The Committee of Conference on the matters of difference between the two Houses concerning


     Senate Bill No. 790, entitled


     A bill to amend 1979 PA 94, entitled "The state school aid act of 1979," by amending sections 236 and 236a (MCL 388.1836 and 388.1836a), as amended by 2015 PA 85.




     First:  That the House recede from the Substitute of the House as passed by the House.


     Second:  That the Senate and House agree to the Substitute of the Senate as passed by the Senate, amended to read as follows:




     Third:  That the Senate and House agree to the title of the bill to read as follows:


     A bill to amend 1979 PA 94, entitled "An act to make appropriations to aid in the support of the public schools, the intermediate school districts, community colleges, and public universities of the state; to make appropriations for certain other purposes relating to education; to provide for the disbursement of the appropriations; to authorize the issuance of certain bonds and provide for the security of those bonds; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state departments, the state board of education, and certain other boards and officials; to create certain funds and provide for their expenditure; to prescribe penalties; and to repeal acts and parts of acts," by amending sections 236, 236a, 236b, 236c, 237b, 238, 241, 246, 251, 252, 254, 256, 263, 263a, 264, 265, 265a, 267, 268, 269, 270, 274, 274c, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 289, and 290 (MCL 388.1836, 388.1836a, 388.1836b, 388.1836c, 388.1837b, 388.1838, 388.1841, 388.1846, 388.1851, 388.1852, 388.1854, 388.1856, 388.1863, 388.1863a, 388.1864, 388.1865, 388.1865a, 388.1867, 388.1868, 388.1869, 388.1870, 388.1874, 388.1874c, 388.1875, 388.1876, 388.1877, 388.1878, 388.1879, 388.1880, 388.1881,


388.1882, 388.1883, 388.1884, 388.1889, and 388.1890), sections 236, 236a, 236b, 236c, 241, 246, 252, 263, 263a, 264, 265, 265a, 267, 268, 269, 270, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, and 284 as amended and section 274c as added by 2015 PA 85, section 237b as added and sections 238, 251, and 254 as amended by 2012 PA 201, section 256 as amended by 2016 PA 56, section 275 as amended by 2014 PA 196, and sections 289 and 290 as amended by 2013 PA 60, and by adding sections 236d and 286a; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




_______________________                 ________________________

Tonya Schuitmaker                       Michael D. McCready


_______________________                 ________________________

Peter MacGregor                         Paul Muxlow


_______________________                 ________________________

Curtis Hertel, Jr.                      Sam Singh


Conferees for the Senate                Conferees for the House


























     A bill to amend 1979 PA 94, entitled


"The state school aid act of 1979,"


by amending sections 236, 236a, 236b, 236c, 237b, 238, 241, 246,


251, 252, 254, 256, 263, 263a, 264, 265, 265a, 267, 268, 269, 270,


274, 274c, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 289,


and 290 (MCL 388.1836, 388.1836a, 388.1836b, 388.1836c, 388.1837b,


388.1838, 388.1841, 388.1846, 388.1851, 388.1852, 388.1854,


388.1856, 388.1863, 388.1863a, 388.1864, 388.1865, 388.1865a,


388.1867, 388.1868, 388.1869, 388.1870, 388.1874, 388.1874c,


388.1875, 388.1876, 388.1877, 388.1878, 388.1879, 388.1880,


388.1881, 388.1882, 388.1883, 388.1884, 388.1889, and 388.1890),


sections 236, 236a, 236b, 236c, 241, 246, 252, 263, 263a, 264, 265,


265a, 267, 268, 269, 270, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282,


283, and 284 as amended and section 274c as added by 2015 PA 85,


section 237b as added and sections 238, 251, and 254 as amended by


2012 PA 201, section 256 as amended by 2016 PA 56, section 275 as


amended by 2014 PA 196, and sections 289 and 290 as amended by 2013


PA 60, and by adding sections 236d and 286a; and to repeal acts and


parts of acts.




     Sec. 236. (1) Subject to the conditions set forth in this


article, the amounts listed in this section are appropriated for


higher education for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016,


2017, from the funds indicated in this section. The following is a


summary of the appropriations in this section:


     (a) The gross appropriation is $1,534,724,400.00.


$1,582,640,400.00. After deducting total interdepartmental grants


and intradepartmental transfers in the amount of $0.00, the


adjusted gross appropriation is




     (b) The sources of the adjusted gross appropriation described


in subdivision (a) are as follows:


     (i) Total federal revenues, $97,026,400.00.$101,526,400.00.


     (ii) Total local revenues, $0.00.


     (iii) Total private revenues, $0.00.


     (iv) Total other state restricted revenues,




     (v) State general fund/general purpose money,




     (2) Amounts appropriated for public universities are as




     (a) The appropriation for Central Michigan University is

$80,904,400.00, $79,164,800.00 for operations and $1,739,600.00 for


performance funding.$83,925,500.00, $81,127,100.00 for operations


and $2,798,400.00 for performance funding.


     (b) The appropriation for Eastern Michigan University is


$72,835,300.00, $71,782,500.00 for operations and $1,052,800.00 for


performance funding.$73,593,800.00, $71,782,500.00 for operations


and $1,811,300.00 for performance funding.


     (c) The appropriation for Ferris State University is


$50,227,800.00, $49,119,100.00 for operations and $1,108,700.00 for


performance funding.$52,259,900.00, $50,369,800.00 for operations


and $1,890,100.00 for performance funding.


     (d) The appropriation for Grand Valley State University is


$65,035,200.00, $63,156,500.00 for operations and $1,878,700.00 for


performance funding.$68,227,900.00, $65,275,700.00 for operations


and $2,952,200.00 for performance funding.


     (e) The appropriation for Lake Superior State University is


$13,183,600.00, $12,997,500.00 for operations and $186,100.00 for


performance funding.$13,567,400.00, $13,207,400.00 for operations


and $360,000.00 for performance funding.


     (f) The appropriation for Michigan State University is


$328,782,000.00, $264,437,900.00 for operations, $3,841,000.00 for


performance funding, $32,508,300.00 for MSU AgBioResearch, and


$27,994,800.00 for MSU Extension.$337,777,800.00, $268,770,700.00


for operations, $7,091,400.00 for performance funding,


$33,243,100.00 for MSU AgBioResearch, and $28,672,600.00 for MSU




     (g) The appropriation for Michigan Technological University is

$46,662,000.00, $45,938,000.00 for operations and $724,000.00 for


performance funding.$48,097,500.00, $46,754,700.00 for operations


and $1,342,800.00 for performance funding.


