SB-0979, As Passed Senate, October 20, 2016





























     A bill to provide for the establishment of municipal recovery


and development authorities in certain local governments; to


provide for the powers and duties of a municipal recovery and


development authority; to authorize the levy and collection of a


property tax by a municipal recovery and development authority; to


provide for the issuance of bonds, notes, and other obligations; to


authorize certain investments; and to provide for the powers and


duties of certain government officials.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the


"municipal recovery and development authority act".


     Sec. 3. As used in this act:


     (a) "Articles" means the articles of incorporation of an



     (b) "Authority" means a municipal recovery and development


authority established under this act.


     (c) "Board" means the board of directors of an authority.


     (d) "Chief executive officer" means the mayor of the local




     (e) "Governing body" means the council, commission, or other


entity vested with legislative power for the local government.


     (f) "Local government" means a city in which a drinking water


declaration of emergency was issued by the governor.


     Sec. 5. (1) A local government may form an authority to


promote and assist in the recovery and economic development of that


local government regarding a drinking water declaration of


emergency issued by the governor.


     (2) An authority created under this act is an authority under


section 6 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963. An


authority is a public corporate body with the power to sue and be


sued in any court of this state.


     (3) An authority possesses all the powers necessary for


carrying out the purposes of its formation. The enumeration of


specific powers in this act shall not be construed as a limitation


on the general powers of an authority, consistent with its




     (4) An authority created under this act shall have a duration


of not more than 15 years from the date the authority's articles of


incorporation are filed with the secretary of state.


     Sec. 7. (1) To initiate the establishment of an authority,

articles of incorporation shall be prepared by a majority of the


members of the governing body of the local government establishing


the authority. The articles of incorporation shall include all of


the following:


     (a) The name of the authority.


     (b) The size of the board, the qualifications and terms of


office of board members, the manner of appointing the members of


the board, and the procedure for filling vacancies in the office of


board member, consistent with section 9.


     (c) The purpose of the authority.


     (d) The duration of the authority, consistent with section




     (e) The method of dissolution of the authority.


     (f) Any other matters considered advisable.


     (2) The articles shall be adopted and may be amended by an


affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the governing body


of the local government establishing the authority.


     (3) Before the proposed articles or proposed amendments to the


articles are adopted, the proposed articles or amendments shall be


published not less than once in a newspaper generally circulated


within the local government and shall be posted on the local


government's website. The adoption of proposed articles or


amendments by the local government shall be evidenced by an


endorsement on the articles or amendments by the clerk of the local




     (4) Upon adoption of the articles or amendments to the


articles by the local government, a printed copy of the articles or

the amended articles shall be filed with the secretary of state by


the clerk of the local government.


     (5) The authority's articles of incorporation, or amendments


to the articles, take effect upon filing with the secretary of




     Sec. 9. (1) An authority created under this act shall be


directed and governed by a board of directors consisting of 11


members appointed as provided in this section.


     (2) Subject to subsection (3), the board shall be appointed as




     (a) Two members appointed by the governor from a list of 3 or


more individuals selected by the speaker of the house of




     (b) Two members appointed by the governor from a list of 3 or


more individuals selected by the senate majority leader.


     (c) One member who is a health professional licensed or


registered under article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368,


MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, appointed by the chief executive


officer of the local government.


     (d) One member who is a civil engineer licensed as a


professional engineer under article 20 of the occupational code,


1980 PA 299, MCL 339.2001 to 339.2014, appointed by the chief


executive officer of the local government.


     (e) One member who is a certified public accountant licensed


as a certified public accountant under article 7 of the


occupational code, 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.720 to 339.736, appointed


by the governing body of the local government.

     (f) One member who is an education professional, appointed by


the governing body of the local government. As used in this


subdivision, "education professional" includes, but is not limited


to, a teacher, public school administrator, professor, or college


or university administrator.


     (g) Two at-large members appointed by the chief executive


officer of the local government.


     (h) One at-large member appointed by the governing body of the


local government.


     (3) At least 1 of the members appointed by the governor under


subsection (2)(a) and at least 1 of the members appointed by the


governor under subsection (2)(b) must be residents of the local


government. In addition, at least 2 of the members appointed by the


chief executive officer and at least 2 of the members appointed by


the governing body must be residents of the local government.


     (4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the term


of office for members of the board is 4 years. For the first


appointments to the board, all of the following apply:


     (a) One of the members appointed under subsection (2)(g) by


the chief executive officer shall be appointed for 1 year.


     (b) One of the members appointed under subsection (2)(g) by


the chief executive officer shall be appointed for 2 years.


     (c) The member appointed under subsection (2)(h) by the


governing body shall be appointed for 3 years.


