The Committee of Conference on the matters of difference between the two Houses concerning
House Bill No. 5276, entitled
A bill to make appropriations for the legislature, the executive, the department of attorney general, the department of state, the department of treasury, the department of technology, management, and budget, the department of civil rights, the department of talent and economic development, and certain state purposes related thereto for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017; to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations; to provide for the disposition of fees and other income received by the state agencies; and to declare the effect of this act.
First: That the Senate recede from the Substitute of the Senate as passed by the Senate.
Second: That the House and Senate agree to the Substitute of the House as passed by the House, amended to read as follows:
Third: That the House and Senate agree to the title of the bill to read as follows:
A bill to make appropriations for the legislature, the executive, the department of attorney general, the department of state, the department of treasury, the department of technology, management, and budget, the department of civil rights, the department of talent and economic development, and certain state purposes related thereto for the fiscal year ending September 30,
2017; to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations; to provide for the disposition of fees and other income received by the state agencies; and to declare the effect of this act.
_______________________ ________________________
Laura Cox Jim Stamas
_______________________ ________________________
Earl Poleski Mike Nofs
_______________________ ________________________
Fred Durhal III Coleman Young II
Conferees for the House Conferees for the Senate
A bill to make appropriations for the legislature, the
executive, the department of attorney general, the department of
state, the department of treasury, the department of technology,
management, and budget, the department of civil rights, the
department of talent and economic development, and certain state
purposes related thereto for the fiscal year ending September 30,
2017; to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations; to
provide for the disposition of fees and other income received by
the state agencies; and to declare the effect of this act.
Sec. 101. There is appropriated for the legislature, the
executive, the department of attorney general, the department of
state, the department of treasury, the department of technology,
management, and budget, the department of civil rights, the
department of talent and economic development, and certain state
purposes related thereto for the fiscal year ending September 30,
2017, from the following funds:
Full-time equated unclassified positions......... 50.0
Full-time equated classified positions........ 8,709.7
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 4,869,270,600
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 760,158,300
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 4,109,112,300
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 826,723,500
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 12,021,000
Total private revenues................................. 6,064,500
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 2,126,990,600
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 1,137,312,700
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 527.0
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 101,485,800
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 28,989,700
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 72,496,100
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 9,476,700
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 0
Total private revenues................................. 0
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 20,178,900
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 42,840,500
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 522.5
Attorney general....................................... $ 112,500
Unclassified positions--5.0 FTE positions.............. 754,000
Attorney general operations--479.5 FTE positions....... 86,400,000
Child support enforcement--25.0 FTE positions.......... 3,503,800
Prosecuting attorneys coordinating council--12.0 FTE
positions............................................ 2,142,600
Public safety initiative--1.0 FTE position............. 905,800
Sexual assault law enforcement--5.0 FTE positions...... 1,713,500
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 95,532,200
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from MDHHS, health policy.......................... 206,900
IDG from MDHHS, medical services administration........ 691,200
IDG from MDHHS, WIC.................................... 152,500
IDG from department of corrections..................... 660,300
IDG from MDE........................................... 595,600
IDG from MDEQ.......................................... 2,009,000
IDG from MDHHS, human services......................... 5,932,500
IDG from MDIFS, financial and insurance services....... 1,213,000
IDG from TED, workforce development agency............. 89,600
IDG from MDLARA, fireworks safety fund................. 83,000
IDG from MDLARA, health professions.................... 3,037,400
IDG from MDLARA, licensing and regulation fees......... 335,600
IDG from MDLARA, Michigan occupational safety and
health administration................................ 107,700
IDG from MDLARA, remonumentation fees.................. 106,100
IDG from MDLARA, securities fees....................... 188,300
IDG from MDLARA, unlicensed builders................... 334,700
IDG from MDMVA......................................... 164,900
IDG from MDOS, children's protection registry.......... 45,000
IDG from MDOT, comprehensive transportation fund....... 204,500
IDG from MDOT, state aeronautics fund.................. 177,600
IDG from MDOT, state trunkline fund.................... 2,429,200
IDG from MDSP.......................................... 257,300
IDG from MDTMB......................................... 463,800
IDG from MDTMB, civil service commission............... 305,900
IDG from MDTMB, risk management revolving fund......... 1,468,400
IDG from Michigan state housing development authority.. 676,600
IDG from treasury...................................... 6,874,000
IDG from TED, Michigan strategic fund.................. 179,100
Federal revenues:
DAG, state administrative match grant/food stamps...... 137,000
Federal funds.......................................... 3,145,100
HHS, medical assistance, medigrant..................... 384,800
HHS-OS, state Medicaid fraud control units............. 5,688,600
National criminal history improvement program.......... 121,200
Special revenue funds:
Antitrust enforcement collections...................... 762,600
Attorney general's operations fund..................... 767,000
Auto repair facilities fees............................ 327,400
Franchise fees......................................... 382,400
Game and fish protection fund.......................... 751,100
Human trafficking commission fund...................... 390,000
Lawsuit settlement proceeds fund....................... 2,600,000
Liquor purchase revolving fund......................... 1,459,200
Manufactured housing fees.............................. 250,600
Merit award trust fund................................. 495,700
Michigan employment security act - administrative fund. 2,241,500
Prisoner reimbursement................................. 625,200
Prosecuting attorneys training fees.................... 411,500
Public utility assessments............................. 2,077,300
Real estate enforcement fund........................... 100,700
Reinstatement fees..................................... 257,700
Retirement funds....................................... 1,042,200
Second injury fund..................................... 821,700
Self-insurers security fund............................ 571,200
Silicosis and dust disease fund........................ 225,700
State building authority revenue....................... 120,900
State casino gaming fund............................... 1,861,900
State lottery fund..................................... 345,100
Utility consumers fund................................. 780,800
Waterways fund......................................... 140,000
Worker's compensation administrative revolving fund.... 369,500
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 36,886,900
Information technology services and projects........... $ 1,553,600
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 1,553,600
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 1,553,600
Full-time equated classified positions............ 4.5
Prescription drug abuse enforcement--4.5 FTE positions. $ 700,000
State defense costs.................................... 3,000,000
Prosecuting attorneys coordinating council juvenile
life without parole cases............................ 700,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 4,400,000
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 4,400,000
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 129.0
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 16,248,500
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 293,600
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 15,954,900
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 2,763,000
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 0
Total private revenues................................. 18,700
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 151,900
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 13,021,300
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 127.0
Unclassified positions--6.0 FTE positions.............. $ 660,300
Civil rights operations--121.0 FTE positions........... 13,831,700
Division on deaf and hard of hearing--6.0 FTE
positions............................................ 798,600
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 15,290,600
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from DTMB.......................................... 293,600
Federal revenues:
EEOC, state and local antidiscrimination agency
contracts............................................ 1,211,500
HUD, grant............................................. 1,536,500
Special revenue funds:
Private revenues....................................... 18,700
Division on deafness fund.............................. 93,400
State restricted indirect funds........................ 58,500
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 12,078,400
Information technology services and projects........... $ 707,900
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 707,900
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
EEOC, state and local antidiscrimination agency
contracts............................................ 15,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 692,900
Full-time equated classified positions............ 2.0
Division on deaf and hard of hearing--2.0 FTE
positions............................................ $ 250,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 250,000
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 250,000
Full-time equated unclassified positions......... 10.0
Full-time equated classified positions........... 74.2
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 5,636,300
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 0
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 5,636,300
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 0
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 0
Total private revenues................................. 0
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 0
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 5,636,300
Full-time equated unclassified positions......... 10.0
Full-time equated classified positions........... 74.2
Governor............................................... $ 159,300
Lieutenant governor.................................... 111,600
Executive office--74.2 FTE positions................... 4,108,100
Unclassified positions--8.0 FTE positions.............. 1,257,300
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 5,636,300
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 5,636,300
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 165,555,500
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 5,558,600
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 159,996,900
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 0
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 0
Total private revenues................................. 400,000
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 6,245,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 153,351,700
Senate................................................. $ 34,523,700
Senate automated data processing....................... 2,500,000
Senate fiscal agency................................... 3,779,600
House of representatives............................... 53,095,900
House automated data processing........................ 2,200,000
House fiscal agency.................................... 3,779,600
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 99,878,800
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 99,878,800
Legislative council.................................... $ 11,981,200
Legislative service bureau automated data processing... 1,426,600
Worker's compensation.................................. 151,400
National association dues.............................. 454,700
Legislative corrections ombudsman...................... 729,200
Michigan veterans facility ombudsman................... 150,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 14,893,100
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Private - gifts and bequests revenues.................. 400,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 14,493,100
General nonretirement expenses......................... $ 4,962,800
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 4,962,800
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Court fees............................................. 1,154,600
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 3,808,200
Cora Anderson Building................................. $ 11,426,700
Farnum Building and other properties................... 2,851,800
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 14,278,500
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 14,278,500
General operations..................................... $ 4,269,200
Restoration, renewal, and maintenance.................. 3,121,200
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 7,390,400
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Capitol historic site fund............................. 3,121,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 4,269,200
Unclassified positions................................. $ 329,400
Field operations....................................... 23,322,500
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 23,651,900
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from MDHHS, human services......................... 30,600
IDG from MDLARA, liquor purchase revolving fund........ 28,700
IDG from MDOT, comprehensive transportation fund....... 39,000
IDG from MDOT, Michigan transportation fund............ 315,800
IDG from MDOT, state aeronautics fund.................. 30,300
IDG from MDOT, state trunkline fund.................... 733,500
IDG, legislative retirement system..................... 29,200
IDG, single audit act.................................. 2,913,100
IDG, commercial mobile radio system emergency
telephone fund....................................... 36,800
IDG, contract audit administration fees................ 41,400
IDG, deferred compensation funds....................... 54,400
IDG, Michigan finance authority........................ 330,800
IDG, Michigan economic development corporation......... 96,300
IDG, Michigan education trust fund..................... 70,800
IDG, Michigan justice training commission fund......... 40,900
IDG, Michigan strategic fund........................... 169,100
IDG, office of retirement services..................... 218,400
IDG, other restricted funding sources.................. 379,500
Special revenue funds:
21st century jobs trust fund........................... 96,300
Brownfield development fund............................ 28,100
Clean Michigan initiative implementation bond fund..... 54,500
Game and fish protection fund.......................... 31,300
MDTMB, civil service commission........................ 166,200
Michigan state housing development authority fees...... 113,500
Michigan veterans' trust fund.......................... 35,500
Motor transport revolving fund......................... 7,400
Office services revolving fund......................... 10,000
State disbursement unit, office of child support....... 57,400
State services fee fund................................ 1,357,900
Waterways fund......................................... 11,300
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 16,123,900
Criminal justice policy commission study............... $ 500,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 500,000
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 500,000
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions........ 1,587.0
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 248,015,600
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 20,000,000
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 228,015,600
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 1,460,000
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 0
Total private revenues................................. 100
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 204,445,900
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 22,109,600
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions........... 30.0
Secretary of state..................................... $ 112,500
Unclassified positions--5.0 FTE positions.............. 628,800
Operations--30.0 FTE positions......................... 4,567,200
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 5,308,500
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Auto repair facilities fees............................ 68,700
Children's protection registry fund.................... 270,700
Driver fees............................................ 276,000
Enhanced driver license and enhanced official state
personal identification card fund.................... 216,700
Expedient service fees................................. 66,300
Parking ticket court fines............................. 9,200
Personal identification card fees...................... 32,300
Reinstatement fees - operator licenses................. 248,900
Transportation administration collection fund.......... 2,499,800
Vehicle theft prevention fees.......................... 40,400
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 1,579,500
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 117.0
Operations--117.0 FTE positions........................ $ 25,315,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 25,315,100
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Abandoned vehicle fees................................. 481,100
Driver fees............................................ 731,000
Driver improvement course fund......................... 308,600
Enhanced driver license and enhanced official state
personal identification card fund.................... 329,400
Expedient service fees................................. 273,600
Marine safety fund..................................... 85,200
Personal identification card fees...................... 193,700
Reinstatement fees - operator licenses................. 537,700
Scrap tire fund........................................ 78,100
Transportation administration collection fund.......... 21,714,300
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 582,400
Full-time equated classified positions........... 83.0
Operations--83.0 FTE positions......................... $ 14,501,500
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 14,501,500
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Auto repair facilities fees............................ 3,363,800
Driver education provider and instructor fund.......... 25,400
Driver fees............................................ 2,193,800
Driver responsibility fees............................. 1,000,000
Enhanced driver license and enhanced official state
personal identification card fund.................... 504,900
Personal identification card fees...................... 61,700
Reinstatement fees - operator licenses................. 1,463,900
Transportation administration collection fund.......... 4,311,100
Vehicle theft prevention fees.......................... 1,092,600
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 484,300
Full-time equated classified positions........ 1,312.0
Branch operations--922.0 FTE positions................. $ 85,709,100
Central operations--388.0 FTE positions................ 50,115,300
Motorcycle safety education administration--2.0 FTE
positions............................................ 335,500
Motorcycle safety education grants..................... 1,800,000
Credit and debit assessment services................... 6,000,000
Organ donor program.................................... 129,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 144,089,000
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from MDOT, Michigan transportation fund............ 20,000,000
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 1,460,000
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 100
Abandoned vehicle fees................................. 204,500
Auto repair facilities fees............................ 910,400
Child support clearance fees........................... 363,600
Credit and debit assessment service fee revenue........ 6,000,000
Driver education provider and instructor fund.......... 49,600
Driver fees............................................ 25,355,100
Driver improvement course fund......................... 1,246,200
Enhanced driver license and enhanced official state
personal identification card fund.................... 9,021,200
Expedient service fees................................. 2,603,600
Marine safety fund..................................... 1,420,400
Michigan state police auto theft fund.................. 123,700
Mobile home commission fees............................ 507,500
Motorcycle safety fund................................. 1,835,500
Off-road vehicle title fees............................ 170,400
Parking ticket court fines............................. 1,629,800
Personal identification card fees...................... 2,319,700
Recreation passport fee revenue........................ 1,000,000
Reinstatement fees - operator licenses................. 2,358,000
Snowmobile registration fee revenue.................... 390,000
Thomas Daley gift of life fund......................... 50,000
Transportation administration collection fund.......... 60,920,300
Vehicle theft prevention fees.......................... 742,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 3,407,200
Full-time equated classified positions........... 45.0
Election administration and services--45.0 FTE
positions............................................ $ 7,169,100
County clerk education and training fund............... 100,000
Fees to local units.................................... 109,800
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 7,378,900
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Notary education and training fund..................... 100,000
Notary fee fund........................................ 343,500
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 6,935,400
Building occupancy charges/rent........................ $ 9,792,000
Worker's compensation.................................. 254,400
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 10,046,400
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Auto repair facilities fees............................ 133,200
Driver fees............................................ 708,800
Enhanced driver license and enhanced official state
personal identification card fund.................... 326,000
Parking ticket court fines............................. 441,500
Transportation administration collection fund.......... 5,904,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 2,532,700
Information technology services and projects........... $ 36,376,200
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 36,376,200
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Administrative order processing fee.................... 11,700
Auto repair facilities fees............................ 129,300
Driver fees............................................ 787,400
Enhanced driver license and enhanced official state
personal identification card fund.................... 327,500
Expedient service fees................................. 1,085,100
Parking ticket court fines............................. 89,000
Personal identification card fees...................... 173,300
Reinstatement fees - operator licenses................. 592,300
Transportation administration collection fund.......... 31,411,500
Vehicle theft prevention fees.......................... 181,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 1,588,100
Election administration and services................... $ 5,000,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 5,000,000
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 5,000,000
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions........ 2,877.0
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 1,301,191,700
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 694,054,100
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 607,137,600
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 4,958,200
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 2,320,000
Total private revenues................................. 0
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 114,340,800
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 485,518,600
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions........... 12.0
Unclassified positions--6.0 FTE positions.............. $ 1,001,400
Executive operations--12.0 FTE positions............... 2,376,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 3,377,400
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from building occupancy and parking charges........ 249,700
IDG from technology user fees.......................... 2,074,400
Special revenue funds:
Special revenue, internal service, and pension trust
funds................................................ 289,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 764,100
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 730.5
Administrative services--123.5 FTE positions........... $ 15,974,800
Budget and financial management--160.0 FTE positions... 23,073,200
Office of the state employer--23.0 FTE positions....... 3,417,300
Design and construction services--40.0 FTE positions... 6,477,000
Business support services--97.0 FTE positions.......... 11,469,600
Building operation services--210.0 FTE positions....... 92,416,200
Building occupancy charges, rent, and utilities........ 7,494,200
Motor vehicle fleet--35.0 FTE positions................ 74,260,100
Information technology services and projects........... 32,630,500
Bureau of labor market information and strategies--
42.0 FTE positions................................... 5,475,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 272,688,000
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from accounting service centers user charges....... 2,698,000
IDG from building occupancy and parking charges........ 94,647,900
IDG from MDHHS, community health....................... 484,500
IDG from MDHHS, human services......................... 215,400
IDG from MDLARA........................................ 100,000
IDG from motor transport fund.......................... 74,260,100
