November 12, 2014, Introduced by Rep. Kesto and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.


     A bill to authorize the department of natural resources to


accept and convey property in Oakland county; to prescribe


conditions for the acceptance and conveyance of the property; and


to provide for disposition of revenue.




     Sec. 1. The department of natural resources, on behalf of this


state, may accept from the charter township of Commerce, for


consideration of $1.00, the following real property that was


originally conveyed to the charter township of Commerce pursuant to


1984 PA 248:


     The Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 2 North, Range 8


East, Commerce Township, Oakland County, Michigan, excepting from


the property that part which lies Easterly of a line described as:


Beginning at a point on the East and West 1/4 line of Section 11,


which is South 90̊00'00" East, 100 feet from the West 1/4 corner of


Section 11; thence South 26̊00'00" East, 1,500 feet, thence South


29̊00'00" East, 500 feet; thence South 32̊00'00" East, 500 feet;


thence South 35̊00'00" East, 1,500 feet to a point of ending.


Containing 48.84 acres, more or less.


     Sec. 2. The description of the property in section 1 is


approximate and for purposes of the conveyances under this act may


be adjusted as the department of natural resources or attorney


general considers necessary.


     Sec. 3. The department of natural resources, on behalf of this


state, after receiving the conveyance authorized in section 1,


shall reconvey to the charter township of Commerce, for


consideration of $1.00, the real property described in section 1.


     Sec. 4. The department of natural resources shall reconvey the


property as authorized under section 3 subject to the same


conditions as the conveyance made pursuant to 1984 PA 248, with the


exception that the department shall remove the condition that the


property be used exclusively for public township park purposes and


replace it with a condition that the property be used exclusively


for public purposes.


     Sec. 5. The department of natural resources shall make the


reconveyance authorized by section 3 by quitclaim deed or other


instrument approved by the attorney general.


     Sec. 6. The department of natural resources shall deposit the


revenue received under this act with the state treasurer to be


deposited into the general fund.