November 12, 2014, Introduced by Rep. Poleski and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy.


     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


by amending section 78m (MCL 211.78m), as amended by 2006 PA 498.




     Sec. 78m. (1) Not later than the first Tuesday in July,


immediately succeeding the entry of judgment under section 78k


vesting absolute title to tax delinquent property in the


foreclosing governmental unit, this state is granted the right of


first refusal to purchase property at the greater of the minimum


bid or its fair market value by paying that amount to the


foreclosing governmental unit if the foreclosing governmental unit


is not this state. If this state elects not to purchase the


property under its right of first refusal, a city, village, or


township may purchase for a public purpose any property located


within that city, village, or township set forth in the judgment


and subject to sale under this section by payment to the


foreclosing governmental unit of the minimum bid. If a city,


village, or township does not purchase that property, the county in


which that property is located may purchase that property under


this section by payment to the foreclosing governmental unit of the


minimum bid. If property is purchased by a city, village, township,


or county under this subsection, the foreclosing governmental unit


shall convey the property to the purchasing city, village,


township, or county within 30 days. If property purchased by a


city, village, township, or county under this subsection is


subsequently sold for an amount in excess of the minimum bid and


all costs incurred relating to demolition, renovation,


improvements, or infrastructure development, the excess amount


shall be returned to the delinquent tax property sales proceeds


account for the year in which the property was purchased by the


city, village, township, or county or, if this state is the


foreclosing governmental unit within a county, to the land


reutilization fund created under section 78n. Upon the request of


the foreclosing governmental unit, a city, village, township, or


county that purchased property under this subsection shall provide


to the foreclosing governmental unit without cost information


regarding any subsequent sale or transfer of the property. This


subsection applies to the purchase of property by this state, a


city, village, or township, or a county prior to a sale held under


subsection (2).


     (2) Subject to subsection (1), beginning on the third Tuesday


in July immediately succeeding the entry of the judgment under


section 78k vesting absolute title to tax delinquent property in


the foreclosing governmental unit and ending on the immediately


succeeding first Tuesday in November, the foreclosing governmental


unit, or its authorized agent, at the option of the foreclosing


governmental unit, shall hold at least 2 property sales at 1 or


more convenient locations at which property foreclosed by the


judgment entered under section 78k shall be sold by auction sale,


which may include an auction sale conducted via an internet


website. Notice of the time and location of the sales shall be


published not less than 30 days before each sale in a newspaper


published and circulated in the county in which the property is


located, if there is one. If no newspaper is published in that


county, publication shall be made in a newspaper published and


circulated in an adjoining county. Each sale shall be completed


before the first Tuesday in November immediately succeeding the


entry of judgment under section 78k vesting absolute title to the


tax delinquent property in the foreclosing governmental unit. The


foreclosing governmental unit shall inform prospective bidders if a


parcel of tax delinquent property subject to sale under this


section is subject to or targeted for condemnation proceedings for


blight elimination by the local tax collecting unit in which the


tax delinquent property is located. Except as provided in


subsection (5), property shall be sold to the person bidding the


highest amount above the minimum bid. The foreclosing governmental


unit may sell parcels individually or may offer 2 or more parcels


for sale as a group. The minimum bid for a group of parcels shall


equal the sum of the minimum bid for each parcel included in the


group. The foreclosing governmental unit may adopt procedures


governing the conduct of the sale and may cancel the sale prior to


the issuance of a deed under this subsection if authorized under


the procedures. The foreclosing governmental unit may require full


payment by cash, certified check, or money order at the close of


each day's bidding. Not more than 30 days after the date of a sale


under this subsection, the foreclosing governmental unit shall


convey the property by deed to the person bidding the highest


amount above the minimum bid. The deed shall vest fee simple title


to the property in the person bidding the highest amount above the


minimum bid, unless the foreclosing governmental unit discovers a


defect in the foreclosure of the property under sections 78 to 78l.


If this state is the foreclosing governmental unit within a county,


the department of natural resources shall conduct the sale of


property under this subsection and subsections (4) and (5) on


behalf of this state.