IDG from technology user fees.......................... 7,658,600
IDG from user fees..................................... 6,754,000
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 4,958,200
Special revenue funds:
Local - MPSCS subscriber and maintenance fees.......... 61,700
Local revenues......................................... 35,000
Deferred compensation.................................. 2,600
Health management funds................................ 2,257,200
MAIN user charges...................................... 4,337,600
Other agency charges................................... 1,178,700
Pension trust funds.................................... 10,082,000
Special revenue, internal service, and pension trust
funds................................................ 17,168,300
State restricted indirect funds........................ 3,392,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 42,396,000
Full-time equated classified positions........ 1,487.5
Education services--29.0 FTE positions................. $ 4,106,500
Health and human services--617.5 FTE positions......... 291,972,300
Public protection--154.5 FTE positions................. 55,832,600
Resources services--146.5 FTE positions................ 20,283,500
Transportation services--89.5 FTE positions............ 31,739,300
General services--331.5 FTE positions.................. 98,027,300
Enterprisewide information technology investment
projects............................................. 9,500,000
General government and public safety information
technology investment projects....................... 18,000,000
MAIN system replacement information technology
investment project................................... 35,500,000
Cyber security information technology investment
project.............................................. 2,000,000
Homeland security initiative/cyber security--13.0 FTE
positions............................................ 13,118,200
Michigan public safety communication system--100.0 FTE
positions............................................ 40,094,800
Enterprise identity management--6.0 FTE positions...... 6,700,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 626,874,500
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from technology user fees.......................... 501,961,500
Special revenue funds:
Local - MPSCS subscriber and maintenance fees.......... 2,223,300
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 122,689,700
Professional development fund - NERE................... $ 250,000
Professional development fund - UAW.................... 700,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 950,000
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from employer contributions........................ 950,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 197.0
Building occupancy charges - property management
services for executive/legislative building
occupancy............................................ $ 1,154,500
Retirement services--167.0 FTE positions............... 28,724,900
Office of children's ombudsman--14.0 FTE positions..... 1,801,600
Office of urban initiatives--5.0 FTE positions......... 1,012,200
School reform office operations--11.0 FTE positions.... 2,318,300
Public private partnership............................. 1,500,000
Regional prosperity grants............................. 2,500,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 39,011,500
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Deferred compensation.................................. 2,800,000
Pension trust funds.................................... 20,548,100
Public private partnership investment fund............. 1,500,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 14,163,400
State building authority rent - state agencies......... $ 49,665,800
State building authority rent - department of
corrections.......................................... 21,029,900
State building authority rent - universities........... 144,995,300
State building authority rent - community colleges..... 30,879,600
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 246,570,600
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 246,570,600
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 450.0
Agency services--74.0 FTE positions.................... $ 13,103,100
Executive direction--40.0 FTE positions................ 8,894,300
Employee benefits--16.0 FTE positions.................. 5,704,000
Human resources operations--320.0 FTE positions........ 38,463,100
Information technology services and projects........... 3,354,300
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 69,518,800
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
State restricted funds 1%.............................. 30,702,500
State restricted indirect funds........................ 8,592,200
State sponsored group insurance........................ 8,640,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 21,583,900
Major special maintenance, remodeling, and addition
for state agencies................................... $ 2,000,000
Enterprisewide special maintenance for state
facilities........................................... 26,000,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 28,000,000
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from building occupancy charges.................... 2,000,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 26,000,000
Information technology investment fund
one-time augmentation................................ $ 4,500,000
Enterprisewide special maintenance for state
facilities........................................... 1,600,900
Office of retirement services information technology
modernization and enterprise mandates................ 2,850,000
Legal services......................................... 5,000,000
Special projects....................................... 250,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 14,200,900
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Pension trust funds.................................... 2,850,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 11,350,900
Full-time equated unclassified positions......... 10.0
Full-time equated classified positions........ 1,906.5
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 1,885,142,900
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 11,262,300
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 1,873,880,600
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 39,920,800
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 9,201,000
Total private revenues................................. 26,700
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 1,589,286,300
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 235,445,800
Full-time equated unclassified positions......... 10.0
Full-time equated classified positions........... 52.0
Unclassified positions--10.0 FTE positions............. $ 995,500
Executive direction and operations--52.0 FTE positions. 9,328,400
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 10,323,900
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
DED-OPSE, federal lenders allowance.................... 20,000
DED-OPSE, higher education act of 1965 insured loans... 45,000
Special revenue funds:
Local - city income tax fund........................... 101,900
Delinquent tax collection revenue...................... 2,159,800
State lottery fund..................................... 288,700
State services fee fund................................ 328,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 7,380,300
Rent and building occupancy charges - property
management services.................................. $ 6,047,400
Worker's compensation insurance premium................ 36,400
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 6,083,800
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Delinquent tax collection revenue...................... 2,890,600
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 3,193,200
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 111.0
Supervision of the general property tax law--86.0 FTE
positions............................................ $ 14,590,200
Property tax assessor training--4.0 FTE positions...... 1,040,400
Local finance--21.0 FTE positions...................... 2,607,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 18,237,600
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Local - assessor training fees......................... 1,040,400
Local - audit charges.................................. 825,800
Local - equalization study chargebacks................. 40,000
Local - revenue from local government.................. 100,000
Land reutilization fund................................ 2,044,000
Municipal finance fees................................. 544,900
Delinquent tax collection revenue...................... 1,514,700
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 12,127,800
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 774.0
Tax compliance--340.0 FTE positions.................... $ 45,075,300
Tax and economic policy--75.0 FTE positions............ 11,570,600
Tax processing--331.0 FTE positions.................... 37,376,900
Health insurance claims fund program--15.0 FTE
positions............................................ 2,070,500
Home heating assistance................................ 3,086,200
Bottle act implementation.............................. 250,000
Tobacco tax enforcement--13.0 FTE positions............ 1,509,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 100,938,600
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from MDOT, Michigan transportation fund............ 2,284,100
IDG from MDOT, state aeronautics fund.................. 72,200
Federal revenues:
HHS-SSA, low-income energy assistance.................. 3,086,200
Special revenue funds:
Bottle deposit fund.................................... 250,000
Delinquent tax collection revenue...................... 70,557,200
Emergency 911 fund..................................... 158,700
Health insurance claims fund........................... 2,070,500
Tobacco tax revenue.................................... 4,109,300
Waterways fund......................................... 107,100
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 18,243,300
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 381.0
Departmental services--88.0 FTE positions.............. $ 9,180,500
Unclaimed property--29.0 FTE positions................. 4,835,300
Office of collections--202.0 FTE positions............. 26,255,100
Office of accounting services--24.0 FTE positions...... 2,491,400
Office of financial services--38.0 FTE positions....... 4,478,500
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 47,240,800
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG, levy/warrant cost assessment fees................. 2,335,000
IDG, state agency collection fees...................... 4,353,400
IDG from MDHHS, title IV-D............................. 776,000
IDG data/collection service fees....................... 336,600
IDG from accounting service center user charges........ 494,500
Special revenue funds:
Delinquent tax collection revenue...................... 27,387,100
Escheats revenue....................................... 4,835,300
Justice system fund.................................... 428,100
Garnishment fees....................................... 2,638,600
State restricted indirect funds........................ 278,600
Treasury fees.......................................... 47,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 3,330,400
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 210.5
Investments--82.0 FTE positions........................ $ 20,594,200
Common cash and debt management--21.5 FTE positions.... 1,666,200
Student financial assistance programs--25.5 FTE
positions............................................ 2,683,300
Michigan finance authority - bond finance--72.5 FTE
positions............................................ 38,856,600
John R. Justice grant program.......................... 288,100
Dual enrollment payments............................... 1,507,600
Financial independence team--9.0 FTE positions......... 3,729,500
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 69,325,500
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG, fiscal agent service fees......................... 210,500
Federal revenues:
DED-OPSE, federal lenders allowance.................... 10,686,100
DED-OPSE, higher education act of 1965, insured loans.. 25,169,600
Federal - John R. Justice grant........................ 288,100
Special revenue funds:
Defined contribution administrative fee revenue........ 100,000
Michigan finance authority bond and loan program
revenue.............................................. 3,000,900
Michigan merit award trust fund........................ 1,163,800
Retirement funds....................................... 19,016,000
School bond fees....................................... 854,300
Treasury fees.......................................... 1,694,600
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 7,141,600
Quality of life bond................................... $ 28,687,000
Clean Michigan initiative.............................. 89,477,000
Great Lakes water quality bond......................... 18,873,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 137,037,000
Appropriated from:
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 137,037,000
Convention facility development distribution........... $ 90,950,000
Senior citizen cooperative housing tax exemption
program.............................................. 10,520,000
Emergency 911 payments................................. 27,000,000
Health and safety fund grants.......................... 9,000,000
Beat the streets....................................... 100,000
Gianna house........................................... 100,000
Student loan delinquency counseling pilot program...... 345,600
Lenawee intermediate school district plasma cutting
machine matching grant............................... 76,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 138,091,600
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Emergency 911 fund..................................... 27,000,000
Convention facility development fund................... 90,950,000
Health and safety fund................................. 9,000,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 11,141,600
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 183.0
Lottery operations--183.0 FTE positions................ $ 24,760,300
Lottery information technology services and projects... 5,239,600
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 29,999,900
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
State lottery fund..................................... 29,999,900
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 142.0
Michigan gaming control board.......................... $ 50,000
Casino gaming control operations--132.0 FTE positions.. 26,196,700
Casino gaming information technology services and
projects............................................. 2,012,700
Racing commission--10.0 FTE positions.................. 2,462,600
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 30,722,000
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Casino gambling agreements............................. 942,700
Equine development fund................................ 2,085,300
Laboratory fees........................................ 700,000
State services fee fund................................ 26,994,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
Commercial forest reserve.............................. $ 3,368,100
Purchased lands........................................ 8,425,100
Swamp and tax reverted lands........................... 15,605,600
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 27,398,800
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Private funds.......................................... 26,700
Game and fish protection fund.......................... 2,919,700
Michigan natural resources trust fund.................. 2,004,600
Michigan state waterways fund.......................... 253,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 22,194,600
Constitutional state general revenue sharing grants.... $ 757,875,200
County revenue sharing payments........................ 174,234,000
County incentive program............................... 43,033,500
City, village, and township revenue sharing............ 243,040,000
Financially distressed cities, villages, or townships.. 5,000,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 1,223,182,700
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Sales tax.............................................. 1,223,182,700
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
Full-time equated classified positions............ 4.0
State building authority--4.0 FTE positions............ $ 725,200
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 725,200
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
State building authority revenue....................... 725,200
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
Full-time equated classified positions........... 49.0
City income tax administration program--49.0 FTE
positions............................................ $ 5,879,100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 5,879,100
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Local - city income tax fund........................... 5,879,100
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
Treasury operations information technology services
and projects......................................... $ 30,813,800
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 30,813,800
Appropriated from:
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
IDG from MDOT, Michigan transportation fund............ 400,000
Federal revenues:
DED-OPSE, federal lender allowance..................... 625,800
Special revenue funds:
Local - city income tax fund........................... 1,213,800
Delinquent tax collection revenue...................... 17,365,400
Retirement funds....................................... 766,300
Tobacco tax revenue.................................... 129,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 10,313,500
City, village, and township revenue sharing............ $ 5,800,000
Free individual tax e-file............................. 2,842,500
Urban search and rescue................................ 500,000
Drinking water declaration of emergency................ 100
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 9,142,600
Appropriated from:
Special revenue funds:
Sales tax.............................................. 5,800,000
Drinking water declaration of emergency reserve fund... 100
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 3,342,500
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions........ 1,609.0
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 1,145,994,300
Interdepartmental grant revenues:
Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental
transfers............................................ 0
ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $ 1,145,994,300
Federal revenues:
Total federal revenues................................. 768,144,800
Special revenue funds:
Total local revenues................................... 500,000
Total private revenues................................. 5,619,000
Total other state restricted revenues.................. 192,341,600
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 179,388,900
Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0
Full-time equated classified positions............ 1.0
Unclassified positions--6.0 FTE positions.............. $ 897,400
Executive direction and operations--1.0 FTE position... 812,900
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 1,710,300
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
DOL-ETA, unemployment insurance........................ 931,600
DOL, federal funds..................................... 247,600
Special revenue funds:
Michigan state housing development authority fees and
charges.............................................. 400,800
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 130,300
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 194.0
Administrative services--34.0 FTE positions............ $ 5,743,600
Job creation services--160.0 FTE positions............. 22,198,400
Pure Michigan.......................................... 34,000,000
Entrepreneurship ecosystem............................. 19,400,000
Business attraction and community revitalization....... 101,500,000
Community development block grants..................... 47,000,000
Arts and cultural program.............................. 10,150,000
Community college skilled trades equipment program
debt service......................................... 4,600,000
Facility for rare isotope beams........................ 7,300,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 251,892,000
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
DOL, federal funds..................................... 2,326,300
DOL-ETA, unemployment insurance........................ 287,000
HUD-CPD community development block grant.............. 49,773,300
NFAH-NEA, promotion of the arts, partnership
agreements........................................... 1,050,000
Special revenue funds:
Private - special project advances..................... 250,000
Private - Michigan council for the arts fund........... 100,000
Industry support fees.................................. 5,500
21st century jobs trust fund........................... 75,000,000
Michigan film promotion fund........................... 400,000
Michigan state housing development authority fees and
charges.............................................. 4,609,000
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 118,090,900
Full-time equated classified positions........ 1,092.0
Executive direction--7.0 FTE positions................. $ 1,175,600
Workforce program administration--225.0 FTE positions.. 33,169,900
Workforce development programs......................... 387,022,900
Skilled trades training program........................ 30,900,000
Community ventures--7.0 FTE positions.................. 9,800,000
Unemployment insurance agency--853.0 FTE positions..... 139,065,500
Information technology services and projects - TIA..... 22,501,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 623,634,900
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
DAG, employment and training........................... 3,499,400
DED-OESE, GEAR-UP...................................... 4,730,700
DED-OVAE, adult education.............................. 20,000,000
DED-OVAE, basic grants to states....................... 19,000,000
DOL, federal funds..................................... 109,353,800
DOL-ETA, workforce investment act...................... 173,988,600
DOL-ETA, unemployment insurance........................ 139,457,500
Federal funds.......................................... 5,940,200
Social security act, temporary assistance to needy
families............................................. 64,898,800
Special revenue funds:
Local revenues......................................... 500,000
Private funds.......................................... 5,269,000
Contingent fund, penalty and interest account.......... 48,635,300
Defaulted loan collection fees......................... 152,500
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 28,209,100
Full-time equated classified positions............ 6.0
Land bank fast track authority--6.0 FTE positions...... $ 5,256,400
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 5,256,400
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal revenues....................................... 1,000,000
Special revenue funds:
Land bank fast track fund.............................. 297,800
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 3,958,600
Full-time equated classified positions.......... 316.0
Payments on behalf of tenants.......................... $ 166,860,000
Housing and rental assistance--316.0 FTE positions..... 51,248,200
Lighthouse preservation program........................ 307,500
Rent and administrative support........................ 3,721,000
Information technology services and projects - MSHDA... 3,585,500
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 225,722,200
Appropriated from:
Federal funds:
HUD, lower income housing assistance................... 166,860,000
Special revenue funds:
Michigan state housing development authority fees and
charges.............................................. 58,554,700
Michigan lighthouse preservation program............... 307,500
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 0
MSF, business attraction and community revitalization.. $ 13,999,900
Special grants......................................... 12,000,000
Statewide data system integration...................... 8,778,500
Sustainable employment pilot program................... 100
Protect and grow....................................... 3,000,000
GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $ 37,778,500
Appropriated from:
Federal revenues:
Federal funds.......................................... 4,800,000
Special revenue funds:
Contingent fund, penalty and interest account.......... 3,978,500
State general fund/general purpose..................... $ 29,000,000
Sec. 201. (1) Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the
state constitution of 1963, total state spending from state
resources under part 1 for fiscal year 2016-2017 is
$3,264,303,300.00 and state spending from state resources to be
paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2016-2017 is
$1,427,689,500.00. The itemized statement below identifies
appropriations from which spending to local units of government
will occur:
Fees to local units.................................... $ 109,800
Motorcycle safety grants............................... 1,101,500
Subtotal............................................... $ 1,211,300
Senior citizen cooperative housing tax exemption....... $ 10,520,000
Health and safety fund grants.......................... 9,000,000
Constitutional state general revenue sharing grants.... 757,875,200
City, village, and township revenue sharing............ 248,840,000
Convention facility development fund distribution...... 90,950,000
Emergency 9-1-1 payments............................... 23,800,000
Financially distressed cities, villages, or townships.. 5,000,000
County incentive program............................... 43,033,500
County revenue sharing payments........................ 174,234,000
Airport parking distribution pursuant to section 909... 24,601,900
Payments in lieu of taxes.............................. 27,398,800
Subtotal............................................... $ 1,415,253,400
Welfare-to-work programs............................... $ 11,224,800
Subtotal............................................... $ 11,224,800
TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT............................... $ 1,427,689,500
(2) Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state
constitution of 1963, total state spending from state sources for
fiscal year 2016-2017 is estimated at $30,991,536,400.00 in the
2016-2017 appropriations acts and total state spending from state
sources paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2016-2017
is estimated at $17,174,886,500.00. The state-local proportion is
estimated at 55.4% of total state spending from state resources.
(3) If payments to local units of government and state
spending from state sources for fiscal year 2016-2017 are different
than the amounts estimated in subsection (2), the state budget
director shall report the payments to local units of government and
state spending from state sources that were made for fiscal year
2016-2017 to the senate and house of representatives standing
committees on appropriations within 30 days after the final book-
closing for fiscal year 2016-2017.
Sec. 202. The appropriations authorized under this part and
part 1 are subject to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.
Sec. 203. As used in this part and part 1:
(a) "ATM" means automated teller machine.