     (h) The appropriation for Northern Michigan University is


$45,020,400.00, $44,338,300.00 for operations and $682,100.00 for


performance funding.$46,279,200.00, $45,107,700.00 for operations


and $1,171,500.00 for performance funding.


     (i) The appropriation for Oakland University is


$49,600,300.00, $48,371,900.00 for operations and $1,228,400.00 for


performance funding.$49,920,700.00, $48,371,900.00 for operations


and $1,548,800.00 for performance funding.


     (j) The appropriation for Saginaw Valley State University is


$28,117,700.00, $27,621,600.00 for operations and $496,100.00 for


performance funding.$29,114,000.00, $28,181,200.00 for operations


and $932,800.00 for performance funding.


     (k) The appropriation for University of Michigan – Ann Arbor


is $299,430,600.00, $295,178,500.00 for operations and


$4,252,100.00 for performance funding.$308,639,000.00,


$299,975,000.00 for operations and $8,664,000.00 for performance




     (l) The appropriation for University of Michigan – Dearborn is


$23,995,400.00, $23,701,000.00 for operations and $294,400.00 for


performance funding.$24,803,300.00, $24,033,100.00 for operations


and $770,200.00 for performance funding.


     (m) The appropriation for University of Michigan – Flint is


$21,763,700.00, $21,359,600.00 for operations and $404,100.00 for


performance funding.$22,549,300.00, $21,815,400.00 for operations

and $733,900.00 for performance funding.


     (n) The appropriation for Wayne State University is


$191,346,700.00, $190,529,900.00 for operations and $816,800.00 for


performance funding.$196,064,500.00, $191,451,300.00 for operations


and $4,613,200.00 for performance funding.


     (o) The appropriation for Western Michigan University is


$104,155,600.00, $102,761,100.00 for operations and $1,394,500.00


for performance funding.$107,440,900.00, $104,334,100.00 for


operations and $3,106,800.00 for performance funding.


     (3) The amount appropriated in subsection (2) for public


universities is appropriated from the following:


     (a) State school aid fund, $200,019,500.00.$231,219,500.00.


     (b) State general fund/general purpose money,




     (4) The amount appropriated for Michigan public school


employees' retirement system reimbursement is $5,160,000.00,


$5,890,000.00, appropriated from the state school aid fund.


     (5) The amount appropriated for state and regional programs is


$315,000.00, appropriated from general fund/general purpose money


and allocated as follows:


     (a) Higher education database modernization and conversion,




     (b) Midwestern Higher Education Compact, $115,000.00.


     (6) The amount appropriated for the Martin Luther King, Jr. -


Cesar Chavez - Rosa Parks program is $2,691,500.00, appropriated


from general fund/general purpose money and allocated as follows:


     (a) Select student support services, $1,956,100.00.

     (b) Michigan college/university partnership program,




     (c) Morris Hood, Jr. educator development program,




     (7) Subject to subsection (8), the amount appropriated for


grants and financial aid is $105,497,200.00, $110,983,200.00,


allocated as follows:


     (a) State competitive scholarships, $18,361,700.00.


     (b) Tuition grants, $34,035,500.00.$35,021,500.00.


     (c) Tuition incentive program, $48,500,000.00.$53,000,000.00.


     (d) Children of veterans and officer's survivor tuition grant


programs, $1,400,000.00.


     (e) Project GEAR-UP, $3,200,000.00.


     (8) The money appropriated in subsection (7) for grants and


financial aid is appropriated from the following:


     (a) Federal revenues under the United States Department of


Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, GEAR-UP


program, $3,200,000.00.


     (b) Federal revenues under the social security act, temporary


assistance for needy families, $93,826,400.00.$98,326,400.00.


     (c) Contributions to children of veterans tuition grant


program, $100,000.00.


     (d) State general fund/general purpose money,




     (9) For fiscal year 2016-2017 only, $500,000.00 is


appropriated for the Michigan State University Diagnostic Center


for Population and Animal Health, appropriated from state general

fund/general purpose money.


     Sec. 236a. It is the intent of the legislature to provide


appropriations for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2017


2018 for the items listed in section 236. The fiscal year 2016-2017


2017-2018 appropriations are anticipated to be the same as those


for fiscal year 2015-2016, 2016-2017, except that the amounts will


be adjusted for changes in caseload and related costs, federal fund


match rates, economic factors, and available revenue. These


adjustments will be determined after the January 2016 2017


consensus revenue estimating conference.


     Sec. 236b. In addition to the funds appropriated in section


236, there is appropriated for grants and financial aid in fiscal


year 2015-2016 2016-2017 an amount not to exceed $6,000,000.00 for


federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for


expenditure until they have been transferred under section 393(2)


of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393, for


another purpose under this article.


     Sec. 236c. In addition to the funds appropriated for fiscal


year 2015-2016 2016-2017 in section 236, appropriations to the


department of technology, management, and budget in the act


providing general appropriations for fiscal year 2015-2016 2016-


2017 for state building authority rent, totaling an estimated


$135,995,300.00, $144,995,300.00, provide funding for the state


share of costs for previously constructed capital projects for


state universities. These appropriations for state building


authority rent represent additional state general fund support


provided to public universities, and the following is an estimate

of the amount of that support to each university:


     (a) Central Michigan University, $9,551,800.00.$11,819,500.00.


     (b) Eastern Michigan University, $4,860,900.00.$4,868,000.00.


     (c) Ferris State University, $6,251,200.00.$6,260,300.00.


     (d) Grand Valley State University,




     (e) Lake Superior State University,




     (f) Michigan State University, $16,549,200.00.$18,827,000.00.


     (g) Michigan Technological University,




     (h) Northern Michigan University, $9,706,200.00.$9,447,600.00.


     (i) Oakland University, $12,993,400.00.$12,685,900.00.


     (j) Saginaw Valley State University,




     (k) University of Michigan - Ann Arbor,




     (l) University of Michigan - Dearborn,




     (m) University of Michigan - Flint,




     (n) Wayne State University, $15,703,000.00.$15,399,400.00.


     (o) Western Michigan University,




     Sec. 236d. (1) Subject to the conditions set forth in this


article and in addition to the amounts appropriated in section 236,


there is appropriated $4,500,000.00 for higher education to

increase the allocation for the tuition incentive program for the


fiscal year ending September 30, 2016. The summary of


appropriations in section 236(1)(a) and (b) for the fiscal year


ending September 30, 2016 is accordingly revised as follows:


     (a) The gross appropriation is $1,539,224,400.00. After


deducting total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


transfers in the amount of $0.00, the adjusted gross appropriation


is $1,539,224,400.00.