     (3) For sales held under subsection (2), after the conclusion


of that sale, and prior to any additional sale held under


subsection (2), a city, village, or township may purchase any


property not previously sold under subsection (1) or (2) by paying


the minimum bid to the foreclosing governmental unit. If a city,


village, or township does not purchase that property, the county in


which that property is located may purchase that property under


this section by payment to the foreclosing governmental unit of the


minimum bid.


     (4) If property is purchased by a city, village, township, or


county under subsection (3), the foreclosing governmental unit


shall convey the property to the purchasing city, village, or


township within 30 days.


     (5) All property subject to sale under subsection (2) shall be


offered for sale at not less than 2 sales conducted as required by


subsection (2). The final sale held under subsection (2) shall be


held not less than 28 days after the previous sale under subsection


(2). At the final sale held under subsection (2), the sale is


subject to the requirements of subsection (2), except that the


minimum bid shall not be required. However, the foreclosing


governmental unit may establish a reasonable opening bid at the


sale to recover the cost of the sale of the parcel or parcels.


     (6) On or before December 1 immediately succeeding the date of


the sale under subsection (5), a list of all property not


previously sold by the foreclosing governmental unit under this


section shall be transferred to the clerk of the city, village, or


township in which the property is located. The city, village, or


township may object in writing to the transfer of 1 or more parcels


of property set forth on that list. On or before December 30


immediately succeeding the date of the sale under subsection (5),


all property not previously sold by the foreclosing governmental


unit under this section shall be transferred to the city, village,


or township in which the property is located, except those parcels


of property to which the city, village, or township has objected.


Property located in both a village and a township may be


transferred under this subsection only to a village. The city,


village, or township may make the property available under the


urban homestead act, 1999 PA 127, MCL 125.2701 to 125.2709, or for


any other lawful purpose.


     (7) If property not previously sold is not transferred to the


city, village, or township in which the property is located under


subsection (6), the foreclosing governmental unit shall retain


possession of that property. If the foreclosing governmental unit


retains possession of the property and the foreclosing governmental


unit is this state, title to the property shall vest in the land


bank fast track authority created under section 15 of the land bank


fast track act, 2003 PA 258, MCL 124.765.


     (8) A foreclosing governmental unit shall deposit the proceeds


from the sale of property under this section into a restricted


account designated as the "delinquent tax property sales proceeds


for the year ______". The foreclosing governmental unit shall


direct the investment of the account. The foreclosing governmental


unit shall credit to the account interest and earnings from account


investments. Proceeds in that account shall only be used by the


foreclosing governmental unit for the following purposes in the


following order of priority:


     (a) The delinquent tax revolving fund shall be reimbursed for


all taxes, interest, and fees on all of the property, whether or


not all of the property was sold.


     (b) All costs of the sale of property for the year shall be




     (c) Any costs of the foreclosure proceedings for the year,


including, but not limited to, costs of mailing, publication,


personal service, and outside contractors shall be paid.


     (d) Any costs for the sale of property or foreclosure


proceedings for any prior year that have not been paid or


reimbursed from that prior year's delinquent tax property sales


proceeds shall be paid.


     (e) Any costs incurred by the foreclosing governmental unit in


maintaining property foreclosed under section 78k before the sale


under this section shall be paid, including costs of any


environmental remediation.


     (f) If the foreclosing governmental unit is not this state,


any of the following:


     (i) Any costs for the sale of property or foreclosure


proceedings for any subsequent year that are not paid or reimbursed


from that subsequent year's delinquent tax property sales proceeds


shall be paid from any remaining balance in any prior year's


delinquent tax property sales proceeds account.


     (ii) Any costs for the defense of title actions.


     (iii) Any costs incurred in administering the foreclosure and


disposition of property forfeited for delinquent taxes under this




     (g) If the foreclosing governmental unit is this state, any


remaining balance shall be transferred to the land reutilization


fund created under section 78n.


     (h) In 2008 and each year after 2008, if the foreclosing


governmental unit is not this state, not later than June 30 of the


second calendar year after foreclosure, the foreclosing


governmental unit shall submit a written report to its board of


commissioners identifying any remaining balance and any contingent


costs of title or other legal claims described in subdivisions (a)


through (f). All or a portion of any remaining balance, less any


contingent costs of title or other legal claims described in


subdivisions (a) through (f), may subsequently be transferred into


the general fund of the county by the board of commissioners.