(b) "COBRA" means the consolidated omnibus budget
reconciliation act of 1985, Public Law 99-272, 100 Stat 82.
(c) "DAG" means the United States Department of Agriculture.
(d) "DED" means the United States Department of Education.
(e) "DED-OESE" means the DED Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education.
(f) "DED-OPSE" means the DED Office of Postsecondary
(g) "DED-OVAE" means the DED Office of Vocational and Adult
(h) "DOE-OEERE" means the United States Department of Energy,
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
(i) "DOL" means the United States Department of Labor.
(j) "DOL-ETA" means the United States Department of Labor,
Employment and Training Administration.
(k) "EEOC" means the United States Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.
(l) "FTE" means full-time equated.
(m) "Fund" means the Michigan strategic fund.
(n) "GEAR-UP" means gaining early awareness and readiness for
undergraduate programs.
(o) "GED" means a general educational development certificate.
(p) "GF/GP" means general fund/general purpose.
(q) "HHS" means the United States Department of Health and
Human Services.
(r) "HHS-OS" means the HHS Office of the Secretary.
(s) "HHS-SSA" means the HHS Social Security Administration.
(t) "HUD" means the United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development.
(u) "HUD-CPD" means the United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development - Community Planning and Development.
(v) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.
(w) "JCOS" means the joint capital outlay subcommittee.
(x) "MAIN" means the Michigan administrative information
(y) "MCL" means the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(z) "MDE" means the Michigan department of education.
(aa) "MDLARA" means the Michigan department of licensing and
regulatory affairs.
(bb) "MDEQ" means the Michigan department of environmental
(cc) "MDHHS" means the Michigan department of health and human
(dd) "MDMVA" means the Michigan department of military and
veterans affairs.
(ee) "MDOT" means the Michigan department of transportation.
(ff) "MDSP" means the Michigan department of state police.
(gg) "MDTMB" means the Michigan department of technology,
management, and budget.
(hh) "MEDC" means the Michigan economic development
corporation, which is the public body corporate created under
section 28 of article VII of the state constitution of 1963 and the
urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to
124.512, by contractual interlocal agreement effective April 5,
1999, between local participating economic development corporations
formed under the economic development corporations act, 1974 PA
338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan strategic fund.
(ii) "MFA" means the Michigan finance authority.
(jj) "MPE" means the Michigan public employees.
(kk) "MSF" means the Michigan strategic fund.
(ll) "MSHDA" means the Michigan state housing development
(mm) "NERE" means nonexclusively represented employees.
(nn) "NFAH-NEA" means the National Foundation of the Arts and
the Humanities - National Endowment for the Arts.
(oo) "PA" means public act.
(pp) "PATH" means Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope.
(qq) "RFP" means a request for a proposal.
(rr) "SEIU" means Service Employees International Union.
(ss) "WDA" means the workforce development agency.
(tt) "WIC" means women, infants, and children.
Sec. 206. The departments and agencies receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall cooperate with the department of
technology, management, and budget to maintain a searchable website
that is updated at least quarterly and that is accessible by the
public at no cost that includes, but is not limited to, all of the
following for each department or agency:
(a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.
(b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.
(c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor,
including the vendor name, payment date, payment amount, and
payment description.
(d) The number of active department employees by job
(e) Job specifications and wage rates.
Sec. 208. The departments and agencies receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall use the Internet to fulfill the
reporting requirements of this part. This requirement may include
transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients
identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include
placement of reports on an Internet or Intranet site.
Sec. 209. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for
the purchase of foreign goods or services, or both, if
competitively priced and of comparable quality American goods or
services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to
goods or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan
businesses, if they are competitively priced and of comparable
quality. In addition, preference should be given to goods or
services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan
businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are
competitively priced and of comparable quality.
Sec. 210. The director of each department and agency receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall take all reasonable steps to ensure
businesses in deprived and depressed communities compete for and
perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or both. Each
director shall strongly encourage firms with which the department
contracts to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and
deprived communities for services, supplies, or both.
Sec. 211. (1) Pursuant to section 352 of the management and
budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1352, which provides for a transfer
of state general fund revenue into or out of the countercyclical
budget and economic stabilization fund, the calculations required
by section 352 of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL
18.1352, are determined as follows:
2015 2016 2017
Michigan personal income (millions). $421,044 $436,623 $453,651
less: transfer payments........... 91,527 96,012 101,044
Subtotal ......................... $329,517 $340,611 $352,647
Divided by: Detroit consumer price
index for 12 months ending June 30 2.195 2.191 2.223
Equals: real adjusted Michigan
personal income................... $150,122 $155,487 $158,618
Percentage change................... N/A 3.6% 2.0%
Growth rate in excess of 2%?........ N/A 1.6% 0.0%
Equals: countercyclical budget and
economic stabilization fund pay-in
calculation for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2017 (millions)..... N/A $155.7 N/A
Growth rate less than 0%?........... N/A NO NO
Equals: countercyclical budget and
economic stabilization fund pay-out
calculation for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2017 (millions)..... N/A N/A $0.0
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), there is appropriated for
the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, from GF/GP revenue for
deposit into the countercyclical budget and economic stabilization
fund the sum of $0.00.
(3) In addition to the appropriation to the countercyclical
budget and economic stabilization fund in subsection (2), there is
appropriated to the countercyclical budget and economic
stabilization fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017,
25% of fiscal year 2016-2017 general fund/general purpose
unassigned fund balance recorded as part of the state book closing
process for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.
Sec. 212. The departments and agencies receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall receive and retain copies of all
reports funded from appropriations in part 1. Federal and state
guidelines for short-term and long-term retention of records shall
be followed. The department may electronically retain copies of
reports unless otherwise required by federal and state guidelines.
Sec. 213. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by
this state, a department, an agency, or an authority of this state
to purchase an ownership interest in a casino enterprise or a
gambling operation as those terms are defined in the Michigan
gaming control and revenue act, 1996 IL 1, MCL 432.201 to 432.226.
Sec. 215. A department or state agency shall not take
disciplinary action against an employee for communicating with a
member of the legislature or his or her staff.
Sec. 216. The departments and agencies receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall prepare a report on out-of-state
travel expenses not later than January 1 of each year. The travel
report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and
unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately
preceding fiscal year that was funded in whole or in part with
funds appropriated in the department's budget. The report shall be
submitted to the house and senate standing committees on
appropriations, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state
budget director. The report shall include the following
(a) The dates of each travel occurrence.
(b) The total transportation and related costs of each travel
occurrence, including the proportion funded with state GF/GP
revenues, the proportion funded with state restricted revenues, the
proportion funded with federal revenues, and the proportion funded
with other revenues.
Sec. 217. General fund appropriations in part 1 shall not be
expended for items in cases where federal funding or private grant
funding is available for the same expenditures.
Sec. 219. The departments and agencies receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall maintain, on a publicly accessible
website, a department or agency scorecard that identifies, tracks,
and regularly updates key metrics that are used to monitor and
improve the department's or agency's performance.
Sec. 221. Each department and agency shall report no later
than April 1 on each specific policy change made to implement a
public act affecting the department that took effect during the
prior calendar year to the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations subcommittees on general
government, the joint committee on administrative rules, and the
senate and house fiscal agencies.
Sec. 226. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a
principal executive department, state agency, or authority to hire
a person to provide legal services that are the responsibility of
the attorney general. This prohibition does not apply to legal
services for bonding activities and for those outside legal
services that the attorney general authorizes.
Sec. 227. Within 14 days after the release of the executive
budget recommendation, the departments and agencies receiving
appropriations in part 1 shall cooperate with the state budget
director to provide the chairs of the senate and house of
representatives standing committees on appropriations, the chairs
of the senate and house of representatives standing committees on
appropriations subcommittees on general government, and the senate
and house fiscal agencies with an annual report on estimated state
restricted fund balances, state restricted fund projected revenues,
and state restricted fund expenditures for the fiscal years ending
September 30, 2016 and September 30, 2017.
Sec. 228. Not later than November 30, the state budget office
shall prepare and transmit a report that provides for estimates of
the total GF/GP appropriation lapses at the close of the prior
fiscal year. This report shall summarize the projected year-end
GF/GP appropriation lapses by major departmental program or program
areas. The report shall be transmitted to the chairpersons of the
senate and house appropriations committees and the senate and house
fiscal agencies.
Sec. 229. If the office of the auditor general has identified
an initiative or made a recommendation that is related to savings
and efficiencies in an audit report for an executive branch
department or agency, the department or agency shall report within
6 months of the release of the audit on their efforts and progress
made toward achieving the savings and efficiencies identified in
the audit report. The report shall be submitted to the chairs of
the senate and house of representatives standing committees on
appropriations, the chairs of the senate and house of
representatives standing committees with jurisdiction over matters
relating to the department that is audited, and the senate and
house fiscal agencies.
Sec. 233. In addition to the GF/GP appropriations for special
maintenance, remodeling, and addition - state facilities in part 1,
there is also appropriated related federal and state restricted
funds up to the amounts that will be earned based upon the
initiatives undertaken with the funds in part 1. The state budget
director shall determine and authorize the appropriate manner for
implementing this section.
Sec. 234. In addition to the GF/GP appropriations for
enterprisewide information technology investments in part 1, there
is also appropriated related federal and state restricted funds up
to the amounts that will be earned based upon the initiatives
undertaken with the funds in part 1. The state budget director
shall determine and authorize the appropriate manner for
implementing this section.
Sec. 235. By April 1, the state budget director shall submit a
report to the senate and house appropriations committees and the
senate and house fiscal agencies. The report shall recommend a
contingency plan for each federal funding source included in the
state budget of $10,000,000.00 or more in the event that the
federal government reduces funding to the state through that source
by 10% or greater.
Sec. 301. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $1,500,000.00 for
federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $1,500,000.00 for state
restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for local
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
(4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for private
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
Sec. 302. (1) The attorney general shall perform all legal
services, including representation before courts and administrative
agencies rendering legal opinions and providing legal advice to a
principal executive department or state agency. A principal
executive department or state agency shall not employ or enter into
a contract with any other person for services described in this
(2) The attorney general shall defend judges of all state
courts if a claim is made or a civil action is commenced for
injuries to persons or property caused by the judge through the
performance of the judge's duties while acting within the scope of
his or her authority as a judge.
(3) The attorney general shall perform the duties specified in
1846 RS 12, MCL 14.28 to 14.35, and 1919 PA 232, MCL 14.101 to
14.102, and as otherwise provided by law.
Sec. 303. The attorney general may sell copies of the biennial
report in excess of the 350 copies that the attorney general may
distribute on a gratis basis. Gratis copies shall not be provided
to members of the legislature. Electronic copies of biennial
reports shall be made available on the department of attorney
general's website. The attorney general shall sell copies of the
report at not less than the actual cost of the report and shall
deposit the money received into the general fund.
Sec. 304. The department of attorney general is responsible
for the legal representation for state of Michigan state employee
worker's disability compensation cases. The risk management
revolving fund revenue appropriation in part 1 is to be satisfied
by billings from the department of attorney general for the actual
costs of legal representation, including salaries and support
Sec. 305. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, not
more than $400,000.00 shall be reimbursed per fiscal year for food
stamp fraud cases heard by the third circuit court of Wayne County
that were initiated by the department of attorney general pursuant
to the existing contract between the department of health and human
services, the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, and
the department of attorney general. The source of this funding is
money earned by the department of attorney general under the
agreement after the allowance for reimbursement to the department
of attorney general for costs associated with the prosecution of
food stamp fraud cases. It is recognized that the federal funds are
earned by the department of attorney general for its documented
progress on the prosecution of food stamp fraud cases according to
the United States Department of Agriculture regulations and that,
once earned by this state, the funds become state funds.
Sec. 306. Any proceeds from a lawsuit initiated by or
settlement agreement entered into on behalf of this state against a
manufacturer of tobacco products by the attorney general are state
funds and are subject to appropriation as provided by law.
Sec. 307. (1) In addition to the antitrust revenues in part 1,
antitrust, securities fraud, consumer protection or class action
enforcement revenues, or attorney fees recovered by the department,
not to exceed $250,000.00, are appropriated to the department for
antitrust, securities fraud, and consumer protection or class
action enforcement cases.
(2) Any unexpended funds from antitrust, securities fraud, or
consumer protection or class action enforcement revenues at the end
of the fiscal year, including antitrust funds in part 1, may be
carried forward for expenditure in the following fiscal year up to
the maximum authorization of $250,000.00.
Sec. 308. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
there is appropriated up to $1,000,000.00 from litigation expense
reimbursements awarded to the state.
(2) The funds may be expended for the payment of court
judgments, settlements, arbitration awards or other administrative
and litigation decisions, attorney fees, and litigation costs,
assessed against the office of the governor, the department of the
attorney general, the governor, or the attorney general when acting
in an official capacity as the named party in litigation against
the state. The funds may also be expended for the payment of state
costs incurred under section 16 of chapter X of the code of
criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 770.16.
(3) Unexpended funds at the end of the fiscal year may be
carried forward for expenditure in the following year, up to a
maximum authorization of $1,000,000.00.
Sec. 309. From the prisoner reimbursement funds appropriated
in part 1, the department may spend up to $625,200.00 on activities
related to the state correctional facility reimbursement act, 1935
PA 253, MCL 800.401 to 800.406. In addition to the funds
appropriated in part 1, if the department collects in excess of
$1,131,000.00 in gross annual prisoner reimbursement receipts
provided to the general fund, the excess, up to a maximum of
$1,000,000.00, is appropriated to the department of attorney
general and may be spent on the representation of the department of
corrections and its officers, employees, and agents, including, but
not limited to, the defense of litigation against the state, its
departments, officers, employees, or agents in civil actions filed
by prisoners.
Sec. 310. (1) For the purposes of providing title IV-D child
support enforcement funding, the department of health and human
services, as the state IV-D agency, shall maintain a cooperative
agreement with the attorney general for federal IV-D funding to
support the child support enforcement activities within the office
of the attorney general.
(2) The attorney general or his or her designee shall, to the
extent allowable under federal law, have access to any information
used by the state to locate parents who fail to pay court-ordered
child support.
Sec. 312. The department of attorney general shall not receive
and expend funds in addition to those authorized in part 1 for
legal services provided specifically to other state departments or
agencies except for costs for expert witnesses, court costs, or
other nonsalary litigation expenses associated with a pending legal
Sec. 313. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for attorney
general operations, the department shall allocate $600,000.00 for
the investigation and prosecution of mortgage fraud.
Sec. 314. From the lawsuit settlement proceeds fund
appropriated in part 1, the department may spend the funds for the
costs of all associated expenses related to the declaration of
emergency due to drinking water contamination up to $2,600,000.00.
Sec. 314a. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for
attorney general operations, the department of attorney general
shall allocate $700,000.00 for investigations, crime victim rights,
prosecutions, and appeals for retroactive juvenile life without
parole cases.
(2) The attorney general's office shall submit a detailed
expenditure report to the house and senate appropriations
subcommittees on general government and the judiciary, the senate
and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director by
September 30 detailing how the funds provided in subsection (1)
were expended.
Sec. 315. Total authorized appropriations from all sources
under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September
30, 2017 are $18,361,000.00. From this amount, total agency
appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are estimated at
$10,096,700.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care
legacy costs are estimated at $8,264,300.00.
Sec. 316. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for sexual
assault law enforcement efforts, the department shall use the funds
for testing of backlogged sexual assault kits across the state. The
funding provided in part 1 shall be distributed in the following
order of priority:
(a) To eliminate all county sexual assault kit backlogs
outside of Wayne County.
(b) To assist local prosecutors with investigations and
prosecutions of viable cases.
(c) To provide victim services.
(2) The department of attorney general shall provide a
detailed work and spending plan outlining anticipated litigation
action and expenditures resulting from findings of the sexual
assault kit testing. The spending plan shall be transmitted to the
state budget office, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the
senate and house of representatives standing committees on
appropriations subcommittees on general government. The
appropriation shall not be available for expenditure until the work
plan is approved by the state budget director. The state budget
office shall notify the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations subcommittees on general
government at least 15 days prior to release of the funds.
(3) The department of attorney general shall provide a report
by January 30 providing updated information related to the work and
spending plan listed in subsection (2) and provide an update on
expenditures made in relation to assisting local prosecutions and
investigations and providing victim services. The report shall be
distributed to the state budget office and the chairs of the senate
and house of representatives standing committees on appropriations
subcommittees on general government, as well as the senate and
house fiscal agencies.
Sec. 317. (1) The department of attorney general shall report
all legal costs and associated expenses related to the declaration
of emergency due to drinking water contamination, and the
investigations and any resulting prosecutions, for publication in
the Flint water emergency-financial and activities tracking and
reporting document that is posted by the state budget director on
the public website, The tracking and
reporting documents shall include the budget line item source for
each expenditure.
(2) At the conclusion of all attorney general investigations
related to the declaration of emergency due to drinking water
contamination, all materials related to any investigations shall be
preserved pursuant to applicable document retention policies.
Sec. 401. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for
federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $750,000.00 for private
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
Sec. 402. (1) In addition to the appropriations contained in
part 1, the department of civil rights may receive and expend funds
from local or private sources for all of the following purposes:
(a) Developing and presenting training for employers on equal
employment opportunity law and procedures.
(b) The publication and sale of civil rights related
informational material.
(c) The provision of copy material made available under
freedom of information requests.
(d) Other copy fees, subpoena fees, and witness fees.
(e) Developing, presenting, and participating in mediation
processes for certain civil rights cases.
