,780,600


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     76,381,200  $     75,881,200


       State general fund/general purpose schedule:


    Ongoing state general fund/general purpose............         75,881,200        75,881,200


   One-time state general fund/general purpose...........            500,000                 0



   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................               10.0              10.0


  State board of education, per diem payments.............   $         24,400  $         24,400


  Unclassified positions-6.0 FTE positions................            827,200           827,200


  State board/superintendent operations-10.0 FTE


   positions.............................................          1,888,700         1,888,700


  Education commission of the states......................            120,800           120,800


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      2,861,100  $      2,861,100


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................            227,000           227,000


   Special revenue funds:


  Private foundations.....................................             28,100            28,100


  Certification fees......................................            771,400           771,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,834,600  $      1,834,600


    Sec. 5-103.  CENTRAL SUPPORT


   Full-time equated classified positions................               23.6              23.6


  Central support operations-23.6 FTE positions...........   $      6,686,700  $      6,686,700


  Worker’s compensation...................................             24,300            24,300


  Building occupancy charges – property management


   services..............................................          3,196,200         3,196,200


  Training and orientation workshops......................            150,000           150,000


  Terminal leave payments.................................            353,300           353,300


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     10,410,500  $     10,410,500


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................          3,690,100         3,690,100

  Federal indirect funds..................................          2,430,700         2,430,700


   Special revenue funds:


  Certification fees......................................            399,300           399,300


  Teacher testing fees....................................              4,000             4,000


  Training and orientation workshop fees..................            150,000           150,000


  Private foundations.....................................          1,000,000         1,000,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      2,736,400  $      2,736,400




  Information technology operations.......................   $       4,192,600  $       4,192,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      4,192,600  $      4,192,600


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................            616,900           616,900


  Federal indirect funds..................................          1,824,300         1,824,300


   Special revenue funds:


  Certification fees......................................            397,500           397,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,353,900  $      1,353,900




     Full-time equated classified positions..............               47.0              47.0


  Special education operations-47.0 FTE positions.........   $       9,320,500  $       9,320,500


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      9,320,500  $      9,320,500


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................          8,544,000         8,544,000


   Special revenue funds:


  Private foundations.....................................            110,100           110,100


  Certification fees......................................             44,700            44,700

  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        621,700  $        621,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................               77.0              77.0


  Michigan schools for the deaf and blind operations-76.0


   FTE positions.........................................   $     12,812,700  $     12,812,700


  Camp Tuhsmeheta-1.0 FTE position........................            296,000           296,000


  Private gifts – blind...................................            200,000           200,000


  Private gifts – deaf....................................            150,000           150,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     13,458,700  $     13,458,700


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................          7,048,600         7,048,600


   Special revenue funds:


  Local cost sharing (schools for blind/deaf).............          5,233,000         5,233,000


  Local school district service fees......................            312,500           312,500


  Gifts, bequests, and donations..........................            646,000           646,000


  Student insurance revenue...............................            218,600           218,600


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0  $              0




   Full-time equated classified positions................               33.0              33.0


  Professional preparation operations-33.0 FTE positions..   $       5,653,900  $       5,653,900


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      5,653,900  $      5,653,900


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................          1,464,100         1,464,100


   Special revenue funds:


  Certification fees......................................          3,602,000         3,602,000

  Teacher testing fees....................................            364,100           364,100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        223,700  $        223,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................               66.0              66.0


  Office of great start operations-65.0 FTE positions.....   $     23,177,400  $     23,177,400


  Child development and care external support.............         27,182,800        27,182,800


  Head start collaboration office-1.0 FTE position........            309,900           309,900


  Child development and care public assistance............        124,200,000       124,200,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    174,870,100  $    174,870,100


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................        136,964,800       136,964,800


   Special revenue funds:


  Private foundations.....................................            250,000           250,000


  Certification fees......................................             64,600            64,600


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     37,590,700  $     37,590,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................               11.5              11.5


  State aid and school finance operations-11.5 FTE


   positions.............................................   $       1,638,600  $       1,638,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      1,638,600  $      1,638,600


     Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,638,600  $      1,638,600


   Sec. 5-110.  AUDIT SERVICES


   Full-time equated classified positions................                4.5               4.5


  Audit operations-4.5 FTE positions......................   $         612,500  $         612,500

  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $        612,500  $        612,500


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal indirect funds..................................            486,800           486,800


   Special revenue funds:


  Certification fees......................................             62,300            62,300


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $         63,400  $         63,400




   Full-time equated classified positions................                2.0               2.0


  Administrative law operations-2.0 FTE positions.........   $       1,364,300  $       1,364,300


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      1,364,300  $      1,364,300


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................            564,200           564,200


   Special revenue funds:


  Certification fees......................................            701,500           701,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $         98,600  $         98,600




   Full-time equated classified positions................               64.6              64.6


  Accountability services operations-64.6 FTE positions...   $      14,619,400  $      14,619,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     14,619,400  $     14,619,400


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................         13,476,200        13,476,200


   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,143,200  $      1,143,200



   Full-time equated classified positions................               83.6              83.6


  School support services operations-83.6 FTE positions...   $      15,495,200  $      15,495,200


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     15,495,200  $     15,495,200


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................         14,455,700        14,455,700


   Special revenue funds:


  Local school district service fees......................             11,700            11,700


  Certification fees......................................             86,900            86,900


  Commodity distribution fees.............................             71,700            71,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        869,200  $        869,200


   Sec. 5-114.  FIELD SERVICES


   Full-time equated classified positions................               45.0              45.0


  Field services operations-45.0 FTE positions............   $       9,349,200  $       9,349,200


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      9,349,200  $      9,349,200


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................          8,599,200         8,599,200


    Special revenue funds:


  Certification fees......................................             37,300            37,300


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        712,700  $        712,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................               49.7              49.7


  Educational improvement and innovation operations-49.7


   FTE positions.........................................   $       9,689,900  $       9,689,900


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      9,689,900  $      9,689,900


     Appropriated from:

   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................          6,596,600         6,596,600


   Special revenue funds:


  Certification fees......................................            565,100           565,100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      2,528,200  $      2,528,200




   Full-time equated classified positions................               29.0              29.0


  Career and technical education operations-29.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $       5,220,800  $       5,220,800


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      5,220,800  $      5,220,800


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................          3,887,400         3,887,400


   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,333,400  $      1,333,400




   Full-time equated classified positions................               33.0              33.0


  Library of Michigan operations-31.0 FTE positions.......   $      4,497,400  $      4,497,400


  Library services and technology program-1.0 FTE


   position..............................................          5,610,100         5,610,100


  State aid to libraries..................................          9,876,000         9,876,000


  Michigan eLibrary-1.0 FTE position......................          1,752,300         1,752,300


  Renaissance zone reimbursements.........................          5,300,000         5,300,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     27,035,800  $     27,035,800