     (5) If a vacancy occurs on the board other than by expiration


of a term of office, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner


as the original appointment for the remainder of the term of



     Sec. 11. (1) Within 14 days following the appointment of the


last board member to the board, the board shall hold its first




     (2) At its first meeting, the board shall select a


chairperson, treasurer, and any other officers as the board


considers necessary.


     (3) The board shall hire an executive director to whom the


authority may delegate any of its administrative powers and


authorizations. However, an executive director shall not enter into


a contract that has a cumulative value of $100,000.00 or more


without approval by a majority of the members of the board


appointed and serving.


     (4) The board shall select, employ, and fix the compensation


for employees of the board and contract for those legal and other


professional services that the board considers necessary to


effectuate the purposes of the authority.


     (5) A majority of the members of the board constitute a quorum


for the purpose of conducting business and exercising powers of the


authority. Official action may be taken by an authority upon the


vote of a majority of the board members present, unless the


articles of incorporation or authority bylaws require a larger




     (6) The board shall adopt rules and bylaws governing its


procedures and the holding of meetings. The board shall designate


an office or location as its principal place of business.


     (7) The business of the board shall be conducted at a public

meeting of the board held in compliance with the open meetings act,


1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275. Public notice of the time, date,


and place of the meeting shall be given in the manner required by


the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275. After


organization, a board shall adopt a schedule of regular meetings


and adopt a regular meeting date, place, and time.


     (8) A board shall keep a written or printed record of each


meeting, which record and any other document or record prepared,


owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by the authority in


the performance of an official function shall be made available to


the public in compliance with the freedom of information act, 1976


PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.


     (9) The board shall provide a monthly progress report to the


chief executive officer and the governing body of the local


government and the local government shall make that monthly


progress report available on the local government's Internet


website. The monthly progress report shall include, but not be


limited to, a list of all expenditures by the authority for the


reporting period.


     Sec. 13. (1) A board shall obtain an annual audit of the


authority, and report on the audit and auditing procedures, in the


manner provided by sections 6 to 13 of the uniform budgeting and


accounting act, 1968 PA 2, MCL 141.426 to 141.433. The audit shall


also be in accordance with generally accepted government auditing


standards as promulgated by the United States General Accounting


Office and shall satisfy federal regulations relating to federal


grant compliance audit requirements.

     (2) An authority shall prepare budgets and appropriations acts


in the manner provided by sections 14 to 19 of the uniform


budgeting and accounting act, 1968 PA 2, MCL 141.434 to 141.439.


     (3) The state treasurer, the attorney general, a prosecuting


attorney, bank, certified public accountant, certified public


accounting firm, or other person shall have the same powers,


duties, and immunities with respect to the authority as provided


for local units in sections 6 to 20 of the uniform budgeting and


accounting act, 1968 PA 2, MCL 141.426 to 141.440.


     (4) If an authority ends a fiscal year in a deficit condition,


the authority shall file a financial plan to correct the deficit


condition in the same manner as provided in section 21(2) of the


Glenn Steil state revenue sharing act of 1971, 1971 PA 140, MCL




     (5) The board may authorize funds of the authority to be


invested or deposited in any investment or depository authorized


under section 1 of 1943 PA 20, MCL 129.91.


     Sec. 15. An authority may do any of the following:


     (a) Provide funding to the local government to promote and


assist in the recovery and economic development of that local


government regarding a drinking water declaration of emergency


issued by the governor.


     (b) Levy a tax as provided in section 17.


     (c) Make and enter into contracts, agreements, or instruments


necessary or incidental to the performance of its powers, duties,


functions, and responsibilities under this act. An authority shall


not enter into any contract, agreement, or instrument for a period

longer than the existence of the authority.


     (d) Solicit, receive, and accept gifts, grants, loans,


contributions of money, property, or other things of value, or


other aid or payment from any federal, state, local, or


intergovernmental agency or from any other person or entity, public


or private, upon terms and conditions acceptable to the authority,


or participate in any other way in a federal, state, local, or


intergovernmental program.


     (e) Apply for and receive loans, grants, guarantees, or other


financial assistance from any federal, state, local, or


intergovernmental agency or from any other person or entity, public


or private.


     (f) Convey, sell, transfer, exchange, lease, or otherwise


dispose of property or rights or interests in property to any


person for consideration on terms and conditions and in a manner


the authority considers proper, fair, and valuable.


     (g) Issue bonds or notes of the authority for any of its


purposes under this act. An authority shall not issue any bonds or


notes for a period longer than the existence of the authority.


     (h) Acquire, hold, lease, and dispose of real and personal


property in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its


duties under this act.


     (i) Engage or contract for legal and other professional


services as considered necessary to effectuate the purposes of the




     (j) Any other things necessary or convenient to exercise the


powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities of the authority

under this act.