(f) Workshops, seminars, and recognition or award programs
consistent with the programmatic mission of the individual unit
sponsoring or coordinating the programs.
(g) Staffing costs for all activities included in this
(2) The department of civil rights shall annually report to
the state budget director, the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations, and the senate and house
fiscal agencies the amount of funds received and expended for
purposes authorized under this section.
Sec. 403. The department of civil rights may contract with
local units of government to review equal employment opportunity
compliance of potential contractors and may charge for and expend
amounts received from local units of government for the purpose of
developing and providing these contractual services.
Sec. 404. (1) The department of civil rights shall prepare and
transmit a detailed report that includes, but is not limited to,
the following information for the most recent fiscal year:
(a) A detailed description of the department operations.
(b) A detailed description of all subunits within the
department, including FTE positions associated with each subunit,
responsibilities of each subunit, and all revenues and expenditures
for each subunit.
(c) The number of complaints by type of complaint.
(d) The average cost of, and time expended, investigating
(e) The percentage of complaints that are meritorious and
worthy of investigation or settlement and the percentage of
complaints that have no merit.
(f) A listing of amounts awarded to claimants.
(g) Expenditures associated with complaint investigation and
(h) A listing of complaint investigations closed per FTE
position for each of the past 5 years.
(i) A listing of complaint evaluations completed per FTE
position for each of the past 5 years.
(j) Productivity projections for the current fiscal year,
including investigations closed per FTE, complaint evaluations
completed per FTE, and average time expended investigating
(2) The report required under subsection (1) shall be posted
online and transmitted electronically not later than November 30 to
the state budget director, the chairpersons of the senate and house
of representatives standing committees on appropriations, the
senate and house appropriations subcommittees on general
government, and the senate and house fiscal agencies.
Sec. 405. The department of civil rights shall notify the
office of the state budget, senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations, and senate and house fiscal
agencies prior to submitting a report or complaint to the United
States Commission on Civil Rights or other federal departments.
Sec. 410. Total authorized appropriations from all sources
under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September
30, 2017 are $3,062,000.00. From this amount, total agency
appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are estimated at
$1,697,800.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care
legacy costs are estimated at $1,364,200.00.
Sec. 600. The senate, the house of representatives, or an
agency within the legislative branch may receive, expend, and
transfer funds in addition to those authorized in part 1.
Sec. 601. (1) Funds appropriated in part 1 to an entity within
the legislative branch shall not be expended or transferred to
another account without written approval of the authorized agent of
the legislative entity. If the authorized agent of the legislative
entity notifies the state budget director of its approval of an
expenditure or transfer before the year-end book-closing date for
that legislative entity, the state budget director shall
immediately make the expenditure or transfer. The authorized
legislative entity agency shall be designated by the speaker of the
house of representatives for house entities, the senate majority
leader for senate entities, and the legislative council for
legislative council entities.
(2) Funds appropriated within the legislative branch, to a
legislative council component, shall not be expended by any agency
or other subgroup included in that component without the approval
of the legislative council.
Sec. 602. The senate may charge rent and assess charges for
utility costs. The amounts received for rent charges and utility
assessments are appropriated to the senate for the renovation,
operation, and maintenance of the Farnum Building and other
Sec. 603. From the appropriation contained in part 1 for
national association dues, the first $34,800.00 shall be paid to
the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws. The
remaining funds shall be distributed accordingly by the legislative
Sec. 604. (1) The appropriation in part 1 to the Michigan
state capitol historic site includes funds to operate the
legislative parking facilities in the capitol area. The Michigan
state capitol commission shall establish rules regarding the
operation of the legislative parking facilities.
(2) The Michigan state capitol commission shall collect a fee
from state employees and the general public using certain
legislative parking facilities. The revenues received from the
parking fees are appropriated upon receipt and shall be allocated
by the Michigan state capitol commission.
Sec. 605. The appropriation in part 1 to the legislative
council for publication of the Michigan manual is a work project
account. The unexpended portion remaining on September 30 shall not
lapse and shall be carried forward into the subsequent fiscal year
for use in paying the associated biennial costs of publication of
the Michigan manual.
Sec. 606. The appropriations in part 1 to the legislative
branch, for property management, shall be used to purchase
equipment and services for building maintenance in order to ensure
a safe and productive work environment. These funds are designated
as work project appropriations and shall not lapse at the end of
the fiscal year, and shall continue to be available for expenditure
until the project has been completed. The total cost is estimated
at $2,000,000.00, and the tentative completion date is September
30, 2020.
Sec. 607. The appropriations in part 1 to the legislative
branch, for automated data processing, shall be used to purchase
equipment, software, and services in order to support and implement
data processing requirements and technology improvements. These
funds are designated as work project appropriations in accordance
with section 451a of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1451a, and shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year,
and shall continue to be available for expenditure until the
project has been completed. The total cost is estimated at
$2,000,000.00, and the tentative completion date is September 30,
Sec. 608. In addition to funds appropriated in part 1, the
Michigan capitol committee publications save the flags fund account
may accept contributions, gifts, bequests, devises, grants, and
donations. Those funds that are not expended in the fiscal year
ending September 30 shall not lapse at the close of the fiscal
year, and shall be carried forward for expenditure in the following
fiscal years.
Sec. 610. (1) From the one-time funds appropriated in part 1
for the criminal justice policy commission study, the criminal
justice policy commission shall spend up to $500,000.00 for a study
to determine what the additional estimated annual costs to counties
would be if 17-year-olds were redirected from the adult court and
correctional systems into the family court and juvenile justice
systems. The study shall also determine the estimated savings to
the state corrections system, as well as any other financial or
policy costs and benefits, from such a redirection.
(2) The unexpended funds appropriated in part 1 for the
criminal justice policy commission study are designated as a work
project appropriation, and any unencumbered or unallotted funds
shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year and shall be
available for expenditure for projects under this section until the
projects have been completed. The following is in compliance with
section 451a of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL
(a) The purpose of the project is to determine what additional
estimated annual costs to counties would be if 17-year-olds were
redirected from the adult court and correctional systems into the
family court and juvenile justice systems and the estimated savings
to the state corrections system, as well as any other financial or
policy costs and benefits, from such a redirection.
(b) The project will be accomplished by utilizing state
employees or contracts with private vendors, or both.
(c) The total estimated cost of the project is $500,000.00.
(d) The tentative completion date is April 1, 2018.
Sec. 615. Total authorized appropriations from all sources
under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September
30, 2017 are $21,279,600.00. From this amount, total agency
appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are estimated at
$11,998,700.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care
legacy costs are estimated at $9,280,900.00.
Sec. 618. It is the intent of the legislature that all
administrative functions and associated funding for the Michigan
legislative retirement system shall be transferred from the
legislative council to the department of technology, management,
and budget before the end of the 2016-2017 fiscal year.
Sec. 619. The funds appropriated in part 1 for the Michigan
veterans facility ombudsman shall be used to create a veterans
facility ombudsman to address complaints made at the veterans'
homes of this state.
Sec. 620. Pursuant to section 53 of article IV of the state
constitution of 1963, the auditor general shall conduct audits of
the judicial branch. The audits may include the supreme court and
its administrative units, the court of appeals, and trial courts.
Sec. 621. (1) The auditor general shall take all reasonable
steps to ensure that certified minority- and women-owned and
operated accounting firms, and accounting firms owned and operated
by persons with disabilities participate in the audits of the
books, accounts, and financial affairs of each principal executive
department, branch, institution, agency, and office of this state.
(2) The auditor general shall strongly encourage firms with
which the auditor general contracts to perform audits of the
principal executive departments and state agencies to subcontract
with certified minority- and women-owned and operated accounting
firms, and accounting firms owned and operated by persons with
(3) The auditor general shall compile an annual report
regarding the number of contracts entered into with certified
minority- and women-owned and operated accounting firms, and
accounting firms owned and operated by persons with disabilities.
The auditor general shall deliver the report to the state budget
director and the senate and house of representatives standing
committees on appropriations subcommittees on general government by
November 1 of each year.
Sec. 622. From the funds appropriated in part 1 to the
legislative auditor general, the auditor general's salary and the
salaries of the remaining 2.0 FTE unclassified positions shall be
set by the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate
majority leader, the house of representatives minority leader, and
the senate minority leader.
Sec. 623. Any audits, reviews, or investigations requested of
the auditor general by the legislature or by legislative
leadership, legislative committees, or individual legislators shall
include an estimate of the additional costs involved and, when
those costs exceed $50,000.00, should provide supplemental funding.
The auditor general shall determine whether to perform those
activities in keeping with Audit Directive No. 29, which describes
the office of the auditor general's policy on responding to
legislative requests.
Sec. 701. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for
federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $7,500,000.00 for state
restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 for local
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
(4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for private
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
Sec. 703. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of state shall sell copies of records including, but not
limited to, records of motor vehicles, off-road vehicles,
snowmobiles, watercraft, mobile homes, personal identification
cardholders, drivers, and boat operators and shall charge $11.00
per record sold only as authorized in section 208b of the Michigan
vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.208b, section 7 of 1972 PA 222,
MCL 28.297, and sections 80130, 80315, 81114, and 82156 of the
natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,
MCL 324.80130, 324.80315, 324.81114, and 324.82156. The revenue
received from the sale of records shall be credited to the
transportation administration collection fund created under section
810b of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.810b. The
department of state shall provide quarterly reports to the
legislature and the senate and house fiscal agencies. The report
shall be provided within 15 days of the close of the quarter and
shall include the number of records sold and the revenues
Sec. 704. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the secretary
of state may enter into agreements with the department of
corrections for the manufacture of vehicle registration plates 15
months before the registration year in which the registration
plates will be used.
Sec. 705. (1) The department of state may accept gifts,
donations, contributions, and grants of money and other property
from any private or public source to underwrite, in whole or in
part, the cost of a departmental publication that is prepared and
disseminated under the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL
257.1 to 257.923. A private or public funding source may receive
written recognition in the publication and may furnish a traffic
safety message, subject to departmental approval, for inclusion in
the publication. The department may reject a gift, donation,
contribution, or grant. The department may furnish copies of a
publication underwritten, in whole or in part, by a private source
to the underwriter at no charge.
(2) The department of state may sell and accept paid
advertising for placement in a departmental publication that is
prepared and disseminated under the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA
300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923. The department may charge and receive a
fee for any advertisement appearing in a departmental publication
and shall review and approve the content of each advertisement. The
department may refuse to accept advertising from any person or
organization. The department may furnish a reasonable number of
copies of a publication to an advertiser at no charge.
(3) Pending expenditure, the funds received under this section
shall be deposited in the Michigan department of state publications
fund created by section 211 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA
300, MCL 257.211. Funds given, donated, or contributed to the
department from a private source are appropriated and allocated for
the purpose for which the revenue is furnished. Funds granted to
the department from a public source are allocated and may be
expended upon receipt. The department shall not accept a gift,
donation, contribution, or grant if receipt is conditioned upon a
commitment of state funding at a future date. Revenue received from
the sale of advertising is appropriated and may be expended upon
(4) Any unexpended revenues received under this section shall
be carried over into subsequent fiscal years and shall be available
for appropriation for the purposes described in this section.
(5) On March 1 of each year, the department of state shall
file a report with the senate and house of representatives standing
committees on appropriations, the senate and house fiscal agencies,
and the state budget director. The report shall include all of the
following information:
(a) The amount of gifts, contributions, donations, and grants
of money received by the department under this section for the
prior fiscal year.
(b) A listing of the expenditures made from the amounts
received by the department as reported in subdivision (a).
(c) A listing of any gift, donation, contribution, or grant of
property other than funding received by the department under this
section for the prior year.
(d) The total revenue received from the sale of paid
advertising accepted under this section and a statement of the
total number of advertising transactions.
(6) In addition to copies delivered without charge as the
secretary of state considers necessary, the department of state may
sell copies of manuals and other publications regarding the sale,
ownership, or operation or regulation of motor vehicles, with
amendments, at prices to be established by the secretary of state.
As used in this subsection, the term "manuals and other
publications" includes videos and proprietary electronic
publications. All funds received from sales of these manuals and
other publications shall be credited to the Michigan department of
state publications fund.
Sec. 707. Funds collected by the department of state under
section 211 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.211,
are appropriated for all expenses necessary to provide for the
costs of the publication. Funds are allotted for expenditure when
they are received by the department of treasury and shall not lapse
to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year.
Sec. 708. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of state shall use available balances at the end of the
state fiscal year to provide payment to the department of state
police in the amount of $332,000.00 for the services provided by
the traffic accident records program as first appropriated in 1990
PA 196 and 1990 PA 208.
Sec. 709. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of state may restrict funds from miscellaneous revenue
to cover cash shortages created from normal branch office
operations. This amount shall not exceed $50,000.00 of the total
funds available in miscellaneous revenue.
Sec. 710. (1) Commemorative and specialty license plate fee
revenue collected by the department of state and deposited into the
transportation administration collection fund created in section
810b of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.810b, is
authorized for expenditure up to the amount of revenue collected
but not to exceed the amount appropriated to the department of
state in part 1 to administer commemorative and specialty license
plate programs.
(2) Commemorative and specialty license plate fee revenue
collected by the department of state and deposited in the
transportation administration collection fund created in section
810b of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.810b, in
addition to the amount appropriated in part 1 to the department of
state, shall remain in the transportation administration collection
fund created in section 810b of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA
300, MCL 257.810b, and be available for future appropriation.
Sec. 711. Collector plate and fund-raising registration plate
revenues collected by the department of state are appropriated and
allotted for distribution to the recipient university or public or
private agency overseeing a state-sponsored goal when received.
Distributions shall occur on a quarterly basis or as otherwise
authorized by law. Any revenues remaining at the end of the fiscal
year shall not lapse to the general fund but shall remain available
for distribution to the university or agency in the next fiscal
Sec. 712. The department of state may produce and sell copies
of a training video designed to inform registered automotive repair
facilities of their obligations under Michigan law. The price shall
not exceed the cost of production and distribution. The money
received from the sale of training videos shall revert to the
department of state and be placed in the auto repair facility
Sec. 713. (1) The department of state, in collaboration with
the gift of life transplantation society or its successor federally
designated organ procurement organization, may develop and
administer a public information campaign concerning the Michigan
organ donor program.
(2) The department of state may solicit funds from any private
or public source to underwrite, in whole or in part, the public
information campaign authorized by this section. The department may
accept gifts, donations, contributions, and grants of money and
other property from private and public sources for this purpose. A
private or public funding source underwriting the public
information campaign, in whole or in substantial part, shall
receive sponsorship credit for its financial backing.
(3) Funds received under this section, including grants from
state and federal agencies, shall not lapse to the general fund at
the end of the fiscal year but shall remain available for
expenditure for the purposes described in this section.
(4) Funding appropriated in part 1 for the organ donor program
shall be used for producing a pamphlet to be distributed with
driver licenses and personal identification cards regarding organ
donations. The funds shall be used to update and print a pamphlet
that will explain the organ donor program and encourage people to
become donors by marking a checkoff on driver license and personal
identification card applications.
(5) The pamphlet shall include a return reply form addressed
to the gift of life organization. Funding appropriated in part 1
for the organ donor program shall be used to pay for return postage
(6) In addition to the appropriations in part 1, the
department of state may receive and expend funds from the organ and
tissue donation education fund for administrative expenses.
Sec. 714. (1) Except as otherwise provided under subsection
(2), at least 180 days before closing a branch office or
consolidating a branch office and at least 60 days before
relocating a branch office, the department of state shall inform
members of the senate and house of representatives standing
committees on appropriations and legislators who represent affected
areas regarding the details of the proposal. The information
provided shall be in written form and include all analyses done
regarding criteria for changes in the location of branch offices,
including, but not limited to, branch transactions, revenue, and
the impact on citizens of the affected area. The impact on citizens
shall include information regarding additional distance to branch
office locations resulting from the plan. The written notice
provided by the department of state shall also include detailed
estimates of costs and savings that will result from the overall
changes made to the branch office structure and the same level of
detail regarding costs for new leased facilities and expansions of
current leased space.
(2) If the consolidation of a branch office is with another
branch office that is located within the same local unit of
government or the relocation of a branch office is to another
location that is located within the same local unit of government,
the department of state is not required to provide the notification
or written information described in subsection (1).
(3) As used in this section, "local unit of government" means
a city, village, township, or county.
Sec. 715. (1) Any service assessment collected by the
department of state from the user of a credit or debit card under
section 3 of 1995 PA 144, MCL 11.23, may be used by the department
for necessary expenses related to that service and may be remitted
to a credit or debit card company, bank, or other financial
(2) The service assessment imposed by the department of state
for credit and debit card services may be based either on a
percentage of each individual credit or debit card transaction, or
on a flat rate per transaction, or both, scaled to the amount of
the transaction. However, the department shall not charge any
amount for a service assessment which exceeds the costs billable to
the department for service assessments.
(3) If there is a balance of service assessments received from
credit and debit card services remaining on September 30, the
balance may be carried forward to the following fiscal year and
appropriated for the same purpose.
(4) As used in this section, "service assessment" means and
includes costs associated with service fees imposed by credit and
debit card companies and processing fees imposed by banks and other
financial institutions.
Sec. 716b. The department of state shall provide a report that
calculates the total amount of funds expended for the business
application modernization project to date from the inception of the
program. The report shall contain information on the original start
and completion dates for the project, the original cost to complete
the project, and a listing of all revisions to project completion
dates and costs. The report shall include the total amount of funds
paid to the state by the contract provider for penalties. The
report shall be submitted to the senate and house of
representatives standing committees on appropriations, the senate
and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director by January
Sec. 717. (1) The department of state may accept nonmonetary
gifts, donations, or contributions of property from any private or
public source to support, in whole or in part, the operation of a
departmental function relating to licensing, regulation, or safety.