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................          5,610,100         5,610,100

   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     21,425,700  $     21,425,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................               17.0              17.0


  Educator talent and policy coordination operations-17.0


   FTE positions.........................................   $       2,574,200  $       2,574,200


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      2,574,200  $      2,574,200


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................            627,400           627,400


  Certification fees......................................            239,600           239,600


   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,707,200  $      1,707,200




  Certification fees subsidy..............................   $        500,000  $              0


  Flint declaration of emergency..........................          8,050,100                 0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      8,550,100  $              0


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Federal revenues........................................          8,050,000                 0


   Special revenue funds:


  Flint emergency reserve fund............................                100                 0


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        500,000  $              0












       Sec. 5-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2016-2017


is $84,161,900.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2016-2017 is $15,176,000.00. The itemized statement below


identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will occur:




  State aid to libraries................................................   $           9,876,000


  Renaissance zone reimbursements.......................................              5,300,000


  TOTAL                                                                    $          15,176,000


       Sec. 5-202. The appropriations authorized under this article are subject to the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.


       Sec. 5-203. As used in this article:


       (a) "Department" means the Michigan department of education.


       (b) "District" means a local school district as defined in section 6 of the


revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.6, or a public school academy as defined in


section 5 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.5.


       (c) "FTE" means full-time equated.


       Sec. 5-204. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


use the Internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of this article. This


requirement may include transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients


identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include placement of reports on


an Internet or Intranet site.


       Sec. 5-205. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for the purchase of


foreign goods or services, or both, if competitively priced and of comparable quality


American goods or services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to goods


or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan businesses, if they are

competitively priced and of comparable quality. In addition, preference should be


given to goods or services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are competitively priced and of


comparable quality.


       Sec. 5-206. The state superintendent of public instruction shall take all


reasonable steps to ensure businesses in deprived and depressed communities compete


for and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or both. The state


superintendent of public instruction shall strongly encourage firms with which the


department contracts to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and


deprived communities for services, supplies, or both.


       Sec. 5-207. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


prepare a report on out-of-state travel expenses not later than January 1 of each


year. The travel report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately preceding fiscal year


that was funded in whole or in part with funds appropriated in the department’s


budget. The report shall be submitted to the senate and house appropriations


committees, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The


report shall include the following information:


       (a) The dates of each travel occurrence.


       (b) The transportation and related costs of each travel occurrence, including the


proportion funded with state general fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion


funded with state restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.


       Sec. 5-208. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a principal


executive department, state agency, or authority to hire a person to provide legal


services that are the responsibility of the attorney general. This prohibition does


not apply to legal services for bonding activities and for those outside services that

the attorney general authorizes.


       Sec. 5-209. Not later than November 30, the state budget office shall prepare and


transmit a report that provides for estimates of the total general fund/general


purpose appropriation lapses at the close of the prior fiscal year. This report shall


summarize the projected year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses by


major departmental program or program areas. The report shall be transmitted to the


chairpersons of the senate and house appropriations committees, and the senate and


house fiscal agencies.


       Sec. 5-210. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to


another line item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $700,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line


item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA


431, MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $250,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $3,000,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL



       Sec. 5-211. The department shall cooperate with the department of technology,


management and budget to maintain a searchable website accessible by the public at no


cost that includes, but is not limited to, all of the following for each department or




       (a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.


       (b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.


       (c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor, including the vendor name,


payment date, payment amount, and payment description.


       (d) The number of active department employees by job classification.


       (e) Job specifications and wage rates.


       Sec. 5-212. Within 14 days after the release of the executive budget


recommendation, the department shall cooperate with the state budget office to provide


the senate and house appropriations chairs, the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees chairs, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an annual report


on estimated state restricted fund balances, state restricted fund projected revenues,


and state restricted fund expenditures for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2016


and September 30, 2017.


       Sec. 5-213. The department shall maintain, on a publicly accessible website, a


department scorecard that identifies, tracks and regularly updates key metrics that


are used to monitor and improve the agency’s performance.


       Sec. 5-214. Total authorized appropriations from all sources under part 1 for


legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017 is $16,971,500.00. From


this amount, total agency appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are


estimated at $9,410,700.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care legacy


costs are estimated at $7,560,800.00.


       Sec. 5-215. The department shall provide through the Internet the state board of

education agenda and all supporting documents, and shall notify the state budget


director and the senate and house fiscal agencies that the agenda and supporting


documents are available on the Internet, at the time the agenda and supporting


documents are provided to state board of education members.


       Sec. 5-216. To the extent the state continues to identify schools as meeting


proficiency targets, before publishing a list of schools or districts determined to


have failed to make adequate yearly progress as required by the no child left behind


act of 2001, Public Law 107-110, the department shall allow a school or district to


appeal that determination. Those appeals shall be addressed before designations may be




       Sec. 5-217. The department may assist the department of health and human


services, other departments, and local school districts to secure reimbursement for


eligible services provided in Michigan schools from the federal Medicaid program. The


department may submit reports of direct expenses related to this effort to the


department of health and human services for reimbursement.


       Sec. 5-218. The department shall not seek a federal waiver from the no child left


behind act of 2001, Public Law 107-110, or an amendment to the federal waiver, until


after notification of the content to both the house and senate appropriations


committees and the state budget director.


       Sec. 5-219. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the department shall ensure


that kindergarten benchmark data includes a method for information to be provided


regarding a child’s participation in the great start readiness program.


       Sec. 5-220. The department shall post on its website a link to the federal


Institute of Education Sciences’ What Works Clearinghouse. The department also shall


work to disseminate knowledge about the What Works Clearinghouse to districts and


intermediate districts so that it may be used to improve reading proficiency for


pupils in grades K to 3.



       Sec. 5-301. (1) The appropriations in part 1 may be used for per diem payments to


the state board for meetings at which a quorum is present or for performing official


business authorized by the state board. The per diem payments shall be at a rate as




       (a) State board of education - president - $110.00 per day.


       (b) State board of education - member other than president - $100.00 per day.


       (2) A state board of education member shall not be paid a per diem for more than


30 days per year.


       Sec. 5-302. From the amount appropriated in part 1 to the state board of


education, not more than $35,000.00 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017


shall be expended for in-state travel and out-of-state travel directly related to the


duties of the state board of education.






       Sec. 5-401. The employees at the Michigan schools for the deaf and blind who work


on a school year basis are considered annual employees for purposes of service


credits, retirement, and insurance benefits.


       Sec. 5-402. For each student enrolled at the Michigan schools for the deaf and


blind, the department shall assess the intermediate school district of residence 100%


of the cost of operating the student's instructional program. The amount shall exclude


room and board related costs and the cost of weekend transportation between the school


and the student's home.