     (9) Two or more county treasurers of adjacent counties may


elect to hold a joint sale of property as provided in this section.


If 2 or more county treasurers elect to hold a joint sale, property


may be sold under this section at a location outside of the county


in which the property is located. The sale may be conducted by any


county treasurer participating in the joint sale. A joint sale held


under this subsection may include or be an auction sale conducted


via an internet website.


     (10) The foreclosing governmental unit shall record a deed for


any property transferred under this section with the county


register of deeds. The foreclosing governmental unit may charge a


fee in excess of the minimum bid and any sale proceeds for the cost


of recording a deed under this subsection.


     (11) As used in this section, "minimum bid" is the minimum


amount established by the foreclosing governmental unit for which


property may be sold under this section. The minimum bid shall


include all of the following:


     (a) All delinquent taxes, interest, penalties, and fees due on


the property. If a city, village, or township purchases the


property, the minimum bid shall not include any taxes levied by


that city, village, or township and any interest, penalties, or


fees due on those taxes.


     (b) The expenses of administering the sale, including all


preparations for the sale. The foreclosing governmental unit shall


estimate the cost of preparing for and administering the annual


sale for purposes of prorating the cost for each property included


in the sale.


     (12) For property transferred to this state under subsection


(1), a city, village, or township under subsection (6) or retained


by a foreclosing governmental unit under subsection (7), all taxes


due on the property as of the December 31 following the transfer or


retention of the property are canceled effective on that December




     (13) For property sold under this section, transferred to this


state under subsection (1), a city, village, or township under


subsection (6), or retained by a foreclosing governmental unit


under subsection (7), all liens for costs of demolition, safety


repairs, debris removal, or sewer or water charges due on the


property as of the December 31 immediately succeeding the sale,


transfer, or retention of the property are canceled effective on


that December 31. This subsection does not apply to liens recorded


by the department of environmental quality under this act or the


land bank fast track act, 2003 PA 258, MCL 124.751 to 124.774.


     (14) If property foreclosed under section 78k and held by or


under the control of a foreclosing governmental unit is a facility


as defined under section 20101(1)(o) 20101 of the natural resources


and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20101, prior


to the sale or transfer of the property under this section, the


property is subject to all of the following:


     (a) Upon reasonable written notice from the department of


environmental quality, the foreclosing governmental unit shall


provide access to the department of environmental quality, its


employees, contractors, and any other person expressly authorized


by the department of environmental quality to conduct response


activities at the foreclosed property. Reasonable written notice


under this subdivision may include, but is not limited to, notice


by electronic mail or facsimile, if the foreclosing governmental


unit consents to notice by electronic mail or facsimile prior to


the provision of notice by the department of environmental quality.


     (b) If requested by the department of environmental quality to


protect public health, safety, and welfare or the environment, the


foreclosing governmental unit shall grant an easement for access to


conduct response activities on the foreclosed property as


authorized under chapter 7 of the natural resources and


environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20101 to




     (c) If requested by the department of environmental quality to


protect public health, safety, and welfare or the environment, the


foreclosing governmental unit shall place and record deed


restrictions on the foreclosed property as authorized under chapter


7 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994


PA 451, MCL 324.20101 to 324.20519.324.20302.


     (d) The department of environmental quality may place an


environmental lien on the foreclosed property as authorized under


section 20138 of the natural resources and environmental protection


act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20138.


     (15) If property foreclosed under section 78k and held by or


under the control of a foreclosing governmental unit is a facility


as defined under section 20101(1)(o) 20101 of the natural resources


and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20101, prior


to the sale or transfer of the property under this section, the


department of environmental quality shall request and the


foreclosing governmental unit shall transfer the property to the


state land bank fast track authority created under section 15 of


the land bank fast track act, 2003 PA 258, MCL 124.765, if all of


the following apply:


     (a) The department of environmental quality determines that


conditions at a foreclosed property are an acute threat to the


public health, safety, and welfare, to the environment, or to other




     (b) The department of environmental quality proposes to


undertake or is undertaking state-funded response activities at the




     (c) The department of environmental quality determines that


the sale, retention, or transfer of the property other than under


this subsection would interfere with response activities by the


department of environmental quality.