The department may recognize a private or public contributor for
making the contribution. The department may reject a gift,
donation, or contribution.
(2) The department of state shall not accept a gift, donation,
or contribution under subsection (1) if receipt of the gift,
donation, or contribution is conditioned upon a commitment of
future state funding.
(3) On March 1 of each year, the department of state shall
file a report with the senate and house of representatives standing
committees on appropriations, the senate and house fiscal agencies,
and the state budget director. The report shall list any gift,
donation, or contribution received by the department under
subsection (1) for the prior calendar year.
Sec. 718. From the funds appropriated in part 1 to the
department of state, branch operations, the department shall
maintain a full service secretary of state branch office in Buena
Vista Township.
Sec. 721. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of state may collect ATM commission fees from companies
that have ATMs located in secretary of state branch offices. The
commission received from the use of these ATMs shall be credited to
the transportation administration collection fund created under
section 810b of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL
Sec. 722. (1) From the increased funds appropriated in part 1
for information technology services and projects, the department of
state shall establish a legacy modernization project beginning in
the current fiscal year. The purpose of this program expansion is
modernization of the entire system and removal of existing programs
from the legacy mainframes.
(2) The department of state shall provide a report on the
status of the legacy modernization project that includes, but is
not limited to, itemization of all expenditures made on behalf of
the project, anticipated completion date of the project, time frame
of each phase of the project, the cost of the project, the number
of employees assigned to implement each phase of the project, the
contracts entered into for the project, anticipated overall cost of
the project, and any other information the department considers
necessary. The plan shall be distributed to the senate and house of
representatives standing committees on appropriations subcommittees
on general government, as well as the senate and house fiscal
agencies, and the state budget director by January 1.
Sec. 723. From the increased funds appropriated in part 1 for
elections administration and services, the department of state
shall establish funding available for the replacement of voting
machines. The purpose of this program expansion is replacement of
existing voting machines in the local jurisdictions.
Sec. 725. Total authorized appropriations from all sources
under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September
30, 2017 are $31,874,100.00. From this amount, total agency
appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are estimated at
$17,673,400.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care
legacy costs are estimated at $14,200,700.00.
Sec. 801. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $4,000,000.00 for
federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $8,000,000.00 for state
restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 for local
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
(4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for private
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
Sec. 802. Proceeds in excess of necessary costs incurred in
the conduct of transfers or auctions of state surplus, salvage, or
scrap property made pursuant to section 267 of the management and
budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1267, are appropriated to the
department of technology, management, and budget to offset costs
incurred in the acquisition and distribution of federal surplus
property. The department of technology, management, and budget
shall provide consolidated Internet auction services through the
state's contractors for all local units of government.
Sec. 803. (1) The department of technology, management, and
budget may receive and expend funds in addition to those authorized
by part 1 for maintenance and operation services provided
specifically to other principal executive departments or state
agencies, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, or private
tenants, or provided in connection with facilities transferred to
the operational jurisdiction of the department of technology,
management, and budget.
(2) The department of technology, management, and budget may
receive and expend funds in addition to those authorized by part 1
for real estate, architectural, design, and engineering services
provided specifically to other principal executive departments or
state agencies, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, or
private tenants.
(3) The department of technology, management, and budget may
receive and expend funds in addition to those authorized in part 1
for mail pickup and delivery services provided specifically to
other principal executive departments and state agencies, the
legislative branch, or the judicial branch.
(4) The department of technology, management, and budget may
receive and expend funds in addition to those authorized in part 1
for purchasing services provided specifically to other principal
executive departments and state agencies, the legislative branch,
or the judicial branch.
Sec. 804. (1) The source of financing in part 1 for statewide
appropriations shall be funded by assessments against longevity and
insurance appropriations throughout state government in a manner
prescribed by the department of technology, management, and budget.
Funds shall be used as specified in joint labor/management
agreements or through the coordinated compensation hearings
process. Any deposits made under this subsection and any
unencumbered funds are restricted revenues, may be carried over
into the succeeding fiscal years, and are appropriated.
(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1 for
statewide appropriations, the department of technology, management,
and budget may receive and expend funds in such additional amounts
as may be specified in joint labor/management agreements or through
the coordinated compensation hearings process in the same manner
and subject to the same conditions as prescribed in subsection (1).
Sec. 805. To the extent a specific appropriation is required
for a detailed source of financing included in part 1 for the
department of technology, management, and budget appropriations
financed from special revenue and internal service and pension
trust funds, or MAIN user charges, the specific amounts are
appropriated within the special revenue internal service and
pension trust funds in portions not to exceed the aggregate amount
appropriated in part 1.
Sec. 806. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1 to
the department of technology, management, and budget, the
department may receive and expend funds from other principal
executive departments and state agencies to implement
administrative leave bank transfer provisions as may be specified
in joint labor/management agreements. The amounts may also be
transferred to other principal executive departments and state
agencies under the joint agreement and any amounts transferred
under the joint agreement are authorized for receipt and
expenditure by the receiving principal executive department or
state agency. Any amounts received by the department of technology,
management, and budget under this section and intended, under the
joint labor/management agreements, to be available for use beyond
the close of the fiscal year and any unencumbered funds may be
carried over into the succeeding fiscal year.
Sec. 807. The source of financing in part 1 for the Michigan
administrative information network shall be funded by proportionate
charges assessed against the respective state funds benefiting from
this project in the amounts determined by the department.
Sec. 808. (1) Deposits against the interdepartmental grant
from building occupancy and parking charges appropriated in part 1
shall be collected, in part, from state agencies, the legislative
branch, and the judicial branch based on estimated costs associated
with maintenance and operation of buildings managed by the
department of technology, management, and budget. To the extent
excess revenues are collected due to estimates of building
occupancy charges exceeding actual costs, the excess revenues may
be carried forward into succeeding fiscal years for the purpose of
returning funds to state agencies.
(2) Appropriations in part 1 to the department of technology,
management, and budget, for management and budget services from
building occupancy charges and parking charges, may be increased to
return excess revenue collected to state agencies.
Sec. 809. On a quarterly basis, the department of technology,
management, and budget shall notify the chairpersons of the senate
and house of representatives standing committees on appropriations,
the chairpersons of the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations subcommittees on general
government, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state
budget director on any revisions that increase or decrease current
contracts by more than $500,000.00 for computer software
development, hardware acquisition, or quality assurance.
Sec. 810. The department of technology, management, and budget
shall maintain an Internet website that contains notice of all
invitations for bids and requests for proposals over $50,000.00
issued by the department or by any state agency operating under
delegated authority. The department shall not accept an invitation
for bid or request for proposal in less than 14 days after the
notice is made available on the Internet website, except in
situations where it would be in the best interest of the state and
documented by the department. In addition to the requirements of
this section, the department may advertise the invitations for bids
and requests for proposals in any manner the department determines
appropriate, in order to give the greatest number of individuals
and businesses the opportunity to make bids or requests for
Sec. 811. The department of technology, management, and budget
may receive and expend funds from the Vietnam veterans memorial
monument fund as provided in the Michigan Vietnam veterans memorial
act, 1988 PA 234, MCL 35.1051 to 35.1057. Funds are appropriated
and allocated when received and may be expended upon receipt.
Sec. 812. The Michigan veterans' memorial park commission may
receive and expend money from any source, public or private,
including, but not limited to, gifts, grants, donations of money,
and government appropriations, for the purposes described in
Executive Order No. 2001-10. Funds are appropriated and allocated
when received and may be expended upon receipt. Any deposits made
under this section and unencumbered funds are restricted revenues
and may be carried over into succeeding fiscal years.
Sec. 813. (1) Funds in part 1 for motor vehicle fleet are
appropriated to the department of technology, management, and
budget for administration and for the acquisition, lease,
operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and disposal of state
motor vehicles.
(2) The appropriation in part 1 for motor vehicle fleet shall
be funded by revenue from rates charged to principal executive
departments and agencies for utilizing vehicle travel services
provided by the department. Revenue in excess of the amount
appropriated in part 1 from the motor transport fund and any
unencumbered funds are restricted revenues and may be carried over
into the succeeding fiscal year.
(3) Pursuant to the department of technology, management, and
budget's authority under sections 213 and 215 of the management and
budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1213 and 18.1215, the department
shall maintain a plan regarding the operation of the motor vehicle
fleet. The plan shall include the number of vehicles assigned to,
or authorized for use by, state departments and agencies, efforts
to reduce travel expenditures, the number of cars in the motor
vehicle fleet, the number of miles driven by fleet vehicles, and
the number of gallons of fuel consumed by fleet vehicles. The plan
shall include a calculation of the amount of state motor vehicle
fuel taxes that would have been incurred by fleet vehicles if fleet
vehicles were required by law to pay motor fuel taxes. The plan
shall include a description of fleet garage operations, the goods
sold and services provided by the fleet garage, the cost to operate
the fleet garage, the number of fleet garage locations, and the
number of employees assigned to each fleet garage. The plan may be
adjusted during the fiscal year based on needs and cost savings to
achieve the maximum value and efficiency from the state motor
fleet. Within 60 days after the close of the fiscal year, the
department shall provide a report to the senate and house of
representatives standing committees on appropriations, the senate
and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director detailing
the current plan and changes made to the plan during the fiscal
(4) The department of technology, management, and budget may
charge state agencies for fuel cost increases that exceed $3.04 per
gallon of unleaded gasoline. The department shall notify state
agencies, in writing or by electronic mail, at least 30 days before
implementing additional charges for fuel cost increases. Revenues
received from these charges are appropriated upon receipt.
(5) The state budget director, upon notification to the senate
and house of representatives standing committees on appropriations,
may adjust spending authorization and the IDG from motor transport
fund in the department of technology, management, and budget in
order to ensure that the appropriations for motor vehicle fleet in
the department budget equal the expenditures for motor vehicle
fleet in the budgets for all executive branch agencies.
Sec. 814. The department of technology, management, and budget
shall develop a plan regarding the use of the funds appropriated in
part 1 for the enterprisewide information technology investment
projects. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, a
description of proposed information technology investment projects,
the time frame for completion of the information technology
investment projects, the proposed cost of the information
technology investment projects, the number of employees assigned to
implement each information technology investment project, the
contracts entered into for each information technology investment
project, and any other information the department deems necessary.
The plan shall be distributed to the senate and house of
representatives standing committees on appropriations subcommittees
on general government, as well as the senate and house fiscal
agencies, and the state budget director on a quarterly basis. The
submitted plan shall also include anticipated spending reductions
or overages for each of the proposed information technology
investment projects. The department of technology, management, and
budget shall notify the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations subcommittees on general
government, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state
budget director when a project funded under an information
technology investment project line item in part 1 is expected to
require a transfer of dollars from another project in excess of
Sec. 814a. The funds appropriated in part 1 for information
technology investment projects shall be used for the modernization
of state information technology systems, improvement of the state's
cyber security framework, and to achieve efficiencies.
Sec. 816. An RFP issued for the purpose of privatization shall
include all factors used in evaluating and determining price.
Sec. 818. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of technology, management, and budget may receive and
expend money from the Michigan law enforcement officers memorial
monument fund as provided in the Michigan law enforcement officers
memorial act, 2004 PA 177, MCL 28.781 to 28.787.
Sec. 820. The department shall make available to the public a
list of all parcels of real property owned by the state that are
available for purchase. The list shall be posted on the Internet
through the department's website.
Sec. 821. The department of technology, management, and budget
shall annually update the office space consolidation project plan,
including the use of the funds appropriated pursuant to
2012 PA 200 for the space consolidation fund. By February 15, the
department shall report to the senate and house of representatives
committees on appropriations subcommittees on general government
and the senate and house fiscal agencies on the revised plan and
plan implementation. The report shall include, but is not limited
to, the description of the proposed office space to be
consolidated, the time frame for completion of the office space
consolidation, the proposed itemized cost of the office space
consolidation, the number of employees assigned to implement the
office space consolidation, the contracts entered into for the
office space consolidation, information on completed projects,
anticipated savings, savings achieved, and any other information
the department deems necessary.
Sec. 822. The department of technology, management, and budget
shall compile a report by January 1 pertaining to the salaries of
unclassified employees, as well as gubernatorial appointees, within
all state departments and agencies. The report shall enumerate each
unclassified employee and gubernatorial appointee and his or her
annual salary individually. The report shall be distributed to the
chairs of the senate and house of representatives standing
committees on appropriations subcommittees on general government,
as well as the senate and house fiscal agencies and be made
available electronically.
Sec. 822b. (1) A public-private partnership investment fund is
created in MDTMB. Subject to subsections (2) and (3), public-
private partnership investments shall include, but are not limited
to, all of the following:
(a) Capital asset improvements including buildings, land, or
(b) Energy resource exploration, extraction, generation, and
(c) Financial and investment incentive opportunities.
(d) Infrastructure construction, maintenance, and operation.
(e) Public-private sector joint ventures that provide economic
benefit to an area or to the state.
(2) Public-private investments shall not include projects,
consultant expenses, staff effort, or any other activity related to
the development, financing, construction, operation, or
implementation of the Detroit River International Crossing or any
successor project unless the project is approved by the legislature
and signed into law.
(3) The state budget director shall determine whether or not a
specific public-private partnership investment opportunity
qualifies for funding under subsection (1).
(4) Investment development revenue, including a portion of the
proceeds from the sale of any public-private partnership investment
designated in subsection (1), shall be deposited into the fund
created in subsection (1) and shall be available for
administration, development, financing, marketing, and operating
expenditures associated with public-private partnerships, unless
otherwise provided by law. Public-private partnership investments
authorized in subsection (1) are authorized for public or private
operation or sale consistent with state law. Expenditures from the
fund are authorized for investment purposes as designated in
subsection (1) to enhance the marketable value of each investment.
The unencumbered balance remaining in the fund at the end of the
fiscal year may be carried forward for appropriation in future
(5) An annual report shall be transmitted to the senate and
house of representatives standing committees on appropriations, the
senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget office not
later than December 31 of each year. This report shall detail both
of the following:
(a) The revenue and expenditure activity in the fund for the
preceding fiscal year.
(b) Public-private partnership investments as identified under
subsection (1).
(6) MDTMB shall monitor the revenue deposited in the public-
private partnership investment fund created in subsection (1). If
the revenue in the fund is insufficient to pay the amount
appropriated in part 1 for public-private partnership investment,
then MDTMB shall propose a legislative transfer to fund the line
from the appropriations in part 1.
Sec. 822c. The funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used
to support any staff effort, projects, consultant expenses, or any
other activity related to the development, financing, construction,
operation, or implementation of the Detroit River International
Crossing or any successor project unless the project is approved by
the legislature and signed into law.
Sec. 822d. By December 31, the department shall provide a
report to the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on
general government and the senate and house fiscal agencies that
identifies fee and rate schedules to be used by state departments
and agencies for services, including information technology,
provided by the department during fiscal year 2016-2017. The report
shall also identify changes from fees and rates charged in fiscal
year 2015-2016 and include an explanation of the factors that
justify each fee and rate increase.
Sec. 822e. Total authorized appropriations from all sources
under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September
30, 2017 are $78,962,000.00. From this amount, total agency
appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are estimated at
$43,795,600.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care
legacy costs are estimated at $35,166,400.00.
Sec. 822f. (1) The funds appropriated in part 1 for the
regional prosperity initiative are to be used as competitive grants
to eligible regional planning organizations qualifying for funding
as a regional prosperity collaborative, a regional prosperity
council, or a regional prosperity board. A regional planning
organization may not qualify for funding under more than 1 category
in the same state fiscal year. As used in this section:
(a) "Eligible regional planning organization" means any of the
(i) An existing regional planning commission created pursuant
to 1945 PA 281, MCL 125.11 to 125.25.
(ii) An existing regional economic development commission
created pursuant to 1966 PA 46, MCL 125.1231 to 125.1237.
(iii) An existing metropolitan area council formed pursuant to
the metropolitan councils act, 1989 PA 292, MCL 124.651 to 124.729.
(iv) A Michigan metropolitan planning organization established
pursuant to the moving ahead for progress in the 21st century act,
Public Law 112-141.
(b) "Freedom of information act" means the freedom of
information act, 5 USC 552.
(c) "Open meetings act" means the open meetings act, 1976 PA
267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.
(d) "Regional prosperity board" means a regional body that has
a singular governing board with representation from private,
public, and nonprofit entities engaged in joint decision-making
practices for the purpose of creating or maintaining a phase three:
regional prosperity plan.
(e) "Regional prosperity collaborative" means any committee
developed by a regional planning organization or a metropolitan
planning organization that serves to bring organizational
representation together from private, public, and nonprofit
entities within a region for the purpose of creating or maintaining
a phase one: regional prosperity plan.
(f) "Regional prosperity council" means a regional body with
representation from private, public, and nonprofit entities with
shared administrative services and an executive governing entity,
as demonstrated by a formal local agreement or agreements for the
purpose of creating or maintaining a phase two: regional prosperity
(2) Regional planning organizations may qualify to receive not
more than $250,000.00 of incentive-based funding as a regional
prosperity collaborative subject to meeting all of the following
(a) The regional prosperity collaborative has created a phase
one: regional prosperity plan, as follows:
(i) The regional prosperity collaborative must include
regional representatives from adult education, workforce
development, community development, economic development,
transportation, and higher education organizations.