       Sec. 5-406. (1) The Michigan schools for the deaf and blind may promote its


residential program as a possible appropriate option for children who are deaf or hard


of hearing or who are blind or visually impaired. The Michigan schools for the deaf


and blind shall distribute information detailing its services to all intermediate


school districts in the state.


       (2) Upon knowledge of or recognition by an intermediate school district that a


child in the district is deaf or hard of hearing or blind or visually impaired, the


intermediate school district shall provide to the parents of the child the literature


distributed by the Michigan schools for the deaf and blind to intermediate school


districts under subsection (1).


       (3) Parents will continue to have a choice regarding the educational placement of


their deaf or hard-of-hearing children.


       Sec. 5-407. Revenue received by the Michigan schools for the deaf and blind from


gifts, bequests, donations and local district service fees that is unexpended at the


end of the state fiscal year may be carried over to the succeeding fiscal year and


shall not revert to the general fund.


       Sec. 5-408. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, the funds collected


by the Michigan schools for the deaf and the low incidence outreach program for


document reproduction and services; conferences, workshops, and training classes; and


the use of specialized equipment, facilities, and software are appropriated for all


expenses necessary to provide the required services. These funds are available for


expenditure when they are received and may be carried forward into the next succeeding


fiscal year.






       Sec. 5-501. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for professional preparation


services, the department shall maintain certificate revocation/felony conviction files


of educational personnel.


       Sec. 5-506. Revenue received from teacher testing fees that is unexpended at the


end of the state fiscal year may be carried over to the succeeding fiscal year and


shall not revert to the general fund.




       Sec. 5-701. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for field services


operations, the department shall produce a report detailing the progress made by


districts with grades K-3 receiving at-risk funding under section 31a of the state aid


act, 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1631a in implementing multi-tiered systems of supports in the


prior school fiscal year.


       (2) The report shall include, at a minimum:


       (a) A description of the training, coaching, and technical assistance offered by


the department to districts to support the implementation of effective multi-tiered


systems of supports.


       (b) A list of district determined by the department to have successfully


implemented multi-tiered systems of supports.


       (c) A list of best practices that the department has identified that may be used


by districts to implement multi-tiered systems of supports.


       (d) Other information the department determines would be useful to understanding


the status of districts’ implementation of effective multi-tiered systems of supports.


       (3) The report shall be provided to the state budget director, the house and


senate subcommittees that oversee the department of education and school aid budgets,


and the house and senate fiscal agencies by September 30, 2017.






       Sec. 5-801. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, the funds collected


by the department for document reproduction and services; conferences, workshops, and


training classes; and the use of specialized equipment, facilities, and software are


appropriated for all expenses necessary to provide the required services. These funds


are available for expenditure when they are received and may be carried forward into


the next succeeding fiscal year.


       Sec. 5-804. (1) The funds appropriated in part 1 for renaissance zone


reimbursements shall be used to reimburse public libraries under section 12 of the


Michigan renaissance zone act, 1996 PA 376, MCL 125.2692, for taxes levied in 2016.


The allocations shall be made not later than 60 days after the department of treasury


certifies to the department and to the state budget director that the department of


treasury has received all necessary information to properly determine the amounts due


to each eligible recipient.


       (2) If the amount appropriated under this section is not sufficient to fully pay


obligations under this section, payments shall be prorated on an equal basis among all


eligible public libraries.






       Sec. 5-901. From the increased funds in part 1 for special education operations,


the department shall perform the following activities:


       (a) Design and distribute information about federal and state mandates regarding


the rights and protections of students with disabilities including but not limited to


individualized education programs to ensure that parents and legal guardians are fully


informed about laws, rules, procedural safeguards, problem-solving options and any


other information the department determines is necessary so that parents and legal


guardians may be able to provide meaningful input in collaboration with districts to


develop and implement an individualized education program.


       (b) Train mediators who are knowledgeable about the dispute resolution system and


state and federal mandates pertaining to the rights and protections of students with


disabilities outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the


Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education. This annual training will include


coursework, resources and materials.






       Sec. 5-1007. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for child development and


care - external support, the department shall create progress reports that shall


include, but are not limited to, the following:


       (a) Both the on-site and off-site activities that are intended to improve child


care provider quality and the number of times those activities are performed by the


licensing consultants.


       (b) How many on-site visits a single licensing consultant has made since the


start of the 2016-2017 fiscal year.


       (c) The types of on-site visits and the number of visits for each type that a


single consultant has made since the start of fiscal year 2016-2017.


       (d) The number of providers that have improved their quality rating since the


start of fiscal year 2016-2017 compared to the same time period in fiscal year 2015-




       (e) The types of activities that are intended to improve licensing consultant


performance and child care provider quality and the number of times those activities


are performed by the managers and administrators.


       (2) The progress reports shall be sent to the state budget director, the house


and senate subcommittees that oversee the department of education, and the house and


senate fiscal agencies by April 1, 2017 and September 30, 2017.






       Sec. 5-1101. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for the Flint declaration


of emergency, the department shall allocate funding to address the childcare needs in


the city in which a declaration of emergency was issued on January 5, 2016. Funds


shall be used to support the following activities in the city:


       (a) Pilot the expansion of child development and care eligibility to children


ages birth to three for half-day childcare services by removing household income as a


determinate of eligibility.


       (b) Provide information to childcare providers on identification and intervention


services for children demonstrating potential developmental delays associated with


exposure to lead.


       (2) The department shall amend definitions and eligibility requirements in the


child care and development fund state plan as necessary to implement this section.

Article 6








       Sec. 6-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of environmental quality are appropriated for


the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, and are anticipated to be appropriated for


the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, from the funds indicated in this part. The


following is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this








   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................            1,232.0           1,222.0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    513,499,400  $    486,749,300


  Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers.............................................          9,225,700         9,225,700


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $    504,273,700  $    477,523,600


  Total federal revenues..................................        138,687,200       138,687,200


  Total local revenues....................................                  0                 0


  Total private revenues..................................            555,300           555,300


  Total other state restricted revenues...................        317,344,800       302,944,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     47,686,400  $     35,336,400


       State general fund/general purpose schedule:


     Ongoing state general fund/general purpose..........         35,336,400        35,366,400


     One-time general fund/general purpose ..............         12,350,000                 0



   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................               13.0              13.0


  Unclassified salaries...................................   $        754,000  $        754,000


  Executive direction-13.0 FTE positions..................          2,099,400         2,099,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      2,853,400  $      2,853,400


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................             27,600            27,600


  State restricted revenues...............................          1,317,500         1,317,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      1,508,300  $      1,508,300




   Full-time equated classified positions................               12.0              12.0


  Office of the Great Lakes-12.0 FTE positions............   $      2,170,700  $      2,170,700


  Coastal management grants...............................          1,250,000         1,250,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      3,420,700  $      3,420,700


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          2,037,900         2,037,900