     (b) The sources of the adjusted gross appropriation described


in subdivision (a) are as follows:


     (i) Total federal revenues, $101,526,400.00.


     (ii) Total local revenues, $0.00.


     (iii) Total private revenues, $0.00.


     (iv) Total other state restricted revenues, $205,279,500.00.


     (v) State general fund/general purpose money,




     (2) As a result of the appropriation in subsection (1), the


amount appropriated for grants and financial aid for the fiscal


year ending September 30, 2016 in section 236(7) is increased to


$109,997,200.00, and the allocation for the tuition incentive


program in section 236(7)(c) for the fiscal year ending September


30, 2016 is increased to $53,000,000.00.


     (3) The money appropriated for the fiscal year ending


September 30, 2016 in section 236(7) for grants and financial aid,


as revised in subsection (2), is appropriated by increasing the


appropriation from federal revenues under the social security act,


temporary assistance for needy families, to $98,326,400.00.

     Sec. 237b. As used in this article, the term "workforce


development agency" means the workforce development agency of the


Michigan strategic fund.within the department of talent and


economic development--talent investment agency.


     Sec. 238. Unless otherwise specified, a public university


receiving appropriations in section 236 shall use the internet to


fulfill the reporting requirements of this article. This


requirement may include transmission of reports via electronic mail


to the recipients identified for each reporting requirement, or it


may include placement of reports on an internet or intranet site.


     Sec. 241. (1) Subject to sections 244 and 265a, the funds


appropriated in section 236 to public universities shall be paid


out of the state treasury and distributed by the state treasurer to


the respective institutions in 11 equal monthly installments on the


sixteenth of each month, or the next succeeding business day,


beginning with October 16, 2015. 2016. Except for Wayne State


University, each institution shall accrue its July and August 2016


2017 payments to its institutional fiscal year ending June 30,




     (2) All public universities shall submit higher education


institutional data inventory (HEIDI) data and associated financial


and program information requested by and in a manner prescribed by


the state budget director. For public universities with fiscal


years ending June 30, 2015, 2016, these data shall be submitted to


the state budget director by October 15, 2015. 2016. Public


universities with a fiscal year ending September 30, 2015 2016


shall submit preliminary HEIDI data by November 15, 2015 2016 and

final data by December 15, 2015. 2016. If a public university fails


to submit HEIDI data and associated financial aid program


information in accordance with this reporting schedule, the state


treasurer may withhold the monthly installments under subsection


(1) to the public university until those data are submitted.


     Sec. 246. (1) All of the following apply to the allocation of


the fiscal year 2015-2016 appropriations described in section


236(4) for payments to universities that are participating entities


of the Michigan public school employees' retirement system:


     (a) The funds appropriated in section 236(4) for Michigan


public school employees' retirement system reimbursement shall be


allocated to each participating public university under this


section based on each participating public university's percentage


of the total combined payrolls of the universities' employees who


are members of the retirement system and who were hired before


January 1, 1996 and the universities' employees who would have been


members of the retirement system on or after January 1, 1996, but


for the enactment of 1995 PA 272 for all public universities that


are participating public universities for the immediately preceding


state fiscal year.


     (b) The amount of a payment under section 236(4) shall be


equal to the difference between the unfunded actuarial accrued


liability contribution rate for university reporting units as


calculated under section 41 of the public school employees


retirement act of 1979, 1980 PA 300, MCL 38.1341, as calculated


without taking into account the maximum employer rate of 25.73%


included in section 41 of the public school employees retirement

act of 1979, 1980 PA 300, MCL 38.1341, and the maximum employer


rate for university reporting units of 25.73% under section 41 of


the public school employees retirement act of 1979, 1980 PA 300,


MCL 38.1341. Payments shall be made in a form and manner determined


by the office of retirement services.


     (c) A public university that receives money under section


236(4) shall use that money solely for the purpose of retirement


contributions. Each participating university that receives funds


under section 236(4) shall forward an amount equal to the amount


received under section 236(4) to the Michigan public school


employees' retirement system in a form and manner determined by the


office of retirement services.


     (2) As used in this section, "participating public university"


means a public university that is a reporting unit of the Michigan


public school employees' retirement system under the public school


employees retirement act of 1979, 1980 PA 300, MCL 38.1301 to


38.1437, and that pays contributions to the Michigan public school


employees' retirement system for the state fiscal year.


     Sec. 251. (1) Payments of the amounts included in section 236


for the state competitive scholarship program shall be distributed


pursuant to 1964 PA 208, MCL 390.971 to 390.981.


     (2) Pursuant to section 6 of 1964 PA 208, MCL 390.976, the


department of treasury shall determine an actual maximum state


competitive scholarship award per student, which shall be not less


than $575.00, that ensures that the aggregate payments for the


state competitive scholarship program do not exceed the


appropriation contained in section 236 for the state competitive

scholarship program. If the department determines that insufficient


funds are available to establish a maximum award amount equal to at


least $575.00, the department shall immediately report to the house


and senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education, the


house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director


regarding the estimated amount of additional funds necessary to


establish a $575.00 maximum award amount.


     (3) The department of treasury shall implement a proportional


competitive scholarship maximum award level for recipients enrolled


less than full-time in a given semester or term.


     (4) If a student who receives an award under this section has


his or her tuition and fees paid under the Michigan educational


trust program, pursuant to the Michigan education trust act, 1986


PA 316, MCL 390.1421 to 390.1442, and still has financial need, the


funds awarded under this section may be used for educational


expenses other than tuition and fees.


     (5) If the department of treasury increases the maximum award


per eligible student from that provided in the previous fiscal


year, it shall not have the effect of reducing the number of


eligible students receiving awards in relation to the total number


of eligible applicants. Any increase in the maximum grant shall be


proportional for all eligible students receiving awards.


     (6) Veterans administration Administration benefits shall not


be considered in determining eligibility for the award of


scholarships under 1964 PA 208, MCL 390.971 to 390.981.


     Sec. 252. (1) The amounts appropriated in section 236 for the


state tuition grant program shall be distributed pursuant to 1966

PA 313, MCL 390.991 to 390.997a.


     (2) Tuition grant awards shall be made to all eligible


Michigan residents enrolled in undergraduate degree programs who


are qualified and who apply before July 1 of each year for the next


academic year.