(ii) The plan is required, at a minimum, to include a 5-year
plan focused on economic growth and vitality for the region, as
well as a performance dashboard and measurable annual goals to
support the 5-year plan.
(iii) The 5-year plan shall address regional strategies
related to adult education, workforce development, economic
development, transportation, higher education, and business
(iv) The regional prosperity collaborative shall adopt the
plan by a minimum 2/3 majority vote of its members.
(b) The regional prosperity collaborative adheres to
accountability and transparency measures required in the open
meetings act and the freedom of information act.
(c) The regional prosperity collaborative convenes monthly
meetings, open to the public, to consider and discuss issues
leading to a common vision of economic prosperity for the region,
including, but not limited to, community development, economic
development, talent, and infrastructure opportunities.
(d) The regional prosperity collaborative makes available on
the grant recipient's publicly accessible Internet site pertinent
documents, including, but not limited to, monthly meeting agendas,
minutes of monthly meetings, voting records, and the regional
prosperity plan and performance dashboard.
(e) The regional prosperity collaborative keeps a status
report detailing the spending associated with previous regional
prosperity initiative grants. Organizations that have successfully
received grant awards in previous fiscal years shall be required to
make available to the department and on a publicly accessible
Internet site information regarding the use of those grant dollars.
(3) Regional planning organizations eligible to receive a
payment as a regional prosperity collaborative under subsection (2)
may qualify to receive a 1-time grant of not more than $75,000.00
to produce a plan to transform the regional prosperity
collaborative into a regional prosperity council or regional
prosperity board, including necessary local formal agreements, to
make recommendations that eliminate duplicative efforts and
administrative functions, and to leverage resources through
cooperation, collaboration, and consolidations of organizations or
programs throughout the region. Plans produced to transform the
regional prosperity collaborative into a regional prosperity
council or regional prosperity board shall be made available on the
grant recipient's publicly accessible Internet site.
(4) Regional planning organizations may qualify to receive not
more than $375,000.00 of incentive-based funding as a regional
prosperity council subject to meeting all of the following
(a) A regional prosperity council has been formed and includes
regional representatives from adult education, workforce
development, community development, economic development,
transportation, and higher education organizations.
(b) An eligible regional prosperity council will demonstrate
shared administrative services between 2 public regional entities
included in subdivision (a). In addition, the council must have and
maintain an executive governing entity, as demonstrated by a formal
local agreement or agreements.
(c) The regional prosperity council has created a phase two:
regional prosperity plan, as follows:
(i) The regional prosperity council shall identify
opportunities for shared administrative services and decision-
making among the private, public, and nonprofit entities within the
region and shall continue collaboration with regional prosperity
council members, including, but not limited to, representatives
from adult education providers, workforce development agencies,
community development agencies, economic development agencies,
transportation service providers, and higher education
(ii) The plan is required to include, but is not limited to,
all of the following:
(A) A status report of the approved 5-year plan.
(B) The addition of a 10-year plan for the region which builds
upon prior work and is focused on economic growth and vitality in
the region.
(C) A prioritized list of regional projects.
(D) A performance dashboard with measurable annual goals.
(iii) The regional prosperity council shall adopt the plan by
a minimum 2/3 vote of its members.
(d) The regional prosperity council adheres to accountability
and transparency measures required in the open meetings act and the
freedom of information act.
(e) The regional prosperity council convenes monthly meetings,
open to the public, to consider and discuss issues leading to a
common vision of economic prosperity for the region, including, but
not limited to, community development, economic development,
talent, and infrastructure opportunities.
(f) The regional prosperity council makes available on the
grant recipient's publicly accessible Internet site pertinent
documents, including, but not limited to, monthly meeting agendas,
minutes of monthly meetings, voting records, and the regional
prosperity plan and performance dashboard.
(g) The regional prosperity council keeps a status report
detailing the spending associated with previous regional prosperity
initiative grants. Organizations that have successfully received
grant awards in previous fiscal years shall be required to make
available to the department and on a publicly accessible Internet
site information regarding the use of those grant dollars.
(5) Regional planning organizations eligible to receive a
payment as a regional prosperity council under subsection (4) may
qualify to receive a 1-time grant of not more than $75,000.00 to
produce a plan to transform the regional prosperity council into a
regional prosperity board, including a singular private/public
governance structure that comports with federal guidelines for
governance under the workforce investment act, Public Law 105-220,
the moving ahead for progress in the 21st century act, Public Law
112-141, the economic development administration and Appalachian
regional development reform act of 1998, Public Law 105-393, and
recommendations to eliminate duplicative efforts, administrative
functions, and leverage resources through cooperation,
collaboration, and consolidations of organizations or programs
throughout the region.
(6) Regional planning organizations may qualify to receive not
more than $500,000.00 of incentive-based funding as a regional
prosperity board subject to meeting all of the following
(a) The regional prosperity board has been formed and, at a
minimum, must demonstrate the consolidation of a regional
metropolitan planning organization, where one exists, state
designated regional planning agency boards, workforce development
boards, and federally designated regional economic development
districts within a region.
(b) The regional prosperity board has created a phase three:
regional prosperity plan, as follows:
(i) The regional prosperity board shall create a regional
services recommendations report prioritizing the list of state-
funded services and programs provided to the region, and
recommendations for state-regional partnerships to support the
adopted regional prosperity plan.
(ii) The plan is required to include a status report of the
approved 10-year plan for the creation of an updated regional
prosperity plan.
(iii) The regional prosperity board shall adopt the plan by a
minimum 2/3 vote of its members.
(c) The regional prosperity board adheres to accountability
and transparency measures required in the open meetings act and the
freedom of information act.
(d) The regional prosperity board convenes monthly meetings,
open to the public, to consider and discuss issues leading to a
common vision of economic prosperity for the region, including, but
not limited to, community development, economic development,
talent, and infrastructure opportunities.
(e) The regional prosperity board makes available on the grant
recipient's publicly accessible Internet site pertinent documents,
including, but not limited to, monthly meeting agendas, minutes of
monthly meetings, voting records, and the regional prosperity plan
and performance dashboard.
(7) Regional planning organizations eligible to receive a
payment as a regional prosperity board under subsection (6) may
qualify to receive not more than $125,000.00, to implement the
prioritized regional prosperity plan projects.
(8) Regional planning organizations eligible to receive a
payment as a regional prosperity collaborative, board, or council
may partner with other eligible regional planning organizations to
submit joint applications. In the instance of a joint application,
1 regional planning organization shall be utilized as the overall
applicant. The department may award a joint application award of no
greater than the sum of potential application dollars which would
have otherwise been available through individual applications.
(9) The department shall develop an application process and
method of grant distribution for the regional prosperity
initiative. Funding applications from regional planning
organizations shall be due to the department by December 1, 2016.
The department shall notify regional planning organizations of
grant application status by January 1, 2017. The department shall
ensure that processes are established to verify that qualifying
regional planning organizations meet the requirements under
subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7), as applicable.
(10) Unexpended funds appropriated in part 1 for the regional
prosperity initiative are designated as work project
appropriations, and any unencumbered or unallotted funds shall not
lapse at the end of the fiscal year and shall be available for
expenditure for regional prosperity initiative projects under this
section until the projects have been completed. The following is in
compliance with section 451a of the management and budget act, 1984
PA 431, MCL 18.1451a:
(a) The purpose of the projects is to provide incentive-based
grants to recipients under this section.
(b) The projects will be accomplished by grants to qualified
regional planning organizations.
(c) The total estimated cost of all projects is $2,500,000.00.
(d) The estimated completion date is September 30, 2021.
Sec. 822g. The department of technology, management, and
budget shall report by April 1 to the senate and house
appropriations subcommittees on general government and the senate
and house fiscal agencies on legal service fund expenditures. The
report shall itemize expenditures by case, purpose, and department
Sec. 822h. (1) The department of technology, management, and
budget shall report by April 15 to the senate and house
appropriations subcommittees on general government and the senate
and house fiscal agencies on the expenditures for the office of
urban initiatives. The report shall provide information detailing
the economic impact and job growth initiatives for each urban and
metropolitan area receiving funds under part 1. The report shall
also provide information detailing the initiatives undertaken in
each urban or metropolitan area receiving funds under part 1,
including, but not limited to, all of the following:
(a) Transportation and infrastructure.
(b) Public services.
(c) Land use and sustainability.
(d) Housing.
(e) Workforce and economic development.
(2) Any unencumbered and unexpended funds appropriated to the
office of urban initiatives in the previous fiscal year shall lapse
to the general fund on October 1.
Sec. 822i. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department shall assure all of the following:
(a) That public schools that are placed in the state school
reform/redesign school district or under a chief executive officer
under section 1280c of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL
380.1280c, remain in compliance with all applicable state and
federal law concerning special education.
(b) That students at public schools described in subdivision
(a) with individualized education programs are afforded special
education services in accordance with applicable state and federal
law concerning special education.
(2) The department shall report to the legislature on the
number of students in public schools described in subsection (1)(a)
who have an individualized education program and the performance
results of those students after the change in governance of the
public school.
Sec. 822j. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for the
office of good government, the department of technology,
management, and budget shall expand the scope of the office of good
government. The purpose of this program expansion is to broaden the
office's support of transformative good government initiatives
related to employee engagement and process improvement.
Sec. 822k. The department shall work with the department of
health and human services to conduct an evaluation of all state-
owned lands and buildings at the Hawthorn center psychiatric
hospital facility for children and adolescents and develop a
recommendation for the future use of the facility considering the
needs of the department of health and human services, its patients,
and the overall infrastructure plans of state government. A copy of
the evaluation shall be delivered to the senate and house
appropriations committees, the senate and house fiscal agencies,
and the state budget director by March 1.
Sec. 822l. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for the
school reform office, the school reform office shall conduct 1
public hearing in the school district of priority schools that the
school reform office has determined require an intervention
authorized by section 1280c(6) or (7) of the revised school code,
1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1280c. The school reform office shall give
notice to the district prior to the public hearing. The public
hearing shall include an outline of the plan for academic
improvement of the schools and a projected time frame of the school
reform office's involvement with the schools.
Sec. 822m. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department shall establish a system that collaborates with other
departments to keep track of the performance of vendors in
fulfilling contract obligations. The performance of these vendors
shall be recorded and used as a factor to determine future
contracts awarded in the procurement process.
Sec. 822n. From the funds appropriated in part 1, beginning on
October 1, the department of technology, management, and budget
shall ensure that all new requests for proposals that are publicly
displayed on the webpage include the proposal's corresponding
department and agency for the purpose of searching for requests for
proposals by department and agency.
Sec. 822o. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for the
school reform office, the school reform office shall make an effort
to coordinate with the department of education to streamline state
services and resources, reduce duplication, and increase
Sec. 823. (1) The department of technology, management, and
budget may sell and accept paid advertising for placement on any
state website under its jurisdiction. The department shall review
and approve the content of each advertisement. The department may
refuse to accept advertising from any person or organization or
require modification to advertisements based upon criteria
determined by the department. Revenue received under this
subsection shall be used for operating costs of the department and
for future technology enhancements to state of Michigan e-
government initiatives. Funds received under this subsection shall
be limited to $250,000.00. Any funds in excess of $250,000.00 shall
be deposited in the state general fund.
(2) The department of technology, management, and budget may
accept gifts, donations, contributions, bequests, and grants of
money from any public or private source to assist with the
underwriting or sponsorship of state webpages or services offered
on those webpages. A private or public funding source may receive
recognition in the webpage. The department of technology,
management, and budget may reject any gift, donation, contribution,
bequest, or grant.
(3) Funds accepted by the department of technology,
management, and budget under subsection (1) or (2) are appropriated
and allotted when received and may be expended upon approval of the
state budget director. The state budget office shall notify the
senate and house of representatives standing committees on
appropriations subcommittees on general government and the senate
and house fiscal agencies within 10 days after the approval is
Sec. 824. The department of technology, management, and budget
may enter into agreements to supply spatial information and
technical services to other principal executive departments, state
agencies, local units of government, and other organizations. The
department of technology, management, and budget may receive and
expend funds in addition to those authorized in part 1 for
providing information and technical services, publications, maps,
and other products. The department of technology, management, and
budget may expend amounts received for salaries, supplies, and
equipment necessary to provide informational products and technical
services. Prior to December 1 of each year, the department shall
provide a report to the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations subcommittees on general
government and the state budget director detailing the sources of
funding and expenditures made under this section.
Sec. 825. The legislature shall have access to all historical
and current data contained within MAIN pertaining to state
departments. State departments shall have access to all historical
and current data contained within MAIN.
Sec. 826. When used in this part and part 1, "information
technology services" means services involving all aspects of
managing and processing information, including, but not limited to,
all of the following:
(a) Application and mobile development and maintenance.
(b) Desktop computer support and management.
(c) Cyber security.
(d) Social media.
(e) Mainframe computer support and management.
(f) Server support and management.
(g) Local area network support and management, including, but
not limited to, wired and wireless network build-out, support, and
(h) Information technology project management.
(i) Information technology planning and budget management.
(j) Telecommunication services, infrastructure, and support.
Sec. 827. (1) Funds appropriated in part 1 for the Michigan
public safety communications system shall be expended upon approval
of an expenditure plan by the state budget director.
(2) The department of technology, management, and budget shall
assess all subscribers of the Michigan public safety communications
system reasonable access and maintenance fees and deposit the fees
in the Michigan public safety communications systems fees fund.
(3) All money received by the department of technology,
management, and budget under this section shall be expended for the
support and maintenance of the Michigan public safety
communications system.
(4) The department of technology, management, and budget shall
provide a report to the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations, the senate and house fiscal
agencies, and the state budget director on April 15, indicating the
amount of revenue collected under this section and expended for
support and maintenance of the Michigan public safety
communications system for the immediately preceding 6-month period.
Any deposits made under this section and unencumbered funds are
restricted revenues and shall be carried forward into succeeding
fiscal years.
Sec. 828. The department of technology, management, and budget
shall submit a report for the immediately preceding fiscal year
ending September 30 to the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations subcommittees on general
government and the senate and house fiscal agencies by March 1. The
report shall include the following:
(a) The total amount of funding appropriated for information
technology services and projects, by funding source, for all
principal executive departments and agencies.
(b) A listing of the expenditures made from the amounts
received by the department of technology, management, and budget as
reported in subdivision (a).
Sec. 829. The department of technology, management, and budget
shall provide a report that analyzes and makes recommendations on
the life-cycle of information technology hardware and software. The
report shall be submitted to the senate and house of
representatives standing committees on appropriations subcommittees
on general government and the senate and house fiscal agencies by
March 1.
Sec. 830. By December 31, the department shall provide a
report that lists all information technology-related change orders
and follow-on contracts, greater than $50,000.00, whether they are
bid, exercise options, or no-bid, and the amount of each change
order or contract extension contract entered into by the department
to the senate and house of representatives standing committees on
appropriations subcommittees on general government, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director.
Sec. 831. (1) The information, communications, and technology
innovation fund, established pursuant to 2011 PA 63, 2012 PA 200,
and 2013 PA 59, shall be administered by the department of
technology, management, and budget for the purpose of providing a
revolving, self-sustaining resource for financing information,
communications, and technology innovation projects. From the funds
appropriated to the information, communications, and technology
innovation fund by 2011 PA 63, 2012 PA 200, and 2013 PA 59, or
received by the information, communications, and technology
innovation fund under subsections (2) and (3), the department of
technology, management, and budget may issue loans to state
agencies, local units of government, colleges and universities in
this state, school districts, other public entities that provide
public sector services, and nonprofit organizations that provide
public sector services, as determined by the department of
technology, management, and budget in support of information,
communications, and technology innovation projects.
(2) In addition to funds appropriated by 2011 PA 63, 2012 PA
200, and 2013 PA 59, the information, communications, and
technology innovation fund may accept contributions, gifts,
bequests, devises, grants, and donations.
(3) In addition to the funds appropriated by 2011 PA 63, 2012
PA 200, and 2013 PA 59, money received by the department of
technology, management, and budget as repayment of information,
communications, and technology innovation project loans, or other
reimbursement or revenue received by the department of technology,
management, and budget as a result of information, communications,
and technology innovation project loans, interest earned on that
money, or subsection (2) revenue, shall be deposited in the
information, communications, and technology innovation fund and is
appropriated for information, communications, and technology
innovation fund projects described in subsection (1). At the close
of the fiscal year, any unencumbered funds remaining in the
information, communications, and technology innovation fund shall
remain in the fund and be carried forward into the succeeding
fiscal year.
(4) This section is not effective if legislation is enacted
that creates and provides for the administration and use of the
information, communications, and technology innovation fund.
Sec. 832. (1) The department of technology, management, and
budget shall inform the senate and house appropriations
subcommittees on general government and the senate and house fiscal
agencies within 30 days of any potential or actual penalties
assessed by the federal government for failure of the Michigan
child support enforcement system to achieve certification by the
federal government.
(2) If potential penalties are assessed by the federal
government, the department of technology, management, and budget
shall submit a report to the senate and house appropriations
subcommittees on general government and the senate and house fiscal
agencies within 90 days specifying the department's plans to avoid
actual penalties and ensure federal certification of the Michigan
child support enforcement system.
Sec. 833. (1) The state budget director, upon notification to
the senate and house of representatives standing committees on
appropriations, may adjust spending authorization and user fees in
the department of technology, management, and budget in order to
ensure that the appropriations for information technology in the
department budget equal the appropriations for information
technology in the budgets for all executive branch agencies.