  State restricted revenues...............................            483,100           483,100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        899,700  $        899,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................                6.0               6.0


  Great Lakes restoration initiative-6.0 FTE positions....   $      15,090,700  $      15,090,700


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     15,090,700  $     15,090,700


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................         15,090,700        15,090,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0  $              0




   Full-time equated classified positions................               34.0              34.0

  Central support services-34.0 FTE positions.............   $      4,147,800  $      4,147,800


  Accounting service center...............................          1,391,400         1,391,400


  Administrative hearings.................................            381,200           381,200


  Automated data processing...............................          2,053,400         2,053,400


  Building occupancy charges..............................          4,582,800         4,582,800


  Environmental support projects..........................          5,000,000         5,000,000


  Rent ..................................................          2,240,600         2,240,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     19,797,200  $     19,797,200


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          2,266,800         2,266,800


  State restricted revenues...............................         15,441,600        15,441,600


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      2,088,800  $      2,088,800




   Full-time equated classified positions................               38.0              38.0


  Office of environmental assistance-38.0 FTE positions...   $      6,257,700  $      6,257,700


  Pollution prevention local grants.......................            250,000           250,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      6,507,700  $      6,507,700


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................            704,800           704,800


  Private revenues........................................            364,200           364,200


  State restricted revenues...............................          2,571,200         2,571,200


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      2,867,500  $      2,867,500




   Full-time equated classified positions................              316.0             316.0


  Land and water interface permit programs-82.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $     11,659,600  $     11,659,600


  Program direction and project assistance-27.0 FTE

   positions.............................................          3,030,700         3,030,700


  Water withdrawal assessment programs-4.0 FTE positions..          1,423,500         1,423,500


  Expedited water/wastewater permits-1.0 FTE position.....             50,900            50,900


  Fish contaminant monitoring.............................            316,100           316,100


  Groundwater discharge permit program-22.0 FTE positions.    3,215,900         3,215,900


  Aquatic nuisance control program-6.0 FTE positions......            913,200           913,200


  NPDES nonstormwater program-83.0 FTE positions..........         13,003,900        13,003,900


  Surface water-86.0 FTE positions........................         15,871,800        15,871,800


  Water quality and use initiative-5.0 FTE positions......          1,645,700         1,645,700


  Real-time beach monitoring program......................            500,000           500,000


  Wetlands program........................................          1,000,000         1,000,000


  Federal – Great Lakes remedial action plan grants.......            583,800           583,800


  Federal – nonpoint source water pollution grants........          4,083,300         4,083,300


  Contaminated lake and river sediment cleanup program....          1,565,000         1,565,000


  Nonpoint source pollution prevention and control project


   program...............................................          2,000,000         2,000,000


  Wetland mitigation banking grants and loans.............          3,000,000         3,000,000


  Water quality protection grants.........................            100,000           100,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     63,963,400  $     63,963,400


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          1,249,000         1,249,000


  Federal revenues........................................         19,479,100        19,479,100


  State restricted revenues...............................         25,039,200        25,039,200


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     18,196,100  $     18,196,100




   Full-time equated classified positions................               14.0              14.0


  Environmental investigations-14.0 FTE positions.........   $       2,837,200  $       2,837,200

  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      2,837,200  $      2,837,200


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................             15,800            15,800


  Federal revenues........................................            575,700           575,700


  State restricted revenues...............................          1,675,700         1,675,700


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        570,000  $        570,000




   Full-time equated classified positions................              188.0             188.0


  Air quality programs-188.0 FTE positions................   $      27,231,500  $      27,231,500


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     27,231,500  $     27,231,500


     Appropriated from:


  Federal revenues........................................          7,450,200         7,450,200


  State restricted revenues...............................         15,377,000        15,377,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      4,404,300  $      4,404,300




   Full-time equated classified positions................              305.0             305.0


  Drinking water and environmental health-106.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $     14,901,900  $     14,901,900


  Hazardous waste management program-45.0 FTE positions...          6,946,100         6,946,100


  Low-level radioactive waste authority-2.0 FTE positions.    232,600           232,600


  Medical waste program-2.0 FTE positions.................            302,300           302,300


  Municipal assistance-29.0 FTE positions.................          4,800,500         4,800,500


  Radiological protection program-12.0 FTE positions......          1,966,500         1,966,500


  Recycling initiative-3.0 FTE positions..................          1,008,700         1,008,700


  Scrap tire regulatory program-10.0 FTE positions........          1,334,700         1,334,700


  Oil, gas and mineral services-59.0 FTE positions........          6,794,800         6,794,800


  Solid waste management program-37.0 FTE positions.......          5,026,400         5,026,400

  Scrap tire grants.......................................          3,500,000         3,500,000


  Drinking water program grants...........................            830,000           830,000


  Noncommunity water grants...............................          2,000,000         2,000,000


  Septage waste compliance grants.........................            275,000           275,000


  Strategic water quality initiative grants and loans.....         97,000,000        97,000,000


  Water pollution control and drinking water revolving fund   84,993,000        84,993,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    231,912,500  $    231,912,500


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          1,658,600         1,658,600


  Federal revenues........................................         86,027,300        86,027,300


  State restricted revenues...............................        139,860,500       139,860,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      4,366,100  $      4,366,100




   Full-time equated classified positions................              291.0             291.0


  Contaminated site investigation, cleanup, and


   revitalization-127.0 FTE positions....................   $     13,859,200  $     13,859,200


  Federal cleanup project management-40.0 FTE positions...          6,934,500         6,934,500


  Laboratory services-39.0 FTE positions..................          6,175,300         6,175,300


  Emergency cleanup actions...............................          4,000,000         4,000,000


  Environmental cleanup support...........................          1,840,000         1,840,000


  Environmental cleanup and redevelopment program.........         29,900,000        15,000,000


  Refined petroleum product cleanup program-85.0 FTE


   positions.............................................         34,475,700        35,675,700


  Superfund cleanup.......................................          1,000,000         1,000,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     98,184,700  $     84,484,700


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................          3,858,800         3,858,800

  Federal revenues........................................          6,305,400         6,305,400


  Private revenues........................................            191,100           191,100


  State restricted revenues...............................         87,829,400        74,129,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0  $              0




   Full-time equated classified positions................                5.0               5.0


  Underground storage tank cleanup program-5.0 FTE


   position..............................................   $      20,011,400  $      20,011,400


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     20,011,400  $     20,011,400


     Appropriated from:


  State restricted revenues...............................         20,011,400        20,011,400


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $              0  $              0




  Information technology services and projects............   $       8,638,900  $       8,638,900


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      8,638,900  $      8,638,900


     Appropriated from:


  Interdepartmental grant revenues........................            176,700           176,700


  Federal revenues........................................            988,500           988,500


  State restricted revenues...............................          7,038,100         7,038,100


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $        435,600  $        435,600