     (3) Pursuant to section 5 of 1966 PA 313, MCL 390.995, and


subject to subsections (7) and (8), the department of treasury


shall determine an actual maximum tuition grant award per student,


which shall be no less than $1,512.00, that ensures that the


aggregate payments for the tuition grant program do not exceed the


appropriation contained in section 236 for the state tuition grant


program. If the department determines that insufficient funds are


available to establish a maximum award amount equal to at least


$1,512.00, the department shall immediately report to the house and


senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education, the house


and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director regarding


the estimated amount of additional funds necessary to establish a


$1,512.00 maximum award amount. If the department determines that


sufficient funds are available to establish a maximum award amount


equal to at least $1,512.00, the department shall immediately


report to the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on


higher education, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the


state budget director regarding the maximum award amount


established and the projected amount of any projected year-end


appropriation balance based on that maximum award amount. By


February 18 of each fiscal year, the department shall analyze the


status of award commitments, shall make any necessary adjustments,

and shall confirm that those award commitments will not exceed the


appropriation contained in section 236 for the tuition grant


program. The determination and actions shall be reported to the


state budget director and the house and senate fiscal agencies no


later than the final day of February of each year. If award


adjustments are necessary, the students shall be notified of the


adjustment by March 4 of each year.


     (4) Any unexpended and unencumbered funds remaining on


September 30, 2016 2017 from the amounts appropriated in section


236 for the tuition grant program for fiscal year 2015-2016 2016-


2017 shall not lapse on September 30, 2016, 2017, but shall


continue to be available for expenditure for tuition grants


provided in the 2016-2017 2017-2018 fiscal year under a work


project account. The use of these unexpended fiscal year 2015-2016


2016-2017 funds shall terminate at the end of the 2016-2017 2017-


2018 fiscal year.


     (5) The department of treasury shall continue a proportional


tuition grant maximum award level for recipients enrolled less than


full-time in a given semester or term.


     (6) If the department of treasury increases the maximum award


per eligible student from that provided in the previous fiscal


year, it shall not have the effect of reducing the number of


eligible students receiving awards in relation to the total number


of eligible applicants. Any increase in the maximum grant shall be


proportional for all eligible students receiving awards for that


fiscal year.


     (7) Except as provided in subsection (4), the department of

treasury shall not award more than $3,200,000.00 in tuition grants


to eligible students enrolled in the same independent nonprofit


college or university in this state. Any decrease in the maximum


grant shall be proportional for all eligible students enrolled in


that college or university, as determined by the department.


     (8) The department of treasury shall not award tuition grants


to otherwise eligible students enrolled in an independent college


or university that does not report, in a form and manner directed


by and satisfactory to the department of treasury, by September 30


of each year, all of the following:


     (a) The number of students in the most recently completed


academic year who in any academic year received a state tuition


grant at the reporting institution and successfully completed a


program or graduated.


     (b) The number of students in the most recently completed


academic year who in any academic year received a state tuition


grant at the reporting institution and took a remedial education




     (c) The number of students in the most recently completed


academic year who in any academic year received a Pell grant at the


reporting institution and successfully completed a program or




     (9) By February 1, 2016, 2017, each independent college and


university participating in the tuition grant program shall report


to the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on higher


education, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state


budget director on its efforts to develop and implement sexual

assault response training for the institution's title IX


coordinator, campus law enforcement personnel, campus public safety


personnel, and any other campus personnel charged with responding


to on-campus incidents, including information on sexual assault


response training materials and the status of implementing sexual


assault response training for institutional personnel.


     Sec. 254. The sums appropriated in section 236 for the state


competitive scholarship, tuition incentive, and tuition grant


programs shall be paid out of the state treasury and shall be


distributed to the respective institutions under a quarterly


payment system as follows:


     (a) For the state competitive scholarship and tuition grant


programs, 50% shall be paid at the beginning of the state's first


fiscal quarter, 30% during the state's second fiscal quarter, 10%


during the state's third fiscal quarter, and 10% during the state's


fourth fiscal quarter.


     (b) For the tuition incentive program, 55% shall be paid at


the beginning of the state's first fiscal quarter, 40% during the


state's second fiscal quarter, and 5% during the state's third


fiscal quarter.


     Sec. 256. (1) The funds appropriated in section 236 for the


tuition incentive program shall be distributed as provided in this


section and pursuant to the administrative procedures for the


tuition incentive program of the department of treasury.


     (2) As used in this section:


     (a) "Phase I" means the first part of the tuition incentive


assistance program defined as the academic period of 80 semester or

120 term credits, or less, leading to an associate degree or




     (b) "Phase II" means the second part of the tuition incentive


assistance program which provides assistance in the third and


fourth year of 4-year degree programs.


     (c) "Department" means the department of treasury.


     (d) "High school equivalency certificate" means that term as


defined in section 4.


     (3) An individual shall meet the following basic criteria and


financial thresholds to be eligible for tuition incentive program




     (a) To be eligible for phase I, an individual shall meet all


of the following criteria:


     (i) Apply for certification to the department any time after


he or she begins the sixth grade but before August 31 of the school


year in which he or she graduates from high school or before


achieving a high school equivalency certificate.


     (ii) Be less than 20 years of age at the time he or she


graduates from high school with a diploma or certificate of


completion or achieves a high school equivalency certificate.


     (iii) Be a United States citizen and a resident of Michigan


according to institutional criteria.


     (iv) Be at least a half-time student, earning less than 80


semester or 120 term credits at a participating educational


institution within 4 years of high school graduation or achievement


of a high school equivalency certificate.


     (v) Request information on filing a FAFSA.

     (vi) Must meet Meet the satisfactory academic progress policy


of the educational institution he or she attends.


     (b) To be eligible for phase II, an individual shall meet


either of the following criteria in addition to the criteria in


subdivision (a):


     (i) Complete at least 56 transferable semester or 84


transferable term credits.


     (ii) Obtain an associate degree or certificate at a


participating institution.


     (c) To be eligible for phase I or phase II, an individual must


not be incarcerated and must be financially eligible as determined


by the department. An individual is financially eligible for the


tuition incentive program if he or she was eligible for Medicaid


from the state of Michigan for 24 months within the 36 consecutive


months before application. The department shall accept


certification of Medicaid eligibility only from the department of


health and human services for the purposes of verifying if a person


is Medicaid eligible for 24 months within the 36 consecutive months


before application. Certification of eligibility may begin in the


sixth grade. As used in this subdivision, "incarcerated" does not


include detention of a juvenile in a state-operated or privately


operated juvenile detention facility.