(2) If during the course of the fiscal year a transfer or
supplemental to or from the information technology line item within
an agency budget is made under section 393 of the management and
budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393, there is appropriated an
equal amount of user fees in the department of technology,
management, and budget budget to accommodate an increase or
decrease in spending authorization.
Sec. 834. (1) Revenue collected from licenses issued under the
antenna site management project shall be deposited into the antenna
site management revolving fund created for this purpose in the
department of technology, management, and budget. The department
may receive and expend money from the fund for costs associated
with the antenna site management project, including the cost of a
third-party site manager. Any excess revenue remaining in the fund
at the close of the fiscal year shall be proportionately
transferred to the appropriate state restricted funds as designated
in statute or by constitution.
(2) An antenna shall not be placed on any site pursuant to
this section without complying with the respective local zoning
codes and local unit of government processes.
Sec. 835. In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, the
funds collected by the department for supplying census-related
information and technical services, publications, statistical
studies, population projections and estimates, and other
demographic products are appropriated for all expenses necessary to
provide the required services. These funds are available for
expenditure when they are received and may be carried forward into
the next succeeding fiscal year.
Sec. 836. From the increased funds appropriated in part 1 for
the information technology investment fund, the department of
technology, management, and budget shall provide for the
modernization of state information technology systems, and
integrate state system interfaces to improve customer service.
Sec. 837. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for cyber
security improvements, the department shall increase cyber security
information technology investment projects in the current fiscal
year. The purpose of this program expansion will be to provide
cyber security enhancements for network security improvements,
development of a comprehensive security framework and asset
security program, implementation of an enterprise-wide data loss
prevention process and governance, risk and compliance program, and
development of security dashboards and security reporting
Sec. 838. From the increased funds appropriated in part 1 for
enterprise identity management, the department shall expand the
enterprise identity management program in the current fiscal year.
The purpose of this program expansion is to provide an enterprise-
wide single sign-on and identity management tool to establish,
manage, and authenticate user identities for state information
technology systems.
Sec. 839. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for office of
retirement services ongoing support of technology, the department
shall expand the office of retirement services' information
technology capability in the current fiscal year. The purpose of
this new program or program expansion is to provide a 90% customer
contact satisfaction level.
Sec. 842. (1) The state building authority rent appropriations
in part 1 may also be expended for the payment of required premiums
for insurance on facilities owned by the state building authority
or payment of costs that may be incurred as the result of any
deductible provisions in such insurance policies.
(2) If the amount appropriated in part 1 for state building
authority rent is not sufficient to pay the rent obligations and
insurance premiums and deductibles identified in subsection (1) for
state building authority projects, there is appropriated from the
general fund of the state the amount necessary to pay such
Sec. 850. (1) In accordance with section 5 of article XI of
the state constitution of 1963, all restricted funds shall be
assessed a sum not less than 1% of the total aggregate payroll paid
from those funds for financing the civil service commission on the
basis of actual 1% restricted sources total aggregate payroll of
the classified service for the preceding fiscal year. This
includes, but is not limited to, restricted funds appropriated in
part 1 of any appropriations act. Unexpended 1% appropriated funds
shall be returned to each 1% fund source at the end of the fiscal
(2) The appropriations in part 1 are estimates of actual
charges based on payroll appropriations. With the approval of the
state budget director, the commission is authorized to adjust
financing sources for civil service charges based on actual payroll
expenditures, provided that such adjustments do not increase the
total appropriation for the civil service commission.
(3) The financing from restricted sources shall be credited to
the civil service commission by the end of the second fiscal
Sec. 851. Except where specifically appropriated for this
purpose, financing from restricted sources shall be credited to the
civil service commission. For restricted sources of funding within
the general fund that have the legislative authority for carryover,
if current spending authorization or revenues are insufficient to
accept the charge, the shortage shall be taken from carryforward
balances of that funding source. Restricted revenue sources that do
not have carryforward authority shall be utilized to satisfy
commission operating deducts first and civil service obligations
second. General fund dollars are appropriated for any shortfall,
pursuant to approval by the state budget director.
Sec. 852. The appropriation in part 1 to the civil service
commission, for state-sponsored group insurance, flexible spending
accounts, and COBRA, represents amounts, in part, included within
the various appropriations throughout state government for the
current fiscal year to fund the flexible spending account program
included within the civil service commission. Deposits against
state-sponsored group insurance, flexible spending accounts, and
COBRA for the flexible spending account program shall be made from
assessments levied during the current fiscal year in a manner
prescribed by the civil service commission. Unspent employee
contributions to the flexible spending accounts may be used to
offset administrative costs for the flexible spending account
program, with any remaining balance of unspent employee
contributions to be lapsed to the general fund.
Sec. 860. As used in sections 861 through 867:
(a) "Board" means the state administrative board.
(b) "Community college" means a community college organized
under the community college act of 1966, 1966 PA 331, MCL 389.1 to
389.195, or under part 25 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451,
MCL 380.1601 to 380.1607, and does not include a state agency or
(c) "Department" means the department of technology,
management, and budget.
(d) "Director" means the director of the department of
technology, management, and budget.
(e) "Fiscal agencies" means the senate fiscal agency and the
house fiscal agency.
(f) "State agency" means an agency of state government. State
agency does not include a community college or university.
(g) "State building authority" means the authority created
under 1964 PA 183, MCL 830.411 to 830.425.
(h) "University" means a 4-year university supported by the
state. University does not include a community college or a state
Sec. 861. Each capital outlay project authorized in this part
and part 1 or any previous capital outlay act shall comply with the
procedures required by the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.
Sec. 862. (1) The department shall provide the JCOS, state
budget director, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with
reports as considered necessary relative to the status of each
planning or construction project financed by the state building
authority, by this part and part 1, or by previous acts.
(2) Before the end of each fiscal year, the department shall
report to the JCOS, state budget director, and the senate and house
fiscal agencies for each capital outlay project other than lump
sums all of the following:
(a) The account number and name of each construction project.
(b) The balance remaining in each account.
(c) The date of the last expenditure from the account.
(d) The anticipated date of occupancy if the project is under
(e) The appropriations history for the project.
(f) The professional service contractor.
(g) The amount of the project financed with federal funds.
(h) The amount of the project financed through the state
building authority.
(i) The total authorized cost for the project and the state
authorized share if different than the total.
(3) Before the end of each fiscal year, the department shall
report the following for each project by a state agency,
university, or community college that is authorized for planning
but is not yet authorized for construction:
(a) The name of the project and account number.
(b) Whether a program statement is approved.
(c) Whether schematics are approved by the department.
(d) Whether preliminary plans are approved by the department.
(e) The name of the professional service contractor.
(4) As used in this section, "project" includes appropriation
line items made for purchase of real estate.
Sec. 864. The appropriations in part 1 for capital outlay
shall be carried forward at the end of the fiscal year consistent
with the provisions of section 248 of the management and budget
act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1248.
Sec. 865. (1) A site preparation economic development fund is
created in the department. As used in this section, "economic
development sites" means those state-owned sites declared as
surplus property pursuant to section 251 of the management and
budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1251, that would provide economic
benefit to the area or to the state. The Michigan economic
development corporation board and the state budget director shall
determine whether or not a specific state-owned site qualifies for
inclusion in the fund created under this subsection.
(2) Proceeds from the sale of any sites designated in
subsection (1) shall be deposited into the fund created in
subsection (1) and shall be available for site preparation
expenditures, unless otherwise provided by law. The economic
development sites authorized in subsection (1) are authorized for
sale consistent with state law. Expenditures from the fund are
authorized for site preparation activities that enhance the
marketable sale value of the sites. Site preparation activities
include, but are not limited to, demolition, environmental studies
and abatement, utility enhancement, and site excavation.
(3) A cash advance in an amount of not more than
$25,000,000.00 is authorized from the general fund to the site
preparation economic development fund.
(4) An annual report shall be transmitted to the senate and
house of representatives standing committees on appropriations not
later than December 31 of each year. This report shall detail both
of the following:
(a) The revenue and expenditure activity in the fund for the
preceding fiscal year.
(b) The sites identified as economic development sites under
subsection (1).
Sec. 867. Proceeds from the sale of the Farnum Building shall
be subsequently appropriated to the department in accordance with
any legislation enacted that authorizes the sale of that property.
If the net proceeds from the sale of the Farnum Building are less
than the $7,000,000.00 authorized for senate relocation costs in
section 896 of article VIII of 2014 PA 252, an amount equal to the
difference between the net sale proceeds and $7,000,000.00 shall be
appropriated by the legislature to the department.
Sec. 873. (1) This section applies only to projects for
community colleges.
(2) State support is directed towards the remodeling and
additions, special maintenance, or construction of certain
community college buildings. The community college shall obtain or
provide for site acquisition and initial main utility installation
to operate the facility. Funding shall be composed of local and
state shares and not more than 50% of a capital outlay project, not
including a lump-sum special maintenance project or remodeling and
addition project, for a community college shall be appropriated
from state and federal funds, unless otherwise appropriated by the
(3) An expenditure under this part and part 1 is authorized
when the release of the appropriation is approved by the board upon
the recommendation of the director. The director may recommend to
the board the release of any appropriation in part 1 only after the
director is assured that the legal entity operating the community
college to which the appropriation is made has complied with this
part and part 1 and has matched the amounts appropriated as
required by this part and part 1. A release of funds in part 1
shall not exceed 50% of the total cost of planning and construction
of any project, not including lump-sum remodeling and additions and
special maintenance, unless otherwise appropriated by the
legislature. Further planning and construction of a project
authorized by this part and part 1 or applicable sections of the
management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594,
shall be in accordance with the purpose and scope as defined and
delineated in the approved program statements and planning
documents. This part and part 1 are applicable to all projects for
which planning appropriations were made in previous acts.
(4) The community college shall take the steps necessary to
secure available federal construction and equipment money for
projects funded for construction in this part and part 1 if an
application was not previously made. If there is a reasonable
expectation that a prior year unfunded application may receive
federal money in a subsequent year, the college shall take whatever
action necessary to keep the application active.
Sec. 874. If university and community college matching
revenues are received in an amount less than the appropriations for
capital projects contained in this part and part 1, the state funds
shall be reduced in proportion to the amount of matching revenue
Sec. 875. (1) The director may require that community colleges
and universities that have an authorized project listed in part 1
submit documentation regarding the project match and governing
board approval of the authorized project not more than 60 days
after the beginning of the fiscal year.
(2) If the documentation required by the director under
subsection (1) is not submitted, or does not adequately
authenticate the availability of the project match or board
approval of the authorized project, the authorization may
terminate. The authorization terminates 30 days after the director
notifies the JCOS of the intent to terminate the project unless the
JCOS convenes to extend the authorization.
Sec. 901. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 for
federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 for state
restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available for
expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item
in part 1 under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,
1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.
(3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 for local
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
(4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is
appropriated an amount not to exceed $40,000.00 for private
contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure
until they have been transferred to another line item in part 1
under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,
MCL 18.1393.
Sec. 902. (1) Amounts needed to pay for interest, fees,
principal, mandatory and optional redemptions, arbitrage rebates as
required by federal law, and costs associated with the payment,
registration, trustee services, credit enhancements, and issuing
costs in excess of the amount appropriated to the department of
treasury in part 1 for debt service on notes and bonds that are
issued by the state under sections 14, 15, and 16 of article IX of
the state constitution of 1963 as implemented by 1967 PA 266, MCL
17.451 to 17.455, are appropriated.
(2) In addition to the amount appropriated to the department
of treasury for debt service in part 1, there is appropriated an
amount for fiscal year cash-flow borrowing costs to pay for
interest on interfund borrowing made under 1967 PA 55, MCL 12.51 to
(3) In addition to the amount appropriated to the department
of treasury for debt service in part 1, there is appropriated all
repayments received by the state on loans made from the school bond
loan fund not required to be deposited in the school loan revolving
fund by or pursuant to section 4 of 1961 PA 112, MCL 388.984, to
the extent determined by the state treasurer, for the payment of
debt service, including, without limitation, optional and mandatory
redemptions, on bonds, notes or commercial paper issued by the
state pursuant to 1961 PA 112, MCL 388.981 to 388.985.
Sec. 902a. The department of treasury shall notify the senate
and house of representatives standing committees on appropriations,
the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget office
not more than 30 days after a refunding or restructuring bond issue
is sold. The notification shall compare the annual debt service
prior to the refinancing or restructuring, the annual debt service
after the refinancing or restructuring, the change in the principal
and interest over the duration of the debt, and the projected
change in the present value of the debt service due to the
refinancing and restructuring.
Sec. 903. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of treasury may contract with private collection
agencies and law firms to collect taxes and other accounts due this
state. In addition to the amounts appropriated in part 1 to the
department of treasury, there are appropriated amounts necessary to
fund collection costs and fees not to exceed 25% of the collections
or 2.5% plus operating costs, whichever amount is prescribed by
each contract. The appropriation to fund collection costs and fees
for the collection of taxes or other accounts due this state are
from the fund or account to which the revenues being collected are
recorded or dedicated. However, if the taxes collected are
constitutionally dedicated for a specific purpose, the
appropriation of collection costs and fees are from the general
purpose account of the general fund.
(2) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the department of
treasury may contract with private collections agencies and law
firms to collect defaulted student loans and other accounts due the
Michigan guaranty agency. In addition to the amounts appropriated
in part 1 to the department of treasury, there are appropriated
amounts necessary to fund collection costs and fees not to exceed
24.34% of the collection or a lesser amount as prescribed by the
contract. The appropriation to fund collection costs and fees for
the auditing and collection of defaulted student loans due the
Michigan guaranty agency is from the fund or account to which the
revenues being collected are recorded or dedicated.
(3) The department of treasury shall submit a report for the
immediately preceding fiscal year ending September 30 to the state
budget director and the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations not later than November 30
stating the agencies or law firms employed, the amount of
collections for each, the costs of collection, and other pertinent
information relating to determining whether this authority should
be continued.
Sec. 904. (1) The department of treasury, through its bureau
of investments, may charge an investment service fee against the
applicable retirement funds. The fees may be expended for necessary
salaries, wages, contractual services, supplies, materials,
equipment, travel, worker's compensation insurance premiums, and
grants to the civil service commission and state employees'
retirement funds. Service fees shall not exceed the aggregate
amount appropriated in part 1. The department of treasury shall
maintain accounting records in sufficient detail to enable the
retirement funds to be reimbursed periodically for fee revenue that
is determined by the department of treasury to be surplus.
(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1 from the
retirement funds to the department of treasury, there is
appropriated from retirement funds an amount sufficient to pay for
the services of money managers, investment advisors, investment
consultants, custodians, and other outside professionals, the state
treasurer considers necessary to prudently manage the retirement
funds' investment portfolios. The state treasurer shall report
annually to the senate and house of representatives standing
committees on appropriations and the state budget office concerning
the performance of each portfolio by investment advisor.
Sec. 904a. (1) There is appropriated an amount sufficient to
recognize and pay expenditures for financial services provided by
financial institutions as provided under section 1 of 1861 PA 111,
MCL 21.181.
(2) The appropriations under subsection (1) shall be funded by
restricting revenues from common cash interest earnings and
investment earnings in an amount sufficient to record these
expenditures. If the amounts of common cash interest earnings are
insufficient to cover these costs, then miscellaneous revenues
shall be used to fund the remaining balance of these expenditures.
Sec. 905. A revolving fund known as the municipal finance fee
fund is created in the department of treasury. Fees are established
under the revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2101
to 141.2821, and the fees collected shall be credited to the
municipal finance fee fund and may be carried forward for future
Sec. 906. (1) The department of treasury shall charge for
audits as permitted by state or federal law or under contractual
arrangements with local units of government, other principal
executive departments, or state agencies. However, the charge shall
not be more than the actual cost for performing the audit. A report
detailing audits performed and audit charges for the immediately
preceding fiscal year shall be submitted to the state budget
director and the senate and house fiscal agencies not later than
November 30.
(2) A revolving fund known as the audit charges fund is
created in the department of treasury. The contractual charges
collected shall be credited to the audit charges fund and may be
carried forward for future appropriation.
Sec. 907. A revolving fund known as the assessor certification
and training fund is created in the department of treasury. The
assessor certification and training fund shall be used to organize
and operate a property assessor certification and training program.
Each participant certified and trained shall pay to the department
of treasury examination fees not to exceed $50.00 per examination
and certification fees not to exceed $175.00. Training courses
shall be offered in assessment administration. Each participant
shall pay a fee to cover the expenses incurred in offering the
optional programs to certified assessing personnel and other
individuals interested in an assessment career opportunity. The
fees collected shall be credited to the assessor certification and
training fund.
Sec. 908. The amount appropriated in part 1 to the department
of treasury, home heating assistance program, is to cover the
costs, including data processing, of administering federal home
heating credits to eligible claimants and to administer the
supplemental fuel cost payment program for eligible tax credit and
welfare recipients.
Sec. 909. Revenue from the airport parking tax act, 1987 PA
248, MCL 207.371 to 207.383, is appropriated and shall be
distributed under section 7a of the airport parking tax act, 1987
PA 248, MCL 207.377a.
Sec. 910. The disbursement by the department of treasury from
the bottle deposit fund to dealers as required by section 3c(2) of
1976 IL 1, MCL 445.573c, is appropriated.
Sec. 911. (1) There is appropriated an amount sufficient to
recognize and pay refundable income tax credits as provided by the
management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.
(2) The appropriations under subsection (1) shall be funded by
restricting income tax revenue in an amount sufficient to record
these expenditures.