   Full-time equated classified positions................               10.0               0.0


  Contaminated lake and river sediment cleanup program


   (one-time)............................................   $        700,000  $              0


  Flint declaration of emergency-10.0 FTE positions.......          5,400,100                 0


  Oil, gas and mineral services (one-time)................          4,000,000                 0


  Water pollution control and drinking water revolving

   fund..................................................          2,950,000                  0


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     13,050,100  $              0


     Appropriated from:


  State restricted revenues...............................            700,100                 0


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     12,350,000  $              0














       Sec. 6-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2016-2017


is $365,031,200.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units


of government for fiscal year 2016-2017 is $3,750,000.00. The itemized statement below


identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will occur:




  Drinking water and environmental health...............................    $           212,000


  Drinking water program grants.........................................                157,000


  Emergency cleanup actions.............................................                106,000


  Noncommunity water grants.............................................              1,700,000


  Scrap tire grants.....................................................                500,000


  Pollution prevention local grants.....................................                250,000


  Real-time beach monitoring program....................................                500,000


  Septage waste compliance grants.......................................                100,000


  Solid waste management program........................................                 65,000


  Surface water.........................................................                160,000


  TOTAL                                                                      $         3,750,000


       Sec. 6-202. The appropriations authorized under this article are subject to the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.


       Sec. 6-203. As used in this article:


       (a) "Department" means the department of environmental quality.


       (b) "Director" means the director of the department.


       (c) "FTE" means full-time equated.


       (d) "NPDES" means national pollution discharge elimination system.


       Sec. 6-204. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall


use the Internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of this article. This


requirement may include transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients


identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include placement of reports on


an Internet or Intranet site.


       Sec. 6-205. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for the purchase of


foreign goods or services, or both, if competitively priced and of comparable quality


American goods or services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to goods


or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan businesses, if they are


competitively priced and of comparable quality. In addition, preference should be


given to goods or services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are competitively priced and of


comparable quality.


       Sec. 6-206. The director shall take all reasonable steps to ensure businesses in


deprived and depressed communities compete for and perform contracts to provide


services or supplies, or both. Each director shall strongly encourage firms with which


the department contracts to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and


deprived communities for services, supplies, or both.


       Sec. 6-207. The departments and agencies receiving appropriations in part 1 shall

prepare a report on out-of-state travel expenses not later than January 1 of each


year. The travel report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately preceding fiscal year


that was funded in whole or in part with funds appropriated in the department’s


budget. The report shall be submitted to the senate and house appropriations


committees, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director. The


report shall include the following information:


       (a) The dates of each travel occurrence.


       (b) The transportation and related costs of each travel occurrence, including the


proportion funded with state general fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion


funded with state restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.


       Sec. 6-208. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a principal


executive department, state agency, or authority to hire a person to provide legal


services that are the responsibility of the attorney general. This prohibition does


not apply to legal services for bonding activities and for those outside services that


the attorney general authorizes.


       Sec. 6-209. Not later than November 30, the state budget office shall prepare and


transmit a report that provides for estimates of the total general fund/general


purpose appropriation lapses at the close of the prior fiscal year. This report shall


summarize the projected year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses by


major departmental program or program areas. The report shall be transmitted to the


chairpersons of the senate and house appropriations committees, and the senate and


house fiscal agencies.


       Sec. 6-210. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $30,000,000.00 for federal contingency funds.


These funds are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to

another line item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


       (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for state restricted contingency funds. These funds


are not available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line


item in this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA


431, MCL 18.1393.


       (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for local contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is appropriated an


amount not to exceed $500,000.00 for private contingency funds. These funds are not


available for expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item in


this article under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




       Sec. 6-211. The department shall cooperate with the department of technology,


management and budget to maintain a searchable website accessible by the public at no


cost that includes, but is not limited to, all of the following for each department or




       (a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.


       (b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.


       (c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor, including the vendor name,


payment date, payment amount, and payment description.


       (d) The number of active department employees by job classification.


       (e) Job specifications and wage rates.

       Sec. 6-212. Within 14 days after the release of the executive budget


recommendation, the department shall cooperate with the state budget office to provide


the senate and house appropriations chairs, the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees chairs, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an annual report


on estimated state restricted fund balances, state restricted fund projected revenues,


and state restricted fund expenditures for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2016


and September 30, 2017.


       Sec. 6-213. The department shall maintain, on a publicly accessible website, a


department scorecard that identifies, tracks and regularly updates key metrics that


are used to monitor and improve the agency’s performance.


       Sec. 6-214. Total authorized appropriations from all sources under part 1 for


legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017 is $33,238,200.00. From


this amount, total agency appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are


estimated at $18,429,800.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care


legacy costs are estimated at $14,808,400.00.


       Sec. 6-216. (1) The department shall report all of the following information


relative to allocations made from appropriations for the environmental cleanup and


redevelopment program, state cleanup, emergency actions, superfund cleanup, the


revitalization revolving loan program, the brownfield grants and loans program, the


leaking underground storage tank cleanup program, the contaminated lake and river


sediments cleanup program, the refined petroleum product cleanup program, and the


environmental protection bond projects under section 19508(7) of the natural resources


and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.19508, to the state budget


director, the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on environmental quality,


and the senate and house fiscal agencies:


       (a) The name and location of the site for which an allocation is made.


       (b) The nature of the problem encountered at the site.

       (c) A brief description of how the problem will be resolved if the allocation is


made for a response activity.


       (d) The estimated date that site closure activities will be completed.


       (e) The amount of the allocation, or the anticipated financing for the site.


       (f) A summary of the sites and the total amount of funds expended at the sites at


the conclusion of the fiscal year.


       (g) The number of brownfield projects that were successfully redeveloped.


       (2) The report prepared under subsection (1) shall also include all of the




       (a) The status of all state-owned facilities that are on the list compiled under


part 201 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL


324.20101 to 324.20142.


       (b) The report shall include the total amount of funds expended during the fiscal


year and the total amount of funds awaiting expenditure.


       (c) The total amount of bonds issued for the environmental protection bond


program pursuant to part 193 of the natural resources and environmental protection


act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.19301 to 324.19306, and bonds issued pursuant to the clean


Michigan initiative act, 1998 PA 284, MCL 324.95101 to 324.95108.


       (3) The report shall be made available by March 31 of each year.


       Sec. 6-217. (1) The department may expend amounts remaining from the current and


prior fiscal year appropriations to meet funding needs of legislatively approved sites


for the environmental cleanup and redevelopment program, the refined petroleum product


cleanup program, brownfield grants and loans, waterfront grants, and the environmental


bond site reclamation program.