     (4) Beginning in fiscal year 2017-2018, the department shall


not award more than $8,500,000.00 annually in tuition incentive


program funds to eligible students enrolled in the same college or


university in this state.


     (5) (4) For phase I, the department shall provide payment on

behalf of a person eligible under subsection (3). The department


shall reject billings that are excessive or outside the guidelines


for the type of educational institution.


     (6) (5) For phase I, all of the following apply:


     (a) Payments for associate degree or certificate programs


shall not be made for more than 80 semester or 120 term credits for


any individual student at any participating institution.


     (b) For persons enrolled at a Michigan community college, the


department shall pay the current in-district tuition and mandatory


fees. For persons residing in an area that is not included in any


community college district, the out-of-district tuition rate may be




     (c) For persons enrolled at a Michigan public university, the


department shall pay lower division resident tuition and mandatory


fees for the current year.


     (d) For persons enrolled at a Michigan independent, nonprofit


degree-granting college or university, or a Michigan federal


tribally controlled community college, or Focus: HOPE, the


department shall pay mandatory fees for the current year and a per-


credit payment that does not exceed the average community college


in-district per-credit tuition rate as reported on August 1, for


the immediately preceding academic year.


     (7) (6) A person participating in phase II may be eligible for


additional funds not to exceed $500.00 per semester or $400.00 per


term up to a maximum of $2,000.00 subject to the following




     (a) Credits are earned in a 4-year program at a Michigan

degree-granting 4-year college or university.


     (b) The tuition reimbursement is for coursework completed


within 30 months of completion of the phase I requirements.


     (8) (7) The department shall work closely with participating


institutions to develop an application and eligibility


determination process that will provide the highest level of


participation and ensure that all requirements of the program are




     (9) (8) Applications for the tuition incentive program may be


approved at any time after the student begins the sixth grade. If a


determination of financial eligibility is made, that determination


is valid as long as the student meets all other program


requirements and conditions.


     (10) (9) Each institution shall ensure that all known


available restricted grants for tuition and fees are used prior to


billing the tuition incentive program for any portion of a


student's tuition and fees.


     (11) (10) The department shall ensure that the tuition


incentive program is well publicized and that eligible Medicaid


clients are provided information on the program. The department


shall provide the necessary funding and staff to fully operate the




     Sec. 263. (1) Included in the appropriation in section 236 for


fiscal year 2015-2016 2016-2017 for MSU AgBioResearch is


$2,982,900.00 and included in the appropriation in section 236 for


MSU Extension is $2,645,200.00 for Project GREEEN. Project GREEEN


is intended to address critical regulatory, food safety, economic,

and environmental problems faced by this state's plant-based


agriculture, forestry, and processing industries. "GREEEN" is an


acronym for Generating Research and Extension to Meet Environmental


and Economic Needs.


     (2) The department of agriculture and rural development and


Michigan State University, in consultation with agricultural


commodity groups and other interested parties, shall develop


Project GREEEN and its program priorities.


     Sec. 263a. (1) Not later than September 30 of each year,


Michigan State University shall submit a report on MSU


AgBioResearch and MSU Extension to the house and senate


appropriations subcommittees on agriculture and on higher


education, the house and senate standing committees on agriculture,


the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director


for the preceding academic fiscal year.


     (2) The report required under subsection (1) shall include all


of the following:


     (a) Total funds expended by MSU AgBioResearch and by MSU


Extension identified by state, local, private, federal, and


university fund sources.


     (b) The metric goals that were used to evaluate the impacts of


programs operated by MSU Extension and MSU AgBioResearch. It is the


intent of the legislature that the The following metric goals will


be used to evaluate the impacts of those programs:


     (i) Increasing the number of agriculture and food-related


firms collaborating with and using services of research and


extension faculty and staff by 3% per year.

     (ii) Increasing the number of individuals utilizing MSU


Extension's educational services by 5% per year.


     (iii) Increasing external funds generated in support of


research and extension, beyond state appropriations, by 10% over


the amounts generated in the past 3 state fiscal years.


     (iv) Increasing the sector's total economic impact to at least




     (v) Increasing Michigan's agricultural exports to at least




     (vi) Increasing jobs in the food and agriculture sector by




     (vii) Improving access by Michigan consumers to healthy foods


by 20%.


     (c) A review of major programs within both MSU AgBioResearch


and MSU Extension with specific reference to accomplishments,


impacts, and the metrics described in subdivision (b), including a


specific accounting of Project GREEEN expenditures and the impact


of those expenditures.


     Sec. 264. Included in the appropriation in section 236 for


fiscal year 2015-2016 2016-2017 for Michigan State University is


$80,000.00 for the Michigan Future Farmers of America Association.


This $80,000.00 allocation shall not supplant any existing support


that Michigan State University provides to the Michigan Future


Farmers of America Association.


     Sec. 265. (1) Payments under section 265a for performance


funding shall only be made to a public university that certifies to


the state budget director by August 31, 2015 2016 that its board

did not adopt an increase in tuition and fee rates for resident


undergraduate students after September 1, 2014 2015 for the 2014-


2015 2015-2016 academic year and that its board will not adopt an


increase in tuition and fee rates for resident undergraduate


students for the 2015-2016 2016-2017 academic year that is greater


than 3.2%. 4.2%. As used in this subsection:


     (a) "Fee" means any board-authorized fee that will be paid by


more than 1/2 of all resident undergraduate students at least once


during their enrollment at a public university, as described in the


higher education institutional data inventory (HEIDI) user manual.


A university increasing a fee that applies to a specific subset of


students or courses shall provide sufficient information to prove


that the increase applied to that subset will not cause the


increase in the average amount of board-authorized total tuition


and fees paid by resident undergraduate students in the 2015-2016


2016-2017 academic year to exceed the limit established in this




     (b) "Tuition and fee rate" means the average of full-time


rates for all paid by a majority of students in each undergraduate


classes, class, based on an unweighted average of the rates


authorized by the university board and actually charged to


students, deducting any uniformly rebated or refunded amounts, for


the 2 semesters with the highest levels of full-time equated


resident undergraduate enrollment during the academic year, as


described in the higher education institutional data inventory


(HEIDI) user manual.


     (c) For purposes of subdivision (a), for a public university

that compels resident undergraduate students to be covered by


health insurance as a condition to enroll at the university, "fee"


includes the annual amount a student is charged for coverage by the


university-affiliated group health insurance policy if he or she


does not provide proof that he or she is otherwise covered by


health insurance. This subdivision does not apply to limited


subsets of resident undergraduate students to be covered by health


insurance for specific reasons other than general enrollment at the




     (2) The state budget director shall implement uniform


reporting requirements to ensure that a public university receiving


a payment under section 265a for performance funding has satisfied


the tuition restraint requirements of this section. The state


budget director shall have the sole authority to determine if a


public university has met the requirements of this section.


