HB-5439, As Passed House, May 5, 2016HB-5439, As Passed Senate, May 10, 2016
March 9, 2016, Introduced by Rep. Webber and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy.
A bill to amend 1996 PA 376, entitled
"Michigan renaissance zone act,"
by amending section 6 (MCL 125.2686), as amended by 2010 PA 277.
Sec. 6. (1) The board shall review all recommendations
submitted by the review board and determine which applications meet
the criteria contained in section 7.
(2) The board shall do all of the following:
(a) Designate renaissance zones.
(b) Subject to subsection (3), approve or reject the duration
of renaissance zone status.
(c) Subject to subsection (3), approve or reject the
geographic boundaries and the total area of the renaissance zone as
submitted in the application.
(3) The board shall not alter the geographic boundaries of the
renaissance zone or the duration of renaissance zone status
described in the application unless the qualified local
governmental unit or units and the local governmental unit or units
in which the renaissance zone is to be located consent by
resolution to the alteration.
(4) The board shall not designate a renaissance zone under
section 8 before November 1, 1996 or after December 31, 1996.
(5) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the
designation of a renaissance zone under this act shall take effect
on January 1 in the year following designation. However, for
purposes of the taxes exempted under section 9(2), the designation
of a renaissance zone under this act shall take effect on December
31 in the year of designation. For designations made pursuant to
section 8a(2), the board of the Michigan strategic fund may choose
a beginning date, provided that the date must be January 1 of a
year and must not be more than 5 years after the date of
designation. The board of the Michigan strategic fund may provide
that the January 1 beginning date be determined under a written
agreement between the board of the Michigan strategic fund and the
qualified local governmental unit in which the renaissance zone is
to be located. However, for purposes of the taxes exempted under
section 9(2), the designation of a renaissance zone under section
8a(2) shall take effect on December 31 in the year immediately
preceding the year in which the designation under section 8a(2)
takes effect.
(6) The board shall not designate a renaissance zone under
section 8a after December 31, 2002.
(7) Through December 31, 2002, a qualified local governmental
unit in which a renaissance zone was designated under section 8 or
8a may modify the boundaries of that renaissance zone to include
contiguous parcels of property as determined by the qualified local
governmental unit and approval by the review board. The additional
contiguous parcels of property included in a renaissance zone under
this subsection do not constitute an additional distinct geographic
area under section 4(1)(d). If the boundaries of the renaissance
zone are modified as provided in this subsection, the additional
contiguous parcels of property shall become part of the original
renaissance zone on the same terms and conditions as the original
designation of that renaissance zone.
(8) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, before
July 1, 2004, a qualified local governmental unit in which a
renaissance zone was designated under section 8a(1) as a
renaissance zone located in a rural area may modify the boundaries
of that renaissance zone to include a contiguous parcel of property
as determined by the qualified local governmental unit. The
contiguous parcel of property shall only include property that is
less than .5 acres in size and that the qualified local
governmental unit previously sought to have included in the zone by
submitting an application in February 2002 that was not acted upon
by the review board. The additional contiguous parcel of property
included in a renaissance zone under this subsection does not
constitute an additional distinct geographic area under section
4(1)(d). If the boundaries of the renaissance zone are modified as
provided in this subsection, the additional contiguous parcel of
property shall become part of the original renaissance zone on the
same terms and conditions as the rest of the property in that
renaissance zone.
(9) A business that is located and conducts business activity
within a renaissance zone designated under this act, except as
under section 8a(2), before December 1, 2010, shall not
make a payment in lieu of taxes to any taxing jurisdiction within
the qualified local governmental unit in which the renaissance zone
is located.
(10) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, before
July 1, 2006, a qualified local governmental unit in which a
renaissance zone of less than 50 contiguous acres but more than 20
contiguous acres was designated under section 8 or 8a as a
renaissance zone in a city located in a county with a population of
more than 160,000 and less than 170,000 may modify the boundaries
of that renaissance zone to include a contiguous parcel of property
as determined by the qualified local governmental unit. The
contiguous parcel of property shall only include property that is
less than 12 acres in size. The additional contiguous parcel of
property included in a renaissance zone under this subsection does
not constitute an additional distinct geographic area under section
4(1)(d). If the boundaries of the renaissance zone are modified as
provided in this subsection, the additional contiguous parcel of
property shall become part of the original renaissance zone on the
same terms and conditions as the rest of the property in that
renaissance zone.
(11) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, before
July 1, 2006, a qualified local governmental unit in which a
renaissance zone of more than 500 acres was designated under
section 8 or 8a as a renaissance zone in a county with a population
of more than 61,000 and less than 64,000 may modify the boundaries
of that renaissance zone to include a contiguous parcel of property
as determined by the qualified local governmental unit. The
contiguous parcel of property shall only include property that is
less than 12 acres in size. The additional contiguous parcel of
property included in a renaissance zone under this subsection does
not constitute an additional distinct geographic area under section
4(1)(d). If the boundaries of the renaissance zone are modified as
provided in this subsection, the additional contiguous parcel of
property shall become part of the original renaissance zone on the
same terms and conditions as the rest of the property in that
renaissance zone.
(12) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, before
July 1, 2006, a qualified local governmental unit in which a
renaissance zone of more than 137 acres was designated under
section 8 or 8a as a renaissance zone in a county with a population
of more than 61,000 and less than 63,000 may modify the boundaries
of that renaissance zone to include a parcel of property that is
separated from the existing renaissance zone by a roadway as
determined by the qualified local governmental unit. The parcel of
property shall only include property that is less than 67 acres in
size. The additional contiguous parcel of property included in a
renaissance zone under this subsection does not constitute an
additional distinct geographic area under section 4(1)(d). If the
boundaries of the renaissance zone are modified as provided in this
subsection, the additional contiguous parcel of property shall
become part of the original renaissance zone on the same terms and
conditions as the rest of the property in that renaissance zone.