Sec. 912. A plaintiff in a garnishment action involving this
state shall pay to the state treasurer 1 of the following:
(a) A fee of $6.00 at the time a writ of garnishment of
periodic payments is served upon the state treasurer, as provided
in section 4012 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236,
MCL 600.4012.
(b) A fee of $6.00 at the time any other writ of garnishment
is served upon the state treasurer, except that the fee shall be
reduced to $5.00 for each writ of garnishment for individual income
tax refunds or credits filed by magnetic media.
Sec. 913. (1) The department of treasury may contract with
private firms to appraise and, if necessary, appeal the assessments
of senior citizen cooperative housing units. Payment for this
service shall be from savings resulting from the appraisal or
appeal process.
(2) Of the funds appropriated in part 1 to the department of
treasury for the senior citizens' cooperative housing tax exemption
program, a portion may be utilized for a program audit of the
program. The department of treasury shall forward copies of any
audit report completed to the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations subcommittees on general
government and to the state budget office. The department of
treasury may utilize up to 1% of the funds for program
administration and auditing.
Sec. 914. The department of treasury may provide a $200.00
annual prize from the Ehlers internship award account in the gifts,
bequests, and deposit fund to the runner-up of the Rosenthal prize
for interns. The Ehlers internship award account is interest
Sec. 915. Pursuant to section 61 of the Michigan campaign
finance act, 1976 PA 388, MCL 169.261, there is appropriated from
the general fund to the state campaign fund an amount equal to the
amounts designated for tax year 2015. Except as otherwise provided
in this section, the amount appropriated shall not revert to the
general fund and shall remain in the state campaign fund. Any
amounts remaining in the state campaign fund in excess of
$10,000,000.00 on December 31 shall revert to the general fund.
Sec. 916. The department of treasury may make available to
interested entities otherwise unavailable customized unclaimed
property listings of nonconfidential information in its possession.
The charge for this information is as follows: 1 to 100,000 records
at 2.5 cents per record and 100,001 or more records at .5 cents per
record. The revenue received from this service shall be deposited
to the appropriate revenue account or fund. The department shall
submit an annual report on or before June 1 to the state budget
director and the senate and house of representatives standing
committees on appropriations that states the amount of revenue
received from the sale of information.
Sec. 917. (1) There is appropriated for write-offs and
advances an amount equal to total write-offs and advances for
departmental programs, but not to exceed current year
authorizations that would otherwise lapse to the general fund.
(2) The department of treasury shall submit a report for the
immediately preceding fiscal year to the state budget director and
the senate and house fiscal agencies not later than November 30
stating the amounts appropriated for write-offs and advances under
subsection (1).
Sec. 919. (1) From funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of treasury may contract with private auditing firms to
audit for and collect unclaimed property due this state in
accordance with the uniform unclaimed property act, 1995 PA 29, MCL
567.221 to 567.265. In addition to the amounts appropriated in part
1 to the department of treasury, there are appropriated amounts
necessary to fund auditing and collection costs and fees not to
exceed 12% of the collections, or a lesser amount as prescribed by
the contract. The appropriation to fund collection costs and fees
for the auditing and collection of unclaimed property due this
state is from the fund or account to which the revenues being
collected are recorded or dedicated.
(2) The department of treasury shall submit a report for the
immediately preceding fiscal year ending September 30 to the state
budget director and the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations not later than November 30
stating the auditing firms employed, the amount of collections for
each, the costs of collection, and other pertinent information
relating to determining whether this authority should be continued.
Sec. 924. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,
the department of treasury may receive and expend principal
residence audit fund revenue for administration of principal
residence audits under the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206,
MCL 211.1 to 211.155.
(2) The department of treasury shall submit a report for the
immediately preceding fiscal year to the state budget director and
the senate and house fiscal agencies not later than December 31
stating the amount of exemptions denied and the revenue received
under the program.
Sec. 926. Unexpended appropriations of the John R. Justice
grant program are designated as work project appropriations and
shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year and shall continue to
be available for expenditure until the project has been completed.
The following is in compliance with section 451a of the management
and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a:
(a) The purpose of the project is to provide student loan
forgiveness to qualified public defenders and prosecutors.
(b) The project will be accomplished by utilizing state
employees or contracts with private vendors, or both.
(c) The total estimated cost of the project is $288,100.00.
(d) The tentative completion date is September 30, 2017.
Sec. 927. The department of treasury shall submit annual
progress reports to the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations subcommittees on general
government and the senate and house fiscal agencies, regarding
personal property tax audits. The report shall include the number
of audits, revenue generated, and number of complaints received by
the department related to the audits.
Sec. 928. The department of treasury may provide receipt,
warrant and cash processing, data, collection, investment, fiscal
agent, levy and warrant cost assessment, writ of garnishment, and
other user services on a contractual basis for other principal
executive departments and state agencies. Funds for the services
provided are appropriated and shall be expended for salaries and
wages, fees, supplies, and equipment necessary to provide the
services. Any unobligated balance of the funds received shall
revert to the general fund of this state as of September 30.
Sec. 930. (1) The department of treasury shall provide
accounts receivable collections services to other principal
executive departments and state agencies under 1927 PA 375, MCL
14.131 to 14.134. The department of treasury shall deduct a fee
equal to the cost of collections from all receipts except
unrestricted general fund collections. Fees shall be credited to a
restricted revenue account and appropriated to the department of
treasury to pay for the cost of collections. The department of
treasury shall maintain accounting records in sufficient detail to
enable the respective accounts to be reimbursed periodically for
fees deducted that are determined by the department of treasury to
be surplus to the actual cost of collections.
(2) The department of treasury shall submit a report for the
immediately preceding fiscal year to the state budget director and
the senate and house fiscal agencies not later than November 30
stating the principal executive departments and state agencies
served, funds collected, and costs of collection under subsection
Sec. 931. (1) The appropriation in part 1 to the department of
treasury for treasury fees shall be assessed against all restricted
funds that receive common cash earnings or other investment income.
Treasury fees include all costs, including administrative overhead,
relating to the investment of each restricted fund. The fee
assessed against each restricted fund will be based on the size of
the restricted fund (the absolute value of the average daily cash
balance plus the market value of investments in the prior fiscal
year) and the level of effort necessary to maintain the restricted
fund as required by each department. The department of treasury
shall provide a report to the state budget director, the senate and
house of representatives standing committees on appropriations
subcommittees on general government, and the senate and house
fiscal agencies by November 30 of each year identifying the fees
assessed against each restricted fund and the methodology used for
(2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of treasury may receive and expend investment fees
relating to new restricted funding sources that participate in
common cash earnings or other investment income during the current
fiscal year. When a new restricted fund is created starting on or
after October 1, that restricted fund shall be assessed a fee using
the same criteria identified in subsection (1).
Sec. 932. Revenue received under the Michigan education trust
act, 1986 PA 316, MCL 390.1421 to 390.1442, may be expended by the
board of directors of the Michigan education trust for necessary
salaries, wages, supplies, contractual services, equipment,
worker's compensation insurance premiums, and grants to the civil
service commission and state employees' retirement fund.
Sec. 934. (1) The department of treasury may expend revenues
received under the hospital finance authority act, 1969 PA 38, MCL
331.31 to 331.84, the shared credit rating act, 1985 PA 227, MCL
141.1051 to 141.1076, the higher education facilities authority
act, 1969 PA 295, MCL 390.921 to 390.934, the Michigan public
educational facilities authority, Executive Reorganization Order
No. 2002-3, MCL 12.192, the Michigan tobacco settlement finance
authority act, 2005 PA 226, MCL 129.261 to 129.279, the land bank
fast track act, 2003 PA 258, MCL 124.751 to 124.774, part 505 of
the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA
451, MCL 324.50501 to 324.50522, the state housing development
authority act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1401 to 125.1499c, and
the Michigan finance authority, Executive Reorganization Order No.
2010-2, MCL 12.194, for necessary salaries, wages, supplies,
contractual services, equipment, worker's compensation insurance
premiums, grants to the civil service commission and state
employees' retirement fund, and other expenses as allowed under
those acts.
(2) The department of treasury shall report by January 31 to
the senate and house appropriations subcommittees, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director on the amount
and purpose of expenditures made under subsection (1) from funds
received in addition to those appropriated in part 1. The report
shall also include a listing of reimbursement of revenue, if any.
The report shall cover the previous fiscal year.
Sec. 935. The funds appropriated in part 1 for dual enrollment
payments for an eligible student enrolled in a state-approved
nonpublic school shall be distributed as provided under the
postsecondary enrollment options act, 1996 PA 160, MCL 388.511 to
388.524, and the career and technical preparation act, 2000 PA 258,
MCL 388.1901 to 388.1913, in a form and manner as determined by the
department of treasury.
Sec. 936. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for the
student loan delinquency counseling pilot programm, the department
shall request competitive proposals from service providers
interested in piloting student loan delinquency counseling services
for Michigan student loan borrowers. The competitive proposal for
the pilot shall include all of the following:
(a) Provide 1-on-1 student loan counseling assistance and
financial educational services for interested individuals who are
delinquent on their student loan payments. This counseling shall
ensure that more individuals know about their student loan payment
options and that borrowers have access to budgeting assistance and
comprehensive debt management programs.
(b) Require that borrowers voluntarily opt into student loan
delinquency counseling.
(c) Promote service through statement inserts, electronic
mails, or mailings, or through participating loan servicers or
colleges and universities.
(d) Pilot the services for no more than 1 year.
(e) Provide the department with the information necessary for
reporting requirements to use for evaluation of the program.
(f) Be able to begin the pilot by January 2, 2017.
(2) The department shall release the RFP by October 3 with a
due date of November 4. During this time, the department shall have
a question-and-answer event with prospective providers 2 weeks
before proposals are due. The department shall select and notify
the awarded vendor no later than 1 month after the RFP due date.
The department shall ensure that the pilot begins by January 2.
(3) The department of treasury shall issue a status report
using information provided by the vendor that includes the
(a) Number of borrowers counseled.
(b) Number of student loans and amount of balances owed by
counseled borrowers.
(c) Number and dollar amount of delinquent student loans
brought current.
(d) Number and dollar amount of delinquent student loans
(e) Number and dollar amount of student loans enrolled in a
repayment program.
(f) Number and dollar amount of student loans in deferment or
(g) At selected time frames after the initial counseling
session, the difference between current student loan balances and
the balances at the time of initial counseling.
(h) Number and dollar amount of defaulted student loans
(i) Borrower's credit score at the time of counseling.
(j) Borrower's credit score at selected time frames after
initial counseling session.
(k) Results from customer surveys regarding the participant's
perceived value and usefulness of the services.
(4) The department of treasury will evaluate the proposals by
using the following criteria:
(a) 20% based on demonstrated experience in providing student
loan delinquency counseling.
(b) 25% based on demonstrated experience in providing debt
management and debt counseling.
(c) 10% based on demonstrated experience in providing
budgeting and financial information.
(d) 10% based on responses to questionnaire.
(e) 20% based on an implementation plan of the pilot program.
(f) 15% based on the proposed staffing and budget for the
pilot program.
Sec. 937. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of treasury shall submit a report to the state budget
director and the senate and house standing committees on
appropriations not later than March 31 regarding the performance of
the Michigan accounts receivable collections system. The report
shall include, but is not limited to:
(a) Information regarding the effectiveness of the
department's current collection strategies, including use of
vendors or contractors.
(b) The amount of delinquent accounts and collection referrals
to vendors and contractors.
(c) The liquidation rates for declining delinquent accounts.
(d) The profile of uncollected delinquent accounts, including
specific uncollected amounts by category.
(e) The department's strategy to manage delinquent accounts
once those accounts exceed the vendor's or contractor's contracted
collectible period.
(f) A summary of the strategies used in other states,
including, but not limited to, secondary placement services, and
assessing the benefits of those strategies.
Sec. 938. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for
unclassified salaries, the department of treasury shall ensure that
the state capitol historic site fund receive, in addition to the
amounts described in section 12 of the tobacco products tax act,
1993 PA 327, MCL 205.432, any amounts remaining in the restoration,
renewal, and maintenance line item in part 1.
(2) In the event that Detroit CPI results in decreased
statutory payments to the state capitol historic fund, the
department of treasury shall not take punitive measures or decrease
payments to the fund and shall ensure full payment from the amounts
available in the restoration, renewal, and maintenance line item in
part 1.
Sec. 941. (1) The department of treasury, in conjunction with
the Michigan strategic fund, shall report to the senate and house
of representatives appropriations subcommittees on general
government, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state
budget office by November 1 on the annual cost of the Michigan
economic growth authority tax credits. The report shall include for
each year the board-approved credit amount, adjusted for credit
amendments where applicable, and the actual and projected value of
tax credits for each year from 1995 to the expiration of the credit
program. For years for which credit claims are complete, the report
shall include the total of actual certificated credit amounts. For
years for which claims are still pending or not yet submitted, the
report shall include a combination of actual credits where
available and projected credits. Credit projections shall be based
on updated estimates of employees, wages, and benefits for eligible
(2) In addition to the report under subsection (1), the
department of treasury, in conjunction with the Michigan strategic
fund, shall report to the senate and house of representatives
appropriations subcommittees on general government, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and the state budget office by November 1 on
the annual cost of all other certificated credits by program, for
each year until the credits expire or can no longer be collected.
The report shall include estimates on the brownfield redevelopment
credit, film credits, MEGA photovoltaic technology credit, MEGA
polycrystalline silicon manufacturing credit, MEGA vehicle battery
credit, and other certificated credits.
Sec. 944. If the department of treasury hires a pension plan
consultant using any of the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department shall retain any report provided to the department by
that consultant and shall make that report available upon request
to the senate and house of representatives standing committees on
appropriations subcommittees on general government, the senate and
house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director.
Sec. 945. The appraisal quality assurance project manager of
the department of treasury shall conduct a review of local unit
assessment administration practices, procedures, and records, also
known as the audit of minimal assessing requirements, in at least 1
assessment jurisdiction per county.
Sec. 946. Revenue collected in the convention facility
development fund is appropriated and shall be distributed under
sections 8 and 9 of the state convention facility development act,
1985 PA 106, MCL 207.628 and 207.629.
Sec. 947. Financial independence teams shall cooperate with
the financial responsibility section to coordinate and streamline
efforts in identifying and addressing fiscal emergencies in school
districts and intermediate school districts.
Sec. 948. Total authorized appropriations from all department
of treasury sources under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal
year ending September 30, 2017 are $49,651,800.00. From this
amount, total agency appropriations for pension-related legacy
costs are estimated at $27,530,500.00. Total agency appropriations
for retiree health care legacy costs are estimated at
Sec. 949. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the
department of treasury may contract with private agencies to
prevent the disbursement of fraudulent tax refunds. In addition to
the amounts appropriated in part 1 to the department of treasury,
there are appropriated amounts necessary to pay contract costs or
fund operations designed to reduce fraudulent income tax refund
payments not to exceed $1,600,000.00 of the refunds identified as
potentially fraudulent and for which payment of the refund is
denied. The appropriation to fund fraud prevention efforts is from
the fund or account to which the revenues being collected are
recorded or dedicated.
(2) The department of treasury shall submit a report for the
immediately preceding fiscal year ending September 30 to the state
budget director and the senate and house of representatives
standing committees on appropriations not later than November 30
stating the number of refund claims denied due to the fraud
prevention operations, the amount of refunds denied, the costs of
the fraud prevention operations, and other pertinent information
relating to determining whether this authority should be continued.
Sec. 949d. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for
financial review commission, the department shall continue
financial review commission efforts in the current fiscal year. The
purpose of the funding is to provide ongoing costs associated with
the operation of the commission.
(2) The department shall identify specific outcomes and
performance measures for this initiative, including, but not
limited to, the department's ability to perform a critical fiscal
review to ensure the city of Detroit does not reenter distress
following its exit from bankruptcy and to ensure that the community
district does not enter distress and maintains a balanced budget.
Sec. 949e. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for the state
essential services assessment program, the department of treasury
shall administer the state essential services assessment program.
The program will provide the department the ability to collect the
state essential services assessment which is a phased-in
replacement of locally collected personal property taxes on
eligible manufacturing personal property.
Sec. 949f. Revenue from the tobacco products tax act, 1993 PA
327, MCL 205.421 to 205.436, related to counties with a 2000
population of more than 2,000,000 is appropriated and shall be
distributed under section 12(4)(d) of the tobacco products tax act,
1993 PA 327, MCL 205.432.
Sec. 949g. From the one-time funds appropriated in part 1 for
urban search and rescue task force, $500,000.00 shall be expended
to support the urban search and rescue task force. In distributing
funds under this section, the department of treasury shall require
the task force to provide to the department the following
(a) A final year-end report providing information on all
revenue received by source and expenditures by categories, with the
funds distributed to the task force under section 949g of article
VIII of 2015 PA 84 discretely presented.
(b) Detail on the proposed expenditure of the funds
distributed under this section.
(c) A final year-end report providing information on all
revenue received by source and expenditures by categories, with the
funds distributed under this section discretely presented.
Sec. 950. The funds appropriated in part 1 for constitutional
revenue sharing shall be distributed by the department of treasury
to cities, villages, and townships, as required under section 10 of
article IX of the state constitution of 1963. Revenue collected in
accordance with section 10 of article IX of the state constitution
of 1963 in excess of the amount appropriated in part 1 for
constitutional revenue sharing is appropriated for distribution to
cities, villages, and townships, on a population basis as required
under section 10 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.
Sec. 952. (1) The funds appropriated in part 1 for city,