Information reported by a public university to the state budget


director under this subsection shall also be reported to the house


and senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education and the


house and senate fiscal agencies.


     (3) Universities that exceed the tuition and fee rate cap


described in subsection (1) shall not receive a planning or


construction authorization for a state-funded capital outlay


project in fiscal year 2017-2018 or fiscal year 2018-2019.


     (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the


legislature may at any time adjust appropriations for a university


that adopts an increase in tuition and fee rates for resident


undergraduate students that exceeds the rate cap established in

subsection (1).


     Sec. 265a. (1) Appropriations to public universities in


section 236 for fiscal year 2015-2016 2016-2017 for performance


funding shall be paid only to a public university that complies


with section 265 and certifies to the state budget director, the


house and senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education,


and the house and senate fiscal agencies by August 31, 2015 2016


that it complies with all of the following requirements:


     (a) The university participates in reverse transfer agreements


described in section 286 with at least 3 Michigan community


colleges. or has made a good-faith effort to enter into reverse


transfer agreements.


     (b) The university does not and will not consider whether dual


enrollment credits earned by an incoming student were utilized


towards his or her high school graduation requirements when making


a determination as to whether those credits may be used by the


student toward completion of a university degree or certificate




     (c) The university actively participates in and submits timely


updates to the Michigan Transfer Network created as part of the


Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions


Officers transfer agreement.


     (2) Any performance funding amounts under section 236 that are


not paid to a public university because it did not comply with 1 or


more requirements under subsection (1) are unappropriated and


reappropriated for performance funding to those public universities


that meet the requirements under subsection (1), distributed in

proportion to their performance funding appropriation amounts under


section 236.


     (3) The state budget director shall report to the house and


senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education and the


house and senate fiscal agencies by September 30, 2015, 2016,


regarding any performance funding amounts that are not paid to a


public university because it did not comply with 1 or more


requirements under subsection (1) and any reappropriation of funds


under subsection (2).


     (4) Performance funding amounts described in section 236 are


distributed based on the following formula:


     (a) Proportional to each university's share of total


operations funding appropriated in fiscal year 2010-2011, 50%.


     (b) (a) Based on weighted undergraduate completions in


critical skills areas, 22.2%.11.1%.


     (c) (b) Based on research and development expenditures, for


universities classified in Carnegie classifications as


doctoral/research universities, research universities (high


research activity), or research universities (very high research


activity) only, 11.1%.5.6%.


     (d) (c) Based on 6-year graduation rate, total degree


completions, and institutional support as a percentage of core


expenditures, and the percentage of students receiving Pell grants,


scored against national Carnegie classification peers and weighted


by total undergraduate fiscal year equated students, 66.7%.33.3%.


     (5) For purposes of determining the score of a university


under subsection (4)(c), (4)(d), each university is assigned 1 of

the following scores:


     (a) A university classified as in the top 20%, a score of 3.


     (b) A university classified as above national median, a score


of 2.


     (c) A university classified as improving, a score of 2. It is


the intent of the legislature that, beginning in the 2016-2017


2017-2018 state fiscal year, a university classified as improving


is assigned a score of 1.


     (d) A university that is not included in subdivision (a), (b),


or (c), a score of 0.


     (6) For purposes of As used in this section, "Carnegie


classification" shall mean means the basic classification of the


university according to the most recent version prior to February


1, 2016 of the Carnegie classification of institutions of higher


education, published by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement


of Teaching.


     Sec. 267. All public universities shall submit the amount of


tuition and fees actually charged to a full-time resident


undergraduate student for academic year 2015-2016 2016-2017 as part


of their higher education institutional data inventory (HEIDI) data


by August 31 of each year. A public university shall report any


revisions for any semester of the reported academic year 2015-2016


2016-2017 tuition and fee charges to HEIDI within 15 days of being




     Sec. 268. (1) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016,


2017, it is the intent of the legislature that funds be allocated


for unfunded North American Indian tuition waiver costs incurred by

public universities under 1976 PA 174, MCL 390.1251 to 390.1253,


from the general fund.


     (2) By February 15 of each year, the department of civil


rights shall annually submit to the state budget director, the


house and senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education,


and the house and senate fiscal agencies a report on North American


Indian tuition waivers for the preceding fiscal year that includes,


but is not limited to, all of the following information: for each


postsecondary institution:


     (a) The total number of waiver applications received and the


number of waiver applications approved.


     (b) For each university submitting information under


subsection (3), all of the following:


     (i) The number of graduate and undergraduate North American


Indian students enrolled each term for the previous fiscal year.


     (ii) (b) The total number of North American Indian waivers


granted each term and the monetary value of each waiver.the waivers


for the previous fiscal year.


     (iii) (c) The number of graduate and undergraduate students


attending under a North American Indian tuition waiver who withdraw


withdrew from classes.the university during the previous fiscal




     (iv) (d) The number of graduate and undergraduate students


attending under a North American Indian tuition waiver who


successfully complete a degree or certificate program, separated by


degree or certificate level, and the 6-year graduation rate for


graduate and undergraduate students attending under a North

American Indian tuition waiver who complete a degree within 150% of


the normal time to complete, separated by the level of the degree.


     (3) A public university that receives funds under section 236


shall provide to the department of civil rights any information


necessary for preparing the report detailed in subsection (2),


using guidelines and procedures developed by the department of


civil rights.


     (4) The department of civil rights may consolidate the report


required under this section with the report required under section


223, but a consolidated report must separately identify data for


universities and data for community colleges.


     Sec. 269. For fiscal year 2015-2016, 2016-2017, from the


amount appropriated in section 236 to Central Michigan University


for operations, $29,700.00 shall be paid to Saginaw Chippewa Tribal


College for the costs of waiving tuition for North American Indians


under 1976 PA 174, MCL 390.1251 to 390.1253.


     Sec. 270. For fiscal year 2015-2016, 2016-2017, from the


amount appropriated in section 236 to Lake Superior State


University for operations, $100,000.00 shall be paid to Bay Mills


Community College for the costs of waiving tuition for North


American Indians under 1976 PA 174, MCL 390.1251 to 390.1253.