       (2) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from appropriations from the


environmental protection bond fund contained in 2003 PA 173, 2005 PA 109, 2006 PA 343,


2011 PA 63, and 2012 PA 236 are appropriated for expenditure for any site listed in

this part and part 1 and any site listed in the public acts referenced in this




       (3) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from appropriations from the


clean Michigan initiative fund - response activities contained in 2000 PA 52, 2004 PA


309, 2005 PA 11, 2006 PA 343, 2007 PA 121, 2011 PA 63, 2013 PA 59, 2014 PA 252 and


2015 PA 84 are appropriated for expenditure for any site listed in this part and part


1 and any site listed in the public acts referenced in this section.


       (4) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from appropriations from the


refined petroleum fund activities contained in 2007 PA 121, 2008 PA 247, 2009 PA 118,


2010 PA 189, 2012 PA 200, 2013 PA 59, 2014 PA 252 and 2015 PA 84 are appropriated for


expenditure for any site listed in this part and part 1 and any site listed in the


public acts referenced in this section.


       (5) Unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from the appropriations from


the strategic water quality initiatives fund contained in 2011 PA 50, 2011 PA 63, 2012


PA 200, 2013 PA 59, 2014 PA 252 and 2015 PA 84 are appropriated for expenditure for


any site listed in this part and part 1 and any site listed in the public acts


referenced in this section.


       Sec. 6-219. Unexpended settlement revenues at the end of the fiscal year may be


carried forward into the settlement fund in the succeeding fiscal year up to a maximum


carryforward of $2,500,000.00.






       Sec. 6-301. Revenues remaining in the interdepartmental transfers, laboratory


services at the end of the fiscal year shall carry forward into the succeeding fiscal




       Sec. 6-302. The unexpended funds appropriated in part 1 for emergency cleanup


actions, the environmental cleanup and redevelopment program, and the refined


petroleum product cleanup program are considered work project appropriations and any


unencumbered or unallotted funds are carried forward into the succeeding fiscal year.


The following is in compliance with section 451a(1) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a:


       (a) The purpose of the projects to be carried forward is to provide contaminated


site cleanup.


       (b) The projects will be accomplished by contract.


       (c) The total estimated cost of all projects is identified in each line-item




       (d) The tentative completion date is September 30, 2021.


       Sec. 6-303. Effective October 1, 2016, surplus funds not to exceed $1,000,000.00


in the cleanup and redevelopment trust fund are appropriated to the environmental


protection fund created in section 503a of the natural resources and environmental


protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.503a.


       Sec. 6-304. Effective October 1, 2016, surplus funds not to exceed $1,000,000.00


in the community pollution prevention fund created in section 3f of 1976 initiated law


1, MCL 445.573f, are appropriated to the environmental protection fund created in


section 503a of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,


MCL 324.503a.


       Sec. 6-310. (1) Upon approval by the state budget director, the department may


expend from the general fund of the state an amount to meet the cash-flow requirements


of projects funded under any of the following that are financed from bond proceeds and


for which bonds have been authorized but not yet issued:


       (a) Part 52 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA


451, MCL 324.5201 to 324.5206.


       (b) Part 193 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA


451, MCL 324.19301 to 324.19306.

       (c) Part 196 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA


451, MCL 324.19601 to 324.19616.


       (2) Upon the sale of bonds for projects described in subsection (1), the


department shall credit the general fund of the state an amount equal to that expended


from the general fund.






       Sec. 6-405. If a certified health department does not exist in a city, county, or


district or does not fulfill its responsibilities under part 117 of the natural


resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.11701 to 324.11720,


then the department may spend funds appropriated in part 1 under the septage waste


compliance program in accordance with section 11716 of the natural resources and


environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.11716.


       Sec. 6-407. The unexpended funds appropriated in part 1 for the contaminated lake


and river sediment cleanup program are considered work project appropriations and any


unencumbered or unallotted funds are carried forward into the succeeding fiscal year.


The following is in compliance with section 451a(1) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a:


       (a) The purpose of the projects to be carried forward is to provide contaminated


sediment cleanup.


       (b) The projects will be accomplished by contract.


       (c) The total estimated cost of all projects is $2,265,000.


       (d) The tentative completion date is September 30, 2021.






       Sec. 6-701. The unexpended funds appropriated in part 1 for the underground


storage tank cleanup program are considered work project appropriations and any


unencumbered or unallotted funds are carried forward into the succeeding fiscal year.


The following is in compliance with section 451a(1) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a:


       (a) The purpose of the projects to be carried forward is to provide contaminated


site cleanup.


       (b) The projects will be accomplished by contract.


       (c) The total estimated cost of all projects is $20,000,000.00.


       (d) The tentative completion date is September 30, 2021.






       Sec. 6-801. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for the Flint declaration of


emergency, the department shall allocate funds to address needs related to the


declaration of emergency issued on January 5, 2016. These funds may support, but are


not limited to the following activities:


(a) Funding to keep Flint on Detroit water system.


(b) Staff, lab and testing, and contract costs.

Article 7








       Sec. 7-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the executive office are appropriated for the fiscal year


ending September 30, 2017, and are anticipated to be appropriated for the fiscal year


ending September 30, 2018, from the funds indicated in this part. The following is a


summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               10.0              10.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................               74.2              74.2


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      5,636,300  $      5,636,300


  Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers.............................................                  0                 0


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $      5,636,300  $      5,636,300


  Total federal revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total local revenues....................................                  0                 0


  Total private revenues..................................                  0                 0


  Total other state restricted revenues...................                  0                 0


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      5,636,300  $      5,636,300


       State general fund/general purpose schedule:


     Ongoing state general fund/general purpose..........          5,636,300         5,636,300


     One-time state general fund/general purpose.........                  0                 0




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............               10.0              10.0

   Full-time equated classified positions................               74.2              74.2


  Governor................................................   $        159,300  $        159,300


  Lieutenant governor.....................................            111,600           111,600


  Executive office-74.2 FTE positions.....................          4,108,100         4,108,100


  Unclassified positions-8.0 FTE positions................          1,257,300         1,257,300


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $      5,636,300  $      5,636,300


     Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      5,636,300  $      5,636,300














       Sec. 7-201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of


1963, total state spending from state resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2016-2017


is $5,636,300.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2016-2017 is $0.00.

Article 8








       Sec. 8-101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this article, the amounts


listed in this part for the department of health and human services are appropriated


for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, and are anticipated to be appropriated


for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, from the funds indicated in this part.