     Sec. 17. (1) An authority may levy a tax of not more than 0.5


mills for a period of time, as determined by the board, that does


not go beyond the existence of the authority on all of the taxable


property within the local government for the purpose of promoting


and assisting in the recovery and economic development of the local


government regarding a drinking water declaration of emergency


issued by the governor. The authority may levy the tax only if a


majority of the electors in the local government voting on the tax


at a statewide general or primary election approve the tax. The


proposal for a tax shall be submitted to a vote of the electors of


the authority by resolution of the board.


     (2) A ballot proposal for a tax shall comply with the


requirements of section 24f of the general property tax act, 1893


PA 206, MCL 211.24f. A proposal for a tax shall not be placed on


the ballot unless the proposal is adopted by a resolution of the


board and certified by the board not later than the twelfth Tuesday


before the election to the clerk of the local government for


inclusion on the ballot. The proposal shall be certified for


inclusion on the ballot at the next eligible election, as specified


by the board's resolution.


     (3) If a majority of the electors in the local government


voting on the question of a tax approve the proposal as provided


under subsection (1), the tax levy is authorized. Not more than 2


elections may be held in a calendar year on a proposal for a tax


authorized under this act.


     Sec. 19. (1) The notices of close of registration and election

shall be published as provided for by the state election laws. The


notice of close of registration shall include the ballot language


of the proposal.


     (2) The results of an election for a tax shall be canvassed by


the board of county canvassers of the county. The board of county


canvassers of the county shall make the final canvass of an


election for a tax based on the returns of the election inspectors


in that local government. The board of county canvassers of the


county shall certify the results of the election to the board of


the authority.


     Sec. 21. A tax authorized to be levied by an authority under


this act shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the


same manner as provided by the general property tax act, 1893 PA


206, MCL 211.1 to 211.155.


     Sec. 23. (1) For the purpose of promoting and addressing the


recovery and economic development of a local government regarding a


drinking water declaration of emergency issued by the governor, the


authority may borrow money and issue revenue bonds and notes for


the purposes provided in this section.


     (2) Revenue bonds are payable upon the terms and conditions


specified by the authority in the resolution under which the


authority issues the bonds or in a related trust agreement or trust


indenture. The board in the resolution authorizing the bonds, a


trust indenture, or other agreement entered into with respect to


bonds of the authority may pledge any funds received or to be


received by the authority for the payment of the bonds or other


obligations of the authority under the agreement and create a first

lien in favor of the holders of the bonds or a party subject to the


agreement. The principal of and interest on the bonds shall be


payable, except as provided in this act, solely from the proceeds


described in the resolution authorizing the bonds or trust




     (3) The resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds under


this section shall include all of the following:


     (a) A statement that the bonds are revenue bonds.


     (b) A statement briefly describing the recovery and economic


development of that local government regarding a drinking water


declaration of emergency issued by the governor.


     (c) In the case of refunding bonds, identification of the


parameters under which the bonds can be issued.


     (d) Delegation for a time period at the board's discretion to


an officer, employee, or designated agent of the authority the


power to issue, sell, and deliver bonds within the limits on those


bonds established by the authority as to any of the following:


     (i) Form.


     (ii) Maximum interest rates.


     (iii) Maturity dates.


     (iv) Purchase price.


     (v) Denominations.


     (vi) Redemption dates and premiums, if any.


     (vii) Nature of the security.


     (viii) Selection of an applicable interest rate index.


     (ix) Other terms and conditions with respect to the bond issue


that the authority prescribes.

     (e) Specification of other details and matters that are


considered necessary or advisable to provide for the prompt and


orderly retirement of the bonds and the interest on the bonds at




     (f) Provision for the deposit of revenues pledged for the


payment of bonds issued under this section into a separate account


for the purpose of paying principal and interest on those bonds,


the administrative costs associated with those bonds, and any other


bonds issued by the authority that are secured by those revenues.


     (4) An authority may issue bonds under this section to refund


any bonds by issuing new bonds if it considers the refunding


expedient, whether or not the bonds to be refunded have matured,


and may issue bonds partly to refund bonds that are outstanding and


partly for restructuring or any of the authority's other authorized




     (5) Bonds issued under this act shall not mature beyond the


existence of the authority.


     (6) An authority may issue bond anticipation notes secured by


the issuance of revenue bonds issued under this section in addition


to the revenues that the authority is permitted to pledge as


provided in this section.


     (7) Any bonds issued under this act shall be sold to the


Michigan finance authority created by Executive Reorganization


Order No. 2010-2, MCL 12.194.


     (8) Bonds issued by an authority under this act are not


subject to the revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL


141.2101 to 141.2821. Bonds issued by an authority under this act

are not subject to the revenue bond act of 1933, 1933 PA 94, MCL


141.101 to 141.140.