     Sec. 274. It is the intent of the legislature that public and


private organizations that conduct human embryonic stem cell


derivation subject to section 27 of article I of the state


constitution of 1963 will provide information to the director of


the department of health and human services by December 1, 2015


2016 that includes all of the following:

     (a) Documentation that the organization conducting human


embryonic stem cell derivation is conducting its activities in


compliance with the requirements of section 27 of article I of the


state constitution of 1963 and all relevant National Institutes of


Health guidelines pertaining to embryonic stem cell derivation.


     (b) A list of all human embryonic stem cell lines submitted by


the organization to the National Institutes of Health for inclusion


in the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry before and during fiscal


year 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and the status of each submission as


approved, pending approval, or review completed but not yet




     (c) Number of human embryonic stem cell lines derived and not


submitted for inclusion in the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry,


before and during fiscal year 2014-2015.2015-2016.


     Sec. 274c. By February 1, 2016, 2017, each university


receiving funds under section 236 shall report to the senate and


house appropriations subcommittees on higher education, the senate


and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director on its


efforts to develop and implement sexual assault response training


for the university's title IX coordinator, campus law enforcement


personnel, campus public safety personnel, and any other campus


personnel charged with responding to on-campus incidents, including


information on sexual assault response training materials and the


status of implementing sexual assault response training for campus




     Sec. 275. (1) It is the intent of the legislature that each


public university that receives an appropriation in section 236 do

all of the following:


     (a) Meet the provisions of section 5003 of the post-911


veterans educational assistance act of 2008, 38 USC 3301 to 3324,


3325, including voluntary participation in the yellow ribbon GI


education enhancement program Yellow Ribbon GI Education


Enhancement Program established in that act in 38 USC 3317. By


October 1 of each year, each public university shall report to the


house and senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education,


the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the presidents council,


state universities of Michigan Michigan Association of State


Universities on whether or not it has chosen to participate in the


yellow ribbon GI education enhancement program. Yellow Ribbon GI


Education Enhancement Program. If at any time during the fiscal


year a university participating in the yellow ribbon program Yellow


Ribbon Program chooses to leave the yellow ribbon program, Yellow


Ribbon Program, it shall notify the house and senate appropriations


subcommittees on higher education, the house and senate fiscal


agencies, and the presidents council, state universities of


Michigan.Michigan Association of State Universities.


     (b) Establish an on-campus veterans' liaison to provide


information and assistance to all student veterans.


     (c) Provide flexible enrollment application deadlines for all




     (d) Include in its admission application process a specific


question as to whether an applicant for admission is a veteran, an


active member of the military, a member of the national guard


National Guard or military reserves, or the spouse or dependent of

a veteran, active member of the military, or member of the national


guard National Guard or military reserves, in order to more quickly


identify potential educational assistance available to that




     (e) Consider all veterans residents of this state for


determining their tuition rates and fees.


     (f) Waive enrollment fees for all veterans.


     (2) By October 1 of each year, each public university shall


report to the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on


higher education, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the


department of military and veterans affairs regarding services


provided specifically to veterans and active military duty


personnel, including, but not limited to, the services described in


subsection (1).


     (3) As used in this section, "veteran" means an honorably


discharged veteran entitled to educational assistance under the


provisions of section 5003 of the post-911 veterans educational


assistance act of 2008, 38 USC 3301 to 3324.3325.


     Sec. 276. (1) Included in the appropriation for fiscal year


2015-2016 2016-2017 for each public university in section 236 is


funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. - Cesar Chavez - Rosa Parks


future faculty program that is intended to increase the pool of


academically or economically disadvantaged candidates pursuing


faculty teaching careers in postsecondary education. Preference may


not be given to applicants on the basis of race, color, ethnicity,


gender, or national origin. Institutions should encourage


applications from applicants who would otherwise not adequately be

represented in the graduate student and faculty populations. Each


public university shall apply the percentage change applicable to


every public university in the calculation of appropriations in


section 236 to the amount of funds allocated to the future faculty




     (2) The program shall be administered by each public


university in a manner prescribed by the workforce development


agency. The workforce development agency shall use a good faith


effort standard to evaluate whether a fellowship is in default.


     Sec. 277. (1) Included in the appropriation for fiscal year


2015-2016 2016-2017 for each public university in section 236 is


funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. - Cesar Chavez - Rosa Parks


college day program that is intended to introduce academically or


economically disadvantaged schoolchildren to the potential of a


college education. Preference may not be given to participants on


the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, or national origin.


Public universities should encourage participation from those who


would otherwise not adequately be represented in the student




     (2) Individual program plans of each public university shall


include a budget of equal contributions from this program, the


participating public university, the participating school district,


and the participating independent degree-granting college. College


day funds shall not be expended to cover indirect costs. Not more


than 20% of the university match shall be attributable to indirect


costs. Each public university shall apply the percentage change


applicable to every public university in the calculation of

appropriations in section 236 to the amount of funds allocated to


the college day program.


     (3) The program described in this section shall be


administered by each public university in a manner prescribed by


the workforce development agency.


     Sec. 278. (1) Included in section 236 for fiscal year 2015-


2016 2016-2017 is funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. - Cesar


Chavez - Rosa Parks select student support services program for


developing academically or economically disadvantaged student


retention programs for 4-year public and independent educational


institutions in this state. Preference may not be given to


participants on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, or


national origin. Institutions should encourage participation from


those who would otherwise not adequately be represented in the


student population.


     (2) An award made under this program to any 1 institution


shall not be greater than $150,000.00, and the amount awarded shall


be matched on a 70% state, 30% college or university basis.


     (3) The program described in this section shall be


administered by the workforce development agency.


     Sec. 279. (1) Included in section 236 for fiscal year 2015-


2016 2016-2017 is funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. - Cesar


Chavez - Rosa Parks college/university partnership program between


4-year public and independent colleges and universities and public


community colleges, which is intended to increase the number of


academically or economically disadvantaged students who transfer


from community colleges into baccalaureate programs. Preference may

not be given to participants on the basis of race, color,


ethnicity, gender, or national origin. Institutions should


encourage participation from those who would otherwise not


adequately be represented in the transfer student population.


     (2) The grants shall be made under the program described in


this section to Michigan public and independent colleges and


universities. An award to any 1 institution shall not be greater


than $150,000.00, and the amount awarded shall be matched on a 70%


state, 30% college or university basis.


     (3) The program described in this section shall be


administered by the workforce development agency.


     Sec. 280. (1) Included in the appropriation for fiscal year


2015-2016 2016-2017 for each public university in section 236 is


funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. - Cesar Chavez - Rosa Parks


visiting professors program which is intended to increase the


number of instructors in the classroom to provide role models for


academically or economically disadvantaged students. Preference may


not be given to participants on the basis of race, color,


ethnicity, gender, or national origin. Public universities should


encourage participation from those who would otherwise not


adequately be represented in the student population.


