Senate Bill 801 (S-1) CR-1:
Education Omnibus Appropriation Bill
FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17
Bill Page Nos.
· Article I – School Aid (S.B. 796)................................................................................................... 1 - 307
· Article II – Community Colleges (S.B. 784)............................................................................. 307 - 335
· Article III – Higher Education (S.B. 790).................................................................................. 335 - 374
Date Completed: 6-8-16
Education Omnibus Appropriation Bill Senate Bill 801 (S-1) CR-1 FY 2016-17 Appropriations |
Department/Budget Area |
FY 2016-17 Gross Appropriation |
FY 2016-17 GF/GP Appropriation |
Community Colleges.................................................. |
$395,925,600 |
$135,510,800 |
Higher Education....................................................... |
1,582,640,400 |
1,243,904,500 |
School Aid K-12........................................................ |
14,161,842,100 |
218,900,000 |
Total Education Omnibus Appropriations................. |
$16,140,408,100 |
$1,598,315,300 |
General Omnibus Appropriation Bill House Bill 5294 (H-1) CR-1 FY 2016-17 Appropriations |
Department/Budget Area |
FY 2016-17 Gross Appropriation |
FY 2016-17 GF/GP Appropriation |
Agriculture and Rural Development............................. |
$94,101,300 |
$49,926,900 |
Attorney General........................................................ |
101,485,800 |
42,840,500 |
Civil Rights................................................................ |
16,248,500 |
13,021,300 |
Corrections................................................................ |
2,002,729,000 |
1,951,957,900 |
Education.................................................................. |
331,975,200 |
76,181,200 |
Environmental Quality................................................ |
513,549,400 |
47,736,400 |
Executive.................................................................. |
5,636,300 |
5,636,300 |
Health and Human Services........................................ |
24,841,836,800 |
4,374,548,300 |
Insurance and Financial Services................................ |
66,257,200 |
150,000 |
Judiciary................................................................... |
298,234,000 |
189,157,400 |
Legislative Auditor General......................................... |
23,651,900 |
16,123,900 |
Legislature................................................................. |
141,903,600 |
137,227,800 |
Licensing and Regulatory Affairs................................ |
418,062,400 |
43,721,100 |
Military and Veterans Affairs....................................... |
174,100,200 |
55,243,600 |
Natural Resources...................................................... |
398,254,100 |
39,910,000 |
State......................................................................... |
248,015,600 |
22,109,600 |
State Police............................................................... |
649,476,100 |
402,662,800 |
Talent and Economic Development............................. |
1,145,994,300 |
179,388,900 |
Technology, Management, and Budget....................... |
1,301,191,700 |
485,518,600 |
Transportation........................................................... |
4,114,503,600 |
8,500,000 |
Treasury-Debt Service................................................ |
137,037,000 |
137,037,000 |
Treasury-Operations................................................... |
519,123,200 |
98,408,800 |
Treasury-Revenue Sharing.......................................... |
1,228,982,700 |
0 |
Total General Omnibus Appropriations.................... |
$38,772,349,900 |
$8,377,008,300 |
FY 2016-17 Gross Appropriation |
FY 2016-17 GF/GP Appropriation |
$54,912,758,000 |
$9,975,323,600 |
Education Omnibus Appropriation Bill Senate Bill 801 (S-1) CR-1 FY 2015-16 Supplemental Appropriations |
Budget Area/Program |
FY 2015-16 Gross Appropriation |
FY 2015-16 GF/GP Appropriation |
Higher Education |
Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) Caseload/Cost Increases (Federal TANF).......................................................... |
$4,500,000 |
$0 |
Total Higher Education |
$4,500,000 |
$0 |
School Aid |
Flint Declaration of Water Emergency (Sec. 11o)......... |
9,200,000 |
9,200,000 |
Cost Adjustments: |
Special Education (Secs. 51a and 51c)....................... |
$26,700,000 |
$0 |
School Bond Loan Fund Debt Service (Sec. 11j)............ |
(116,000,000) |
0 |
Foundation Allowance (Secs. 22a and 22b)................. |
(57,700,000) |
0 |
Career and Technical Education/Dual Enrollment (Sec. 61b) |
(9,000,000) |
0 |
Renaissance Zone Costs (Sec. 26a)............................ |
(6,300,000) |
0 |
Additional Instruction Time (Sec. 35a(6))...................... |
(3,900,000) |
0 |
School Breakfast (Sec. 31f)....................................... |
(3,125,000) |
0 |
Parents University Pilot (Sec. 35a(2)).......................... |
(1,000,000) |
0 |
Student Transition Grants in Dissolved Districts (Sec. 20g) |
(1,000,000) |
0 |
Cash Flow Borrowing Costs (Sec. 11m)...................... |
(1,000,000) |
0 |
Juvenile Detention Facilities (Sec. 24a)....................... |
(888,800) |
0 |
Promise Zone (Sec. 26c)............................................ |
(332,000) |
0 |
Total School Aid....................................................... |
($164,345,800) |
$9,200,000 |
Total FY 2015-16 Education Omnibus Supplemental. |
($159,845,800) |
$9,200,000 |
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.