The following is a summary of the appropriations and anticipated appropriations in


this part:






   Full-time equated classified positions................           15,554.5          15,553.5


   Unclassified positions................................                6.0               6.0


   Total full-time equated positions.....................           15,560.5          15,559.5


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $ 24,707,967,700  $ 24,434,360,300


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers.............................................         13,513,700        13,513,700


  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION............................   $ 24,694,454,000  $ 24,420,846,600


   Federal revenues:


  Social security act, temporary assistance for needy


   families..............................................        556,929,300       533,947,800


  Federal supplemental security income....................          8,588,600         8,588,600


  Total other federal revenues............................     17,169,165,700    16,923,106,700


   Special revenue funds:


  Total private revenues..................................        156,279,300       156,279,300

  Total local revenues....................................        123,892,300       123,892,300


  Total other state restricted revenues...................      2,328,831,500     2,362,899,800


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $  4,350,767,300  $  4,312,132,100


       State general fund/general purpose schedule:


     Ongoing state general fund/general purpose..........      4,310,548,100     4,312,132,100


     One-time general fund/general purpose...............         40,219,200                 0




   Full-time equated unclassified positions..............                6.0               6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions................              714.2             714.2


  Director and other unclassified-6.0 FTE positions.......   $      1,119,300  $      1,119,300


  Departmental administration and management-520.2 FTE


   positions.............................................         82,269,600        82,269,600


  Demonstration projects—7.0 FTE positions................          6,905,100         6,905,100


  Developmental disabilities council and projects-10.0


   FTE positions.........................................          3,067,000         3,067,000


  Information technology projects and services............        158,998,300       158,998,300


  Michigan Medicaid information system....................         50,634,400        50,634,400


  Office of inspector general—177.0 FTE positions.........         21,633,000        21,633,000


  Rent and state office facilities........................         62,783,800        62,783,800


  State office of administrative hearings and rules.......         11,140,300        11,140,300


  Terminal pay and other employee costs...................          5,686,100         5,686,100


  Worker’s compensation program...........................          7,956,500         7,956,500


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    412,193,400  $    412,193,400


     Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  IDG from department of education........................          2,979,000         2,979,000


   Federal revenues:

  Social security act, temporary assistance for needy


   families..............................................         33,546,800        33,546,800


  Total other federal revenues............................        192,558,400       192,558,400


   Special revenue funds:


  Total local revenues....................................             16,400            16,400


  Total private revenues..................................         23,842,000        23,842,000


  Total other state restricted revenues...................          2,836,300         2,836,300


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    156,414,500  $    156,414,500




   Full-time equated classified positions................              185.7             185.7


  Child support enforcement operations—179.7 FTE


   positions.............................................   $     22,151,300  $     22,151,300


  Legal support contracts.................................        113,359,100       113,359,100


  Child support incentive payments........................         24,409,600        24,409,600


  State disbursement unit—6.0 FTE positions...............          8,101,700         8,101,700


  Child support automation................................         41,877,600        41,877,600


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    209,899,300  $    209,899,300


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Total other federal revenues............................        175,393,000       175,393,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     34,506,300  $     34,506,300




   Full-time equated classified positions................               70.6              70.6


  Bureau of community services and outreach—16.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $      2,103,700  $      2,103,700


  Community services block grants.........................         25,840,000        25,840,000


  Weatherization assistance...............................         16,340,000        16,340,000

  School success partnership program......................            450,000           450,000


  Homeless programs.......................................         15,721,900        15,721,900


  Domestic violence prevention and treatment-14.6 FTE


   positions.............................................         15,766,200        15,766,200


  Rape prevention and services-0.5 FTE position...........          5,097,300         5,097,300


  Child advocacy centers-0.5 FTE position.................          2,000,000         2,000,000


  Michigan community service commission-15.0 FTE


   positions.............................................         11,621,300        11.621,300


  Housing and support services............................         13,031,000        13,031,000


  Grants administration services-13.0 FTE positions.......          2,165,100         2,165,100


  Justice assistance grants...............................         59,279,300        59,279,300


  Crime victim rights services grants.....................         16,870,000        16,870,000


  Community services and outreach administration-11.0


   FTE positions.........................................          1,459,100         1,459,100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    187,744,900  $    187,744,900


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Social security act, temporary assistance for needy


   families..............................................         11,673,100        11,673,100


  Total other federal revenues............................        142,139,000       142,139,000


   Special revenue funds:


  Private - collections...................................             44,100            44,100


  Child advocacy centers fund.............................          2,000,000         2,000,000


  Sexual assault victims’ prevention and treatment fund...          3,000,000         3,000,000


  Compulsive gambling prevention fund.....................          1,043,100         1,043,100


  Crime victims rights fund...............................         15,327,200        15,327,200


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     12,518,400  $     12,518,400



   Full-time equated classified positions................            3,848.2           3,848.2


  Children’s services administration-169.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $     19,513,200  $     19,513,200


  Title IV-E compliance and accountability office-4.0


   FTE positions.........................................            421,300           421,300


  Child welfare field staff - caseload compliance-


   2,511.0 FTE positions.................................        230,862,600       230,862,600


  Child welfare field staff – noncaseload compliance-


   320.0 FTE positions...................................         33,671,400        33,671,400


  Education planners-15.0 FTE positions...................          1,521,100         1,521,100


  Peer coaches-45.5 FTE positions.........................          5,702,100         5,702,100


  Child welfare first line supervisors-578.0 FTE


   positions.............................................         72,313,800        72,313,800


  Second line supervisors and technical staff-54.0 FTE


   positions.............................................          8,833,600         8,833,600


  Permanency resources managers-28.0 FTE positions........          3,170,200         3,170,200


  Contractual services, supplies, and materials...........          9,280,000         9,280,000


  Settlement monitor......................................          1,885,800         1,885,800


  Foster care payments....................................        184,213,500       184,213,500


  Guardianship assistance program.........................         11,966,500        11,966,500


  Child care fund.........................................        180,201,700       180,201,700


  Child care fund administration-4.2 FTE positons.........            592,900           592,900


  Adoption subsidies......................................        223,365,400       223,365,400


  Adoption support services-10.0 FTE positions............         26,926,700        26,926,700


  Youth in transition-4.5 FTE positions...................         15,021,900        15,021,900


  Child welfare medical/psychiatric evaluations...........         10,435,500        10,435,500

  Psychotropic oversight..................................            618,200           618,200


  Performance based funding implementation-3.0 FTE


   positions.............................................          1,778,900         1,778,900


  Family support subsidy..................................         16,951,400        16,951,400


  Interstate compact......................................            179,600           179,600


  Strong families/safe children...........................         12,350,100        12,350,100


  Family preservation programs-23.0 FTE positions.........         38,872,800        38,872,800


  Family preservation and prevention services


   administration—9.0 FTE positions......................          1,291,300         1,291,300


  Child abuse and neglect – children’s justice act—1.0


   FTE position..........................................            621,800           621,800


  Children’s trust fund-12.0 FTE positions................          3,323,400         3,323,400


  Attorney general contract...............................          4,321,800         4,321,800


  Prosecuting attorney contracts..........................          3,061,700         3,061,700


  Child protection........................................            800,300           800,300


  Child welfare licensing-57.0 FTE positions..............          6,549,800         6,549,800