     (2) The program described in this section shall be


administered by the workforce development agency.


     Sec. 281. (1) Included in the appropriation for fiscal year


2015-2016 2016-2017 in section 236 is funding under the Martin


Luther King, Jr. - Cesar Chavez - Rosa Parks initiative for the


Morris Hood, Jr. educator development program which is intended to

increase the number of academically or economically disadvantaged


students who enroll in and complete K-12 teacher education programs


at the baccalaureate level. Preference may not be given to


participants on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, or


national origin. Institutions should encourage participation from


those who would otherwise not adequately be represented in the


teacher education student population.


     (2) The program described in this section shall be


administered by each state-approved teacher education institution


in a manner prescribed by the workforce development agency.


     (3) Approved teacher education institutions may and are


encouraged to use student support services funding in coordination


with the Morris Hood, Jr. funding to achieve the goals of the


program described in this section.


     Sec. 282. Each institution receiving funds for fiscal year


2015-2016 2016-2017 under section 278, 279, or 281 shall notify the


workforce development agency by April 15, 2016 2017 as to whether


it will expend by the end of its fiscal year the funds received


under section 278, 279, or 281. Notwithstanding the award


limitations in sections 278 and 279, the amount of funding reported


as not being expended will be reallocated to the institutions that


intend to expend all funding received under section 278, 279, or




     Sec. 283. (1) From the amount appropriated in section 236, the


public universities shall systematically inform Michigan high


schools regarding the academic status of students from each high


school in a manner prescribed by the Presidents Council, State

Universities of Michigan Michigan Association of State Universities


in cooperation with the Michigan Association of Secondary School


Principals. Public universities shall also work with the center for


educational performance and information to maintain a systematic


approach for accomplishing this task.


     (2) Michigan high schools shall systematically inform the


public universities about the use of information received under


this section in a manner prescribed by the Michigan Association of


Secondary School Principals in cooperation with the Presidents


Council, State Universities of Michigan.Michigan Association of


State Universities.


     Sec. 284. From the amount appropriated in section 236, the


public universities shall inform Michigan community colleges


regarding the academic status of community college transfer


students in a manner prescribed by the Presidents Council, State


Universities of Michigan Michigan Association of State Universities


in cooperation with the Michigan Community College Association.


Public universities shall also work with the center for educational


performance and information to maintain a systematic approach for


accomplishing this task.


     Sec. 286a. By February 1, 2017, the Michigan Community College


Association, the Michigan Association of State Universities, and


the Michigan Independent Colleges and Universities, on behalf of


their member colleges and universities, shall submit to the senate


and house appropriations subcommittees on higher education, the


senate and house appropriations subcommittees on community


colleges, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state

budget director a comprehensive report detailing the number of


academic program partnerships between public community colleges,


public universities, and private colleges and universities,


including, but not limited to, the following information:


     (a) The names of the baccalaureate degree programs of study


offered by public and private universities on community college




     (b) The names of the articulation agreements for baccalaureate


degree programs of study between public community colleges, public


universities, and private colleges and universities.


     (c) The number of students enrolled and number of degrees


awarded through articulation agreements, and the number of courses


offered, number of students enrolled, and number of degrees awarded


through on-campus programs named in subdivision (a) from July 1,


2015 through June 30, 2016.


     Sec. 289. (1) The auditor general shall periodically audit


higher education institutional data inventory (HEIDI) data


submitted by all public universities under section 241 and may


perform audits of selected public universities if determined


necessary. The audits shall be based upon the definitions,


requirements, and uniform reporting categories established by the


state budget director in consultation with the HEIDI advisory


committee. The auditor general shall submit a report of findings to


the house and senate appropriations committees and the state budget


director no later than July 1 of each year an audit takes place.


     (2) Student credit hours reports shall not include the



     (a) Student credit hours generated through instructional


activity by faculty or staff in classrooms located outside


Michigan, with the exception of instructional activity related to


study-abroad programs or field programs.


     (b) Student credit hours generated through distance learning


instruction for students not eligible for the public university's


in-state main campus resident tuition rate. However, in instances


where a student is enrolled in distance education and non-distance


education credit hours in a given term and the student's non-


distance education enrollment is at a campus or site located within


Michigan, student credit hours per the student's eligibility for


in-state or out-of-state tuition rates may be reported.


     (c) Student credit hours generated through credit by




     (d) Student credit hours generated through inmate prison


programs regardless of teaching location.


     (e) Student credit hours generated in new degree programs


created on or after January 1, 1975 and before January 1, 2013,


that were not specifically authorized for funding by the


legislature, except spin-off programs converted from existing core


programs, and student credit hours generated in any new degree


programs created after January 1, 2013, that are specifically


excluded from reporting by the legislature under this section.


     (3) "Distance learning instruction" as used in subsection (2)


means instruction that occurs solely in other than a traditional


classroom setting where the student and instructor are in the same


physical location and for which a student receives course credits

and is charged tuition and fees. Examples of distance learning


instruction are instruction delivered solely through the internet,


cable television, teleconference, or mail.


     Sec. 290. By March 1 of each year, the presidents council,


state universities of Michigan Michigan Association of State


Universities shall provide a listing of new degree programs for


which enrollment information will be reported to HEIDI under


sections 241 and 289, as well as a listing of degree programs that


institutions of higher education will no longer offer in subsequent


academic years, to the house and senate appropriations


subcommittees on higher education, the house and senate fiscal


agencies, and the state budget director.


     Enacting section 1. In accordance with section 30 of article


IX of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending from


state sources for higher education for fiscal year 2016-2017 under


article III of the state school aid act of 1979, 1979 PA 94, MCL


388.1836 to 388.1893, as amended by this amendatory act, is


estimated at $1,481,114,000.00 and the amount of that state


spending from state sources to be paid to local units of government


for fiscal year 2016-2017 is estimated at $0.


     Enacting section 2. Sections 236d, 239a, and 293 of the state


school aid act of 1979, 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1836d, 388.1839a, and


388.1893, are repealed effective October 1, 2016.


     Enacting section 3. (1) Except as otherwise provided in


subsection (2), this amendatory act takes effect October 1, 2016.


     (2) Section 236d of the state school aid act of 1979, 1979 PA


94, MCL 388.1836d, as added by this amendatory act, takes effect

upon enactment of this amendatory act.