  Child welfare administration travel.....................            375,000           375,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  1,130,995,300  $  1,130,995,300


     Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  IDG from department of education........................             90,200            90,200


   Federal revenues:


  Social security act, temporary assistance for needy


   families..............................................        312,560,100       312,560,100


  Total other federal revenues............................        365,783,600       365,783,600


   Special revenue funds:


  Private – collections...................................          2,424,000         2,424,000

  Local funds – county chargeback.........................         14,194,000        14,194,000


  Children’s trust fund...................................          2,090,500         2,090,500


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    433,852,900  $    433,852,900




   Full-time equated classified positions................              111.5             111.5


  W.J. Maxey training school..............................   $      1,000,000  $     1,000,0000


  Bay pines center-42.0 FTE positions.....................          4,933,300         4,933,300


  Shawono center-42.0 FTE positions.......................          5,021,400         5,021,400


  County juvenile officers................................          3,904,300         3,904,300


  Community support services-3.0 FTE positions............          2,110,500         2,110,500


  Juvenile justice, administration and maintenance-22.0


   FTE positions.........................................          3,543,700         3,543,700


  Committee on juvenile justice administration-2.5 FTE


   positions.............................................            350,700           350,700


  Committee on juvenile justice grants....................          3,000,000         3,000,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     23,863,900  $     23,863,900


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Total other federal revenues............................          8,028,400         8,028,400


   Special revenue funds:


  Local funds – state share education funds...............          1,324,200         1,324,200


  Local funds – county chargeback.........................          4,512,000         4,512,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      9,999,300  $      9,999,300




   Full-time equated classified positions................                8.0               8.0


  Family independence program.............................   $    115,224,600  $    115,224,600


  State disability assistance payments....................         12,353,900        12,353,900

  Food assistance program benefits........................      2,348,117,400     2,348,117,400


  State supplementation...................................         63,357,400        63,357,400


  State supplementation administration....................          2,381,100         2,381,100


  Low-income home energy assistance program...............        174,951,600       174,951,600


  Food bank funding.......................................          1,795,000         1,795,000


  Multicultural integration funding.......................         13,303,800        13,303,800


  Indigent burial.........................................          4,300,000         4,300,000


  Emergency services local office allocations.............         10,357,500        10,357,500


  Michigan energy assistance program—1.0 FTE position.....         50,000,000        50,000,000


  Refugee assistance program—7.0 FTE positions............         27,986,100        27,986,100


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $  2,824,128,400  $  2,824,128,400


     Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


  Social security act, temporary assistance for needy


   families..............................................         69,267,600        69,267,600


  Total other federal revenues............................      2,545,749,600     2,545,749,600


   Special revenue funds:


  Child support collections...............................         10,863,700        10,863,700


  Supplemental security income recoveries.................          5,470,900         5,470,900


  Public assistance recoupment revenue....................          6,290,000         6,290,000


  Low-income energy assistance fund.......................         50,000,000        50,000,000


  Michigan merit award trust fund.........................         30,100,000        30,100,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    106,386,600  $    106,386,600




   Full-time equated classified positions................            6,546.5           6,546.5


  Public assistance field staff-5,349.5 FTE positions.....   $    533,255,500  $    533,255,500


  Contractual services, supplies, and materials...........         16,282,000        16,282,000

  Medical/psychiatric evaluations.........................          1,420,100         1,420,100


  Donated funds positions-538.0 FTE positions.............         60,878,700        60,878,700


  Training and program support-65.0 FTE positions.........         10,252,400        10,252,400


  Volunteer services and reimbursement....................            942,400           942,400


  Field policy and administration-66.0 FTE positions......         10,262,400        10,262,400


  Nutrition education-2.0 FTE positions...................         23,042,700        23,042,700


  Employment and training support services................          4,219,100         4,219,100


  Michigan rehabilitation services-526.0 FTE


   positions.............................................        131,171,800       131,171,800


  Independent living......................................         12,031,600        12,031,600


  Electronic benefit transfer (EBT).......................          8,509,000         8,509,000


  Elder law of Michigan MiCAFE contract...................            350,000           350,000


  Field staff travel......................................          8,103,900         8,103,900


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    820,721,600  $    820,721,600


     Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  IDG from department of corrections......................            101,200           101,200


  IDG from department of education........................          7,678,800         7,678,800


   Federal revenues:


  Social security act, temporary assistance for needy


   families..............................................        102,539,700       102,539,700


  Federal supplemental security income....................          8,588,600         8,588,600


  Total other federal revenues............................        410,322,600       410,322,600


   Special revenue funds:


  Local funds – donated funds.............................         11,137,600        11,137,600


  Local vocational rehabilitation match...................          6,534,600         6,534,600


  Private funds – donated funds...........................         18,440,200        18,440,200

  Private funds – gifts, bequests, and donations..........          1,854,600         1,854,600


  Rehabilitation service fees.............................            400,000           400,000


  Second injury fund......................................             40,000            40,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $    253,083,700  $    253,083,700




   Full-time equated classified positions................              587.4             587.4


  Disability determination operations—583.3 FTE


   positions.............................................   $    111,392,700  $    111,392,700


  Retirement disability determination—4.1 FTE


   positions.............................................            602,900           602,900


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $    111,995,600  $    111,995,600


     Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


  IDG from DTMB – office of retirement services...........            778,300           778,300


   Federal revenues:


  Total other federal revenues............................        107,784,000       107,784,000


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $      3,433,300  $      3,433,300




   Full-time equated classified positions................              100.0             100.0


  Behavioral health program administration—99.0 FTE


   positions.............................................   $     60,084,200  $     60,084,200


  Gambling addiction—1.0 FTE position.....................          3,005,900         3,005,900


  Protection and advocacy services support................            194,400           194,400


  Federal and other special projects......................          2,535,600         2,535,600


  Office of recipient rights..............................          2,700,000         2,700,000


  GROSS APPROPRIATION.....................................   $     68,520,100  $     68,520,100


     Appropriated from:

   Federal revenues:


  Social security act, temporary assistance for needy


   families..............................................            180,500           180,500


  Total other federal revenues............................         36,493,600        36,493,600


   Special revenue funds:


  Total private revenues..................................          1,004,700         1,004,700


  Total other state restricted revenues...................          3,005,900         3,005,900


  State general fund/general purpose......................   $     27,835,400  $     27,835,400




   Full-time equated classified positions................                9.5               9.5


  Medicaid mental health services.........................   $  2,287,190,100  $  2,287,190,100


  Community mental health non-Medicaid services...........        117,050,400       117,050,400


  Medicaid substance abuse disorder services..............         49,964,500        49,964,500


  Civil service charges...................................          1,499,300         1,499,300


  Federal mental health block grant—2.5 FTE positions.....         15,454,600        15,454,600


  State disability assistance program substance use


   disorder services.....................................          2,018,800         2,018,800